After the explanation, Taiyi called the wizard beast behind him, and rushed towards the agreed place with his Tailu beast.

Chapter 59 Chapter 57 Who dares to kill me?

The vampire monster used its own ability to dig a space underground in a certain area near the river to hide its army as a temporary residence.

Dilumon came to this place calmly, and the other Digimon along the way didn't say much when they saw her, and even greeted her. In their eyes, Dilumon was just a blood-sucking follower. The King of Warcraft has been a loyal veteran for many years.

This reminded Dilu Beast of many things back then, but that was all in the past, and her task now was to lure the vampire monster out.

"The king of blood-sucking monsters is eating food, you can't go in!"

But she was stopped in front of the room by a ferocious ghost beast.

"Go away, I have something urgent to report!"

"It's a rule that no one can approach when the king is eating!"

"This is information about the eighth child. Are you responsible for the delay! Get out of the way!"

Dilu beast's eyes gleamed coldly in the dark, and it directly forcibly knocked away the ferocious ghost beast and rushed into the room.

That blood-sucking monster was actually lying there sucking a woman's neck. The posture was a bit funny. After all, he couldn't use his hands to suck blood, he could only rely on his mouth. Mouth with displeasure.

"Till Beast? What happened?"

"I found the eighth child, but... the wizard beast betrayed us, and he seems to be the eighth chosen Digimon!"

Dilu Beast said anxiously.

"Is there such a thing?"

The vampire monster's eyes widened.

"Have you fought them?"

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat them alone and be killed, so I'll come back first and bring you this information."

Dilumon's acting skills are very good. When he said this, he even showed a micro-expression of gnashing his teeth, which made these words sound more believable.


The vampire monster laughed.

"I've long noticed that the wizard beast is often obedient, but I didn't expect him to be the eighth Digimon."

"I'm sorry, King of Vampire Beasts. I rescued that bastard. I didn't know he would do such a thing at the time... I should have let him starve to death in the wilderness!"

Dilu Beast cursed angrily.

——I'm sorry Wizard Beast, actually I'm very happy to see you living well in this world.

She understood that the root cause of the wizard beast's death was her own defection, and he was willing to sacrifice himself in order to repay her life-saving grace, which was why she and Taiyi carried out this battle.

"Hey, let's go! Get rid of them before they meet!"

The blood-sucking monster flicked its cloak coat and walked towards the door. Dilu beast heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed behind.



Taiyi and Wizard Beast found a wooded river bank far away from the crowded urban areas. Although this place is not completely deserted, it is still far away from residential areas. He and Wizard Beast sat on the ground and waited boredly, until Taiyi suddenly felt There was a gust of wind, and a few black bats could be vaguely seen approaching, so he stood up immediately and shouted to the wizard beast.

"Wizard Beast, stop talking! I'm really not your partner, and I don't know anything about the digital world... I'm just an ordinary high school student who can be seen everywhere. My dream is to go to university, not to save the world."

"...But your mission is to save the digital world! You can't escape your responsibility!"

Wizardmon spoke the lines that he had spoken to Tai in advance.

"What is that? Why are there so many bats?! Ahh??"

Taiyi covered his face and backed away in fright, and those bats quickly gathered into a human form, a digimon with a blue face and fangs, dressed in medieval aristocratic clothes, and a red bat mask appeared.

"Not good! It's a vampire monster!"

——Great, it’s a vampire monster!

The wizard beast hastily protected Taichi behind him, and was careful not to say his name so as not to arouse the suspicion of the vampire monster.

"Wizard Beast! How dare you betray me!"

The vampire monster didn't attack, but his furious expression was still very real.

"I have never been your subordinate! I only stayed by your side to repay Tailumon for saving his life!"

"Hmph." The vampire monster snorted coldly. "That guy is the eighth child? It's ridiculous. He's so scared that he can't even stand up."

"If you want to move him, pass me first!"

The wizard beast stretched out its arms to block Tai Yi.

"Damn it... who on earth leaked the news? Could it be that your subordinates are also patrolling here?"

"Of course I told him."

A swift white figure fell from the tree, and Dilu Beast landed on the ground with a beautiful cat.

"Till Beast? How could you... I thought you would understand me."

The wizard beast closed its eyes weakly, with a pained look on its heart.

"Don't get me wrong, Wizard Beast, I have never had such a good relationship with you. I didn't expect you to be the eighth Digimon. Of course I have to report to the Vampire Monster King to get rid of you."

Dilu Beast drew a clear line with the opponent with righteous words.

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"Hahahaha, it's really interesting! Wizard beast, it must be hard to be betrayed by your best friend, right?"

"I'll send you and your human companions to hell right now!"

As he said that, he wanted to wave his hand to release the scream of death, but the wizard beast suddenly yelled.

"and many more!"

"Oh? Do you have any last words? It's too late to repent now, I must kill you and that human!"

The vampire monster laughed wildly, thinking it had a great advantage.

"Vampire are very strong, but I will not lose to you!"

"Where did you get this confidence? Huh?"

The vampire monster just thought it was funny.

"You're just a clown trying to gain fame, yet you dare to call yourself a 'big king'. There is a limit to how shameless a Digimon is. You don't really think you are invincible, do you?"

The wizard beast uttered the lines that Taiyi had taught many times before, and this was the secret signal to do it.

"As long as I kill you and that human being, I am invincible, and no one can stop my plan!"

"Then do you dare to shout three sentences 'Who dares to kill me'?"

"Hmph, hahahaha, ridiculous, is this how you deal with it?"

