Standing next to him, Miss Dai looked emotional, as if the rewards that sister Zhou had received were exaggerated.

pdd looked puzzled.

Then I saw a series of game prompts.

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), who played an important role in rescuing Robin and Franky from Judicial Island. 】


Sister Zhou looked at her rewards, and quickly distributed them in surprise.

"Brothers, I didn't expect this round of judicial island rewards to be so good."

"Although my experience value is stuck at level 20 and waiting to be transferred, I have an armed domineering skill scroll and three free attribute points."

"Brothers, look at my strength rising this wave."

Sister Zhou said with a big smile.

She first learned the skill scroll of armed color.

Afterwards, the three free attribute points were allocated to the body technique, absolute hypnosis, and small weather technique in turn.

[Name: Sister Zhou. 】

[Level: lv20 (100%) (to be transferred). 】

[Faction: Pirates - Straw Hat Pirates. 】

[Occupation: Navigator. 】

[Abilities: Physical Art (Intermediate), Navigation (Elementary), Absolute Hypnosis (Intermediate), Small Weather Art (Advanced) (Wind, Rain, Electricity, Fog), Armed Color Domineering (Introductory), Knowledge Color Domineering (Introductory) . 】

[Item: Overlord Color Domineering Skill Scroll. 】

[Points: 3000. 】

Looking at her attribute panel, Sister Zhou was very satisfied.

Among them, physical skills and absolute hypnosis are already intermediate.

This will play a big role in the next battle.

She took a gamble on the small weather technique.

Shunli has the same ability as the Navy's Six Types, and can be directly promoted from intermediate to advanced.

Watch this scene.

Netizens also have a deeper understanding of the various abilities and skills in attributes.

"Brothers, it is basically confirmed now."

"Physical arts, the core ability of this profession, domineering, devil fruit, these belong to a person's fundamental strength."

"If you want to improve these abilities after adding points to the intermediate level, you need three points to advance to the advanced level, and five points to upgrade to the perfect level."

"And the rest of the abilities, such as sister Zhou's absolute hypnosis, small weather spell, pdd's Elbaf's gun, Mr. Ma's navy six style, etc."

"These are all skills, more like the use of power."

"So they didn't impose any restrictions. After learning it, five attribute points can directly reach the profound truth."

"That's right, that's right, I agree."

Netizens have expressed that they have discovered the point-adding mechanism of this game.

And at the same time.

Some netizens can't help but feel curious.

"Did you find a problem?"

"The games we have played in the past, no matter how fun they are or how big the production is, they will give us a lot of information at the beginning."

"And in the process of our continuous exploration, we will give us more information in the form of game prompts again, so that we will not be caught blind."

"Because once we get blind or don't understand the game, we will almost abandon a game."

"But I just found out today."

"Fuck this "Great Navigation World"."

"I didn't give any information at the beginning, just an opening CG, and I didn't give you any information after that."

"It's completely different from other games."

"It allows you to explore slowly, to have fun while exploring, to excite your body and mind."

"I rely on!"

"That's true."

"In the past, if I didn't give any information in the games I played, I would just leave him alone and eat ashes."

"But for "Great Voyage World"."

"He didn't give any information, but I played with more relish."

"Damn! Damn, am I cheap?"

"Brother, this is not cheap."

"I think it should be that Great Navigation World has done a great job in all aspects."

"Whether it's authenticity, world view, or individual characters."

"It's really like a real world, let us look forward to it."

"That's why we have such a lot of patience with it."

"Otherwise, you think that a game that has been in closed beta for almost a month is not yet out for public beta."

"How can I spend so long with him?"

"However, "The Great Sailing World", I just want to say that it smells really good!"

"I'm willing to wait any longer."

"Because even watching the live broadcast, I'm already so excited that I can't sleep or eat."

"If I can play this, wouldn't I just have to play happily and pass out?"

Netizens have called out how fun "The Great Voyage World" is on the barrage.

This is an epoch-making game.

while they were discussing.

Sister Zhou reached out and pointed to the waiting job transfer, and received the job transfer task.

Afterwards, a game prompt popped up in front of Sister Zhou again.

[Professional transfer task: total sailing to more than ten small islands, and the current progress is eleven (Shields Town, Orange Town, Cocosia Village, Rogue Town, Whiskey Hill, Small Garden, Alabasta, Gaya Island Magic Valley Town, Sky Island, City of Seven Waters, Judiciary Island). 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), you have successfully changed your career as a Navigator! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), the level has been raised to lv21! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), the level of navigation has been raised to the intermediate level! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), who has obtained the blind box *1 (blue) exclusive to the navigator profession. 】

Seeing the series of rewards she received again, Sister Zhou was taken aback.

She didn't expect that this job transfer task would be completed directly.

It seems that her auxiliary professional navigator job transfer task is quite easy to complete.

It's not like pdd and Mr. Ma, who are fighting besides fighting.

Sister Zhou giggled.

The little girl who stayed beside her was full of jealousy.

"Crazy woman, you've gained a lot from this wave."

"On the other hand, I have some experience points, two attribute points, and one point."

"But you directly completed the job transfer task at level [-]."

Dai Xiaomei said with a look of envy.


Sister Zhou frowned when she heard her words.

"Old woman, do you have the nerve to stay with me here in Versailles?"

"You have some experience points?"

"You have obtained 20% of the experience points, and I will give you a level of [-]. Are you still not satisfied?"

"With the addition of two attribute points, your ocean fruit is advanced."

"Depend on!"

"Stay away from me in Versailles!"

Listening to Sister Zhou's words, Dai Xiaomei glanced at her attribute panel.

[Name: Little Sister Dumb. 】

[Level: lv20 (0%). 】

[Faction: Pirates - Straw Hat Pirates. 】

[Occupation: Tasting master. 】

[Abilities: physical skills (intermediate), tasting (primary), ocean fruit (only) (advanced), armed domineering (beginner), knowledge-color domineering (beginner). 】

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

[Items: Tears of the Sea God (purple), Wrath of the Sea God (0/1). 】

[Points: 6400. 】

She couldn't help smiling.

Although they are still a lot worse than sister Zhou.

But compared to before, there are indeed many improvements.

Not only has he learned two-color domineering, but the intermediate ocean fruit that was added a little before has also been upgraded to a high level.

It can be said that it is very good.

At this moment, Miss Dai looked at Sister Zhou again.

pdd also looked over.

His own blue swordsman blind box is not going to be opened.

However, there is no reason why sister Zhou's blue navigator blind box should not be opened.

Netizens also expected this.

Everyone looked at Sister Zhou and asked if they could open the blind box.

Sister Zhou smiled.

He directly reached out and took out a silver metal blind box.

There is also a rudder logo on it, which shows that this is the exclusive blind box for the navigator profession.

Sister Zhou smiled and opened it without hesitation.

There are no items inside.

Instead, a stream of light rushed into Sister Zhou's mind.

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (Sister Zhou), who has obtained a special talent and elemental affinity. 】

...... 0

Seeing this ability, Miss Zhou frowned.

"Old woman, pdd, and brothers, what kind of ability is this elemental affinity?"

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