"Although I don't have a human partner, I have perseverance!"

He raised his hands and shouted loudly.

"I want to become a great Digimon that will go down in history!"

"Fool, I am your partner." Tai Yi scolded him with a smile. "Call me if you are in danger, I will help you at any time."

"No matter what the difficulty is, I will overcome it by myself, so goodbye, everyone!"

Yagumon ran up after finishing speaking, evolved into Mechanical Greymon in the blink of an eye, and flew into the eastern sky.

The lonely warrior embarked on his own journey again... For some reason, Taichi had a premonition that when we meet next time, he must have become a battle tyrannosaurus.

"Then we're leaving too, Beetlemon, please don't force yourself, and... don't forget about that."

Investigating the whereabouts of the female demon beast is a secret between them, so Tai gave him a wink, and the beetle beast understood and responded with an OK gesture. This subtle expression interaction was all seen by the female demon beast, and immediately smelled a trace of it. Unusual taste.

--No way?Although human XP is free, it's too... probably not, maybe it's about Tyrannosaurus and Digisoul.

The Bhikkhu volunteered to take Taiyi's backpack, and then evolved into Badoramon. After extinguishing its own flame, it carried Taiyi and Tiannv beast and flew towards the west, the direction of the vampire castle.

"Heavenly Beast, what's wrong with you? I don't think you're in a good mood."

When I met Tiannv Beast in the morning, I just greeted her casually, as if she didn't wake up, which is not normal. In the past, she was full of energy every day and eager to fight.

"...It's nothing, Taiyi, I just still care about that temptress."

Of course, the temptress she was talking about was also a female demon beast.

"Didn't you kill her?"

"I know, but it's the first time I've met a guy like her."

"I feel very inexplicable, don't you think so? Taiyi, she doesn't look like a blood-sucking monster, a demon beast, or a gorilla beast... I still don't understand what she is going to do."

"It seems that the target is coming for you, but it doesn't attack you. It's weird."

Tiannvmon's face was covered by a mask, but Taichi could also imagine that she must have a sad face now. Although her personality has changed, she is still that Dilumon, the one with the highest IQ among the eight Digimon, and the one who is the best at independent thinking. one person.

"Don't think too much, the next thing we have to deal with is the vampire beast."

Too much suspicion will only harm herself, although her suspicion is correct, but Taiyi can't make her think so.

Because next, if Taiyi wants to compete with that Lilith beast on who is better at acting, he must pretend to be an ignorant young man who has been played by a bad woman, and if he wants to deceive the enemy, he must deceive himself.

"By the way, Tiannv Beast, I have never asked about you. What have you seen in the vampire monster? What kind of person is that guy?"

"My story... Speaking of it, it is indeed necessary for Tai Yi to know."

Immediately to face the vampire monster, Tiannv Beast also decided to tell this experience.

"When I was still a puppy in the growth stage, I was captured by a blood-sucking monster in the castle, and many people were arrested with me... The blood-sucking monster is very cruel, and many of the Digimon captured by him are Under his fear and torture, his will was destroyed a little bit, and he willingly became his subordinate."

"I told you before that I never gave up the will to resist, but in that situation, in order to survive... I can only pretend to obey him and slowly look for opportunities. It is there that I really know Feeling that this world is dying, the Digimon have begun to be confused about what is really good and evil."

The unbearable past seemed to make her forget the uneasiness caused by the female evil beast. She crossed her legs and sat on the ground, sighing long, with a soft voice, which is rarely seen in her body. .

"I finally decided to run away, but the vampire beast found me... In the end, it was my friend, the wizard beast, who stood up and blocked the vampire beast for me, so I had a chance to escape."

"...That's it."

——Wizard Beast, you died so badly.

It turned out that Taiyi had thought that maybe he could use wizard beasts to make a fuss about vampire monsters, but he didn't expect such a fate to be inevitable.

"In fact, I don't have much friendship with him. I just saved his life when he was at the end of his life, and he followed me to join the army of vampire monsters. I really didn't expect him to stand up and save me... because I At that time, it was really too weak."