After hearing the words, the vampire beast only felt that the wizard beast was really out of its wits.

He can't understand what the wizard beast has. Could it be that he asked other selected children to help?No... This world itself is invincible, even if there are other children around, he is not afraid, instead, he saves his time and wipes them all out in one go!

"Don't say three sentences, what's the problem with thirty sentences?"

"Who dares to kill me?"

Dilu beast looked at the vampire monster, and had already locked on the target.

"Who dares to kill me? Hahahaha, who dares to kill me?"

"I dare to kill you!"

The Tilu Beast beside him suddenly yelled violently, and in an instant, it took less than a second to evolve into a Celestial Beast. The holy light emanating from the pure white angel suppressed the Vampire Beast immobilized in an instant, let alone now It was still the day when vampire beasts would be naturally weak, and he wailed in pain at the moment.

--What happened?Why did Tailu Beast...

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

The Celestial Beast made a move, its fists swung in a storm and landed on the body of the vampire monster, each punch would make an explosion and burning sound, the vampire monster couldn't resist such a brutal holy power, and was beaten for a while. Qing, his body was hanging in the air like a sandbag and was constantly under attack, unable to fight back.


At the end, Tiannv Beast hit him on the head with a punch, and there was a crisp cracking sound under the punch. This punch accurately shattered the skull of the vampire monster, and even knocked his mask away. Biaoxue flew out and hit a tree and was bounced back to the ground, unable to get up again.

Chapter 60 Chapter 58 I am Taichi Yagami

"Woo, woo..."

"Feet...can't use any strength...can't stand up at all..."

The blood-sucking monster lay on the ground and twitched uncontrollably. Although he hadn't lost consciousness, he was already dying. His whole body was beaten into a pile of mud, and almost all the bones in his body were shattered.

In front of Tiannv Beast's righteous iron fist, Vampire Beast doesn't have any strength to fight back, and it is still the most proud. When it thought that I had the advantage, it was suddenly stabbed in the back, and it didn't even have a little time to react.

In fact, if the Tiannv beast evolved from the Dilu beast in this world needs to gather the strength of other companions to fight against the vampire monster, Taiyi's Dilu beast is different. They have defeated too many powerful opponents along the way, crossing time and time again. In a life-and-death duel, the strength of the Celestial Beast is no longer at the same level as other Celestial Beasts.

"Yo yo, isn't this a blood-sucking monster? I haven't seen you in a while, so it's just like that?"

Seeing that the hateful devil finally received the punishment he deserved, the wizard beast was also elated, very happy.

Especially when he saw the miserable appearance of him lying on the ground and twitching, I didn't feel any pity for him in my heart.

" could you...vomit..."

His brain was broken, and no matter how hard the current vampire monster struggled, it was still alive. He couldn't even suppress the urge to vomit.

"How is it? How do you feel about being killed by someone else's tricks after playing tricks and tricks all your life?"

Taiyi stood up, completely changed from the image of the high school student who just wanted to live an ordinary life before, and even squatted in front of him and taunted him.

"Although it's very comfortable to fight, it's a pity that you are not a vampire monster in my world. This feeling is like using a fake vampire monster made of straw to vent your anger. You can only vent your anger, but you can't vent it."

Tiannv Beast folded her hands on her chest and let out a long sigh.

"Don't worry, Tiannv Beast, we will be able to catch the real vampire beast soon."

The next step is the highlight. I didn't expect the vampire monster to come to this world ahead of time, but there was no splash, and he didn't even go to meet the vampire monster here. Could it be that the purpose of escaping to the human world is to pass the time? A peaceful life?

Taichi was already thinking about the intentions of his true enemy.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

The blood-sucking monster kept coughing up blood, even more confused about what happened.

Who is this young man called "Tai Yi"?Why did Dilu beast suddenly betray, and why can it evolve into a perfect angel at will?What the hell are they talking about?

"You don't need to know this anymore."

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"Heaven... purple light!!"

The Celestial Beast coldly said its final killing move. The dazzling purple cross light beam shot out from its arm, and landed on the crawling and panting vampire monster. Just beside the river in the outskirts of the city, the vampire monster was killed by this The holy light was completely wiped out, and the body was completely smashed into smoke and dust, floating into the distance.

"I didn't expect that the Tailu beast in another world would be so powerful."

The wizard beast looked at all this and said with emotion.

"I don't know, how am I doing over there now?"

He just asked casually, but this made both Tai Yi and Tiannv Beast silent.

"...he's alive and well, too."

Tiannv Beast hesitated for a moment, then answered him with a smile.

"Really? That would be great." The Wizard Beast patted its head and smiled innocently, then looked straight. "Then there will be a blood-sucking monster from your world next. I think as long as we can join forces with Tailu Beast and other selected children, we will be able to solve it easily."

"Don't underestimate the vampire monster. According to my understanding, he should have the ability to resurrect once. After all, he is an undead creature."

"Really Taiyi?" Tiannv Beast asked in surprise. "Can this be resurrected?"

"After all, he also has his own particularity. I'm just making a hypothesis, but he will probably be easier to deal with when he is resurrected next time than now."

Thinking of the original plot of this world, even if the vampire beast was shot to death by the celestial female beast, it was still successfully revived as the ultimate vampire beast, Taiyi had to guard against it.

"Then why does he have to be resurrected? Are you afraid that you haven't died enough?" Tiannv Beast asked in confusion. "If I were him, I would have to flee back to the digital world as soon as I was resurrected, or hide in a place where no one can see."

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