Tiannv Beast pinched her waist and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that he is very interested in Digimon, and I want him to help me upgrade the Digimon machine."

Tai smiled.

It's better not to let the female demon beast know the truth. With her character, she doesn't know what troubles will be caused, and the purpose of the female evil beast is not clear yet, but since her goal is not to kill herself, then All he could do was to paralyze her and wait for her to show her fangs slowly.

But Tiannv Beast has a straightforward personality, she is more "one" than herself, if she knows the truth, it will definitely make the female Demon Beast suspicious.

"Upgrade the Tyrannosaurus machine?"

"Yes, because Beetlemon has a lot of development experience in this area, so I want to entrust him to help."

"...That's it."

Tiannvmon still feels that something is wrong, because it is not necessary to hide her own affairs, but it may be that Beetlemon has just joined the gang, and she is a little afraid of herself, so she dare not talk about the digital soul in person, but is she that kind of stingy? people?

After temporarily repelling the female demon beast, Taiyi brought the four Digimon to their temporary residence. This place looks ordinary on the outside but has a unique place inside. It has a huge underground factory facility. There is also a safe place here. Dulumon, but besides that, there is also a mechanical dragon beast, and some other growth-stage gearmon live here.

They're going to sleep here tonight and set out tomorrow.

"Teacher, I have a hot box lunch here, and you can have one each."

Andurumon respects Beetlemon so much that he actually calls him a teacher, and the same goes for other Digimon.He brought up several stacked boxes and put them on the table. Looking at them one by one, there were four large characters "Children's Set Meals" written on them.

"I borrowed this box from the architectural data mapped from a human world... I feel that the design is exquisite, and I have been using it all the time."

In this regard, the beetle beast explained it like this.

After opening it, there is a very standard combination of one meat, one vegetable + rice, and a small piece of soup for pouring rice, which immediately brought Tai Yimeng back to the school cafeteria in the middle school era, but only the beetle beast. It's not the same, the soup in it is actually engine oil.

"The Digimon here are all remodeled. They don't need to eat this kind of food. Generally, they just add oil and recharge their batteries and they will be full of energy. But there are also some who like to try, they will add some gasoline or replace the side dishes with Small parts like screws."

Through the communication during the meal, Taiyi learned that about half a month had passed, among which Beetlemon spent two days collecting the materials left by Molemon, returned to this factory for three days, and developed the device to enter the human world for more than a week. ...I have to marvel that Beetlemon is indeed a ghost, and this also strengthens Taichi's idea of ​​wanting him to help develop new evolutionary props.

This may be Taichi's most peaceful sleep in the digital world. The factory is like a fortress, and there are many Digimons patrolling the perimeter as security guards. You can even sleep in a comfortable room. Taiyi lay down on the bed with his eyes closed. After a while, I couldn't fall asleep, and my mind was full of what happened during the day.

He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and finally walked out of the room and walked towards Beetlemon's workshop.

"Taiyi, is there anything else you can do at this late hour?"

Beetle is maintaining equipment, see

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It was a bit of a surprise for Tai to come in.

"I can't sleep, I want to talk to you."

"If you want to talk heart-to-heart, I can't say anything to inspire you." The beetle scratched its head and smiled. "And I don't plan to travel with you, Agumon is also...he intends to go east to liberate the Digimon who are dominated by the insect army, and I want to stay here and continue to do my research."

Both of them have their own plans, and Taichi will not force them to join the group. Anyway, there are still many sufferings in the digital world. In the original work, the children chased the blood-sucking monsters back to the real world, but there are still people in the digital world. Many places were in dire straits, and it was not until the arrival of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness that this contradiction was pushed to the extreme.

"I know, but I'm asking you to do me a favor, the thing I was talking about during the day."

"Oh, are you talking about the equipment to deal with the female demon beast?" Beetle beast suddenly asked. "I have several special programs here, which can be used to monitor or be used as poison. If the mysterious female demon beast comes back from the dead, maybe you can use it..."

"It's not." Tai Yi shook his head. "To her, these things are useless, but they will reveal that I have seen through her real body."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Upgrade my Tyrannosaurus machine." Taiyi took out the machine, and then changed his words. "Or it's okay to develop a new one?"

