"You're welcome, since you are Brunhilde's lover, you should naturally have a place in Northern Europe.

Have you chosen where to stay for tonight?

If not, I will ask Slude and the others to take you to choose a room. "

"So, thank you, Lady Goddess."

After glancing at Brunhilde, seeing that she didn't show any strange expression, Siegfried directly agreed.

"Well, Slude, Hilde, Ortlinde, take Mr. Siegfried and Brunhilde to choose a room."


After receiving the order, the three Valkyries who had been sitting on the side like statues also stood up, responded, and led Siegfried and Brunhilde out of the hall.

In the hall, only Skadi and Ophelia are left at this moment.

"My Lady Queen, I..."

Feeling that after the five people left, the atmosphere in the hall was a bit frozen, Ophelia wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Skadi:

"Ophelia, you don't need to explain anything, I don't mean to blame you, and I also believe that you won't lie to me about this kind of thing.

Regarding the information Siegfried brought, I will think about it tonight and make a choice. "

Skadi shook her head lightly, with the usual gentle smile on her face, comforting Ophelia, who had always respected herself and worked hard.

However, after comforting Ophelia, the gentle smile on Skadi's face turned into a look of interest:

"Compared to this, Ophelia, I believe you can also detect the difference between Brunhilde and Slude.

Do you think it is the thing called 'love' that caused this change? "


Ophelia was stunned when she heard the words, a look of astonishment flashed in her blue eyes that were not covered by the blindfold, she never expected that Skadi would ask this question.

Shaking her head gently, Ophelia gave her own answer:

"I'm sorry, Your Lady Queen, I don't know much about love either, so I don't dare to make judgments."

"Oh, yes.

Even after thousands of years, I still can barely comprehend such things.

For a long time, I have been wondering, what is the taste of the words "love" and "amour" that humans have been talking about all the time, is it sweet?Or is it as hot as fire?

However, judging from Brunhild's performance, it seems to be the former. "

With an interested smile on his face, Skadi seemed to see Brunhilde, who just didn't behave like a Valkyrie at all.

Then, those red eyes looked at Ophelia in the hall again:

"Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, Ophelia, your knight seems to have quite a relationship with Brunhilde.

Seeing Brunhilde like this, didn't he express anything? "


Hearing this, Ophelia fell silent. If it was the real Sigurd, of course there would be a very violent reaction to this, but the problem is...

"It's just a boring puppet."

The cold voice answered Skadi's question, and at the same time, the owner of the voice, a knight with scarlet eyes, appeared behind Ophelia.

Chapter 55 Sisters

Walking with the three of Slude in the only existing temple in Northern Europe, Siegfried felt more and more monotonous in this seemingly magnificent palace, and thus confirmed one thing——

Skadi, the Snow Queen of Northern Europe, does not seem to have any artistic talents. Even the accumulation of 3000 years has not made this bride of the gods an artistic god.

Of course, Siegfried didn't think it was something to be despised——

Perhaps, during these 3000 years, the Queen of Ice and Snow has put too much energy on calming Northern Europe and recalling the past.

Besides, Siegfried himself is not a master of art, at most he has a certain appreciation ability after a long time of nurturing.

The reason why Siegfried had this idea was because as he quickly digested the "soul of the unknown king", more and more memories were absorbed by it, which originally only flashed in some fragmented memories The passing grand royal city of Arnoel Londo appeared more and more frequently.

Even with Siegfried's current soul strength, these pictures will not cause any illusions and lead to life chaos, but when he saw this ice and snow city, Siegfried still subconsciously compared it with Arnoel Lund , and some strange ideas arose as a result.

Realizing that he had a strange idea again, Siegfried couldn't help but chuckled and shook his head.

Although Siegfried's movements were not big, Ortlinde, who was silently following Siegfried, still noticed Siegfried's movements.

"Mr. Siegfried, may I have a question?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of some past events."