"Tai Yi may not understand my despair, nor understand how much it means to me that I found you at that time."

Tiannv Beast reached out to touch his mask, and the light flashed on his hand, and it fell off.

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Showing her strong face with dewy eyes but still smiling.

"For example, it's like being reborn... On the night I escaped from the castle of the vampire monster, I felt that I lost everything, and the whole world wanted to kill me, but now, I have been resurrected."

"When I met you there, I came back to life."

Her blue eyes were filled with hot emotion, and she suddenly hugged Taiyi's body.

Maybe it's because I don't want to be seen crying, but it's the first time to hug like this. Before, it was the kind of emotionless hug to bring me along.

"Me too, Celestial Beast."

Taiyi was very moved and grateful to be her new light, so he just wanted to make her happy at this time, so he patted her beautiful back lightly in response.

"Meeting you is also the most cherished thing in my life."

Taichi, an ordinary high school student, came to the digital world when he was about to get rid of his identity as a "child" and met her. For Taichi, it was like a new life. He could finally enter the digital world and interact with Digimon. Become a heart-to-heart partner and realize the once infinite dream.


The badora beast who was sitting down suddenly spoke.

"Although I'm sorry to disturb the relationship between senior and Taiyi, but in fact, I want to say that my physical strength is limited and I can't fly for a long time, so I should quickly find a place to rest."

Chapter 48 Chapter 46 clean and hygienic

Beetle Beetle's factory hometown is far away from Vampire Warcraft Castle, almost the opposite distance, which also caused them to fly for nearly a whole day, so Badora Beast was tired, and Taiyi also turned on the laptop at this time, and from above In the detailed map of , I found a place marked with a fork symbol, and the name is "Eggy Beast's Restaurant".

——It seems that the little evil beast will appear here to make trouble?And it is also the place where the orc Garuru evolved.

Is it possible to meet a Gabumon and Gomamon who are being brutally exploited by the boss here?

In fact, doing the math now, these Digimon seem to be more or less close to the original plot line. For example, Bichumon will always be tied to the electric chair of Molecular Beast. Beetlemon loves science like his partner. Yagumon is as greedy and unkempt as the original Yagumon, but it doesn't defecate anywhere.

"Let's go to this restaurant to have a good meal, and then continue on our way. We will arrive at the Vampire Castle in the evening."

"Taiyi, I think it's better to fight the vampire monster during the day, he is at least half weaker during the day than at night."

The Celestial Beast offered her opinion.

"My plan is that we go directly in front of his castle, and then I will use the nirvana together with the flame dragon beast, lift his roof, and let the vampire monster directly expose to the sun to bask in the sun, so that his combat effectiveness will be greater With a discount, he can be wiped out in one fell swoop."

"...It's a good strategy."

Although there is no strategy at all, it is just a simple frontal attack.

After hearing this, Tai Yi just felt that the scene was a bit funny. He didn't know what kind of expression the blood-sucking monster, who had always pretended to be sophisticated and extremely manly, would have when he saw his home being directly blown away.

"However, I refuse."

"If we move too slowly, it will give him a chance to go to the human world. This is absolutely impossible!"

Although the original version of the vampire beast did not go on a killing spree after it came to the human world, but lurked up and slowly looked for opportunities, and found Jiaer first, but the Digimon army he brought still caused a lot of commotion, so he must not be allowed to go to the human world world!

"It makes sense...but it's really dangerous to fight him at night, and he might escape, which will be even more troublesome then."

The Celestial Beast replied.

"It doesn't work too fast, or too slow, so let's make a compromise, sneak into his castle tonight and kill him, but you need to degenerate for a while, because your sacred breath will make him aware of the danger."

"...The blood-sucking monster is not as simple as a demon beast or a gorilla beast. I'm still a little uneasy."

"But now, I don't need Taichi's Digisoul to evolve into a Celestial Beast, even if I get smaller and sneak in."

