Section 71 Chapter 68 Isn't the sidewalk very spacious?

The vampire monster didn't speak, but grabbed the palm of the bodyguard's shoulder with its backhand, and broke his entire arm with a light force.


The bodyguard hugged his blood-spitting arm and screamed. The blood-sucking monster didn't even look at him. It just opened the car door and got in from the back seat. There was another middle-aged man with a goatee and combed back on the back seat man, he's the one

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Candidate for mayor.

"Oh my god, young people are really angry now. What kind of clothes are you wearing? Is it a costume? Are you filming?"

The vampire monster didn't talk nonsense to him, and directly put its hand into the man's mouth, easily breaking his two front teeth.

The man's pupils shrank sharply, he covered his mouth and screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The vampire monster gave him a cold look and ordered.

"Go ahead and give me a drive."

"...You little ruffian! I want you to sit in a cell! I want you to be locked up for the rest of your life!"

The blood-sucking monster felt that he was noisy and talkative, so it reached out and grabbed his neck again. With a little force, the candidate blushed and couldn't breathe. Finally, the blood-sucking monster threw him forward, throwing him like garbage Got to the front row.

"Drive fast, if you dare to run away, I will break the bridge of your nose and goug out your eyes, drive fast!"

The ghostly vampire monster ordered so, and the candidate no longer dared to resist. He had figured it out... this guy must not be human!How can human beings have such power?He must be one of those monsters, looking at his dark blue skin, it doesn't look like it was made up...

The man knew very well that if he didn't do what he said, he would definitely use all the cruel things mentioned above on himself!

"I, I get it, please... give me my life no matter what."

——It took me so many years to climb to the current position, how could I die because of monster attacks, how could I die because of such inexplicable things... I want to live!As long as I drive, I can live!

The severe pain from the broken front teeth paralyzed the lower half of his face, but the fear of death still made him drive his body and drive the two cars in retrograde direction.

Tiannv Beast never imagined that the vampire monster would hide in the human car, flying around in the sky for a while, she could feel the evil spirit, but she couldn't lock the precise target, and at this time, the vampire monster Many subordinates of the legion have appeared, and a large number of ghost beasts and spider beasts flooded the streets and began to harass humans.

Although she really wanted to make a move, she still held back, she couldn't waste her energy at this time, she had to hurry up and find the vampire beast.

"Damn it, I can clearly feel that he is nearby, but I can't pinpoint his precise location."

Tiannv Beast was very distressed, but it could only keep searching.

In addition to this reason, there is also the fact that the dense fog has filled the entire city, and visibility is very low, which also greatly increases the difficulty of tracking the Tiannv Beast.

The streets are very chaotic now, and even caused a rare traffic jam at 10 o'clock in the evening. In the "Evacuation Notice", everyone still marched towards the direction of Beaker Bay in unison, and there was no chaos. Many policemen even took to the streets to maintain the order of the asylum crowd.

At this moment, the car in which the vampire monster was sitting was blocked by the crowd in front of it.

"I'm very sorry! There is a traffic jam ahead...Because the evacuation notice was issued before, the car can no longer move."

The candidate said helplessly that the reason for the air leakage in the front teeth was also very funny.

"Open it for me."

The vampire monster said coldly, propping its chin with one hand.

"Although I really want to open it, but there is really no way here..."

"Isn't there room on the sidewalk?"

He pointed to the crowded road on the other side.

"Sidewalk? Yes, but there are all citizens who have evacuated!"

"What does it matter to me? Hurry up!"

The blood-sucking monster could always feel that the celestial female beast hadn't given up on tracking, and he had to escape to another hiding place in the dense fog as soon as possible, so he didn't care how many people died.

"Yes Yes!"

"Run over at full speed."

"Yes! As ordered! Haha, hahahaha!"

The black limousine rushed out of the dense fog. The crowd had no time to dodge when they found it. Many people were directly hit and flew away. For a while, the windshield and front cover of the car were splashed with plasma. The police were furious and fired several shots at the car.

