
If Siegfried had expected well, he should have entered a world where the development of the world line was almost completely different from the world he was in before.

Because although the perception is limited to the Asian continent because of the unknown barrier, it is impossible to determine whether you are still in the original place by searching and sensing the things with your own soul or blood in this world that you left in the past. world, but Siegfried sensed something very interesting——

In Siegfried's perception, most people in this world are still in a relatively old way of life, working like the people of ancient China, and the daily items they use are also things that existed in the corresponding era.

However, on this land, Siegfried discovered some extremely strange things—locomotives, tanks, spaceships and even space battleships.

Obviously, the style of painting of these things does not match their own, but the working people seem to have no difference between those things and the simple farm tools in their hands, and they are not surprised or alienated by them.

If it was in another world, Siegfried might still wonder if it would be some kind of extremely distorted world, the kind where the upper layer and the lower layer are severely separated.

But if it is in the Xingyue world...

Could it be that I have arrived in the Lost Belt?

In Siegfried's previous life, besides novels, comics, and animations, games related to the Xingyue World were also a very important part.

In the beginning, Xingyue was able to survive because of a certain FSN made by a certain mushroom, which is quite colorful.

And after the IP of Xingyue gained a certain popularity, FGO also emerged as the times require, pushing Xingyue's popularity to its peak.

In FGO, there is something called the Belt of Stranger Things. If it is compared to the collapsed world, it can barely be understood as a world that has come to an end due to various reasons, and is about to fall off from the tree of imaginary numbers and become a world bubble.

In Siegfried's memory, there is a similar picture in the plot of the second part of FGO. It is obvious that technology has developed to a rather sci-fi level, but the people's way of life is still in a very primitive way. the point of interest.

Combined with the location in Asia here, if Siegfried expected well, he should now be in the Shenzhou Mystery Belt known as the "True Country of Human-Intellectual Integration".

And the master of the rumored belt here is the first emperor who left a strong mark in the history of China.

"Phew—if it's really a strange belt, then it's going to be a lot of fun."

Siegfried sighed and rubbed the space between his brows.

If this is really the Lost Belt, it means that I am now in the world line where there is a "human security organization" Chaldea, and there has been a human burn.

Among the many world lines of Xingyue, this line can be said to be quite dangerous.

Not to mention the Crown Servants who take the lead from time to time, the "beasts" who can bring disasters that destroy the world, and the masters of the Lost Belt who are all exceptional.

Just talking about Chaldea, which could be used by beings from other worlds at any time, and the spiritual transfer facility that caused the life in the two worlds to intersect is enough to cause headaches.

The other world lines are fine, if a large number of existences in a world like the Servant universe come to this world through reverse spiritual transfer, Siegfried estimates that he can only make a fuss, and leave the Xingyue world directly, I look forward to returning to the world where I have left footprints when I come to this world sometime later.

After all, although Siegfried can travel through different worlds, Siegfried, who does not have a second method, cannot find the world he wants from the many parallel worlds of Xingyue and enter it.

So, what Siegfried needs to do now is to verify his conjecture first, whether this is the Great Qin Tale of Myself, which is Chapter 2.3 in "FGO".

And to do this, the easiest way is obviously to see if the master of this world is the first emperor who was affectionately called "Brother Zheng" by the majority of players in his previous life.

Although Siegfried has already perceived that there is a rather vague existence in Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty in history, in Xi'an in China, which is probably the location of his target Emperor Shihuang Yingzheng.

But because he was an unidentified outsider, and out of the consideration that he would need to deal with the other party for a long time in the future, Siegfried did not do anything, and he did not directly move to Xianyang to find Emperor Shi. Instead, he just sat where he was, waiting for the people of the first emperor to come to him.

Thinking about it now, Siegfried found that among all the lore belts, the Daqin lore belt seems to be the better one?

After all, what about the other Lostbelts?

The Russian Odd Belt has a harsh environment and many contradictions. The owner of the Odd Belt, Ivan the Terrible, has been in a deep sleep for a long time, so he is not easy to contact.

The Nordic Lost Belt is also in a similar situation. The environment is worse than the former, and there is an extra foreign enemy, Surut, who is more powerful than the owner of the Lost Belt, Skadi.

Indian lorebelt?Playing self reincarnation every day...

In the Greek Lost Belt, Kirshtalia may be a good guy, but there are a bunch of Greek gods like Zeus.If he had the key of erosion, Siegfried said that he would still be happy to try it, but now...forget it.

As for having killed the fantasy tree by himself, there may be the Morgan's British Lorebelt that he is familiar with?

Siegfried, who only knew a small part of the plot in his previous life, said that if he had the chance, he wouldn't mind trying to burn that world down.

In contrast, the only problem with the Daqin Mystery Belt is Emperor Shihuang, whose strength has been greatly reduced due to the loss of the space weapons deployed in space. As long as Shi Huangdi's ideological work is done well, this Mystery Belt can be solved, which is relatively easy to solve .

And because even if most of the layout in space is lost, Emperor Shihuang can still monitor every inch of land, so Siegfried doesn't have to worry about the other party not coming to him.

