Taichi continued running forward while answering her.

"The person he wants to select must be a one-in-a-million outstanding person, who can stand out even in the scope of the ultimate body, and a person who has both ability and political integrity."

"But for the digital world, the ultimate body is like a god, too powerful."

"He could only make such a bad move because he couldn't find a more suitable method."

"Speaking of which, don't talk to me, I'm running! I'm going to get sick!"

After telling all this, Taiyi hastily added another sentence.

After leaving the snow-capped mountains, his speed is much faster. He doesn't have to worry about being slipped, and he doesn't have to worry about avalanches caused by his heavy weight. Only by running on this kind of big plain can he have some fun as a Digimon.

"Be down-to-earth, step by step to the end, is it a manifestation of sincerity." Tiannv Beast sat on Taiyi's shoulders, crossed Erlang's legs, and the gold-rimmed heels beat him rhythmically with the ups and downs of running. armor. "Just like the story in "Journey to the West", although they can fly [-] kilometers directly, they still have to walk slowly to the end with their feet to get the true biography of the Buddha."

"I feel that the meaning of Jessmon is almost the same, through

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Flying is prohibited to increase the difficulty of the game and hone the player's will. "

"It's really inexplicable." The Rose Beast didn't know the meaning of this behavior at all, it was pure torture. "Speaking of [-] kilometers??? Where do you have to go so far? The equator of the earth is only [-] kilometers!"

"Overhead world." Tiannv Beast answered calmly. "Human myths always like to exaggerate. I don't think the author himself knows what the concept is, but it must be true if there are more numbers."

"Human beings are really impractical and hypocritical."

After hearing this, the rose beast complained again.

Now, even if she evolves to the ultimate body, she is almost completely the mentality of the flower fairy beast. It can only be said that her personality is like this, and evolution can't change her original heart.

"It doesn't matter, Tu Yile anyway, isn't it too exaggerated for those guys to describe Tai Yi? It's very evil to pass it around, he's almost become superhuman."

The celestial maiden smiled easily.

"...Taiyi, in fact, if you fly around our world once, it's almost this far."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast also heard what the Celestial Girl Beast said just now in Taiyi's mind, so it couldn't help but tell him such a thing.

"It's a good thing this guy didn't play this game with you."

Taiyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Otherwise, maybe we really have to walk a thousand miles on foot."

"Don't worry, we will take action by then."

"...Really? Are you willing? That's your youngest brother."

Thinking of the gentle Red Lotus Knightmon forcibly increasing the difficulty for himself, Taiyi couldn't help mocking him again.

"No, this kind of behavior itself is ridiculous." Red Lotus Knight Beast answered righteously. "I will stop him, but not kill him."

"Taiyi, now you have the strength of the five of us. Losing any of the royal knights is actually a loss of your strength in the future, so you should treat us the same way. No matter what, you must reconcile with them and let them be convinced of you. Just do it."

Red Lotus Knight Beast said what he wanted to say a long time ago.

He didn't feel this way before. He felt that his loss to Taiyi was due to his own lack of strength. As a fighter, he still couldn't let go of the position of "royal knight". This was his shortcoming.

But now, he feels more and more that losing to Taiyi is his destiny, and it is also the fate of these royal knights. His inscription—the end, refers to that he will meet Taiyi, and then guide the royal knights to the end ...and start a new starting point.

"What if it's the kind of obsessive guy?"

"Will not."

"Our Royal Knights will never fall into darkness. Even the Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast, what they insist on is still paranoid justice. Only this, we can guarantee with our lives."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast also said so swearingly.

"My heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice!"



Tai Yi's speed is still quite fast, and after running for a short time, he saw the place under the red coordinate point... It was not a dangerous cliff, nor a gloomy castle, but a familiar-looking urban area. The appearance of a high-tech modern steel jungle on such a desolate and empty plain is really a huge sense of disobedience.

"Is that... Shinjuku??"

Tiannv Beast was taken aback.

She has not been to Shinjuku in Taichi's world, but she has been to downtown Shinjuku in the world of the King of Beastmasters where Ruki is.

"Probably so."

Taichi probably confirmed that Ruhime is indeed here. I think the level this time may be something related to other people's memories that Jesmon came up with, and Ruuhime should be one of the basic factors that make up this "Shinjuku District" .

"This place looks very difficult... Maybe there are all dead dragons in ambushes inside, do you really want to go in?"

Rose Beast was a little scared when he thought of the scene of being hunted down before.

"Of course, but I have to rest first."

Tai took a breath first.

"Give me 10 minutes, I need to recover my strength before going into the city."

After saying that, he wanted to cancel the evolution, but at this moment, he suddenly saw behind a rock not far in front... there was actually an iron Digimon laying there resting, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Iron Garuru , and beside that guy, there is a man with messy yellow hair on his head, who looks very decadent.

——It’s Ishida Yamato.

Chapter 368 Chapter 350 Nine Yamato and Taiyi

Seeing him again after a long time, Taiyi didn't feel the same sense of peace in his heart as when he found the Chenghu Zhang. Instead, he naturally became nervous as if he had encountered an enemy.

"Taichi...is Yamato?"

Tiannv beast also recognized the identity of the Digimon over there and that human being.

Before, Taiyi took her to a gathering of these old classmates. She had met Yamato there, so she remembered his appearance, but she also learned from the mouth of Shirohutou and Koshiro before that , this man is most likely no longer Taiyi's partner.