Siegfried smiled lightly and shook his head, expressing to Ortlinde beside him that he was fine.

After leaving the main hall and starting to visit the ice and snow city built after Ragnarok, and choosing a room by the way, Siegfried and Brunhilde finally separated, holding hands all the time——

Seeing the eyes of Slude, Hilde, and Ortlinde looking at Brunhilde from time to time, Siegfried and Brunhilde looked at each other, and separated the hands they had been holding.

Nodding slightly at Siegfried, the distance between Brunhilde and Siegfried slightly widened.

Seeing this, Hilde, who was not as lively as a Valkyrie along the way, slipped right in between Siegfried and Brunhilde.

After a little hesitation, Slude also stood on the other side of Brunhilde.

After communicating for a while, the Qifen between the three of them became extremely warm under the activeness of Hilde, and there was no longer the jerky feeling at the beginning.

Because of this, Slude on the other side also let go a little when speaking, no longer so rigid, less rigid as a soldier, and more lively as a girl.

However, although Slude and Hilde had a hot chat with Brunhilde, but because Brunhilde's two positions on the left and right are occupied by sisters, although the youngest Ortlinde also wants to squeeze In the past, he chatted intimately with Brunhilde, but after hesitating, he still came to Siegfried's other side.

Because of this, when Slude and Hilde walked to the front with Brunhilde sandwiched between them, only Ortlinde, who had been following Siegfried, noticed Siegfried's movements.

After receiving Siegfried's response, Altrin pulled the hood and hid herself again under the swan feather coat bestowed by the great god Odin.

"Speaking of which, Ortlinde, why don't you go and chat with Brunhilde?"

Seeing this, Siegfried asked with a smile.

"No need."

Hearing Siegfried's sudden inquiry, Ortlinde was slightly taken aback, then shook his head slightly and said:

"Valkyrie has its own contact information. Although I didn't communicate with Sister Brunhilde in person, I know exactly what Slude and Slud have said to Sister Brunhilde. They have produced Any reaction is the same, so what they say is what I say."

"Ha ha,"

Siegfried shook his head lightly, said with a smile:

"While you get all the feedback, there's a whole difference between speaking in person and getting feedback from other people.

Also, suppressing your emotions is not a good habit, go ahead. "

As Siegfried said, he was one step behind Altlinde, put his hands lightly on Altlinde's shoulders, and pushed Altlinde a few steps ahead of the two of them with a light push. The Brunhild trio.

For Siegfried's sudden action, Ortlinde, who hadn't reacted for a moment, would naturally resist subconsciously.

But Ortlinde unexpectedly found that facing Siegfried's light push, she was unable to resist, and could only walk towards the three of Brunhilde along with that push.

Although the three people in front were joking, they did not forget the two behind them, so they naturally noticed their movements.

Although they knew that Siegfried would not hurt Ortlinde, facing Ortlinde who was rushing towards the three of them, Slude, Hild and Brunhilde all subconsciously reached out to catch them.

In the end, after breaking through the seal and recovering his strength, Brunhilde, who was even stronger, caught Ortlinde.

After using Ortlinde, Brunhilde didn't feel too much strength.

Although he understood that Siegfried was not in any conflict with Ortlinde, Brunhilde subconsciously looked at Siegfried, and the same was true for Slude and Hirod on both sides.

Facing the gazes of the three Valkyries, Siegfried didn't show any strangeness, and said with a smile:

"Although the youngest sister is silent, she should take good care of her."

Hearing this, Brunhilde also noticed that he seemed to be too involved because he found a little feeling from the past when chatting with Slude and Hilde, and somewhat ignored Ortlinde, the youngest sister. .

After realizing this, Brunhilde moved his arms slightly, hugged Ortlinde in his arms, and showed a somewhat apologetic expression:

"Sorry, Altrinde, I was negligent."


