His body is covered with a strong armed color.

Seeing this, Crocodile's expression changed.

But just when he elementalized and dodged, another figure suddenly rushed over.

That's my iron shirt.

Crocodile didn't react at all this time.

He was hit by the domineering "I have iron cloth shirt" covering his chest, and his figure flew backwards violently.

During this period of time when he was unable to control his body.

Teacher Ma suddenly came to the path where he was flying backwards, and slammed hard with his fist covered in armed colors.

This punch hit Crocodile hard in the back.

puff! !

Crocodile half-kneeled on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Although the injury is not serious.


He was directly stunned by this wave of combined attacks from the crowd.

What the hell is there such a person?

I didn't even finish talking when I first came up, so I went straight to work.

It doesn't talk about Wude! !righteous.

130. The powerful natural devil fruit, the oppression of Shichibukai!

Lao Sha knelt on the ground, clutching his chest.

He admitted that he was indeed a little stunned.

Originally thought that this was a group of pirates who had just come from the East China Sea, a group of rookies.

But the start of the fight immediately caught him off guard.

Among them, there are actually three people who have mastered the armed color domineering.


This is rookie.

Armed color domineering things are too rare in the first half.

Even the second half is not for everyone.

After he challenged Whitebeard, he returned to Alabasta in the first half.

Because of this, Lao Sha has always looked down on such things as domineering.

Because he is a nature type, he can completely suppress the opponent with his powerful devil fruit ability.

So Lao Sha never learned such things as domineering.

but now.

He really has a feeling.

When the book is in use, I hate less!

Netizens in the live broadcast room also laughed at Lao Sha's confused face.

"Hahaha, the sand crocodile didn't even dream of this wave, did it?"

"A stinky little ghost pirate group that came in the first half, can be armed and domineering."

"Yeah, Lao Sha is absolutely stunned by this wave."

"Also, this group of people didn't say a word to him when they came up, and just beat him up."

"Is there such a group of people?"

"It doesn't talk about Wude!"

"Hahaha, it really made me laugh."

Lao Sha half knelt on the ground.

Fights between strong players rarely cause real injuries to each other.

Most of us are testing each other.

But just now.

He was directly injured by Teacher Ma's combined attack.

Although not heavy.

But then there was a piercing pain in the back of his heart, which made Lao Sha feel very uncomfortable and very irritable.

And when he turned his head, he saw the battlefield between Sauron and Bonis again.

"Six Nine Zero" Bowness's whole body turned into a blade.

but now.

He was still completely invincible to Sauron.

Although not completely defeated each other.

But Sauron is playing.

If he wants to defeat the opponent, he can definitely make him GG.

But Sauron was a little interested when he saw this Bownis who had the ability to cut fruit quickly.

So it didn't solve the opponent directly.

At this time.

pdd looked at Sauron, shaking his head helplessly.

"Suo Da, stop playing and deal with him."

"We have to work together to push Crocodile."

"Ah, I see, Fat Baby."

Zoro responded when he heard the words.

Looking at Sauron's fierce eyes.

Bowness, who was standing across from him, was panic-stricken.

Before he could react at all, he was pierced by Sauron.


The sound of blood splattering resounded.

Bowness immediately fell down in pain clutching his chest.

Sauron retracted his knife and turned to look at Crocodile.

As for Crocodile, who watched this scene, he was completely shocked.

Among this group of people, there are some iron-slaying swordsmen.

I Nima?

Crocodile was shocked.

Originally, it was learned that Alabasta had a group of invaders.

What gave him the most headache was Fire Fist Ace.

After all, he is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the white beard...

Forget it, don't mention it.

After hearing that Ace was just looking for Blackbeard, he didn't mean to shoot him.

Lao Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, I accidentally learned about Smoker and the Straw Hats.

So he shot and caught Smoker.

But he was just about to kill Smoker in front of everyone to frighten them.


But he was stunned.

This is so special!

Lao Sha roared in his heart.

The psychological master did not give Lao Sha too much breathing time.

As soon as he waved his hand, Ai En saw the right opportunity, and prepared to use the fruit ability to give Lao Sha a youthful technique.

However, Lao Sha was well prepared this time, and used elementalization to avoid it in advance.

The ground under Ai En's feet broke open, and a treasured desert knife emerged.

Ain quickly pulled back.

Binz turned to the top, ready to use the vines to control Crocodile.

Luffy, who output the first wave, also rushed back, and quickly shot Crocodile.

The battle here has made netizens feel very addicted.

And the other side.

Weiwei also managed to get to Juba with everyone.

But when they come.

Juba's rebels left long ago, and it is said that they went to Albana, the center of the kingdom.

Weiwei was shocked, and hurriedly prepared to go to Albana, the center of the kingdom, with everyone.


It's not completely useless to come here.

Sister Zhou activated a small weather technique to maximize the rainfall.

The civilians in Juba simply regard Sister Zhou as the goddess of rain.

Because of this, they listened to Weiwei's words and learned about the conspiracy of the sand crocodile.

This scene made netizens call Sister Zhou Niu Bi.

In this rainless country.

Even if Miss Zhou's small weather spell has a range of only 100 meters.

However, her ability is definitely extremely useful.

At least it is possible to make these rebel civilians believe in Weiwei's words again.

After solving the matter here in Yuba, everyone rushed to Albana in a hurry.

During this period.

The direction of the rain on the other side.

The fierce battle between Crocodile and everyone has reached a fever pitch.

Teacher Ma and others all went into battle.

Binz secretly took Smoke away, but he couldn't find the sea stone key in his hand.

Smoker looked at Binz in shock.

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