The middle-aged man driving the car has gone completely mad. He knows that no matter what, his life is over, and he even suspects that this is just a dream.

Although the bullets fired by the police could not hurt the vampire monster and could not stop him, the sound still attracted the attention of another pair in the sky.

The speed of Huaxian Beast is indeed much faster than that of Tiannv Beast, and it quickly flew to several important roads in Odaiba. Taiyi actually just wanted to find Tiannv Beast, but at this time, he heard gunshots and witnessed That car drove across the sidewalk arbitrarily, killing and injuring countless citizens along the way, and immediately became angry from the heart, such a person does not deserve to live at all!

--No!That direction is not the direction of the evacuated citizens at all, he is not going to Bic Bay!

Tai Yi, who was familiar with the terrain in this area, immediately realized that most of the people in the car were vampire beasts!

"Flower Fairy Beast, blow up that car! Don't let it escape!"

In order to let the flower fairy beast attack with free hands, Taiyi took the initiative to turn around and put his arms around the flower fairy beast's waist to prevent himself from falling, and shouted urgently at her.

"Flower Fairy Cannon!"

Even if Taiyi didn't mention the flower fairy beast, she would have wanted to do this a long time ago, and she personally hates those selfish and greedy savage humans very much.

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Forming flower buds with both hands and firing, the green shell accurately hit the high-speed moving vehicle, flipped it upside down, and smashed it into another open space at the intersection.

"It's really accurate, Flower Fairy Beast."

Taichi praised her shooting accuracy.

"Hey... don't touch my place, it's so itchy."

Hua Xianshou blushed and said shyly.

"I didn't do it on purpose, just bear with me in this extraordinary time."

Taiyi didn't want her to feel like he was taking advantage of others, but now he really had no choice but to endure it.

His attention was still on that car, and he saw that the overturned car started to emit smoke, and suddenly a large number of bats directly drilled through the chassis of the car and swarmed towards this side, even covering Taiyi's vision, but he Still caught in his eyes, a familiar man in the cloak got out from under the car and flew into the thick fog... That guy didn't even want to see him, he was only thinking about running for his life.

"Woo!! It's disgusting, don't come here, these stinky bats!"

Huaxianshou exclaimed anxiously. She became weak just seeing these ugly and disgusting creatures appearing in groups. Even the people who took refuge below became uncontrollably chaotic. At this critical moment, a cross Shaped purple light shot out, burning the bat group to ashes in a blink of an eye.

"Heavenly Purple Light!"

"Heavenly female beast?!"

Taiyi looked over there in surprise, and the eight-winged celestial beast was rushing over.

"Taichi! You're finally here...? Huh?"

She also judged the location through the shot of the flower fairy beast, and rushed over to save Taiyi. When she was about to join him in order to continue chasing the vampire beast, she was shocked by the scene in front of her and couldn't speak.

Her partner, the most important person in her life - Yagami Taichi, is currently holding the waist of the flower fairy beast, and her face is still very intimately attached to her slightly protruding chest.

even!Also had a good laugh!

Chapter 72 Chapter 69 Awakening to give up life

"Taiyi, what are you... doing?"

For some reason, Tiannv Beast suddenly became very upset.

The previous Bhikkhu beasts are fine, she doesn't care about it, but... Mingming Taiyi has never been so intimately attached to her chest!

Ever since the incident of the female demon beast, Tiannv beast has become more and more concerned about Taiyi.

In fact, this is only because Taiyi is similar to the flower fairy beast, so in order not to fall off, he can only be forced to hold her in this position, and when Taiyi is carried by the celestial maiden, it is usually during non-combat periods. The beast wrapped his arms around his waist.

"The Flower Fairy Beast brought me to you, and I have already cured her."

"That's right... so the flower fairy beast has become your partner."

Tiannv Beast's tone was strange, as if angry, but not angry at the same time.

Now even Hua Xianshou felt that something was wrong with her, this was simply... Chi Guoguo's jealousy.

