"I'm here on purpose just to see you."

"Look at me? Are you...?"

The voice of the celestial female beast gradually suppressed, because at this time, the mysterious holy celestial female beast in front of her took off her mask on her own initiative.

"This...how is this possible? How could such a thing happen?"

Tiannv Beast himself was speechless, and Rose Beast backed away in shock.

The face under that mask is exactly what they have always been familiar with, the face of the Celestial Beast... There are many female humanoid Digimon like Celestial Beast, Rosemon, or Lilith Beside Taiyi, and they all have one thing in common That is, no matter how they evolve, as long as they maintain their human form, their appearance and facial features will not change much.

Just like human beings, even from the child to adult to the twilight years, you can still see their faces.

And now, the face of the holy celestial beast is exactly the face of the celestial beast!

"It's time for you to hit the road, Celestial Beast, your goal has not been accomplished yet."

At this moment when the celestial beast was panicked, the holy celestial beast suddenly moved in front of her and wanted to do something. The celestial beast subconsciously stretched out her hand to protect her chest and wanted to retreat, but was grabbed by the opponent, and at the same time the other hand The X antibody has also been forced into her body.

"Woo...you, what did you do to me!"

"Don't be nervous, it's just a special power."

"Who are you? Are you my future self?"


She smiled meaningfully, as if she was satisfied with Tennyomon's shocked reaction.

"You are the future me."

Tiannv Beast seemed to understand something, but she didn't quite understand it yet.

"I saw your past, your bravery, your strength, and your will all made me very pleased. Sure enough, even if I do it again, I will definitely live the way I want."

——It seems to be the case.

——This holy goddess beast is the former self, the self before becoming a Dilu beast, the self she once saw in the nightmares she had in the dark realm.

"But I am not very satisfied with some parts, such as the human Yagami Taichi, how can you give yourself to him cheaply like this? You must know that I have never been interested in this kind of thing before, you are really nasty, Tiannv beast."

"No, Taiyi is the white moonlight of my life! It is my salvation! Don't insult our relationship with that kind of words!"

Tiannv Beast has a lot to say, but she still can't help but want to defend Tai Yi.

"Well, I know, it's your choice, and I won't comment."

The woman who looked like him smiled again.

"Then, let's go, Celestial Beast, your journey will continue, and I will almost... It's time to go to my own destiny."

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

She didn't answer any more, but the whole world began to become transparent at this moment, emitting a kind of light of day, the body of the holy female beast gradually moved away, and the pain in the chest was gradually neutralized, Celestial Beast knows that her body has completely accepted this X-antibody, and her digital core is being transformed by this power.

The white light wrapped her body like a piece of cloth, and when it dissipated, what remained was a brand new celestial maiden beast.

Rainbow-like wings of different colors, a big hat like a priest on the top of the head, the battle suit on the body has become a looming translucent material god suit, only the shoulders and feet still retain the feather-like battle armor and boots, the waist The edge of the slender skirt at the back is sewn with gold trim. Compared with the more aggressive appearance of the general X-evolution, the Celestial Beast has become more gorgeous and sacred.

Tiannv Beast X was born here.

Surrounded by white light, Tiannv Beast's consciousness fell into a blur. When she woke up again, she had returned to the snowy canyon... Rose Beast and

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Taiyi was standing in front of her, two faces were watching her with the same astonished expression miraculously.

"How... what did you do? Celestial Beast? Is this a permanent X evolution?"

"I didn't do anything, Taichi."

Chapter 366 Chapter 350 Seven Towards the First End

"Can such a thing happen?"

After listening to the description of the two of them, Taiyi couldn't help frowning and sighing.

He thought that they would encounter the same danger as himself, and finally escaped after overcoming the problem about the X antibody... Turns out, it turned out that he was the only one who paid the price.

"You mean, that was you in the past?"

Tai Yi has a headache, why is there a wave of ups and downs?Where is it singing this time?

