"Hold on to your identity as a human being?

Not bad.

So, what do you think about my proposal? "

"Cooperation is beneficial to everyone, and I am naturally very happy.

However, before that, I want to get some information from you about the Fantasy Tree and the Lost Belt, and compare it with the information I know. "

Siegfried smiled and nodded, expressing his willingness to cooperate, but he didn't directly tell the information that Skadi wanted to know, but put forward his own request first.

"it is good."

In this regard, Skadi did not show any dissatisfaction, but he also put away the smile on his face, showing a touch of memory:

"After the Ragnarok Twilight, which is different from the prophecy, it is an era in which the last gods, few humans, few giants, and few Valkyries live together peacefully.

This impossible event took 3000 years.

And after 3000 years, the 'tree' from the universe took root here, and Ophelia also appeared at that time. "

Speaking of which, Skadi, who had put away the memory in his eyes, looked at Ophelia who was standing quietly on the side in the hall, nodded slightly and continued:

"She said that if she wants to maintain this world, she must cultivate that 'tree', and the growth of that tree, as well as its comparison with other trees, will determine the final fate of Northern Europe, and she is diligent and active in helping us .”

After Skadi finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Siegfried, waiting for Siegfried's response.

"It's not that different from what I know."

After pondering for a while, Siegfried nodded to express that he had understood what Skadi said, and looked at Skadi above with a smile on his face and said:

"Then, as a reward, I will tell you some information about the Great Qin Odd Belt.

Before telling the story, for the convenience of explanation, I need to confirm first, how much do you know about the land in the East and its history? "

Hearing that Siegfried was about to start telling the information he wanted, Skadi was also slightly happy.

After hearing Siegfried's question, Scatillo gave an answer after thinking about it:

"There is a certain understanding, but it is also limited.

In the age of the gods, there were extremely powerful gods active in that land.

And in the age of mankind, there will also be brilliant civilizations on that land. "

Skadi has a certain understanding of the situation in China in the Age of Gods.

But after the Age of Gods, Skadi didn't know much about it. The only thing she knew was a few words when Ophelia introduced the other Lost Belts.

However, in order to prevent Siegfried from bullying him for knowing too little, Skadi chose to exaggerate his knowledge a little.

Siegfried did not doubt him, nodded and began to talk:

"The current Nordic Hearing Belt appeared because the Twilight of the Gods didn't happen according to the original track.

The same is true for the Eastern Great Qin Hearing Belt.

However, it is not the gods that cause changes in history, but human beings. "

Chapter 53 "A Lost Belt Unsuitable for Expansion"

It took a while for Siegfried to tell Skadi about the origin of the Great Qin Odd Belt.

During this period, except for Ophelia who was very surprised when she heard that the person who caused the changes in the Great Qin Lost Belt was the legendary First Emperor, no one else in the hall made any sound during the rest of the time, quietly Listening to Siegfried's narration.

After Siegfried finished speaking, the other people in the hall did not speak, silently digesting what Siegfried said.

Of course, Siegfried and his party did not stand in the hall all the time during this period.

When Siegfried started to tell the story, there was a surge of cold current in the hall, and six seats made of ice appeared in the hall.

Although it seems a bit inappropriate to let people sit in the hall like this, it is also inappropriate to let the guests stand there all the time.

Moreover, after all, Siegfried is an existence so powerful that even Skadi himself has to pay considerable attention to it, and he deserves to be treated like a god.

Moreover, Siegfried still has the status of Brunhilde's lover. After Siegfried showed a friendly and cooperative attitude, Skadi accepted him more and no longer completely regarded it as It's the guest who sees——

Although Brunhilde's current position is actually a bit difficult to figure out, but in any case, the other party is the daughter of the great god Odin.

Even if Brynhildr expressed his desire to leave Northern Europe and fly away with Sieg, as long as Brynhildr did not show obvious hostility to the current Nordic, Skadi would not regard him as an enemy. Instead, they still regard it as the people of Northern Europe and give it equal love.

After all, God loves the world and will not change because the world changes.

And Siegfried sat down. As his lover, Brunhilde, who already had a great reputation in Northern Europe, naturally shouldn't stand, but also sat down.

Siegfried and Brunhilde sat down, and it would not be good for the three of Slude and Ophelia to stand—

The three of Slude have survived with him since Ragnarok, and Ophelia is the hero who has worked hard to help him cultivate the fantasy tree.

Simply, Skadi asked all six people to sit down.

After listening to Siegfried's narration about another Mystery Belt, Rao Skadi's heart has been tempered for thousands of years, and he can't help but feel a burst of disbelief and... Ashamed (?).

After all, both parties are the rulers of the same Lost Belt, but their achievements are very different——

The First Emperor was able to walk out of his own destiny step by step only by relying on the relics of some immortals, achieved the great cause of unifying the entire planet with a mortal god, and even achieved many things in his own empire that even gods could not do.

And what about myself?He was originally a god, but was superimposed by the great god Odin with a woman who was "destined" with him, so that he gained a lot of knowledge that he had never touched before.

After the twilight of the gods, although he faced a broken world, he also obtained the inheritance of the gods.

As a god, instead of improving the situation in my own world, I can barely maintain the status quo and linger on.

There is no doubt that from the perspective of the ruler, his own talents are far inferior to those of the other party.

However, although I feel incredible about the series of great achievements accomplished by the First Emperor, after all, Skadi has been a queen in the Nordic Lost Belt for thousands of years.

Siegfried's narration was not too short, and Skadi, who gradually received the information, only took a short period of time to completely digest what Siegfried said.

"Phew—he really is a unparalleled emperor,"

With a soft breath, Skadi broke the silence in the hall:

"From the point of view of a ruler, I am far inferior to that first emperor."

