Gao Shiwu was very scared, so he could only cheer for him by shouting his partner's name.

"I found it, I finally found it, the remaining data I need... Heh heh heh, hahahaha! In this way, I have completed all the preparations!"

"I won't let you hurt Ah Wu!" The angel beast gritted his teeth and stood up again, the stick turned into energy and concentrated on his fist, and rushed towards the vampire monster. "Heaven's Fist!!"

"Hurt Ah Wu? Huh, my target is you! Angel beast!"

"Death scream!"

Only madness remained in the eyes of the vampire monster. It was the moment before the long-cherished wish of many years was about to be fulfilled, and the excitement could no longer be concealed.

The two confronted each other, and the angel beast was defeated again. His body was infected by the blood-sucking beast's life-threatening cries, and his whole body seemed to be faded. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground. I could only cry was all me, if I had been obedient, such a thing would not have happened.

However, the blood-sucking monster did not go to Gao Shiwu, instead, without even looking at him, it slowly walked towards the angel beast, ready to take the final step.

Then but at this moment, an arrow of holy thunder pierced through the fog and struck quickly, the vampire monster was caught off guard and shot directly in the back of the heart, the powerful penetrating power of the arrow knocked him into the air, knocking down five lampposts in a row and finally Pinned him to a cafe sign.

"Woo!! My heart, my heart is going to burn."

The energy arrows gradually faded, but the vampire monster was still severely injured.

Fortunately, it was night, and in the dense fog, the vampire's ability would be further enhanced, so he was able to recover from his injuries quickly.

"Damn!! That hateful traitor... is so persistent!"

The blood-sucking monster knew that there was no way to escape now, so it could only turn around and fight back, but even so, he still had his own plan.

He slowly jumped off the wall, quickly recovering from his injuries, still holding that digital egg in his hand, this is everything to him, and also his hope for a comeback.

So, the vampire monster gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to his abdomen, and directly pierced the abdominal cavity. The severe pain almost made him faint, but he still persisted with his will, and then he forced the digital egg Stuffed it into his body, and then stimulated the strength to heal the wound.

It was crazy, but he had no other choice.

"It hurts... It feels like a tire is stuffed in my stomach, but it is necessary... I must have the consciousness to sacrifice my life. Only by losing everything can I gain everything!"

The blood-sucking monster leaned against the wall and quickly recovered its strength. The whole street was very empty. Just now, the last batch of asylum citizens also successfully left under the protection of the angel beast. Only the blood-sucking monster remained. Come, to kill his pair.

A blue-clothed boy with brown hair slowly came to the vampire monster, and looked across the street from him.

"Are you that Yagami Taichi? Tailmon's partner, the last savior of the digital world?"

Although it ran all night, it was the first time for the vampire monster to see the legendary Yagami Taichi. He was indeed a handsome man, and a human being could actually make him feel oppressive.

"I already know what you want to do, vampire monster."

"Don't let that digital egg be born!"

Chapter 73 Chapter 70 The End of the Vampire Beast

"No, chosen child, you know nothing of my purpose."

The vampire monster replied seriously.

"You can say whatever you want, but you will no longer be able to escape." Tai Yi stared at him and said seriously. "I came into this world with only one thing to do, and that is to take your dog's life

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! ”

"Hmph, just like the rumors, you are a very arrogant guy, don't you realize that I can kill you at any time at this distance?"

The vampire monster finally straightened its back and smiled evilly.

"Really? Then you might as well go a little closer~"

Taichi also laughed, and continued to approach the vampire monster fearlessly.

This defiant attitude completely enraged the vampire monster. He immediately drew out the devil's blood whip to kill this ignorant human being, but the moment he raised his hand, a gust of hot wind suddenly blew behind him.

The blood-sucking demonic beast had a sudden cardiopulmonary arrest, and he turned his head in horror to see that the shining celestial female beast appeared behind him strangely, and punched him at the temple.

Now he has no choice but to stop quickly to deal with the Celestial Girl Beast. Just by looking at his reaction, he can understand the gap between the two vampire monsters. After being beaten to death, the other was actually aware of the surprise attack during the interval of the attack.


The Tiannv Beast's fist carrying the sacred light hit the palm of the vampire monster's palm. The vampire monster was knocked back two steps but still held on, and just put together its strength like that.

"Don't underestimate me! You despicable traitor!"

It may be that he is ready to die, or it may be that the other party has repeatedly used this insidious method to attack him thoroughly, and the blood-sucking monster unexpectedly burst out with tenacious power again, forcing the goddess back, and then a blow The night demon flew to send and wanted to devour her completely.

