Recalling the memory in his mind that became extremely clear as his strength recovered, Brunhilde said in a deep voice.

Although Brunhilde, as a Valkyrie prototype, is the first Valkyrie made by Odin in imitation of the white giant, it should be more humane than other Valkyries.

But after all, Brunhilde fell asleep for a long time because of the seal.

Although Brunhild's active time is not short, there are still obvious traces of being a Valkyrie in Brunhild's words and deeds after all.

In this regard, as early as during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Siegfried made a suggestion——

"If you also feel that you are a little far away from other people, you might as well try to observe other people's words and deeds.

Of course, just observe, as a reference, not to imitate anyone.

After all, Brunhilde is Brunhilde, and there is no need to imitate anyone. [-]-[-] [-]

I just hope that you can discover the difference between yourself and others from observation, and then make selective changes to make yourself more like a person, rather than a Valkyrie who simply obeys orders.

After all, it will be easier for you to find the love you want after you live like a human being.

Of course, it is not necessary to change. Many times, those differences are precisely your characteristics.

The degree of this needs to be grasped by yourself.

And when you can clearly understand and grasp this degree well, you will truly gain a human heart. "

"Martha, it is true that although she sometimes acts a little...well, beyond common sense, she is indeed an excellent older sister."

Hearing Brunhilde mention the Iron Fist Maiden, Siegfried turned around and said with a smile:

"However, although you have referred to Martha's words and deeds, you are not limited to this, and your demeanor has the bearing that you should have as the eldest sister of a Valkyrie.

This means that you are about to graduate. "

Thinking back to Brunhilde's aura when he visited the Ice City, Siegfried gave a very high evaluation.

"It's all thanks to you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have thought of this."

Hearing this, Brunhilde smiled even wider and said with a smile.

"No, I just acted as a facilitator. In fact, you are still growing."

"Well, then... is there a reward?"

"Don't learn from Meili!"

"It's good to be naughty in a proper way, that's what you said."


written request for leave

I'm really sorry, but I still have to ask for leave during the winter vacation when I have nothing to do.

But the back pain that has become more and more serious in the past two days has really upset me. I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote, and I have only written about a thousand words since I wrote it at [-] o'clock. I feel that I can't continue writing.

In the evening, my dad and I said to go to the hospital... We were reprimanded and told to go after the Chinese New Year... Obviously we didn't take it seriously.

It may not be a big deal, but medical students know everything. What they are best at in school is to scare themselves.

From yesterday to today, the range of pain is getting bigger and bigger. Although the pain level has not reached an unbearable level, the pain trigger mode has changed from the pain when bending over from the side to the pain when walking. It can hurt for a while even if you are lazy.

So, while most likely scaring myself, I was intimidated ( ).

Finally, I'm really sorry.

Chapter 57 Be My Wife Forever

Undoubtedly, Siegfried's heart was moved by Brunhilde who showed a mischievous smile different from his quiet smile, which was rare.

However, although his heart was moved, and he had accumulated a few months of disappointment waiting to be vented, Siegfried did not do any strange behavior towards Brunhilde in the end.

It wasn't that Siegfried suddenly entered some kind of sage mode, but just looking at Brunhilde's beautiful face, the anger in his heart was quietly extinguished by Brunhilde's peaceful temperament.

Quietly embracing Brunhilde's soft and delicate body in a white dress, looking at her extremely peaceful sleeping face, Siegfried, who also felt a burst of peace of mind, also quietly fell asleep.

But after Siegfried fell asleep, Brunhilde, who had already "slumbered deeply" in his arms, quietly opened those crystal eyes again.

After quietly watching Siegfried for a long time, Brunhilde gradually closed his eyes again, with a comfortable arc at the corner of his mouth, and truly fell asleep.

When Siegfried opened his eyes again, he was awakened by the biological clock in his body.

Looking at Brunhilde with a smile on the corner of his mouth, a comfortable smile appeared on Siegfried's face.

No matter from which point of view, Brunhilde is a perfect existence——

From the perspective of the witch god, she is strong, brave, not afraid of powerful enemies, and can perfectly command all Valkyries;

From the perspective of God, he is kind in nature, compassionate, and even willing to communicate with humans who are like ants compared to himself;

From the wife's point of view, she has a gentle personality, quiet and polite, calm and indifferent, and is willing to give everything for her lover...

Even if there was a period of time when he lacked self-awareness like a "doll", it was only because he, as a demigod created by God, lacked knowledge of the world.

After she had a clear understanding of the world, her warm and beautiful humanity overwhelmed her innate divinity, making her the perfect wife in the dreams of countless people.

Just like... Cecilia.

Compared with Cecilia, who experienced a good time, Brunhilde's life has always been on the road to a better life, and has never reached the end——

Because of some curses that can be said to be impossible to hit, and because of some villain's tricks, this Valkyrie who turned into a man and could have become a perfect wife never really enjoyed a good life in her life.

As a result, after being betrayed, the raging anger burned his reason, and he killed his beloved with his own hands, and then slayed himself to death in heartbroken heartache.

Even after ascending to the Heroic Throne after death, the flame of the curse was tormenting the soft heart that was already scarred.

Brunhilde, who was supposed to be a perfect wife, dramatically killed her beloved. Even if she became a heroic spirit after death, she would have to suffer forever from the flames that engulfed her.

