"how can that be?"

Tiannv Beast was stunned.

"It's because of the same attributes." Taiyi bit his lip and thought for a while, before coming up with a reasonable explanation. "The Digimon conceived in that egg is the ancestor of all angels, and it is impossible to cause harm to it with the power of the sacred attribute."

"Since divine energy is useless, let's solve it with pure power!"

Tiannv Beast misunderstood Taiyi's meaning, her speed was so fast that Taiyi had no time to stop her, so she rushed over and wanted to smash the egg into pieces with her fist, but her fist was invisible by a hair's breadth Stopped by his own power, he can no longer get close.

This fact is so weird that it cannot be explained by any known knowledge. It is just a digital egg with no resistance, but it has the power to change the rules.

"Come back quickly! Heavenly female beast!"

Taiyi immediately sounded a warning, and the celestial female beast jumped back like a frightened bird and returned to Taiyi's side.

"Taiyi, I... I can't attack it, why is it like this?"

She is not afraid of physical enemies, but her fists and energy cannot attack objects that the law does not allow her to harm.

"What kind of Digimon is bred in the Digi-egg?"

"...Maybe you don't know it, but I can confirm that his name is 'Bright Beast'."

"Perhaps he was born in the last era before the formation of the current digital world civilization. He is the ancestor of all angel Digimon and the original source of divine power. It is absolutely impossible to defeat him with divine power."

For Taiyi and Tiannv Beast, such a guy is completely incomprehensible. What the vampire monster wants to do may be to reincarnate into this guy, but he failed, but not completely failed. He failed to become a bright beast, but the bright Beasts are still about to be born.

Maybe this is fate, he can't blame Gao Shiwu who attacked in order to protect the citizens, but it just happened to make up the pure angel data of the angel beast that led to this result.

— crunch.

At this moment, a crack appeared in the bullet casing, and Taiyi and Tiannumon clenched their fists and waited.

If you can't fight with divine power, what should you do?If the female devil beast is here at this time... it should be easy to destroy it, right?

The digital egg broke, and a certain blond angel with eight wings was born from it, and opened his eyes full of white light, just like that suspended in the air.

"During the time I was sleeping, what happened? Huh? This is... the human world?"

He touched his forehead, as if he was adjusting and aligning his memories of his past life.

He didn't seem to see the Taiyi and the Celestial Beast on the ground at all, so he flew straight to the higher sky, with a large lighting lamp that seemed to have a small sun behind him, illuminating the entire night like day, and not only Taiyi , Even the chosen children who fought in the city noticed his existence.

This scene could indeed be called God descending, but Taichi knew that this guy was not some benevolent god.

Seeing that the Bright Beast left and did not attack them, Tiannv Beast was also slightly relieved, and then her body softened and her mind became dizzy, Tai Yi held her body in time, put her arm on his shoulder and held a Arms around her slender waist.

The Celestial Beast took off her mask, her blond hair was disheveled due to sweat, and her face was full of exhaustion.

"Taiyi, what shall we... do next?"

Leaning on Taiyi's face, she asked softly.

"I'll find a way to deal with him, you should rest and recover your strength first."

"Vampire monster, I know that bastard, he must know that his weakness is the sacred code beast, so he wants to reincarnate into such an angel to compete with us..."

Tiannv Beast inevitably blamed herself a bit, she felt that if she moved faster, this result would not have happened.

"This is the choice of fate, and it is beyond our influence. Besides, Tiannv Beast, isn't this what I call a trial that requires all efforts, no matter the cost, or any means to defeat the opponent and overcome difficulties?"

"Believe me, with you here, we can't lose at all."

Taiyi's eyes were still so firm and reliable, and Tiannvshou's restless heart gradually settled down.

"Taiyi... I have a lot to say to you, many, many." The Celestial Girl stretched out her hand to caress Taiyi's face. "In fact, I was restless that day. What I thought was not the purpose of the female evil beast, but what she said. I don't know how to really please you."

"Ah, why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Of course Taichi knew what it was, but he really didn't know how to explain it.

"When the battle is over, can you tell me? No

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Whether in battle or in life, I don't want to lose to others, because I am Taichi's partner. "

Chapter 75 Chapter 72 The Ultimate Vampire Beast

Although Huaxianshou was indignant at Taiyi's hasty departure, she also understood that at this critical moment, it is the most correct to perform their own duties.