For a person like him who needs to maintain the stability of the Great Qin Empire, he must pay attention to this variable. If he is not used by him, he will be killed by him.

As for whether to use or kill, even if the talent is as great as the first emperor, it needs to be contacted before making a judgment.

And this is Siegfried's opportunity.

As for what to do after making contact with the Great Qin Odd Belt after confirming that this is the Great Qin Odd Belt, is it to help the Great Qin Odd Belt solve its own problems and fight against pan-human history, or just like in the game, to destroy the Great Qin Odd Belt? I haven't thought about it yet, but there are many thoughts in my heart.

Chapter 3 The Response of the Empire and Mellie's Oddity

"Oh? Interesting."

In Xianyang, in the Efang Palace, in the empty room, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Spiritual consciousness covered Daqin in an instant, but there was no change. When I noticed that I was investigating through the arrangement in the sky, I didn't avoid it. Instead, I waited in place, waiting for me to find him? "

It seems that because of not speaking for too long, the voice was slightly imperceptibly stagnant at the beginning, but this stagnation was also fleeting.

It seemed that Siegfried's actions aroused a lot of interest. After a little thought, the voice appeared again in the empty room:

"In that case, then I will come and meet you to see if you are a returned fairy god or an extraterrestrial demon."

It is not difficult to see from his words that the owner of the voice has become very interested in Siegfried, and is ready to send someone to contact him as Siegfried wants.

However, in this empty room, no one responded to the man's words, only a message carrying an order came out of this room, and the will of the owner of the voice that carried it reached this outsider. It seems quite strange corners of the empire.

And with the arrival of the order, this huge empire finally took action.

An old man with gray hair and a red robe came to a building full of science fiction.

Here, the cabins are densely packed, and tall or short, fat or thin figures lie quietly in them.

"If it's a foreign war, it's okay to unseal those slightly unrestrained guys, but since we are in contact with a powerful existence that has shown goodwill, the guys who are too reckless will cause headaches..."

Recalling His Majesty's words in his mind, this guard commander, who is also rare in the Qin Empire, who can always be by his side, is thinking about who should be released as an envoy to contact the other party.

The rebirth of a hero in frozen sleep is accompanied by unexpected risks. Some mistakes during Kaifeng will cause mental abnormalities and lead to loss of control, turning the hero of the Great Qin Empire into a demon who caused disasters.

His Majesty's willingness to let himself do this shows that His Majesty trusts him as the head of the guard, believes that with his own control, there will be no operational problems, and also believes that his military force can suppress those heroes who have turned into demons.

To gain such trust from His Majesty, the head of the guard who looked like a strict old man was very pleasantly surprised.

But this is also a test, whether you can find a hero who meets His Majesty's requirements, and whether the representative guard is worthy of His Majesty's trust.

"The opponent is powerful, and his spiritual consciousness can cover the current Daqin in an instant. He is suspected of being a fairy god in the records, but he also showed goodwill."

Walking in the Lishan base where the temperature is slightly lower, Jinwei Chang glanced over the names, thinking about who he should choose.

"That is to say, the person who unblocks must be proficient in communication to facilitate communication with the other party, and at the same time have a certain strength, otherwise it may be difficult to face the other party."

With thoughts in his heart, the chief guard looked for his target.

On the other side, Siegfried, who was waiting for the other party to send someone to see him, found some problems.

Although what he thought in his heart was to wait for the other party to come to see him, Siegfried did not wait, but was conducting a self-examination.

After all, the Great Qin Odd Belt is a very special existence.

Because the first emperor unearthed the technology left by the ancient gods and gods, gained longevity and unified the whole world, the Great Qin Lost Belt is a world where even restraint cannot exist.

Although Siegfried's strength has little to do with Xingyue's restraining power, who made Siegfried still have a succulent succubi living in his body?

Although this guy had a good time in a different world without the Hall of Heroes and restraint, but after all, the Daqin Odd Belt is a bit unfriendly to Heroic Spirits.

Although Mei Li, who was still alive, is not strictly a heroic spirit or a servant, but because her body was destroyed when Siegfried left the Xingyue world last time, she can also be classified as a servant, and the influence is not impossible.

However, the result was not very ideal——

Siegfried tried to call Meili, but there was no response.

Spiritually entering the stigmata space, Siegfried wanted to see how Mei Li was doing now, and found Mei Li in the tower "Avalon" standing on the moon, but she was always very lively in the past, Miss Dream Demon, who was serious for less than three seconds, closed her eyes tightly and took a long breath, as if she had fallen asleep.

That pretty face that used to always have a smile that made Siegfried feel a little bit of evil now showed an unprecedented fragility, which made Siegfried who met Meili almost every day see that I couldn't help but lose my mind for a moment.

Looking at that flamboyantly pretty face, Siegfried seemed to have the illusion that he was a prince in a fairy tale and needed a kiss to wake up the princess in his arms.

However, Siegfried threw this illusion out of his mind the next moment, what joke, return the princess?She is only a witch.

Back to his senses, Siegfried hugged Meili into his arms, and carefully sensed the situation of the person in his arms.

