"Isn't it okay for people to get a good night's sleep?"

Seeing this, Su Bai complained, a little speechless.

Doesn't she just want to be lazy? For things like morning jogging, is there any difference between running one more day and one less day?

However, Su Bai still took a look at his skill panel.

【Modern Medicine LV4】

After the skill system was activated, the two skills she acquired the most were cooking and modern medicine.

Cooking skills are already at full level, and modern medicine is currently her highest-level skill besides cooking skills.

"I don't know what abilities modern medicine will give me when it reaches LV6."

After a little anticipation, Su Bai picked up the short sleeves and shorts from the table of the nanny robot at home, and put them on for himself.

There is no way, she really wants to go for a run in her current state, to let off her excessive energy.

ps: There is another chapter in the back, and it will be updated before [-]:[-]

Chapter 18 Morning jogging is a very dangerous thing

"Old Chen, are you really not going to continue to track down the other party's identity, but continue to wait for the other party's next move?"

In a temporary office of the National Security Bureau of the Magic City, Pang De, another commander of the special operations team of the National Security Bureau, saw Chen Ming's request to speed up the interrogation of the remaining ones and discovered the crimes, but he has not yet grasped all the crimes.

Afterwards, the suspects of the criminal evidence asked.

At present, the two inquiries released by the Public Security Bureau of the Magic City are all the result of the raid last night.

After confirming that the other party committed the crime, Chen Ming asked the Magic City Public Security Bureau to contact the media to make the two cases public, which was also a response to the mastermind behind the mysterious incident.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming, who is currently in charge of this incident, stopped tracking down the mastermind behind the incident and the white-haired loli.This made Pound a little confused.

"If you really look for it in the household registration data, you will definitely find it, I believe that.

Chen Ming, who was still eating breakfast, put down the soy milk in his hand after saying this, and continued: "However, it is too dangerous to do that. In the face of mystery, we must remain vigilant and respectful at the same time. The other party

At present, I have not used my own strength to do things that endanger society. Even the way of being a vigilante is to attack the authority of the public security system through reminders rather than direct exposure. "

"The other party has given us face, so we have to maintain respect for her. What we have to do now is to wait. We can't be hostile to her, but we can't have too much hostility. We must not grasp the kind of me

The existence of a mysterious force that we don't know forces us to go to the opposite side.That is the most dangerous thing for the country. "

The reason why Chen Ming was able to be the supreme commander in handling this incident was because he was so calm and rational.

Facing that mysterious power, the first thought of many people is to master that power and use it for me.But Chen Ming's idea is that no matter what, he can't provoke the other party, and absolutely can't force the other party to the opposite side of Huaguo.

In the case of satisfying this first priority, think about whether it is possible to obtain this mysterious power from the other party.

The order and security of the country comes first.If this cannot be guaranteed, no matter how powerful the power is, it will be nothing but Pandora's treasure box, which will eventually bring disaster.

"But will she really respond to us?"

Pound seemed a little worried.

In order to respond quickly to the other party, Chen Ming used too many resources in a short period of time, and even angered many troublesome people

Under such circumstances, if he couldn't get some valuable clues or things to hand over to the higher-ups, then Chen Ming would actually be a bit dangerous.

"Time will give us the answer. In short, let's stay in awe of the unknown. Then, although it is a bit suspicious to say this, but what I am facing here is the mystery of the unknown, and failure is normal. But your side

Nothing can happen. "

Chen Ming reminded Pound emphatically at this time.

The special operations team consists of two departments. The first department is the action group, which is the part that targets the mystery.

The second department is the security team, which is responsible for the infiltration of foreign forces

This mysterious incident in Huaguo has attracted the attention of some foreign forces, and soon some foreign forces will infiltrate into the magic city to investigate the mystery.

And these people who want to infiltrate are Pound's work targets.

Chen Ming remained in awe of the unknown.However, he couldn't guarantee that people from other organizations would also remain in awe of the mystery.

If the existence with mysterious power is provoked, it will be troublesome

"It's reasonable, it's quite troublesome. The devil's capital is a bit too complicated. It's easy to deal with people who come in from the outside, I'm afraid it's just..."

When Pound said this, he frowned slightly.

He didn't know how difficult the work on Chen Ming's side was, and Chen Ming didn't know how difficult the work on his side was.

"Anyway, as long as you don't make mistakes on your side, there will be absolutely no mistakes on my side."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.


"System, I just said that running in the morning is a very dangerous thing. If you don't listen, it's okay now, the skewers from this roadside stall are really delicious!"

Su Bai, who finished his morning jog in a small park near the villa area, held a large bowl of skewers in his hand, and then sat on a chair next to the basketball court in this small park, eating deliciously.

No one can resist the temptation when they see a roadside stand while running in the morning.I only buy this kind of skewers, and I didn’t buy iron plate squid, and then an egg-filled pancake, which is already what Su Bai told the system before that he couldn’t eat too high calorie.

Food's last respect was given.

Everything is the system's fault!

Thinking of this, Su Bai inserted a piece of cartilage with a bamboo stick and put it in his mouth, his face full of pain.

Why did the system make a mistake, but let her suffer this pain!

[Okay, you're already enjoying yourself! Bullying starts, confiscated. 】

[The bullying activation is complete, the host has obtained the skill Navigator LV1]

Accompanied by the sound of the system prompt, Su Bai stared blankly at the only bamboo stick left in his hand, then chewed the cartilage in his mouth twice, and suddenly became angry.

"I just ate one shiitake mushroom ball, two pieces of cartilage and one piece of lettuce. What does it mean to be happy! I'm not happy at all, okay, you give me back!"

She managed to finish her dangerous morning run, and was finally attacked by a food stall. Wouldn't it be okay to let her bear the pain alone?

