"Who does this brat think he is? Didn't Taiyi rely on the support of his companions to get to where he is today? Besides, didn't he rely on Gabumon as his companion to fight? It's ridiculous, the donkey's lip is wrong! It doesn't even count The beast understands nothing!"

"Twisted melons are not sweet, Rose Beast."

Taiyi didn't care much about what he said.

He is very clear about one thing, that is, it is better to let the reality teach him [-] times than others say it [-] times.

Besides, I am not his father, so why should I let myself educate him?If it wasn't for worrying about wasting energy and wasting time, if it wasn't because Liu Ji hadn't gotten rid of the danger, he would definitely give that guy a few friendship blows, just like what Taiyi did in the original work.

"Let me rest first, we are also preparing to enter the city."

Chapter 369 Chapter 360 A Winner in Life

When Tai Yi and his two companions entered the city, they didn't find ambushes everywhere, killing every step of the way.It may be because the last time the Infinite Dragon Beast's hometown was attacked, it was also this kind of city attack, so it left a bad impression on Taiyi.

Just like walking through a city, Taiyi and Tiannvmon walked into the city, and saw many Digimon living here, including mushroom beasts, wild vegetable beasts, red cabbage beasts, and many others that Taiyi had seen. That kind of ordinary Digimon, even though the picture looks peaceful, but it always gives Taiyi a... unspeakable sense of disobedience.

Most of these Digimon are species that live in the jungle, but now they are placed in the city like this, it doesn't look right no matter how you look at it.

At this moment, suddenly a human-like creature came forward, Tiannv Beast X immediately took a step forward to protect Taiyi behind him.

The man was wearing a big hat that looked like a cute pajamas, a white skirt, and a candlestick-like weapon in his hand. His immature face was like that of a young girl, and his silver eyes were filled with It's enthusiasm.

"Please don't be nervous, I mean no harm."

She introduced herself first.

"I am Nunmon. Welcome to the 'New Shinjuku Terminal'."

"Are you contestants who have come from a long distance? Jessmon asked me to guide you to rest here. It's been a hard day for you." She bowed slightly and said politely. "please follow me."


Taiyi and his two companions looked at each other, not understanding what was going on... They thought they were about to face another fierce battle, but unexpectedly it was a supply station.

"Taiyi, nun beast... I remember her, her name is Xiaobai, and she should have a black sister named Xiaohei."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast spoke again at this moment.

"The two of them are Jessmon's childhood sweethearts, they can be regarded as his two older sisters. He was selected by the stubborn beast to become a royal knight when he was a child, so he has undergone hard training. These two are entrusted by the stubborn beast to take care of him. of."

"Damn it, it's a winner in life, it's enviable!"

After Taiyi heard this, he looked at the gentle and pleasant nun Xiaobai again, and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

This is the real Chosen Son, right?Since he was a child, he was talented and was chosen by the Royal Knights as his successor, and then there are such beautiful and cute Digimon to take care of his life, even two, or sisters!Then when he grew up, he became the mainstay of the new generation of royal knights.

It's been a smooth life from the beginning to the end... I don't know what kind of answer sheet this Jess beast will give in the face of this disaster.

"You don't have the right to say that about him, Taichi. Compared to Jessmon, I still think you're a bit more outrageous."

The skull beast made a faint complaint.

Under the guidance of the nun beast, Taichi and the others came to live in a hotel.

Taichi had seen this hotel before in Shinjuku in the real world, but he didn't stay in it because the cost was too high... Although everything looked normal, it was really just a supply station, but Taichi was always a little uneasy, he stood In front of the window, looking at the Digimon coming and going below, I feel uneasy.

"You can write any supplies you need here, or tick the list, and I will send them to you as soon as possible."

The nun beast left a thick menu, and the goddess beast and the rose beast are sitting together to read it. There are recipes for various food supplies, and there are other options for travel and outdoor products, as well as clothes, etc. It's a mess...it seems quite reliable.

"There are so many delicious ones... What should I do about Tiannvshou? I want to eat big crepes and ice cream cakes! I want to eat both!"