After a while, Siegfried frowned slightly——

Although it was very weak, Siegfried, who had extremely strong perception, could clearly feel the abnormality of Mei Li's soul fluctuation.

However, although it was ruled out that Meili was playing "Sleeping Beauty" with him, Siegfried couldn't laugh either.

After all, Siegfried is a human being, and human beings are emotional animals. Even pets will have feelings after a long time, let alone a beauty who chats with you almost every day?

Although Siegfried has always kept a certain distance from Mei Li because he has a certain understanding of the other party's character.

But even so, after several years of getting along, Siegfried still has a considerable degree of affection for Meili, and it is inevitable that there are some feelings that are inconvenient to express.

Therefore, when he found that Mei Li was unconscious, anxiety naturally appeared in Siegfried's heart.

Moreover, if Siegfried hadn't been told by his powerful perception that Meili didn't have any major problems now, I'm afraid Siegfried would be more than just anxious.

Carefully put Mei Li on the bed that was not used very much in this high tower. After matching Mei Li for a while, Siegfried saw that she did not wake up, so he had no choice but to leave behind "Mei Li wakes up and informs me." "Myself" and left here.

However, what Siegfried didn't know was that when he left Avalon, Mei Li's beautiful eyebrows that seemed to be slightly frowned because of suffering some kind of pain suddenly relaxed.

Chapter 4 People from Xianyang

Although when Siegfried explored this world before, he detected the terrible high energy fluctuations on Siegfried's body, as well as the means of spiritual consciousness displayed by him similar to the documents recorded in the ruins unearthed back then. , and regarded him as a fairy who left this world that year, and at the same time, because of Siegfried's friendly attitude, he was going to send someone to contact him.

However, the First Emperor, who ruled the Great Qin Empire, was the hero who once unified the whole world after all. Choose the right person from among the countless heroes sleeping in Lishan, and negotiate with the other party as a representative.

At the same time, just in case.

Once the opponent is someone who has bad intentions for the empire, these heroes awakened from Lishan can at least fight against each other to find out the reality of the opponent, so that Emperor Shihuang can evaluate the strength of the opponent and make strategic deployments.

Therefore, although the response was made immediately, the people sent by Emperor Shihuang did not contact Siegfried immediately, but did not set off until the evening of the next day.

"Oh, are you here?"

Discovering that there was an object in his perception flying towards him at a fairly objective speed from Xianyang, Siegfried slightly raised his eyebrows, stood up, and stretched his waist. Siegfried looked at The direction of the rocket.

Just now, he thought that Emperor Shihuang would not send someone to see him until the third day——

Siegfried knew very well that with the other party's technological level, if he wanted to see him, he could send someone to him within an hour.

So, when no one came after waiting for a long time yesterday, Siegfried had some guesses in his mind——

If it was really the Emperor Shi Huang in his memory, then as an existence who once ruled the entire world, the character of the other party is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Although I showed considerable strength and showed a certain amount of goodwill, the other party didn't need to be afraid of me, and there was no need to rush to get close.

Contact will definitely come, but it is also necessary to observe before formal contact.

It's normal to wait for a while, to see how your xinxing is, or to see if you, who may also be an enemy from outside, will do something out of impatience.

Therefore, Siegfried was not in a hurry, but just waited quietly on the spot, devoting part of his energy to look after Meili who was unconscious in the stigmata space.

However, although he was out of respect for the other party when he first explored the world, Siegfried did not forcefully investigate Xianyang, an important place protected by certain mental interference means.

But Siegfried's perception is always there.

Therefore, when a rocket lifted off from Xianyang and headed straight for him, Siegfried knew that the person he was waiting for was coming.

As for what the visitor had in mind, Siegfried didn't care.

After all, Siegfried's main purpose was to know whether this world was ruled by the First Emperor who discovered the remains of Yin Shang immortals, and then deduce whether this world was the Great Qin Tale in his memory.

If not, Siegfried may have to spend more energy to investigate whether there is something wrong with the world line he was in before, and it has become what it is now.

But if it was really the Great Qin Odd Belt, Siegfried would not be very interested.

After all, just for now, even with Siegfried's current strength, the human-frozen world line is still extremely dangerous, but it is not so attractive to Siegfried that he is willing to risk his life to obtain it.

At most, that is, if the Mandate of Heaven is successfully used, Kallen can be resurrected and Otto's safety can be improved. The Chaldean spirit transfer technology.

But if you really want this thing, there is no need to confront the king of the Lost Belt. Find an opportunity to make a deal with the people of Chaldea or directly grab it. The technical information you want is not difficult to obtain. .

After all, the people of Chaldea have always been worrying about their strength, and they were basically in a weak position throughout the whole process.

At the same time, most of the technology is available in small profiteers. With Siegfried's strength and soul means, it is not difficult to get the desired information from the mind of the other party who is not even a follower.

Of course, that's just a bottom-up choice. If it's not necessary, Siegfried doesn't want to do it yet.

With the divergence of Siegfried's thinking, time passed silently, until there was a loud noise, and the rocket launched from Xianyang crashed to the ground, marking that the meeting between the two sides was about to begin.

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