"He will probably become an ultimate body next time, and it will be a very huge ultimate body, so I said it will be easier to deal with than now, because we are not afraid that we will not be able to beat him, but because we are afraid that he will hide."

"Indeed it is."

Although the ultimate body sounds scary, Tiannv Beast is really not afraid. It's not like she hasn't defeated the ultimate body before. She is already hungry and thirsty for that holy bow!

"So we still have to hurry up and unite the strength we have now." Taiyi turned around and walked quickly towards the road, followed by the Celestial Beast and the Wizard Beast.

"The reason why I kill this vampire monster now is to lure the snake out of its hole. I think the vampire monster we are looking for will know about this soon and take action. Maybe tonight is the time for a decisive battle."



The Celestial Beast picked up Taiyi and quickly returned to its home in this world from the air together with the flying Wizard Beast.

Although many people on the ground have seen them, since "monsters" have begun to appear frequently recently, it doesn't matter even if they are seen. In addition, the sky is getting dark, the sun is setting, and it has entered the night. If the blood-sucking you are looking for Warcraft wants to make trouble, so now is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

And before they got there, they saw from a distance on the balcony of their own house, a young Tai Yi was holding a sacred plan, arguing with Jia Er over there.

--Oops!I almost forgot about this, in the eyes of the chosen children, Tailu Beast is an enemy, how can I tolerate such a dangerous guy appearing beside Jiaer in this world?

"Hey! Yagami Taichi!"

It was embarrassing to say his name just like that, but Taichi had no choice.

The little lady was stunned for a moment, and looked out of the balcony, only to see an angelic Digimon with many wings falling from the sky with a high school student in its arms. The high school boy looked very familiar... as if he had seen it somewhere.

However, there are Digimon around him, so he must not let his guard down.

"who are you?"

"There's no time to explain." Taiyi wanted to explain the matter clearly as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. "Go and gather your friends, I have something to say to all of you."

——Could it be someone who lives in the digital world like the old man Gennai?

Little Taiyi has not recovered yet, in his cognition, there is only one old man whose identity can overlap with the big brother in front of him.

"No! Before you say anything, I have to solve the problem here, Jiaer, I said that that guy is dangerous and an enemy! Get away from her!"

Xiao Tai pointed to Dilu Beast beside Jia Er and persuaded him angrily and anxiously.

"My brother is too much! Tailu is my partner! It is the same as the Rolling Beast we met before, so I don't want to leave her!"

With a straight face, Jiaer rarely quarreled with her brother, but she felt it was worth it for Dilu Beast.

Taiyi sighed, he could understand the feelings of the two brothers and sisters, no one was wrong, it was just that the misunderstanding had not been resolved.

"Hey, don't doubt what my sister said."

"Dilu Beast, go to Jiaer's room, or look under the sofa in the living room. There should be a divine plan to prove Jiaer's identity and yours."

As soon as Tai thought of something, she gave instructions to Dilumon, and she immediately went back to the room to start searching.

"So you can believe it?"

"...Who the hell are you? Why do you know this? Are you with the blood-sucking monster?"

This little Taiyi's words hurt people so much that even Taiyi himself was speechless.

"That blood-sucking monster has already been killed by me."

"As for my name, let me tell you."

When I was young, I was really not tall, no

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It was different after development, so he squatted down and looked at the classic combination of him and Yagumon with a slight smile.

"I am 'Yakami Taichi', from 2005, you from another parallel world."

Chapter 61 Chapter 59 The Reliable Big Brother

"The...me in 2005?"

Little Taiyi didn't understand at all, why the big brother in front of him called himself "Taiyi", but after he said this sentence so confidently, Little Taiyi's first reaction couldn't find any sense of disobedience, because his appearance She is really too similar to herself, the hair color, eye color and facial features are almost carved out of the same mold.

"I am not only from the future, but also from another parallel world."

"Although I don't quite understand...but I believe your words."

Xiao Tai touched her hair and accepted this future self.

The main reason is that they look so much alike, standing together is like a brother, and most importantly, Little Taiyi discovered this grown-up self, accompanied by a Digimon like an Angel Beast, except that he This one seems to be a female angel, with outstanding looks and elegant manners.

"Wow!! It's Taichi who has grown up! So handsome!! And his partner is actually an angel. Could it be that I can evolve into an angel too?"

His Yagumon has turned into star eyes, looking at Taiyi and Tiannv beast with admiration.

"Theoretically... it is indeed possible, but you are already too late, your complete body is already a mechanical tyrannosaurus?"

Taichi smiled awkwardly.

"Well, what a pity!"

Agumon's lost answer.

"Is this big brother also a brother?"

Jiaer's big eyes were full of novelty, and felt that although this big brother in front of her was meeting for the first time, she didn't feel strange, but instead felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Yes, I also have a Jiaer in my world, she is six years older than you."

Taiyi reached out and patted Jiaer's head, smiling dotingly.

Looking at the cute little Jiaer, Taiyi has the illusion that he has returned to his childhood.

"Eh~ Really? But if she's older than Jia'er, she should be considered an older sister, right?"

"It seems so."

However, Taichi was just talking about it, the encounter between them was purely a little luck caused by the vampire monster, and the conclusion drawn from various movies and animations is that it is best not to interfere too much with what happened in other world lines .

Fortunately, there is no "unique" principle in the world view of "Digimon", otherwise Taichi and Little Taiyi may annihilate each other after they meet.