Chapter 45 Adding more rewards

The return may not be so fast, just to force myself to write more and not touch the fish, but I think it should not be too scary, so let’s temporarily set the upper limit to 40 chapters, and I will open it again after the full return.

Can't be astringent.jpg

100 monthly pass = 1 update

100 blades = 1 more

1000 recommendation tickets = 1 update

Reward = 1 more

Please fire!

Chapter 46 Chapter 44 One Circle

"It's completely different from mine, but I probably won't be able to use this kind of structure."

After dismantling Taiyi's Tyrannosaurus and observing it, Beetlemon came to such a conclusion.

"How do you use that? I remember that you seem to have evolved two different forms."

"It's very simple." Beetle took out his auxiliary machine and explained enthusiastically. "It doesn't have any power, but it can cooperate with my body and prescribe the chosen evolution route in advance when I want to evolve."

"So how many forms can you evolve?"

Taiyi casually pulled a chair and sat down, as if he wanted to chat with Beetlemon all night.

"There are many, but the only ones that are commonly used are the Herabi and the Superbido. The Herabi is more comprehensive, and it is also my original perfect body. After my transformation, there are some skills and weapons that only I can use."

"Then Superbidomon is the form that I choose when I need to use brute force. For example, at that time, I want to knock Dark Knightmon into the air. That's why I evolved towards that route."

Beetlemon also suddenly wondered why this human boy could make his friend Yagumon full of praise, and why the powerful Yanlongmon and the beautiful Tiannvmon were so devoted to him.

The boy seemed to have completely forgotten that he had turned into Chimeramon to fight against him, and besides Molemon, Taichi was the second person who showed a strong interest in his invention, which also made him open up the conversation.

There seems to be a mysterious power in him that can bring everyone together unconsciously, and it will be his help involuntarily.

"I heard from Agumon that you tried to combine two Digimon, right?"

"Yes, but the effect is not very satisfactory. It didn't appear as perfect as I imagined. Later, I tried to add a few more. You can see the result... Instead, a monster like Kimiramon was created. .”

"But I heard Molecule Beast said, don't you only use yourself for experiments?"

"Yes, although I am a scientist, I hope to improve my strength at any cost, but I will never use other people's lives as bargaining chips for experiments."

"You can't even live with your own life, beetle beast." Taiyi scolded him. "Not paying attention to your own life is irresponsible to your companions. Think about what happened this time."

"Actually, I have been very careful. I only do it when I have absolutely no problem in theory... However, it is inevitable that there will be negligence, alas."

Beetlemon was also very guilty, but continued the topic just now.

"It's actually like this. I came up with a way to extract their data. You must know that Digimon have their own backup storage data. I extract some and use them. It's just to make them tired for a while, and it's not harmful. .”

"However, these data are one-time, and they will disappear soon after they are used up."

"I think, is there a possibility that you simply add two Digimon together forcibly, so of course you can't get a perfect fusion effect."

Taichi decided to give him some advice. Although he didn't know anything about it, based on his rich knowledge of Digimon, he still knew the difference between joint evolution, fusion, and synthesis, but Beetlemon probably didn't know these things.

"Oh? Taichi seems to understand it very well. I heard they said that you know Digimon very well. I was just looking for an opportunity to ask you."

Beetle Beetle was also interested, sitting on the research table and looking at Taiyi.

"The way two Digimons combine and evolve is called joint evolution, and the combination of two Digimons is a 'combination', and you just combine the data of different Digimons,

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These unconscious data will completely interfere with your digital core, causing you to fall into chaos and unable to control yourself. "

"The combination of Digimon is the combination of Digicore and Digimon. That is to say, it cannot be done without two Digimons who are connected with each other. But in addition, if there are human partners as the medium, it is also possible produce that reaction."

"...I am indeed aware of this, but it is too difficult for me to integrate the digital core, because it is impossible for me to extract other people's digital core."

"So now I don't know where to start my research. I don't know how to evolve the ultimate body..."

Beetlemon's words revealed despair and loss, as if he had lost his dream.

"You wait."

Taiyi asked Beetlemon for a piece of paper and a pen, and then quickly composed pictures on it. Although his painting skills are mediocre, he also attended art classes for a few days in elementary school.

"Is this... an evolutionary device? The shape is quite handsome, and what are these cards?"