The navigator skill? She doesn't go to sea and sail the boat at all, it's useless! Using a skill that she can't use at all in exchange for such a delicious skewer, she's going to lose money, okay?

"Forget it, my lord doesn't remember the faults of villains, so I won't bother with you."

Seeing that the system started to play dead, Su Bai had no choice but to get up

As for what to do? Of course it is to buy another copy.

If you don't eat such a delicious thing once and for all, it will be the greatest torture in your life.

As for, with an LV6 level of cooking skills, I can obviously make more delicious things with my own hands, but I still want to eat at roadside stalls?

The reason is very simple, how tiring it is to do it yourself! What's more, the things made by yourself are not as delicious as the things made by others.

Unless she is really hungry and wants to make a hot pot, otherwise she will let the system arrange what she eats.


Just when Su Bai got up and was about to buy another skewer, he saw under a big tree outside the basketball court, there was a cute little radish in a plain white dress who looked only seven or eight years old. lee over there alone


Accompanied by the beautiful autumn wind blowing the long hair scattered behind and the shaking of the swing, it constitutes a stunning autumn scene.

ps: Three to four chapters will be updated tonight.Then, please vote~

Chapter 19 I like bullying little loli the most!

When Su Bai noticed that cute little loli, that cute little loli had actually noticed Su Bai a long time ago.

To be fair, a white-haired loli like Su Bai is still very unique in reality, especially this white-haired loli has a cute appearance like a fairy, so the rate of turning heads on the street is directly full .

Without thinking too much, Su Bai walked directly towards the cute little loli.

No one can refuse cute things, even if Su Bai feels that he is already very cute, it is not enough, cute things will never be too much!

Unless it's a bear kid.

There were two swings under the tree where the cute little loli was, and Su Bai sat on the second swing without much hesitation.

"Hello, my name is Su Bai. I'm in the first grade of junior high school. How about you?"

After Su Bai sat on the swing, he looked directly at the cute little loli and said, with a familiar face.

【How old are you, you still pretend to be tender, and you’re not ashamed! Do you understand what shame is? Where’s your reserve? You’re still in the first year of junior high school? Damn!】

At this time, the system couldn't help complaining, but Su Bai ignored it.

She is only 1.5 meters tall, and she still likes to ride the merry-go-round when she goes to the amusement park. Is there something wrong with saying that she is still in the first grade of junior high school? No!

It's enough for her to have a cute little loli, she's really not familiar with the system or something!

The cute little loli was taken aback when she saw Su Bai introducing herself so naturally, then she showed a sweet smile, looked at Su Bai and said, "My name is Zhou Xue."

Zhou Xue's voice was very soft, with a little weakness.But her eyes looked particularly clear, like a bay of spring water, which seemed to be able to reflect all the beauty in the world.

However, she looked very thin, like a helpless and weak lamb, and even gave Su Bai an idea that she could beat two Zhou Xues by herself.

"I just moved here two days ago, do you live near here too?"

Su Bai looked at the thin Zhou Xue and then asked.

After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she looked behind her subconsciously, and then said, "I probably live near here. But, I probably... won't live for too long."

When Zhou Xue said the second half of the sentence, she seemed a little hesitant, and a trace of loneliness and sadness flashed in her clear eyes.

Seeing this, Su Bai also glanced at the position behind Zhou Xue, and found that behind the park was a hospital.At this time, Su Bai also noticed that the white dress Zhou Xue was wearing looked more like a hospital gown.

There is also a watch used to detect heartbeat. There are many pinholes on the wrists and backs of both hands.

"Xiaoxue, running around again? I told you, don't run around."

Just when Su Bai was about to continue making friends, a voice came from behind Zhou Xue.

Turning around to look, she found that it was an aunty nurse who looked a little stern, and she gave Zhou Xue a terrifying look, as if she was blaming Zhou Xue.

"I gotta go..."

Seeing this, Zhou Xue jumped off the swing, intending to turn around and leave, but then she seemed to think of something, turned her head and smiled sweetly at Su Bai and said, "Don't remember me."

It seemed to be just a very ordinary smile, but it made Su Bai's heart tremble.That smile is sweet and deadly, it seems to be mixed with all the good things in the world, but it also gives people a feeling that the good things are fleeting and irretrievable


Zhou Xue didn't walk fast. She walked for about 20 seconds for a distance of more than ten meters before reaching the nurse.

"A new kid?"

After Zhou Xue came to the nurse, the nurse spoke, her tone was no longer harsh, but rather gentle.

"Hmm, looks like a cute guy."

Zhou Xue said that she seemed to want to look back at Su Bai, but in the end she didn't look back for some reason.

The nurse who noticed something turned her head to look at Su Bai, gave Su Bai a kind smile, then stretched out her hand to touch Zhou Xue's little head, and left with Zhou Xue.

【A flower that is about to die before it has time to bloom】

The system spoke at this time, with a hint of regret in the words.

"Is it congenital leukemia? It still looks very serious, and it's about to enter the stage of radiation therapy. Soon, that beautiful hair will be gone."

The LV5 level of modern medical skills gave Su Bai the knowledge to easily defeat any modern medical authority in his mind.

Moreover, not only memorizing knowledge simply, Su Bai can also apply those knowledge flexibly.

Therefore, just by observing, she can make a simple inference about Zhou Xue's current state.

[It is more serious than you think, it is a variety of congenital genetic defects.According to the modern development of human medicine, it will take another 70 years for a gene defect of this level to be cured.She can live until now, it is already modern

Medicine has done wonders for her. 】

The system gave a conclusion that was worse than Su Bai's external observation.

After finishing this sentence, he continued: [I have compassion in my heart, do you want to help her?]

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