But this time.

That life card has started to burn little by little.

Seeing this scene, Luffy lowered his head.


For the first time as the captain, he was silent.

After a long time, Luffy spoke again.

"Everyone, this time is different from the past."

"This time, I'll save Ace myself."

Hearing his words, all the crew members widened their eyes.

next moment.

Usopp was the first to rush up, pulling Luffy's collar and shouting in tears.


"Are you looking down on our group of partners?"

"To save Ace, how can I let you go alone?"

"Ace is your brother, and that is also our brother!"

"My friend is in trouble, how can we just ignore it!"

Usopp growled.

The rest of the people also looked deeply at Luffy.

express their thoughts silently.

Luffy raised his head slowly, looking at everyone with eyes full of emotion.

This time is really different.

This time the enemy is the Navy Headquarters.

It is the lieutenant general and general of the digital headquarters.

Even the opponent of the Navy Headquarters this time is not their Straw Hat Pirates.

Their Straw Hat Pirates, if they go, are most likely to make up for it.

and so.

Luffy hesitated.

He didn't want the crew to go.

Ace is his brother after all, and he doesn't want to drag the crew into dangerous situations.

But he didn't expect it.

When this group of partners heard the Navy Headquarters.

Everyone's eyes are extremely dignified.

Usopp almost freaked out.


Even if you are afraid.

They still followed him firmly.

Still determined to follow him to the Navy headquarters to rescue Ace.


Luffy's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Finally, he stood there and laughed.

"Okay, then our Straw Hat Pirates will also participate in the next huge battle!"

"Let's save Ace!"

Luffy laughed and said.

Everyone laughed when they heard his words.

At this time, after it was decided that all members should participate in the next battle at the Navy Headquarters.


Sauron regained his composure.

He scanned the crowd solemnly, and finally his eyes fell on Luffy.

"Luffy, since we have decided to go to the Navy Headquarters to join the battle."

"Then, we must take advantage of this time to work hard to improve our strength."

Sauron took another look at pdd.

After confirming from the other party that the standoff does not know when it will start.

Sauron even believed that everyone should practice hard in a short time.

Only stronger.

Only then will it be possible to survive at that level.

And increase the chances of rescuing Ace.

Luffy also agrees with Sauron's idea.

Ultimately at his decision.

The Straw Hats rested in the capital of seven waters for a few days.

On the one hand, they are waiting for the new ship that Franky and Bingberg built for them.

On the other hand, take the time to practice and improve your strength.

The intelligence officer pdd also had no opinion on this decision.

The Navy Headquarters is still at the stage of trading Ace with Blackbeard.

That war should still be there for a while.

And the capital of seven waters is actually not far from the headquarters of the navy.

While practicing hard, they continued their adventurous journey.

When the station battle comes, they can go to the Navy headquarters again.

The crowd hit it off.

While everyone continued to practice.

pdd, Dai Xiaomei, and Zhou Jie also decided to choose the pirate camp.

at the same time.

Another game prompt appeared in front of the three of them.

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter broadsword), who played a huge role in the battle to save partners Robin and Franky on Judicial Island. 】


Watch yourself rewarded.

pdd hehe smiled, and after allocating the free attribute points, he called up the attribute panel.

[Name: 40-meter sword. 】

[Level: lv25 (0%). 】

[Faction: Pirates - Straw Hat Pirates. 】

[Occupation: Swordsman. 】

[Abilities: physical skills (intermediate), swordsmanship (advanced) (1/5), Elbaf's spear (beginner), armed domineering (beginner), knowledge-color domineering (beginner). 】

[Items: Black Knife (Green), Swordsman Professional Blind Box (Blue). 】

[Points: 1500. 】

At this time, some netizens reminded him that there was still a blue swordsman exclusive blind box that had not been opened.

But pdd has a stinky face.

"Brothers, haven't you seen the blind box mechanism of this game yet?"

"Let me tell you that I've seen it all."

"I now have the top green black knife in my hand, and the rest of my abilities are as high as that."

"Now go to open the exclusive blind box for swordsmen, and you won't be able to open anything good at all."

"That's a waste of this blue swordsman blind box."

"So, when will I be short of something?"

"When will I come back to watch the swordsman's exclusive blind box, so that I can maximize my benefits."

"Otherwise, even if a long sword of blue quality is produced now, wouldn't my green black sword be wasted?"

Listen to pdd's explanation of not opening the blind box.

Netizens think it makes sense.

But on the other hand, I feel that the blind box cannot be opened, which is really itchy.

They kept urging pdd to open the blind box.

"Fat baby, I think you should drive."

"You are now at level 25. If you open this blue blind box now, the probability of opening good equipment is the same as in the future."

"However, you will be stronger in the future, even if you offer the same thing, it will not be as valuable to you as it is now."

"Are you right, fat baby?"

"Yeah fat baby, we just want to see you open the blind box, open it quickly!"

Netizens continue to persuade.

But pdd was not fooled at all this time, and was extremely resolute.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Stop talking, I won't drive this time."

"I must save this blind box for the most useful time before opening it."

"Don't disturb my heart here!"

"Hmph, a bunch of annoying guys!"

pdd mocked all the netizens.

Netizens felt helpless when they saw that this guy had made up his mind this time.

But this time.

Some netizens said suddenly.

"Look at Miss Zhou!"

"Fuck, sister Zhou's rewards are too generous!".

187. Sister Zhou Obtains a Magical Skill!Special talent, elemental affinity!

I saw what netizens said about Sister Zhou's reward.

pdd turned around in surprise.

Sister Zhou was surprised at this moment.

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