——Is this the beautiful Celestial Beast they all say?It's really beautiful and sexy... It's a rare existence that makes Huaxianmon feel pressured.

——Unfortunately, in terms of cuteness, I still can't beat my flower fairy beast!And she's actually jealous?Is it because her human partner is holding me?

——Hoo~!It seems that they have discovered something that can make this day's female beast deflated!

"The blood-sucking monster has escaped again, we are going to chase him, this time we must end it."

Tai Yi was so focused on the vampire beast, he didn't notice anything wrong with the Celestial Beast for the time being, he let go of the Flower Fairy Beast, and suspended himself in mid-air with the orange digital soul that drives his courage.

"So you can fly?"

Hua Xianshou widened his eyes in surprise.

She hadn't seen a flying human being before, and when she thought about it, he used the same magical power when he saved her just now, but the light on Taiyi's body at that time was the light green she liked, but now it turned orange red.

"It can only be suspended in the air, but its speed is far behind that of the Flower Fairy Beast."

Taiyi smiled awkwardly, and then explained to her.

"Thank you for bringing me here, and leave it to us."

"Hey! Then what am I going to do? Did you just leave me here?"

The flower fairy beast is stupid, this man met his partner, and abandoned him after changing hands!

"Go and deal with those berserk Digimon. With your power, you should be able to calm them down and stop making trouble?"

Taiyi saw several dark dragon beasts fighting the children's Digimon on the road, and he was still worried that there would be some wounded, and the attribute of vampire monsters restrained flower fairy beasts, so she couldn't help much.

"Let's go, Celestial Beast!"

After Taiyi finished speaking, he immediately opened his arms to signal, and the Celestial Beast reacted very quickly, just like what they had done countless times along the way, the Celestial Beast hugged Taiyi with extremely fast acceleration, and then rushed into the thick fog ahead, Leaving Huaxianshou alone in a daze.

"What! You can order people around! They are no weaker than celestial maidens and beasts!"



"This blood-sucking monster can really escape. I didn't expect that it is still persistently running for its life at this critical moment."

"I can smell the wound on his body, Taiyi, I can catch up with him in no time."

"The more he is like this, the more it proves the need for us to pursue."

Tiannv Beast is really concerned about the matter of Hua Xian Beast just now, but this will have to wait until the battle is over.

Now Taiyi has also come to her side, which makes Tiannvshou feel even more worried.

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I have confidence, tonight... just tonight, I can't let the vampire beast see the next sunrise!

At this moment, the area where the vampire monster is located.

He was running desperately to get rid of the pursuit of Tai Yi and Tiannv Beast, but he bumped into a little boy wearing a hat halfway.

The vampire monster doesn't know him, but he knows the divine plan in his hand, and he actually... is commanding an angel beast to destroy the fierce ghost beasts flooding the streets, my God!How lucky is this?

——My blood-sucking monster is indeed the lucky one favored by fate!When he was almost cornered, he still encountered such a thing!

"Angel Beast! Help everyone!"

No one asked Gao Shiwu to go outside to fight alone, but he felt that he was also a chosen child. Brothers and sisters, even brother Taiyi's sister, and Jiaer of the same age all went to fight together, but he hid here alone. It's too outrageous.

After seeing the ghost beast harassing the crowd outside, Gao Shiwu couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out by himself, letting the bada beast evolve into an angel beast to protect the people from being harmed.

But why didn't he expect that he just wanted to protect everyone, but he was targeted by the most dangerous guy.

"Awu! Be careful!!"

The angel beast quickly sensed the approaching evil, and immediately rotated the sacred staff in its hand to accelerate back to protect Gao Shiwu.

The angel beast's stick collided with the blood-sucking beast's blood claws. It stands to reason that the angel beast and the goddess beast are also able to restrain the vampire beast, but he is only a mature man after all, and he is completely unable to parry in front of this enhanced version of the vampire beast.

After the holy stick was bounced off by the vampire monster, he continued to connect a demon blood whip to the angel beast, sending him flying.

"Angel Beast!"

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