Although he only inadvertently destroyed the tragedy and reaped the beauty in his arms, Siegfried didn't have the slightest idea of ​​"not paying attention to it because it came too easily".

In any case, the original tragic fate of Brunhilde in his arms has been shattered because of his own reasons, and now all his hearts are hung on him.

Although I can't give her wholehearted love, but giving her a warm life and not letting her die in a tragic fate because of that damned curse is something that must be done.

Just like at the beginning of regaining memory, I made up my mind to work hard to become stronger and change the tragic fate of myself and Cecilia.

Looking at Brunhilde's peaceful sleeping face in his arms, Siegfried seemed to see himself as a stronger ordinary person back then.

As if sensing Siegfried's gaze, Brunhilde also slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is that handsome face with a faint smile.

"Bren, can I ask you a question?"

Seeing the beauty waking up in his arms, Siegfried asked softly.


Tilting his head in confusion, Brunhilde made a doubtful voice.

"Are you already my wife?"


Hearing this, Brunhilde's eyes widened instantly.

After confirming that he heard correctly, Brunhilde nodded lightly:

"Yes, as long as Siegfried wants to, I will always be Siegfried's wife."

"Then, you will be my wife forever, forever, forever."

Looking at those beautiful eyes like water, Siegfried slowly lowered his head and kissed those cherry lips.

Although caught off guard by Siegfried's sudden "attack", Brunhilde still actively responded to Siegfried's request——

It's just that under Siegfried's mischievous hands, he seemed a little powerless——

In the mansion of the White Princess in Hampstead, London, Siegfried, the devil, not only lived in the princess' mansion majestically, ate the princess up, but also practiced quite skilled skills.

However, Brunhild seemed unaware of Siegfried's unexpectedly skillful movements, and just silently responded to Siegfried's request.

And under Siegfried's proficient exploration, the tender body of Brunhilde, who had never been experienced before, leaned weakly in Siegfried's arms, which made Siegfried feel the anger that he had finally suppressed last night. Once there was a resurgent trend.

Feeling some changes in Siegfried's body, Brunhilde's pretty face, which was already hot, became even hotter.

However, considering that this is the room of the ice city condensed by Skadi's magic power.

Although it is estimated that Skadi should not take the risk of offending himself to monitor himself, but after all, this is the magic creation of the other party, and no one can say whether it has the function of automatically feeding back some information.

The reason why Siegfried honestly hugged Brunhilde to sleep last night was also due to this consideration.

Therefore, in the end Siegfried still suppressed the impulse in his heart, and did not make any act of proclaiming Yin in the daytime.

After "honestly" and "without any behavior of eating tofu", Siegfried and Brunhilde, who summoned the armor on his body again, left the ice house where they lived. Room.

After inquiring about the recent mass-produced Valkyrie, Siegfried and the others learned that the three of Slude are not in the ice city now, and in the distant mountains, a group of giants began to riot for unknown reasons.

Although the mass-produced giants are not unable to deal with those rioting giants, in order to avoid losses, the three of Slude chose to solve them in person.

Chapter 58 Decisions

After learning that the three of Slude were not in the ice city at this time, Siegfried and Brunhilde also chose to leave the ice city and walk in this Nordic belt of anecdotes.

Skadi did not stop the two from leaving.

However, when they left the scale, Skadi's voice clearly entered the minds of the two:

"I will not interfere with your actions in Northern Europe.

However, please don't kill if it is not necessary.

It doesn't matter whether the opponent is a monster who only knows how to kill, or a giant who has lost his reason. "

Siegfried was not at all surprised by Skadi's magic sound transmission. He just nodded and took Brunhilde's hand into the vast snowfield.

Holding hands by Siegfried, walking on this land that was very familiar in the past but is now very strange now, Brunhilde's pretty face did not look too sad, but memories flashed from time to time in her beautiful eyes color.

And what about Siegfried beside him?

Although it seems to be admiring the scenery, the occasional glimmer of light on his wrist that hardly attracts anyone's attention shows that he is not simply admiring the exotic scenery.

Of course, although he was doing other things, Siegfried did not ignore Brunhilde beside him and talked to him from time to time.

Suddenly, three white shadows flashed across the sky——

It was a mass-produced Valkyrie that went out as Skadi's envoy.

Seeing these three white shadows flash past, Brunhilde's eyes dimmed slightly, and the joyful smile on her pretty face because she walked with Siegfried on the familiar land in the past also slightly subsided.

Aware of this, Siegfried hesitated for a moment before asking:

"Brünnhilde, you don't seem to like those mass-produced models very much?"


Hearing this, Brunhilde was slightly taken aback, then shook his head slightly, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a bitter look.

Sighing slightly, Brunhilde explained:

"Oh, not really.

Although I am no longer the commander of the Valkyries, I am still their older sister.

Even if it is only a mass-produced type, the fact that they are also my sisters will not change in any way.

It is precisely because of this that even if you have met yesterday, if you see it again today, you will still feel restless in your heart.

The younger sisters who only value the nature of being an automaton and create a body, but don't have a soul.

...I know very well that they only have the function of executing orders.

They don't have the uncertainty of a Valkyrie who is reluctantly endowed with emotion.

Although a very practical, very efficient idea—

But to me, it's just a pathetic mob.

It's just...that there is no soul..."

Brunhilde said, her voice was already slightly choked, and the crystal clear water flashed in her beautiful eyes.


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