... Jia Er has always wanted a younger sister, but her parents are exhausted just raising their two children, and having three children is simply unrealistic, not to mention that Tai Yi's family is either a wealthy or upper-class family, or an ordinary and upper-class family. Even when Jia Er was sick when she was a child, Tai Yi had to take care of her because her parents were always busy with work.

"I found it! Taichi!"

Tilu Beast came back with a milky white cross-shaped machine.

"This will prove my identity, right?"

"Hmm... sorry for the misunderstanding that you still have Jia'er, but I'm also doing it for safety's sake."

"With this, can we also become a team like hyung and Agumon? Hehe, that's great."

Jiaer was very pleasantly surprised and held the sacred plan in her palm, then smiled and hugged her Tailu beast, which made the Tailu beast turn red. She obviously enjoyed this kind of hug, but being watched by so many outsiders I still feel very embarrassed, very lost cat!

"You still need this."

Taiyi took out a pendant inlaid with a pink badge from his pocket, and handed it to Dilumon.

"Is it a badge of light?"

Little Tai exclaimed.

"This is left on the corpse of a vampire monster. Although there is no evidence, it is basically believed to be genuine."

—Who is free to hide fakes on their body?

Taiyi also put the badge into the dazed Jiaer's hand.

"This, plus this, the eighth chosen child is born!"


Little Taiyi was not very happy.

"In fact, I don't want Jia'er to take the risk. It's better to let my brother do this kind of thing."

When they were in the digital world, there was a kid in their team named Gao Shiwu who was about the same age as Jiaer. body.

"Don't worry, our sister is not that fragile. On the contrary, as long as you are there and we unite, no matter what kind of difficulties we can overcome."

He said so, but Taiyi also knew that there was no way to do it, who made Perseverance insist on choosing Jiaer?And Tai Yi, who knows the future plot, is not too worried that something will happen to them. The only thing worth noting is the "variable" that should not exist in this world.

"Wait...you mean the corpse of a vampire monster? He's dead??"

Little Taiyi belatedly realized that the six-year-old self just said something extraordinary.


Taichi stood up and went back to the Celestial Beast who was watching the play behind.

"It was killed by my partner Tiannv Beast. Angels with holy attributes will form a restraint relationship with the undead type of vampire monster, so he was tricked out by me with a little trick."


Xiaotai widened her eyes, looking at herself in another world standing with that beautiful Digimon, she suddenly felt

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A wonderful impression, at first I feel very awkward, then I feel that they are quite suitable, and finally I look at my Agumon with some complaints.

It seems to be saying - change for me!

"Why are you looking at me? Taichi?"

Agumon scratched its head with its small paws, puzzled.

"It's nothing... By the way, you just said that you want to call my companions? Aren't all the blood-sucking monsters dead?"

"It's not quite over yet." Taiyi sighed. "The purpose of my coming to this world is to hunt down another blood-sucking beast that escaped here from my world."



Because it is already night, and the Iori and his wife will be back soon, and no matter what they do, they can't believe that this strange high school boy is their son in a parallel time and space. They will only think that there are bad boys who deceive them with their rhetoric... So Tai had no choice but to bring the two of them out first.

Xiao Taiyi left a note for them, which said, "Go to dinner with Guangzilang and the others, Jiaer is with me, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

"Do you have the best relationship with Koshiro?"

Tai asked with a smile.

"No, I'm on good terms with everyone."

He shook his head in answer.

"It's just that my mother trusts Koshiro more."

"Hey~ That's right. After all, he is someone else's child. He has a good mind and is very polite. If he is with him, his parents will stop talking too much."

The two Ones understand this kind of thing very well, and they tacitly understand each other.

They walked on the small road under the street lights and headed towards the area where the crowd gathered. At this time, Tiannv beast put on the suit and uniform again and transformed into a tall and sexy female white-collar worker, while Dilu beast continued to pretend to be a cat in Jiaer's arms. , Agumon wears a cloak to cover its body, and Wizardmon doesn't need to change clothes, and continues to be a salesman in a puppet costume for advertising.

"Call everyone to the western restaurant on the second floor of Ginza. I will treat you to a big meal, and then I will explain some things."

Taiyi decides to call the children together temporarily, explain clearly what might happen, and let them prevent problems before they happen.

"Really? The grown-up Taiyi is such a nice person! What a reliable big brother!"

"...I will treat you to eat as much as I make money in the future, Agumon."

Little Taiyi complained helplessly.

When he came to the bustling downtown area, Taiyi saw the news being broadcast on the big screen... the first was the Digimon attack that occurred during the day, among which the Mammoth and the Death Flame were defeated by the children of this world , and this program is to analyze the reasons for the appearance of these "monsters" and so on.

There was nothing to pay attention to at first, but then, a woman blocked the way of Taichi and the others.

"Brother! Are you interested in learning more about Angel Cult?"

She didn't look right, maybe she was on drugs, so Taichi didn't dare to pay attention to her, let alone the suspicious "cult" she called.


A clean and neat word, Taiyi didn't bother to pay attention to the other party.

"Our priest predicted two months ago that a 'monster' would appear on August 8st, and now it has come true! Even so, are you still unwilling to learn more about the Cult of Angels, young man?"

The woman made a detour to stop Taiyi and the others again, and just when Tiannvshou was about to explode with displeasure, Taiyi stopped her.

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