Beetlemon took the picture that Taiyi drew and looked at it, and found it very novel, at least in terms of appearance, it was much more handsome than his little broken phone.

The painting is a ring-shaped device held in one hand, which is beautiful and full, and there are several cards next to it.

"The power of different Digimon will be stored in the card, and I will use the digital soul to inject the ring device to activate it. Just put the card into the ring to read the data of the corresponding Digimon, and you can make two Digimon There is a joint exhibition reaction between them."

"I hope you can help me make it."

"It's certainly a novel design, but I don't think it's that far from my approach, which just gets the same result."

Beetlemon is not very optimistic about the development prospects of this device.

"It's just a bold attempt, because I will use the digital soul as a concoctant. Bichumon should have told you how she evolved into Yandramon, right?"

"The key to this device is the user 'I'. I use the digital soul as the energy source to activate it, and at the same time use Digimon such as Agumon and Bichumon who have established a deep friendship with me as materials. It can avoid data consumption and become a perpetual motion machine."

Taichi wants the cards made by Beetlemon to be completely different from the cards in the third generation of animations. If Beetlemon uses its own traditional ideas to make cards, it can only be ordinary cards. Digimon will, the power card generated after being willing to fight side by side with oneself, so that even if they are not by their side, they can use their power in this way.

Whether it is to strengthen the combat power of Tiannv Beast or carry out combined evolution, it is very useful to oneself.

Although it is unrealistic to achieve this with only the beetle beast, people always have dreams, what if they come true?

"So it is."

The Beetle Beetle's eyes suddenly lit up, and it really did think of this possibility.

"That's true, you are a chosen child, and you are fundamentally different from Digimon, maybe I can try according to the principle of your Tyrannosaurus machine, Taichi... But if I can't succeed, don't blame me. "

"How could it be?" Taiyi smiled cheerfully. "I'm just drawing a cake for you. It's the best I can make, and it doesn't matter if I can't."



After explaining that Beetlemon helped to manufacture new props, the next morning came the eve of parting.

Standing in front of the factory gate, Beetlemon handed a backpack to Taichi.

"There are dry food, mineral water, and a laptop computer. There are a large number of Digimon encyclopedias I have collected on it, as well as a detailed map of the server continent. At the same time, you can use it to get in touch with me, as long as you are in the digital world. In the range."

"Thank you so much, Beetlemon."

"As soon as you leave, I will immediately start the project you explained, and wait for my good news~"

The beetle beast is gearing up and can't wait. He thought about it all night last night, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this ring is quite interesting. Even if he can't use it for himself, if it can make Tai Yi enhance his combat power, it will be a great achievement, and the curve will save the country. .

He even thought of a name, so he called it "Taiyi Circle". After all, it was his idea and an exclusive prop prepared for him.

Chapter 47 Chapter 45 I have risen

"And this, you take it."

Then, the beetle beast also took out a black pager that was only the size of a palm.

"If you're in trouble and need help, just use it and others will be signaled and given the location of the caller."

"That's great, so you don't have to worry about not being able to see you in the future." Agumon took it from his hand and happily put it into his backpack.

"Hey, Agumon, why don't you come with us? Isn't it good for you to be a pair?"

Bhikshu Beast tried hard to persuade.

Her decision was to fight against vampire monsters together with Taiyi and Celestial Beast, while Yagumon was going to continue his own adventure in another direction to liberate other areas. Taiyi had foreseen this in advance, so he did not persuade Yagu Beast, after all, people have their own aspirations.

"Needless to say, Bichumon, Yagumon has his own ideas, we can't force them."

Taichi stopped her.

"Taiyi, I also want to take risks with you, but you already have Tiannv Beast and Bichu Beast by your side, and Vampire Demon Beast and Tiannv Beast have old enemies, he is yours.

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Prey, I'm not interested in the past. "

"Of course, it's more enjoyable to do things like revenge yourself. Anyway, if I'm Taichi's partner, I definitely hope that I'm the only Digimon around him!"

"...You really dare to say it."

She couldn't help admiring that this seemingly stupid guy said lightly what the Celestial Girl Beast wanted to say but didn't dare to say.

"I'm also doing this to make myself stronger. I figured it out. I can't rely on external forces. Now that even Dilumon can maintain its full body for a long time, I have to work harder."

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