Although pdd can do it now with Elbaf's gun.

But which swordsman doesn't dream of being able to cut down a ship with a single blow like Hawkeye.

His pdd is envious anyway.

One day, he will let Sauron call him fat all the time.

The Straw Hats are on board.

Everyone gathered together again.

After replenishing supplies, it is time to discuss the next itinerary.

However, the discussion has just begun.

The psychologist turned his head to look at Usopp.

He frowned.

"Usopp, what's the matter with your expression?"

Usopp smiled.

"What's going on? What's wrong with me?"

Everyone else also looked at the psychological master, not understanding what was wrong with his appearance.

But the psychological master's eyes are still dignified.

"No, you're not Usopp."

The psychological master turned his head and walked towards the cabin.

From a pile of debris, he pulled out Usopp who was stunned and bound.

Seeing this, everyone turned their heads to look at the original Usopp.

At this moment, that Usopp's face was full of panic.

The psychologist looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Pretend in front of me, are you playing the wrong game?"


The psychological master lightly read out the identity of this person.

Teacher Ma and I immediately surrounded the fake Usopp with our iron shirts.

The fake Usopp also panicked at this time.

He immediately stopped pretending, and directly changed back to his original appearance.

Wearing a swan suit, Feng Klei, dressed like a mermaid, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

See this scene.

Netizens have called it interesting.


"This Mr. 2 never thought that there is a big boss like a psychological master on this ship, right?"

"Yeah, the psychological boss is a top psychological master."

"In addition, I chose the career of a resourceful man."

"He's definitely more subtle about other people."

"So even though this Mr.2 is a person with the ability to imitate fruit."

"But in front of a psychological boss, it's a bit like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong."

"Yeah, ask for Mr. 2's current psychological shadow area."

"Hahaha, I was overwhelmed by the psychological boss!"


Without any doubt.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

Mr.2 was knocked unconscious by everyone and tied up.


In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, everyone also drew an X on their left arms together.

At the same time, it is also a sign of companionship, which all people have.

Afterwards, the crowd formally divided into two groups.

The Alabasta rebels are in Juba.

There lies Kosha, the leader of the rebel army.

Therefore, Weiwei must go there to stop Kosha and explain the reasons for everything.

Among them, Xiaomei, Sister Zhou, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Dalton all went with Weiwei.

There is also some danger over there, so there must be some combat power to follow.

As for the rest.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, pdd, and Mr. Ma went directly to the rainy land, preparing to push the baroque studio.

The two sides split into two groups and quickly acted.

Walking on the rainy street.

pdd looked around and sighed.

"This sand crocodile really knows how to plot."

"Dancing fans, hehe, it's really interesting."

"I think this dancing powder is his own use, right?"

"And said it was used by King Cobra, what a schemer."

Pdd had a sneer on his face, ignoring that this was the base camp of the sand crocodile.

But Teacher Ma and the others nodded inwardly.

Dancing powder will make your city rain when you use it.

But in other surrounding cities, there will be no rain directly.

The one who used this thing should actually be the sand crocodile.

But he slandered it as being used by King Cobra of Alabasta.

It's ridiculous.

Everyone did not hesitate, and after inquiring a few words on the road.

Then he went straight to Crocodile's lair, Rain Feast.

...... 0

That's the biggest casino here.

But when everyone first arrived, they found that there was no one there.

At the end of the casino, a person was sitting.

That person was Crocodile wearing a cloak, looking at Luffy and the others with a sneer.

Seeing this scene, Luffy and others also realized the problem.

They swaggered when they came, and Crocodile must have noticed it.

"It really surprised me."

"How dare you come to me directly, Straw Hat Boy."

"Could it be that you are so confident that with ten of you, you can defeat me?"

Crocodile sneered with a cigar in his mouth.

Sanji dropped the cigarette butt and stomped it out.

"I don't know if I can beat you."

"But people like you are absolutely unable to defeat us."

Crocodile laughed.

Then he waved his hand.

A strong man with a crew cut came out with a person in his hand.

The man was wearing a navy uniform and had white hair.

At this time, he was lying on the ground with injuries all over his body.

meet this man.

Luffy and the others were all shocked.

Teacher Ma also shrank his eyes.

The faces of Ain and Binz Xiuzuo changed drastically.


The three shouted in unison.

Smoker, who was lying on the ground, looked back and saw three familiar faces.

His eyes widened slightly.

"Ain, Binz, Xiu Zuo, why are you three here?"

Before the three could respond to him, Smoker spat out a mouthful of blood.

The arm of Bownis, who has the ability to cut fruit quickly, turned into a sharp knife, and pierced Smoker's chest fiercely.

He was brought into Hailou stone shackles, and he couldn't elementalize at this time.


"There's a navy in here, too."

"It's really fun."

Crocodile smiled.

Confident laughter resounded throughout the audience.

But the next moment.

The psychological master said calmly.

"Sauron, I'll leave that person to you, the others will push the boss with me!"

At the order of the psychological master, Luffy rushed out in second gear.

He came in front of Crocodile, and sent the opponent flying with one blow.

Crocodile was dumbfounded.

Damn this guy is so fast?

He was a little unresponsive.

Fortunately, Luffy can't be armed with domineering.

His series of quick strikes only made Crocodile a little bit off guard.

But after reacting, he kept resisting with elementalization.

Available soon.

Another person rushed sideways, like a steel train.

That's Xiu Zuo.

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