I just want to take Liu Ji and Meimei back, that's all!In the beginning, it was because of lack of physical strength that he couldn't continue the duel with Jessmon. Now that he has regained his energy, the guy hid and refused to come out, so he was forced to continue this ridiculous game.

This time is good, even the sacred female beasts from the past have appeared, so what can I say now?Space-time paradox?

——Come on, I just want to save a few best companions, don't mess with me.

"I'm not very clear, Taiyi, but I always feel...that person, she seems to know a lot of things."

The posture of the sacred female beast who claimed to be from the past, and the expression on her face when she said that sentence to herself at the end, seemed to be exhausting everything, accomplished the goal she wanted, and then left without regret. After all, she, What have you been through?

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out."

Taiyi shook his head, putting these messy thoughts behind him.

"In short, the result is good. You two are safe and sound, and you have obtained the X antibody. As long as we keep going, we can always figure out what happened that year."

Although I gave up the X antibody in order to save the lives of Kyoko and Duoludramon, but, this is how good luck always favors fools, Tiannv beast got the X antibody without paying anything, so it seems that it is not so bad after all. up.

The most important thing is that Tiannv Beast X... really gave Tai Yi a new look.

"What are you looking at? Maybe you're thinking about something nasty again."

Suddenly, a burst of green data flashed across Tiannv Beast X's face, and the big priest's hat that made her head look bigger than two and a half weeks disappeared, revealing the delicate face that Tai Yi was familiar with.

However, on that pretty face now is that kind of... impatience and disgust.

——It would have been better if he looked at himself with such a look of disgust and then lifted up the white skirt by himself.

"? How dare you talk to me like that, I'm yours..."

Although there are some subtle pictures in his mind, Taiyi still wants to emphasize his identity majesticly at this time, but he just noticed that he doesn't seem to know how to explain his identity.

"My what?"

"Yes, yes, what is it?"

Tiannv Beast and Rose Beast kept asking questions step by step.

"Partner? Partner? Beast trainer?"

"No, what he wanted to say should be 'Master'."

Tiannv Beast thought carefully about Taiyi's mouth shape just now, and deduced such a result.

"I did not say!"

Tai Yi widened his eyes and quickly denied it, otherwise the matter would be really subtle.

"That's it~ it's the master, it turns out that Taiyi has always seen us like this~ but now that I think about it, the two of us are indeed his property, he is indeed a little pervert, obviously he is only a high school student, but he and two Living together with older sisters who are taller than him is really corrupt! It lowers the moral level of high school students!"

"From what perspective are you saying this..."

Tai Yi's eyes widened, these two guys, after so many things happened, they finally met again, but they didn't show that they cared about him at all, on the contrary, it seemed that it was just a very simple conversation that happened in normal times.

"Don't quibble, Taiyi, I've seen you say that word."

"But I really didn't say that!"

"Don't explain."

The Celestial Beast finds this amusing.

"Which master have you ever seen cook for the servants, clean and wash clothes, including underwear, and be mouthed by you every day? Not only that, but I also have to go out to earn money to support the two of you! You are almost done!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Taiyi, we won't call you a pervert in the future."

Rose Beast saw that Taiyi was really angry, so he quickly changed his mind.

"Hmm, so we don't seem to be in a bad position." Rose Beast looked thoughtful, and then patted the shoulder of the woman beside him. "Heavenly Beast, why don't you satisfy him for a while."


"You can't hide the burning desire in your eyes, Taiyi."

Rose Beast was still wearing that rose hat with big red buds, otherwise Taichi would have seen a happy expression.

——This guy, why is there a tendency to transform into a female imp recently... No, she seems to be like this before.

"When did I not satisfy him?" Tiannv Beast still frowned unhappy. "When I was at home, I was reading a book and he suddenly attacked me from behind. I never resisted."

