Xianyang, still in that empty room, the voice sounded again:

"I actually sensed it the moment the rocket left Xianyang, it's really like the consciousness of an immortal.

I just don't know what you will bring to my Daqin. "

Under Siegfried's gaze, the hatch of the rocket opened, and two figures came out one after another.

Although due to the rocket's "Gaia-style landing", a considerable part of the rocket shell was damaged, and the hatch was "manually opened" by one of them, but there was no trace of annoyance on their bodies, as if this somewhat embarrassing Appearance does not exist in general.

And as the two left the rocket, Siegfried was able to see the whole picture of the two of them clearly:

Walking in front is a middle-aged Confucian scholar, dressed in plain Confucian robes, smiling, wearing a lun scarf, and holding a feather fan. His refined temperament makes people feel good about him the moment they see him again.

Moreover, although he is dressed in plain clothes, he has a convincing demeanor when he walks, as if any difficulties in the world will be solved in front of him, and the confident temperament makes people involuntarily focus on him.

However, even so, the young man who was half a step behind the man in the Confucian robe was not concealed at all——

The young man was dressed in white helmet and silver armor, holding a bright silver spear in his hand, with a heroic aura rushing towards his face, which made people's eyes shine.

At the same time, Siegfried can clearly feel a powerful will hidden under his calm appearance, which most people in the world have never possessed.

In this regard, even if it is difficult for ordinary people to clearly perceive it, they will also be attracted by it involuntarily.

"This...couldn't be those two people?"

Although he knows a little more about the ancient history of China than the history textbooks, Siegfried, who was not a history student in his previous life, has very limited knowledge of the countless capable people in the history of China, and cannot instantly find out the corresponding two from the database. identity person.

But for the pair in front of him, two names instantly appeared in Siegfried's mind——

Chapter 5 Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun

Siegfried was looking at the two people who arrived on the rocket, and the two were also looking at Siegfried.

No matter what kind of thoughts flashed in the minds of the two parties, the short distance between the two parties disappeared quickly under the unhurried footsteps of the two parties, and the three of them finally came to the distance of normal communication.

"Great Qin Zhuge Liang/Zhao Yun, styled Kongming/Zilong, came to pay a visit to Your Excellency by order of His Majesty. Your Excellency came to my Great Qin, but you just stayed in this wilderness, and the hospitality was not good. I hope you will forgive me, but I don't know your name. Great name."

When they came close, the two people who came out of the rocket flew a Confucian ceremony and a clasping ceremony respectively, and at the same time revealed their identities and names.

"It's really you two..."

Although he had guessed the moment he saw the two of them, when he really heard the two of them self-reporting their families, Siegfried still felt an inexplicable sense of surprise in his heart.

After all, with the wide spread of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, these two are also well-known in later generations, but I didn't expect to see these two for the first time.

However, although he was quite surprised in his heart, Siegfried didn't show the slightest abnormality on his face. He returned the two of them with a clasped fist, and said:

"My lord, Siegfried Kaslana, you two can call me Siegfried."

Considering that this Great Qin conquered the whole world, he should have a certain understanding of the western naming methods, so Siegfried didn't say anything about letting the two call him Mr. Qi.

Hearing this, although the expressions on their faces did not change at all, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun still exchanged glances cryptically, and then Zhuge Liang continued to ask:

"I don't know where Mr. Siegfried came from, but he came from the west of Daqin? If so, how is the situation in the west? Is Daqin's army and government still operating normally and maintaining stability?"

After the barrier appeared around the homeland, the control area of ​​Daqin was only the homeland area of ​​Asia, and lost the information of other continents it conquered later.

Therefore, when they heard Siegfried's name, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun, who had already known the existing information before, suppressed the possibility that Siegfried was a long-lost immortal, and instead raised the possibility that Siegfried came from the West. possibility of guessing.

However, despite this, Zhuge Liang still used Ziegfei's honorific title in his words.

"I'm from the outside world, not from the West, I didn't intend to offend, but I strayed into your country due to some mistakes, please forgive me.

As for the West in Mr. Kong Ming's mouth, it may be different from the West I know, and there is no clue about the news. "

Siegfried said that he came from the outside world and knew nothing about the Western intelligence that Zhuge Liang said.

However, Zhuge Liang frowned slightly and continued to ask:

"May I ask what's the difference?"