Moreover, she really didn't want to fight with the vampire monster. She could only say that she hated that guy very much. Even when it was controlled by the dark crystal, the two parties were in a cooperative relationship, and the flower fairy beast insisted on drawing a clear line with the other party.

At this time, the citizens who were able to move also gathered tens of thousands of people in Beek Bay. They only knew that there were many monsters wreaking havoc in the city, and it was very dangerous. They could leave all the facilities in Odaiba, trams and The ferries were also suspended due to the dense fog, so I could only stay here.

With the help of the Flower Fairy Beast, the children quickly solved all the Digimon above maturity except for the huge number of Fierce Ghost Beast.

Before the selected children took a few breaths, they saw the "angel" that appeared in the sky like a god descending from the earth.

"What's that? . . . a boy?"

The Bright Beast is still in a very dazed state, not knowing what day it is, what day it is and what time it is.

But he still quickly noticed something. First, there were several completely different small forces active on the ground, and then a dark and pungent strong smell was brewing, as if waiting for time to revive... The bright beast pinched its fingers After a calculation, accurate data was obtained.


Bright Beast sneered.

"Hmph, are you worthy of this number?"

Three consecutive 6s are the symbol of the fallen angel "Satan" in the religions of the human world. The Bright Beast has always used this name to label itself. It used to be an angel and is now a devil.

And the Digimon that is going to be resurrected is just a mere monster type, with pitiful power, in his own era, it is just a card of a super hammerhead soldier,

The Bright Beast wanted to watch this big show and understand what was going on in this era, so he quietly moved his hands and feet, and forcibly called out the guy who was hiding and accumulating strength to be resurrected in advance.

The children were still guessing on the ground whether the luminous angel was an enemy or a friend. In the next second, a large group of bats took off from all directions of the city at the same time, and gathered together in groups at night. Everyone was shocked.

Maybe Bright Beast and the others still have to guess, but these bats are undoubtedly the symbol of vampire monsters. The bats gathered together and quickly gathered into a towering giant monster. Even in this city full of tall buildings, the existence of that monster is outstanding. , reaching at least 200 meters above, like an insurmountable mountain.

Red and black skin, huge wings, blond horns, and a mask that symbolizes a vampire monster.

The ultimate blood-sucking monster, this is exactly the revived form of the blood-sucking monster in this world that was originally killed by Tai Yi's design.

The Bright Beast looked like it had nothing to do with himself, and he went up to a higher sky and hid behind the clouds, wanting to see how those humble beings would fight against this monster.

"I want to eat...I want to eat!!"

The ultimate blood-sucking monster, also known as the vengeful blood-sucking monster, is actually the result of a failed evolution. The blood-sucking monster has indeed gained powerful power because of this evolution, but it has also lost its greatest strengths, which are cunning and conspiracy. A low-intelligence beast that only knows how to eat.

So he doesn't think about what the Bright Beast is at all. Since he doesn't understand it, then don't worry about it. Compared with these, his hatred for the chosen children makes him more angry.

"Hahaha! Have you seen it? The chosen children, this is the power of the Vampire King of Warcraft!"

Even though the Legion was nearly wiped out, the cunning little evil beast of this world survived.

"My lord! There are tens of thousands of people in Beek Bay, and they are all on your plate!"

The little evil beast knew where all the refugees had gone, and hurried to flatter its old master.

"Little Evil Beast, you bastard, how dare you betray me!"

The voice of the ultimate vampire monster was very unpleasant, and for some reason at this time, he actually knew that the little monster had betrayed him to serve another vampire monster.

"No, no! You will always be my master!"


The little evil beast screamed, and was easily sucked into the belly of the ultimate vampire beast, ending its sinful life.

Afterwards, the monster became even more berserk, and started to spit indiscriminately. Just a few mouthfuls could completely shatter a building and everything inside.

It's hard to imagine how many citizens would have died if Tai Yi hadn't made preparations in advance.

"What a scary monster... Yamato, now you know what a great thing you made your father do."

Xiao Tai patted his friend around him and smiled wryly, Yamato looked complicated and didn't respond to him.

"By the way, what is the other me doing now? Is he still fighting the vampire monster on his side?"

"You don't have to worry about him, he is the only chosen child in my digital world, the last savior, he will not lose, now what you have to consider is how to deal with this creature in front of you!"