Regarding this point, she doesn't care, if it is an enemy, it will fight, if it is a friend, it will be kept first, the key is how will Tai Yi treat this old friend?

"It's him."

"Get ready, two... There may be a fight next."

After thinking for a while, Taiyi canceled the evolution, and slowly walked towards the big rock.


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Yamato also saw the man walking towards him, and the Digimon beside him.

Steel Garuru had never seen Taichi before, so he thought he was a competitor, so he immediately stood up, and the ammunition compartments all over his body popped out, and he was about to fire shells there, but was stopped by Yamato.

"Wait a minute, Steel Garuru."

"Yamato? What's wrong?"

He was surprised that Yamato, who had always shot without hesitation, would stop his own attack.

"he is my friend."

I have long thought that such a day will come.

Yamato stood up, with bandages on his arms and many wounds on his face, standing in the open wasteland, in the wind blowing from the ground, he made a lot of assumptions, but knew that as long as he walked on this road, he would meet him sooner or later. Come today... to usher in such a time of confronting Tai Yi head-on.

Taichi looked much better than the others, at least there were no wounds on his body. He saw Yamato standing there waiting for him to come over. Steel Garuru was like a beast tamed by him, with wild and murderous intent in his eyes .

Too expressionless, but he also felt that it was time for a face-to-face dialogue between himself and the two original male protagonists.

"Taiyi, you are finally here."

"...What have you done?"

He only felt that the current Yamato was very strange.

"I am also a chosen child, just like you, so I am doing what I think is right." Yamato replied without changing his expression. "If you are willing to help me gain the power of Jesmon, then I will be very happy."

"That guy is not what you think at all, and now you don't have that qualification at all."

Taiyi is willing to believe the words of the Red Lotus Knightmon and the others, that is, every royal knight has not forgotten his original intention, and has not fallen into darkness, so the current Jessmon must do these things for his own plan to save the world.

Therefore, he would never recognize a guy like Yamato who has gone astray.

"I'm sure, nothing can compare to you, Taichi."

"Whether it's grades, or popularity...family, I'm not as good as you, Taiyi, I really envy you."

"Don't say such nonsense." Tai Yi didn't want to listen to his wishful thinking at all. "I asked you why you abandoned Senior Zhang?"

"Because he is too weak, not only weak in strength, but also weak in character." Yamato probably understood why Taichi had such an attitude towards him. "I felt that the odds of teaming up with him were too low, so I decided to go forward alone."

"I can't accept teaming up with a guy who won't fight back after being beaten." After Yamato finished speaking, he suddenly realized that Taichi had only two Digimon around him, and he didn't see Shirotojo, so he immediately understood. "What right do you have to accuse me? Didn't you abandon him too?"

"Stop pretending to be a good guy. What hard work, what friendship, what belief... I just want to crush all these things one by one. Guys who don't have the will to fight... don't deserve to enter this world at all!"

"That's right, Yamato, you really surprised me."

Taiyi didn't explain it, because there is no need to prove anything to a guy who has a big prejudice against you, unless he can change the castle husband now, otherwise Yamato will not believe it at all.

"Taiyi, I know your story, and I also know that I am not as strong as you."

Yamato seemed very calm, and he didn't get jealous of himself to the point of madness as Taichi imagined.

It's just that when he said these things in front of him, Taiyi always felt... that he was born to be superior to him, but this kind of feeling was not what Taiyi himself wanted to think, but was created by his Yamato, his Yamato's speech.

"But no matter what, I must win the championship in this game, I must win everything, or one day I will lose everything, Gabumon, Tyrannosaurus, with them, I can truly be myself... ...Taichi, a person like you who has everything from the very beginning, doesn't understand my feelings at all!"

"why do not you talk!?"

It was only then that Yamato noticed that Taichi hadn't said anything since the beginning, but just listened quietly, so he couldn't hold back and asked loudly.

"What do you want me to say? Don't you want me to persuade you?"

Tai Yi showed a strange expression.

"Since you have passed the idea, let's go to the end and let me see if you are really as determined as you said."

He decided to give up Ishida Yamato.

Because this guy has already made a choice, no matter how much he says, it won't help. Without the badge of friendship, what kind of path will he take?

Taichi doesn't know, but from now on, they are no longer friends.

"What a proud speech, as expected of you."

"Will you fight me? Taichi?"

He looked at Tai Yi, and there seemed to be some kind of hope in his eyes, which was more like obsession.

He regards Tai Yi as his ultimate enemy, the highest goal, and everything he does is to surpass that person who always dims his rotten grass like a bright moon.

"If you want, you can do it now." Taiyi replied flatly. "But now that you're injured, you won't be convinced if you lose."

"Why don't I help you heal?"

"I don't need your alms."

No way, there is no way to save him, this guy has already planned to go all the way to the dark, and does not rely on any so-called "companions".

"I will win you, Taichi, I must be the one who wins in the end.

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After letting go of such a statement, Yamato rode Steel Wolf and ran towards the city ahead with his half-disabled body.

Tai Yi felt a little sad, after all, he was a good friend from the past, but he had already guessed that such a day would come, and he was mentally prepared, so he adjusted quickly.

"He will pay for his words and deeds, Taiyi."

Finding that he was in a low mood, Tiannv Beast could somewhat understand it.

"We have been unable to reconcile. In the end, we can only speak with our fists. The winner is justice."

"That guy is crazy, and what he said is inexplicable, I think he should be beaten hard!"

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