"For example, the West in my knowledge does not have the army and government of Daqin. At the same time, the Daqin in my perception has not fought so far."

As Siegfried spoke, he changed the topic and asked:

"May I ask Mr. Kong Ming, who is the Lord of the Great Qin Empire?"


Although he was very puzzled by what Siegfried said seriously conflicted with his cognition and wanted to understand it immediately, but because the other party mentioned His Majesty the Emperor, Zhuge Liang still gave an answer immediately.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang's belief in what Siegfried said dropped a lot.

After all, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun only mentioned "Great Qin" from beginning to end, but never said "Great Qin Empire". empire".

Knowing the "Great Qin Empire", but saying that he is not from the West, but from the so-called "outside", it seems very suspicious.

If the person is from the West, then he was lying before, and his purpose is very suspicious;

And if this person did not lie, and really came from the "outside" in his mouth, then it must be outside the barrier that appeared not long ago.In this way, the identity and purpose of the other party are even more suspicious.

Countless thoughts flashed through Zhuge Liang's mind, but his expression remained calm. He turned around and bowed in the direction of the rocket he was riding in, and answered Siegfried's question:

"The Lord of the Great Qin Empire is naturally the only Emperor in the world."

The only one in the world?

Although the name was not mentioned, but if there is no accident, the First Emperor is right, so here... is the Great Qin Weird Belt?

The conjecture in his heart was confirmed, but Siegfried couldn't feel any joy in his heart.

After all, although the destructive power of Xingyue Humanity to freeze the world line is not as good as that of the Servant Universe, it is still quite terrifying. There are many existences, and even you need to deal with them carefully. If you are not careful, the resurrection power will be activated.

It can be said that this is a world with a high degree of danger but a rather unstable harvest. To Siegfried, it is not very attractive.

"Dare to ask what the outside world, sir, is it outside the barrier?"

Although he still doubted the credibility of Siegfried's words to a certain extent, due to Siegfried's previous display of strength and the order of His Majesty the Emperor, Zhuge Liang still clapped his hands and asked.

"Yes and no."

Hearing this, Siegfried immediately put away the feeling of melancholy in his heart, and said something quite suspicious of the Riddler.

Although this world is not very attractive to Siegfried, but in line with the principle that a thief does not leave empty space...the energy spent cannot be wasted, Siegfried still plans to stay in this world for a while.

However, since the harvest is pending, Siegfried is going to have some fun to compensate:

"I do come from beyond the barrier, but not only from beyond the barrier.

Therefore, although I am from the outside world, I don't know the information that Mr. Kong Ming wants to know. "

Anyway, I'm not lying, is I?

Seeing Zhuge Liang whose complexion was slightly darkened because of his riddle behavior, Siegfried secretly smiled.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang is often very happy being a riddler in Romance, now let you be ridden by a riddle for a while.

As for Zhuge Liang in the official history and "Three Kingdoms"?

I don't look at—

Thoughts turned in his heart, Siegfried looked at Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun leisurely, waiting for their next words.


After being silent for a while, Zhuge Liang seemed to have received some order, looked at Zhao Yun beside him, nodded slightly, turned to Siegfried and said:

"Mr. Siegfried, this is not a place for conversation. Why don't we suspend the conversation and move to the city first, and then we can talk after your Excellency cleans up, so that I, Daqin, can show my friendship as a landlord, how about it?"

"When I first arrived in your land, I naturally did as the guest did."

In this regard, Siegfried did not shirk, and directly responded.

Chapter 6 Shock and awe

"In that case, sir, please come with me."

Seeing that Siegfried agreed, Zhuge Liang turned sideways and made a "please" gesture, ready to lead Siegfried:

"Tonight we will go to the nearest city to pick up the wind and clean up the dust for the husband, rest for one night, and wait until the morning of tomorrow, then take the bus to the capital city of Xianyang."

Hearing this, Siegfried was puzzled:

"Oh? Mr. Kong Ming, don't we go directly to Xianyang? From the speed of the rocket the two gentlemen came, it is not difficult to reach Xianyang before dark."


Hearing this, Zhuge Liang hesitated a little, and immediately showed a wry smile:

"Sir, I don't know. Although this rocket is fast, it is only an experimental product and not stable enough. In order to avoid injury to Mr. Liang, Liang never proposed to go there with this rocket."

"I see."