Even though she lost for a while, Celestial Beast didn't panic. She knew that as long as the opponent was still an undead Digimon, she would always have the upper hand. The angel pulled her arms apart instantly, and emitted a small heavenly purple light from her chest, killing those bats. Burned to ashes again.

"Regret, vampire monster."

"You didn't kill me that night but let me escape, that is the biggest failure of your life!"

The Celestial Beast jumped into the air again, and landed on the Vampire Beast with a flying kick, but the Vampire Beast did not stay in place to meet the menacing kick, but jumped backwards, and then drew out the devil's blood whip to face the Celestial Beast ahead of time. Attack on landing site.

With such outstanding combat experience, it can be said that Taiyi and the Celestial Beast are the shrewdest of all the enemies they have encountered along the way, but the Celestial Beast has long had a way to deal with it, and the eight pure white wings on the back immediately act like a shield Cover her body and defend against the blood-sucking monster's blood whip.

The Celestial Beast curled up, crossed its hands in front of its chest and began to accumulate strength. The moment it bounced back the devil's blood whip, it spread its wings and sent out the prepared trick!

"Heavenly Purple Light!"

The crossed cross beam suddenly hit, and the vampire monster wanted to hide, but how could he catch up with the speed of light?Immediately, he was irradiated by the purple light, and he cried out in pain, his whole body began to smoke due to the high temperature.

The blood-sucking monster didn't expect that the Celestial Maiden would take advantage of the time of closing its wings to cancel the preparation for the ultimate move, which made it completely caught off guard.

"This is the end! Vampire monster!"

The pupils of the Celestial Girl Beast shone brightly, and her whole body began to glow again. Gracefully, she drew her bow and arrow again, preparing to end the life of this deadly enemy with the last move of the sacred arrow, but then, a scene that she felt incomprehensible appeared up.

Originally under the radiation of the heavenly purple light, the vampire monster was already unable to move, and he could only be burned to ashes under this holy bow and arrow, but at this moment, a white light suddenly flashed in his abdomen, and then the vampire monster broke free The freezing effect of the purple light of heaven avoided this killing blow!

"how can that be?"

Tiannv Beast really couldn't understand why this happened. Could it be that the power of the Vampire Warcraft is already so strong?

- absolutely impossible!

It would not be surprising if a vampire beast in full condition could do this. However, she had already been injured by the holy bubbles and shot from the back of the heart by the holy bow and arrow, even though he had it in the dark night Self-healing ability, but the amount of lost data cannot be made up in a short time!

"That guy... Could it be?"

Taiyi clearly saw that under the purple light of heaven, the whole body of the vampire monster was burned and discolored, but only an oval area on the abdomen was not affected. Could it be that he... took that Digi-egg Swallowed it?

The blood-sucking monster didn't dare to fight the celestial female beast anymore. Even though the night and the thick fog were beneficial to him, the injuries he had suffered before were still too serious. Coupled with the attribute restraint, he was helpless.

According to Tai Yi's command, Tiannv Beast used air bubbles and bows to attack him severely, which became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"As long as I can get to that place... as long as I can get to that place!!"

The blood-sucking monster took advantage of the chance of the Celestial Beast's arrow and flew towards the top of the roof. It seemed that it wanted to escape from this place or find a helper, but at the moment when he just flew on the roof before landing, the Celestial Beast Appeared in front of him like an instant teleportation.

"Although I don't know what method you used to escape from my tricks, but you won't have such luck a second time!"

On the roof, the angel and the vampire looked at each other. The vampire was trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and prepared to fight to the death.

"Devil blood—"


Crisp pop.

Tiannv Beast directly punched the vampire monster's skill release, and this punch directly plunged into the blood-sucking monster's body.

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Plasma made of data splashed out of his face, and the vampire monster felt as if its skull had been smashed into pieces. The whole world was spinning, and it was impossible to see or think about anything.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!"

Because she was afraid of being escaped by him again, the Celestial Beast didn't use energy to attack at all, and directly used her best continuous punching and beating. The blood-sucking monster had already lost the ability to fly, but because the Celestial Beast's punching speed was too fast, He was beaten so badly that he couldn't fall off at all, and the shadows of his fists were so close that he couldn't see clearly, as if they had become an impenetrable net, enclosing the vampire monsters in it and beating them non-stop.

All the tragedies I saw at the vampire monster, and every nightmare I had after leaving him, became the power of the goddess beast to punch at this time.


The blood-sucking monster let out a scream, its body was completely deformed by the beating, it flew towards the ground, and landed on the street, splashing sand and dust.

Tiannv Beast is confident that the vampire monster will never survive this kind of attack, but Taiyi dare not let down his vigilance for a moment, he immediately chases forward, and at the same time possesses the digital soul to prevent the vampire monster from biting him before dying, but he is very Quickly felt something was wrong.