Hua Xianshou was also in the team here, seeing that these children were still in the mood to care about others, he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"That guy is the ultimate body, so

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Our current strength may not be able to confront him. "

"Ultimate body? Can the perfect body continue to evolve?"

After hearing this, Cheng Huzhang exclaimed.

"...You are also the chosen children, why don't you know Digimon at all?"

Huaxianshou is very helpless, but at the same time, it is fortunate that the savior of its own world is much more reliable than them.

It's a pity that he chose the wrong partner, but it can't be helped. Who made Dilu Beast the first person to appear in front of him?If it was him who escaped at that time, Huaxian Beast is also confident that it will never perform worse than Tiannv Beast.

Facing the accusation of the flower fairy beast, the children were also a little ashamed, and they knew that they were immature, but they felt that their heart to save the world was not weaker than the future Taiyi, so they were short-lived. After discussion, a unified decision was made, no matter what, we must attack, and we must defeat the ultimate vampire monster here!

Huaxianshou glanced secretly at the place where Taiyi and Tiannvshou were, but there was no movement at all, and he couldn't help worrying.

The creature that radiated light just now was probably the egg hatched by the vampire monster. Now the egg has hatched, but the two of them are nowhere to be seen.

——Could it be a defeat?If so, I can't spare you two!



Of course Taiyi also noticed the appearance of the ultimate vampire monster, which was within his expectation.

But now that the people have basically been evacuated, they can rest assured to fight the enemy in Odaiba, and the ultimate blood-sucking monster is also a boss destined to be wiped out by the children, so he is not very worried about this, the bright beast is his real boss. enemy.

He and Tiannv beast sat back to back on the roof of a car to rest for a while, Tiannv beast closed his eyes to recover his energy, while Taiyi racked his brains to think how to defeat Bright beast.

Bright Beast has not made a move now, but Taichi knows that his type of Digimon is a representative of fallen angels. No matter which Digimon works, Bright Beast is a villain. He is not so naive as to think that he can persuade him to quit with words other side.

"Taiyi! Taiyi!!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the Tyrannosaurus machine that had not been used for a long time in Taiyi's pocket.

"Beetle beast? Is that you?"

Tai Yi hurriedly took out the Tyrannosaurus Rex machine, there was only green sound waves and no images on it.

Although there is no picture, hearing his voice may also give Taichi a lot of confidence, he knows that Beetlemon will not contact him for no reason.

Chapter 76 Chapter 73 Yagami Taichi has been blackened!

"At least we got in touch, Taiyi, it's been a long time!"

Beetlemon sighed with nostalgia.

"...I haven't passed a day here yet."

But in fact, there are too many things that happened that day. Taichi also misses Agumon and Bichumon a little bit. I don’t know how the digital world is now... But since Beetlemon didn’t call for help, then the situation should be It is also within the controllable range.

"To make a long story short, the blood-sucking demonic beast somehow made the egg of the bada beast hatch into the bright beast. Do you have any idea?"

"That's why I contacted you. A man named Xuannei found me and told me something...Let him tell you."

There was a microphone noise, and then another voice that hadn't been heard in a long time, it was the old man who appeared after defeating Demon Beast on File Island.

"Our savior Yagami Taichi, I am here to convey some information to you on behalf of Constancy."

"Speak quickly, I want to defeat the Bright Beast!"

Taiyi was worried that that guy would start playing with magic sticks again, like the Riddler, so he hurriedly urged.

"Actually, the eight selected Digimons did not come from this world. Their past lives were among the best in other digital worlds. Some were ancient heroes, some were the 'creators' who guided mechanical Digimons to ascend, and some were once gods. Archangel of the level."

Tiannv Beast also opened its eyes silently at this time, but did not speak, just listening to these very important information about itself.

"You mean, Badamon was once a bright beast?"

"Yes, but the bright beast is a very special species. Now he has restored the memory of his previous life as a bright beast, so he is the enemy you must defeat."

"You don't need to emphasize, what I want to know is how to smash that guy, the goddess beast is also an angel! The sacred attribute can't harm him at all!"

Because of this sacred power, Taiyi and Tiannv Beast have enjoyed a lot of sweetness in their adventures along the way, but now they have to find a way to give up the sacred power, which is really ironic.

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