Siegfried showed a clear expression, and immediately smiled and said:

"I have a method that will allow us to reach Xianyang City quickly without much risk. If you don't mind, then I will use this method to go to Xianyang, how about it?"

"Since the master intends to show his supernatural powers, Liang Zi should wait and see."

Zhuge Liang directly agreed to Siegfried's proposal to use his means to take himself and others to Xianyang directly.

Although it seems a bit child's play to let this "outsider visitor" with doubtful identity go directly to the capital, Xianyang is not only the capital of the Great Qin, but also the most powerful part of the Great Qin's military equipment. Even Lishan, where countless heroes are sleeping, may not have Xianyang dangerous.

If Siegfried has no malicious intentions, going directly to Xianyang can save some time.

If Siegfried really had other plans, the strongest military power of the Great Qin Dynasty in Xianyang could also suppress him.

As for Siegfried's strength, he couldn't be suppressed even in Xianyang?There is no possibility of suppressing it in other places.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Siegfried's proposal.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang also wanted to try to see if he could use this to see how strong Siegfried was.

But Zhao Yun, who came with Zhuge Liang, didn't speak any more after the introduction, but just stood behind Zhuge Liang, always ready for the battle.

As for the communication with Siegfried, although Zhao Yun is also very concerned, letting him come can also communicate with Siegfried very well.

But the task Zhao Yun received was to protect Zhuge Liang, and at the same time observe Siegfried carefully, so he would not randomly intervene in the communication between Siegfried and Zhuge Liang.

Even if Siegfried proposed to use his means and go directly to Xianyang, the heart of the empire, Zhao Yun also let Zhuge Liang do his best, but he didn't say a word.

However, although he didn't say anything, Zhao Yun adjusted his muscles to the best condition, ready to strike at any time, and immediately started fighting with Siegfried in case of an accident.

"If that's the case, then I'll show my shame."

Siegfried glanced at General Zilong, who was also his idol, and nodded with a slight smile, making Zhao Yun know that Siegfried had seen his guard.

But Siegfried was limited to this, he didn't say much about not needing to be careful, he smiled and stretched out his hands, the supernatural energy rushed out, and the teleportation was activated instantly.

Just for a moment, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the previous field scene became the city of Xianyang where they had just left, and the incomparably huge imperial body was still floating in the sky.

Even those with calm personalities like Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun, who were brought to Xianyang City by Siegfried in an instant with the technique of changing appearance and changing scenery, couldn't help feeling shocked, and besides being shocked, there was also doubt.


After confirming again and again that the city in front of him is indeed the real Xianyang City, Zhuge Liang took a deep breath just now, and Ziegfei cupped his hands and said:

"Mr. Guo is very human, but Liang was negligent before."

"It's just some small means, nothing to worry about."

Siegfried smiled indifferently, accepted Zhuge Liang's praise modestly, and also praised him in return:

"On the contrary, this Xianyang City is really different from the outside world. It is worthy of being the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, and it has a certain style."

For a moment, the atmosphere between the host and the guest was extremely harmonious.

As for Zhao Yun, after the initial shock, he began to return to the feeling just now, thinking about what method Siegfried used to come here from thousands of miles away.

Of course, as the force in charge of the two envoys, Zhao Yun did not let go of Ziegfried's vigilance even when he came to the capital Xianyang.

After a bit of business bragging, Siegfried became more and more sure that he was now in the Great Qin Tale Belt in his memory from some common sense knowledge revealed by Zhuge Liang.

In the conversation with Zhuge Liang, Siegfried learned that Daqin now has no other people coming from outside the barrier except himself.

That is to say, Kua Hinako, who is a hidden person in the Great Qin Odd Belt, has not come here yet, and there is still some time before Chaldea and his party come here.

Trying to recall the plot that he skipped after only reading a few paragraphs in his mind, trying to find suspicious information from it to speculate on the specific time, Siegfried entered a house under the leadership of Zhao Yun.

"Because after the Great Qin ruled the world, there are no other countries, so Xianyang has never set up an embassy to entertain foreign guests. Now I have to let my husband stay here. If there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me.

And tonight Yun will live next door, if Mr. needs something, you can directly call Yun's name, and Yun will come to help Mr. right away. "

Leading Siegfried into the residence prepared for Siegfried, Zhao Yun said after introducing Siegfried:

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