It is very frank, but from this point of view, it has not lost the bearing that a god should have.

After making a comment in his heart, Siegfried responded:

"Your Majesty, there is no need to belittle yourself. What you are good at is not ruling and governing the people.

Moreover, Northern Europe also has its own problems, limited by natural conditions, which limits your performance. "

Although I still have a certain understanding of the gap between the Nordic Lost Belt and the Great Qin Lost Belt, I have my own calculations for the gap in governance between Skadi and Shihuang.

But Siegfried didn't come up to point out the country like a fool, but chose to give Skadi a step down.

Moreover, Siegfried's words are also true. The problems in the Nordic Lost Belt are limited by the environment and are beyond the scope of manpower.

Even if Skadi is a god, it is understandable that she, who is not good at internal affairs, has not made any achievements when most of her power is used to suppress the flames left on the ground by Surut.

However, Skadi didn’t really think that he didn’t do much because of Siegfried’s words, just because of the limited environment:

"Although Northern Europe has its own problems, the problems that the First Emperor had to face to do all that was by no means a small problem that can be solved with a single wave."

Of course, although he admitted that there was a gap between himself and the first emperor, Skadi didn't mean to complain about himself, and just changed the subject when he said:

"However, from what you've said, it should be a very powerful rumored belt. Why did I learn from Ophelia that it's a rumored belt with no future?"

Hearing this, Siegfried raised his eyebrows, but did not answer, but turned his gaze to Ophelia who was sitting on the ice chair not far from him.

And after hearing Skadi's words, Ophelia's frowning and thoughtful face also showed embarrassment.

Standing up, Ophelia saluted Skadi:

"My Lady Queen, I am extremely sorry for the misjudgment caused by the wrong information I brought.

But before Mr. Siegfried arrived here, I, who could only get some information from the meeting of the Hidden Ones, did only get that information. "

"A huge empire with a strong country that once dominated the world;

An invincible army that once swept the world;

An ambitious and excellent monarch who once held the world in his hands.

Hehe, such a world is not suitable for expansion, I can't think of any other world that is more suitable for expansion. "

However, it is obvious that Skadi is very dissatisfied with the wrong information provided by Ophelia.

Of course, Skadi did not give up on Ophelia, who has been working hard all the time, because of Siegfried's words:

"Ophelia, I believe you have your own allegiance to the Nordics.

But in the future, don't believe too much in the information that others say with empty teeth. "

Chapter 54 Suspended Conversation

Siegfried also has some impressions of what Skadi said is "a world that is not suitable for expansion"——

In the game plot, it seems that at the first meeting of the Hidden Ones, Kazuko said that her Odd Belt is not suitable for expansion, and thus reduced the communication with other Hidden Ones.

But in the original game plot, it is indeed the case——

It was not until the end that Kua Chizi told Shihuang the true face and true function of the utopian tree disguised as a hibiscus tree.

Before that, there will be no possibility of expansion of the Great Qin Odd Belt.

But now, after learning about the Daqin Oddbelt from his own mouth, Skadi is undoubtedly very dissatisfied with the news that "the Oddbelt that Mustard Seed is in charge of is not suitable for expansion".

And Ophelia also suffered an indiscriminate disaster because of this.

Although I really want to say something, it's just that mustard seeds don't want to communicate with other hidden people, and they are really too lazy to cultivate fantasy trees.

But considering that he still "doesn't know" what was involved in the conversation between the two, Siegfried gave up this idea.

As for whether Skadi's words "don't believe too much in the information that others say with empty teeth" are simply false information provided by mustard seed, or alluding to the information he said at the same time, Siegfried has no idea Got it.

And after Ophelia nodded, indicating that she knew, Skadi did not continue to pursue it, and turned to look at Brunhilde next to Siegfried:

"Brünnhilde, speaking of it, this is the first time we've met.

However, compared to the rumors, you are undoubtedly very different now. "

"Nice to meet you, Lady Skadi."

Seeing Skadi looking at him, Brunhilde stood up and saluted.

Although Brunhilde's actions seem to be very similar to ordinary Valkyries, Skadi can still clearly perceive the difference between him and other Valkyries——

It was something called love that gushed out from the soul and changed Brunhilde's whole being.

"No need, Brunhilde.

You are the daughter of the great god, the elder sister of the Valkyrie.

Even if I'm the queen of the Nordics now, you don't have to be. "

When facing Brunhilde, Skadi's attitude was obviously more kind:

"Besides, you just got out of trouble today, and seeing your beloved, you must have a lot of things you want to say to him.

I was anxious to see you today, but I didn't take your feelings into consideration.

How about that, let's stop today's conversation for now.

You guys go to exchange feelings first, as for other things, we can talk about it another day, how about it? "

Skadi said, looking at the rest of the people in the hall.

"In that case, I would like to thank Her Lady Queen."

Seeing that Skadi intends to temporarily suspend communication, Siegfried estimated that it is because the information he brought conflicts too much with the information between him, so he needs to revise his plan.

Siegfried didn't mind this.

Although the results of the first meeting today were not bad, after completing the initial sharing of information, everyone has a certain understanding of each other, and even seems to have a good relationship because of Brunhilde.

But Siegfried is very clear that this kind of intimacy only exists on the surface. In fact, Skadi must be wary of himself to a certain extent.

Under such circumstances, proposing the step of cooperation that you want to carry out is tantamount to asking for trouble.

After all, that is Surut, which involves the safety of the entire Nordic Lost Belt, and even the entire planet.

Therefore, when Skadi suggested that today's exchange should end here, Siegfried also agreed.

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