Rosemon has only two hobbies in her life, one is to play fun games with Taiyi, and the other is to eat desserts, which is a hobby she has been unable to let go of since she entered the human world.

"Don't you need to pay anything? We don't have any money with us..."

Tiannv Beast is still full

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Calm down and know there is no free lunch.

"No, this is a reward given by Jessmon to adventurers who pass the snow mountain level, but please don't waste it anyway."

Sistermon was polite, said while bending over with her hands on her stomach.

"Where is Jessmon now?"

Tai turned around and asked her.

"I can't tell."

"Have you met Makino Ruhime and Tachikawa Mimi? Did they accept your reception like me?"

"I can't disclose other people's competition information, even if someone asks you, I won't say it."

This guy looks like a young girl who is about the same age as Jia'er, but he has lived for an unknown number of years, and his speech can be said to be impeccable, without any flaws.

"Please rest at ease and don't walk around casually outside."

The nun beast left after finishing speaking, Taiyi sighed, and turned to look out of the window Z... At this time, the sky was getting dark, and it was about to be the time for the night pause, although the city husband passed the message to himself at that time, saying to stay Ji is in danger, but Taiyi can't find any clues to cut in, and he doesn't know if Yamato just now has been received like himself.

No, something is wrong.

Taichi didn't change his mind because of Rosemon's pleasant speech.

——This must be the beginning of the next battle, and the new level of Jessmon has already begun to be laid when they entered the city!


Just when Taiyi was going to keep Tiannvmon and Rosemon on guard, he suddenly saw a familiar figure from the window.

The girl with short pink hair and wearing white sportswear is running on the street... She runs very fast, and this speed is not like the weak girl in Taichi's memory, it is Tachikawa Mimi.

She was still holding Balu Beast in her arms, and they seemed to have gone through a fierce battle.

"Meimei! Hello!"

Taiyi opened the window and shouted at her without thinking, but she didn't seem to hear her voice at all, and quickly disappeared at the crossroads.


He gritted his teeth.

"Taiyi! What's wrong?"

"It's Meimei, I'm going to chase her, you guys will follow up later."

Because he was afraid of losing her, Taiyi had no choice but to wait any longer. He directly inspired the digital soul, stepped on the window and jumped directly from the fifth floor, using the digital soul to stabilize his body, and then started Running wildly on the street, chasing Meimei to a tall clock tower building.

——Strange, is there such a building in Shinjuku?

Taiyi felt weird in his heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to these details. He saw Meimei enter the inside of the clock tower, and he quickly followed.


After trying to push the door and found it couldn't be pushed, Taiyi gathered his strength and directly broke down the door violently. The wooden door was smashed to pieces by him directly, and the fragments scattered on the ground soon became data and disappeared. There was no movement.

"Meimei? It's me, what's wrong with you?"


Meimei clearly saw herself, but she tightened her lips and dared not say a word. Taiyi was frightened by her reaction. Could it be that she is currently undergoing some kind of trial, and the restriction is "cannot speak"?What the hell happened?

The inside of the clock tower was very dark, without lights, Tai Yi stood in front of the door and looked at her, watching his figure being elongated by the light... But at this moment, he found that something was wrong with his own shadow.

"Taiyi!! Turn back!!"

Meimei couldn't bear it anymore, and gave a loud warning, Taiyi felt her scalp numb, and there was a gust of wind blowing from behind, so she immediately turned her head, and a pitch-black battle tyrannosaurus rushed forward, Taiyi didn't have time to think, The Digisoul was instantly activated, and it directly collided with the claw of that Black War Greymon.

It is impossible for a human's fist to compete with the ultimate Digimon, but at this time Taichi's arms have been covered with golden arm armor, and his fist has turned into a blue Dragonman's Fist.

[Book of Knights, Golden Armored Dragon Beast! 】

"Soul evolution."

Taiyi frowned and said such a word.