"...Stop, don't say such things for now, if senior Yizhang suddenly comes back and hears it, then I really can't explain clearly."

Even if you want to go now, it's not very good. Jodo and Sea Lion have not come back yet, so he

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Now we can only continue to wait.

"That honest guy, he won't be in any danger, will he?"

Rosemon also felt a bit of a headache. In fact, she and Tiannvmon were not quite used to it. During the journey, they suddenly had a Taiyi friend they were not familiar with... It was like hiring an outsider as a driver on a family trip, although it was nothing. There is a big difference, but some things cannot be said casually after all.

For example, these dirty jokes just now.

"Senior Zhang is very honest, so according to my understanding of Jessmon, he will not persecute such people, so he will definitely pass those checkpoints."

Taiyi quickly came to such a conclusion, and at this moment, both he and the Celestial Beast and Rose Beast heard a sound at the same time... It was the kind of sound produced by friction with the air when a thrown object landed far away. The explosion sounded, and Taichi immediately entered the fighting state, and the digital soul was aroused from all over his body.

But just before he acted, Tiannv Beast X had already stood in front of her at some point, her graceful platinum skirt scraped Tai Yi's face and felt a little hot, and she herself had already shot out a nirvana.

"Holy bow and arrow Tianzhu."

A golden holy thunder arrow pierced through the air and hit the sphere thrown from an unknown location. The holy thunder exploded it into brilliant fireworks, which bloomed in the snowy sky.

This set of her movements is smooth and flowing, and the power that erupted just at that moment...is this really just a perfect body?This X antibody seems to be more powerful than I imagined.

"Taiyi, it's me... I'm Shirohutou!"

While Taiyi was still immersed in the performance of Tiannv Beast X, an intermittent fragment of a picture suddenly appeared in the shattered light ball, and the face of Shiroto Tou appeared in the picture.

"I'm trapped in a strange place with the sea lion now, and it will take some time for us to get out! You don't have to wait for me anymore! Let's go!"

Of course Tai Yi refused to let him go, but when he was about to answer, he noticed that this seemed to be just a video, not a real-time call.

"Listen to me Taichi! I just saw your friend and Tachikawa in that place! They are in danger! Right ahead, near the red terminal! Go! I'll catch up!"

After finishing speaking, Jodo Kido in the screen seemed to click the button on the outside to end the recording.

"Is it Meimei them?"

Hearing Zhang's words, Tai Yi's expression changed drastically.

It was the two of them that he came to this world for, but he hadn't had a clue until the whole day had passed, until Shirotojo just said this sentence.

"What should I do? Taiyi?"

"...I can't help it. Senior Zhang should be fine, and he said it's dangerous, so it's probably really urgent."

It may be that there are some selfish elements in it. Among the Libras, he chose Liu Ji and the others.

Taiyi can't deny this, but now, staying here can't do anything, after all, the checkpoint here is to separate them all one by one.

What's more, Ruhime and Meimei are very dangerous, Taiyi really can't sit still for a second.

"Let's go now!"

Chapter 367 Chapter 350 Eight My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice

Taichi evolved into WarGreymon and started to run on the ground with all his strength, while Tennyumon and Rosemon sat on his shoulders as before.

WarGreymon X is the king of land battles, and its ground speed is unquestionable, but now Taichi has lost the X antibody, but he was once promoted to that posture, so it is also possible to imitate BattleGreymon X's action mode a little bit. no problem.

While running, I use the shield on the back to fly a little bit to help every time the paw lands... Strictly speaking, this should be considered cheating, but most Digimon who are restricted from flying ability do this, it should be considered A default unspoken rule.

"Why does that guy have to set the option of not being able to fly?"

Although Taiyi ran very fast, Rosamon was still jolted uncomfortably, as if he was about to get motion sickness.

She is not afraid of people's jokes when she speaks out, but she, an ultimate Digimon, also gets motion sickness!

"This is a restriction on the strength of Digimon."

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