"Not good... what is this place? That's bad!"

"Hahahaha, you've been fooled! Dilu Beast! Take a closer look at where this is! Don't you think it looks familiar?"

The vampire monster actually stood up again, even though he had been beaten pretty badly, what worried Taichi even more!At his feet, there was actually an Angel Beast who had just been unconscious after being attacked by the scream of death!

Before going to challenge the vampire monster, Taiyi sent Gao Shiwu to a safe place and told him that he would save the angel beast, but he didn't expect it to be like this.


The blood-sucking monster pierced the angel beast's chest with its claws, trying to absorb the data in his body. It is obviously an undead Digimon but absorbing the angel's data will undoubtedly make him more vulnerable and even eat away what little he has left. The data, but now the vampire monster does not show pain, and even becomes more and more excited.

Angelmon was absorbed a lot of data, and eventually degenerated into Digomon and passed out.

"This feeling is really amazing! It's so wonderful that I want to sing a song~"

"Even when I evolved into a vampire monster, I never had such a pleasant feeling~ The data of the angel beast is really suitable! I'm so excited!"

Chapter 74 Chapter 71 How to please Tai One?

"Bastard... Vampire beast!"

The Celestial Beast is very angry.

She was not just because the other party hurt a teammate of her own, but because this guy was undecided, and his blood volume was too thick. If he was a guy at the level of a new kind of evil beast, he would have been out of the fog just now. The arrow that shot him should have killed him instantly!

I have never seen such a life-threatening enemy, regardless of the fact that he refuses to fight head-on and has been running away for the time being, it is outrageous to not die after so many hits.

Tiannv Beast flew to Tai Yi and stood side by side with him. At this time, Tai Yi heard a slight breathing sound, and he noticed that Tiannv Beast's physical strength was also starting to be insufficient. She had been fighting continuously since the Vampire Warcraft Castle, and only rested in the middle After a while, drinking bobo soda and eating a few mouthfuls of pasta in the restaurant, the situation will not be optimistic if we continue to fight now.

"Wait, look at his body, Celestial Beast."

Taiyi suddenly discovered something.

The Celestial Beast looked up, and the vampire monster was still "high" and couldn't stop. It didn't even notice his own physical condition. One arm had fallen off, and his skin began to dissolve like a wax figure melted by high temperature.

"Hahahaha! Huh?"

Finally, the vampire monster also realized that its consciousness was gradually disappearing.

"My hand... how could it be like this? No, the body has already started... Woo! Wooah!"

"No, it's impossible! My blood-sucking monster will be..."

He fell to his knees, clutching his cheeks in pain and howling.

"Is it because of the absorption of the data of the angel beast?"

Tiannv Beast continued to pant, and guessed a bit.

"No, it's because of the harm you caused him." Tai Yi said. "He no longer has the strength to keep his body intact, and even if he absorbs the data of the angel beast at the last moment, it will be completely sucked away by the digital eggs hidden in his he will destroy himself in the end."

"No, don't run away! Lao Tzu's vitality! Lao Tzu's data!!"

The vampire monster has a strong desire to survive. He desperately wanted to pick up his melted body like a homeless man who hadn’t eaten for three days, but soon his other hand also melted and fell off. It was the legs that fell off the body, and the decomposed parts began to gradually shatter into data. Only the torso of the vampire monster was left struggling in the mud, and finally even the mouth disappeared.

But Tai Yi always felt that something was wrong, how could he, such a scheming villain, not know about it?

"Heaven... purple light!"

I really can't bear to see such a disgusting creature, but I don't have any pity in my heart, I just feel that this is the end that the other party deserves, so Tiannv Beast once again cast the purple light of heaven to completely burn it into powder.

The blood-sucking monster is dead, but Tiannv Beast and Tai Yi have not let down their vigilance. The war is not over yet, and they don't know what will happen next.

"Taiyi? Look!"

Tiannv Beast is wondering where the Digi-egg is hidden by the vampire monster

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, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a white digital egg engraved with a strange totem gradually floating in the pile of dissipated data.

It is impossible for a blood-sucking monster to leave a Digi-egg when it dies, at least in this digital world there is no such setting, and Taichi immediately realized that it was the Badamon Digi-egg that the blood-sucking monster had always wanted.

"...Although it's inhumane to do so, you can't let that guy be born."

"I see, Taichi."

The Celestial Beast also understood that there was no extra mercy left for such a dangerous enemy at this time, she immediately pulled out the sacred bow and arrow again, and shot the sacred arrow at the Digi-egg hanging in the air, but what happened next exceeded the It was beyond their understanding... The invincible sacred bow and arrow failed to cause any harm to the egg.

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