"Are vampire monsters smart?"

It's been a long time, and in Tai Yi's impression, the vampire monster is not such a brilliant leader, otherwise he wouldn't have abused his subordinates.

"Yes, he is very clever."

This question was answered very simply by Tiannv Beast.

"He subdues his subordinates not by terror and violence, but by making those Digimons willingly obey him. That's why I say that I have seen the real horror and the hopeless future of the digital world from him."

"...It turned out to be like this."

Strange, is this the character of a vampire monster?Shouldn't he be a pure tyrant?

If it is this type of enemy, it is much more difficult than the tyrant, because his subordinates will be loyal to him, and they belong to the villain who attacks the heart. If it makes sense, I will be deceived to death.

"That guy's biggest crime is that he doesn't feel like he's doing evil!"

"I must use these hands to kill him! This is also for the dead wizard beast."



In front of Dandan Beast's restaurant, it is a circular building like a western-style bar, with two movable leaf doors, very retro.

Taiyi leads the Celestial Beast and rests after degeneration

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The bhikkhu beast entered the restaurant.


As soon as Taiyi opened the door and entered, the Wild Vegetable Beast at the front desk raised his hand to say hello.

Wild Vegetable Beast was taken aback, because this group of people did not seem to be simple, and they had a lot of background.

"What special dishes do you have?"

Taiyi and the others found a second seat and sat down.

"Wait a mininute."

Wild Vegetable Beast first brought them three water glasses and poured cold water on them, then took out the menu and presented it to Taiyi, Taiyi flipped through it, and then ordered a few seemingly delicious dishes. Fish sashimi, grilled fish dishes, takoyaki, fried tempura... Anyway, I don't hate it, so I ordered what she likes.

I don't know if she still likes to eat these at all, but Tiannvshou didn't comment, so Taiyi just ordered it.

"Is there anything Bichumon wants to eat?"

"No, I'm free!" Biqiu laughed. "Tai Yi is really doting on seniors~ All the food she likes are ordered."

"Then let's have another fruit salad, I remember you like to eat cherries?"


Tiannv Beast was drinking water, but couldn't help choking and coughing after hearing this.

Her mind was full of the magical picture of Bhikkhu playing with her tongue to roll cherries at that time, and more importantly, Bhikkhu immediately turned his face and gave herself a slap in the face after that scene.

"Are you okay?"

While holding back a smile, Taiyi patted her on the back lightly to help her feel better.

"It always reminds me of bad things."

"Ahaha...don't worry about that, senior, hehe."

Of course Bichumon knew what she was thinking of, so he could only smirk in embarrassment.

Taiyi pretended to be joking with the two of them, but in fact he had been secretly observing Wild Vegetable Beast and this restaurant. There are several other customers in the store now, but they are all snot beasts waiting for growth, and did not find Gabumon or The traces of the goma beast... Maybe I was thinking too much.

Soon, the Wild Vegetable Beast brought up the prepared dishes.

"Please enjoy it slowly~"

"Wait for me!"

Seeing the appearance of those dishes, Tai Yi immediately stood up from the chair in a rage, and grabbed the wild vegetable beast's crown.

"It hurts! What do you want, guest?"

"? Is your food edible? It's too different from the picture on the menu!"

Let’s not talk about the taste, but the appearance is really unappetizing. The sashimi is fresh but it has a weird green color, the fried tempura is also scary yellow, and the sauce on the takoyaki Strangely, the fruit salad exudes a weird smell.

——Somewhat smelly.

"That's right, it's written here on the menu... This picture is for reference only, so you can try the taste first before making an evaluation."

Wild Vegetable Beast took out the menu, pointed at the small line on the picture and smirked.

Try it and die!

...Is it true that even the digital world cannot avoid such things?The picture clearly shows the Big Mac steak set meal, but in fact it is only a palm-sized piece, and the charge is huge.

"Hey! What are you talking about, you boy! Do you have any opinions on my cooking?"

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