Accompanied by the high-pitched singing of the book of knights, at the moment when Taiyi wrestled with the black battle tyrannosaurus, the remaining half of his body was also fully covered by data, and he evolved into a royal knight Golden Armored Dragon!

Chapter 370 Chapter 360


Taiyi shouted violently, and won the power contest with both hands, and directly pushed the black combat tyrannosaurus out, causing his body to smash into a large flower bed opposite, and fell into the flower bed.

Just as he thought, everything in this city is simulated by data. Although only data is common sense in the digital world, if the data generated by the real world is not so easily broken, so This place must have been simulated by Jess Beast in some way, and it is also a false illusion!

"Meimei! Are you okay? Where is Liu Ji?"

Seeing that the guy didn't intend to get up for the time being, Taiyi quickly turned around to check on Meimei's situation.

"Tai... One? You, are you really Tai One?"

But her reaction was very strange, obviously she had seen herself just now, but now she showed a look... as if Tai Yi had come to the rescue suddenly, she couldn't even hold back her mouth, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"What happened? Meimei?"

"I, I don't know how to explain to you now, Taichi."

Meimei wiped her tears while saying something Taiyi didn't understand

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If so, at this moment, there was another commotion from behind, and Taichi knew that the black-skinned monster had to be dealt with first.

——It's actually Black Battle Greymon... Look at how he looks a bit like my Agumon?

Taichi felt that things were a bit strange. Although the Digimons looked the same, in fact, many humans in their eyes also looked the same. As long as they looked carefully, they could still see the appearance characteristics, so Taiyi always felt that this guy's physique was very different. For example, on my side, the long-lost Yagumon once evolved into a black warrior.

"Are you a contestant too?"

Taiyi stood in front of the narrow door, standing in front of the door with the body of a golden armored dragon beast that was shrunk down and resembled a human being.


This guy didn't say a word, and what's even more weird is that he seemed to be exuding a faint black air, and there were no pupils in the two eye slits on the helmet, as if he was being manipulated by someone Even the same.

No, everything here is abnormal.

Here you can't think about the problem from the perspective of normal Digimon, you have to get rid of him quickly, Taichi dare not leave her for half a step, so get ready immediately, the golden armor all over his body starts to shine, aiming at the black combat beast The dragon beast directly shot the "Ultimate Jihad Wave".

Although he used the black shield of the brave seal to resist in time, but this is the ultimate skill of the royal knight, and the level is a lot higher than him, so even so he can't stop it, let alone he has no courage idealistic bonus.

Hei Zhanbao just didn't say a word, and died under Taiyi's nirvana, turning into black data blocks and drifting away, Taiyi turned around and immediately released the evolution and walked towards Meimei who fell on the ground, stretching out his hand to pull her from the ground Get up and help her dust off her body.

"How about the Balur beast?"

"We've been fighting all the way... the Balu beast has reached its limit."

Meimei caressed the poor little guy in her arms with her hands, her eyes were full of pity.

"Aren't you hurt?"

Meimei shook her head, then looked at Taiyi seriously, her eye sockets were slightly red and swollen from crying just now.

"Taiyi, why did you come here?"

"I came to save you, I was told you were in trouble."

"……you were tricked."


"This is a trap! Taichi! Once you come over, there will be no hope for us."

Meimei still spoke words with unclear meanings, but Taiyi's mind turned quickly, and she had already started to think.

——Chenghu Zhang is lying to himself?

No... absolutely impossible, that guy would not do such a thing, the only possibility is that he was tricked into passing false information to himself, or the image was simply fake, Jessmon, what are you doing?

"Why does my arrival get worse?"

Da da da.

It was the sound of rhythmic footsteps, and Taichi immediately subconsciously activated the Digisoul, wrapped himself and Meimeibalumon in it, and stood in front of her, and then on the stairs leading to the upper clock tower, there was a person who took a step Step down.

That pair of shoes was very familiar to Taiyi, and that fur coat was even more familiar to Taiyi, because it was the clothes he had worn for a long time.

"Liu Ji?"

Taiyi said her name, but felt only a gloomy feeling in his heart.

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