Feeling the embrace of her elder sister, Ortlinde seemed to be unable to react for a while, she was a little stunned, a blush hung on her fair face, and she mumbled:

"It's okay, my lord."

"What a good boy."

Touching Ortlinde's head through the swan feather coat, Brunhilde showed a smile on his pretty face.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing Altlinde's appearance, Brunhild realized that the child was shy, let go of Altlinde in his arms, and instead grabbed the hand of the youngest sister, beckoning them to move forward .

Chapter 56 Brunhild's Learning and Progress

Although they were very envious of Ortlinde being able to get Brunhilde's embrace, Slude and Hilde, who understood that this was compensation for Ortlinde's failure to chat with Brunhilde before, There was no sign of dissatisfaction.

The atmosphere between the four sisters not only did not decline because of this, but became more harmonious.

The chat between the sisters is still hot, but there are still no words from Ortlinde——

At this moment, Ortlinde is still recalling Brunhilde's embrace just now.

Recalling that at that moment, his body had no reactions at all when checking the data sent by Slude and Hilde.

At this moment, Ortlinde agreed with what Siegfried said to himself before.

Regarding the look of enlightenment on Ortlinde's little face, although he didn't get any information uploaded by him, Slude and Hirod, who knew him very well, could see that he understood something.

Therefore, Slude and Hirod looked at Siegfried with much friendlier eyes.

And Ortlinde looked at Siegfried with gratitude and a hint of inquiry——

Is it because of similar reasons that my sister fell in love with this man?

And after noticing that the three Valkyries looked at Siegfried with a little more intimacy, the smiles on the faces of Siegfried and Brunhilde were a little bit bigger.

However, although this ice and snow city is not small, after all, there is only one god inhabited, three Valkyrie commanders and hundreds of mass-produced Valkyrie, the actual area is not large.

Even though the speed of the few people was not fast, they still traveled around the entire ice city very quickly.

Because the rooms here are not much different, so Siegfried and the two didn't choose it specially, and randomly chose a slightly larger room under the strange eyes of the three Valkyries.

From the Hall of Flames all the way to Ice City, I also had a conversation with Skadi in the main hall. Even though Siegfried and the two of them don't feel tired, they should still be given some time to rest.

Therefore, although the three of them seemed to want to say something, in the end they didn't say it and chose to leave.

However, although they chose to leave, the communication between the three was not quiet.

"Sisters, is it really okay for my sister to live with that man...Mr. Siegfried?"

"Mr. Siegfried is recognized by the goddess, called the existence of a god in another world, and is also a lover recognized by the elder sister. Theoretically, there is no problem."

"And we didn't have an order preventing them from resting together."

"Um... well."

Regarding the internal dialogue of the three Valkyries, Siegfried and the others naturally did not know.

In the room where the two of them were resting, Siegfried and Brunhilde were sitting on ice chairs beside the table. On the ice table between them, there was a pot of hot tea emitting white mist.

Although Siegfried complained about Skadi's lack of artistry because of the royal city of Arnoel Londe that has been flashing through his mind recently, it doesn't mean that Skadi is poor at using magic power——

For example, the ice chair that Siegfried is sitting on now, although it is made of the magic power of the extremely cold gods, it is only slightly cooler than body temperature to the touch, and it will not cause frostbite.

"Siegfried, how am I doing today?"

Holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, Brunhilde's eyes were always on Siegfried, with a look of hope on his face, as if he was a child waiting for praise. The image of the reliable elder sister in front of the three of them can be said to be very different.

"Well, that's fine, the problem is almost invisible unless you look carefully.

But do you feel unnatural? "

Nodding in affirmation of Brunhild's performance, Siegfried asked about Brunhild's own feelings.

"Well, it's okay, although Miss Love Song, Miss Mei Li and Miss Alquette are not the type I need, but they can also provide certain references.

Miss Martha, on the other hand, often showed a sister-like smile when she got along with Miss Ophelia, which helped me a lot. "

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