Although the system says that it is possible for humans to reach LV5, under normal circumstances, the limit that humans can reach is LV4.9999..

There is only a slight difference, but it is the difference between heaven and earth, and Su Bai's LV5 is LV5.9999...

Everything that level LV5 can do, Su Bai will definitely be able to do.

Relying on the modern medicine of this era, even if it cannot rescue the beautiful flower that is about to wither before it blooms, it can prolong her life in various ways.

"It's not fun to simply prolong her life, system, give me the status of a doctor. Such a cute little loli, it's too wasteful not to bully her!"

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

Everyone likes cute things, but everyone also wants to bully cute things.The feeling of holding her fate in one's own hands and being at the mercy of one's own is simply not too much fun.

The most important thing is that Su Bai could see that Zhou Xue had already foreseen the disappearance of her own life.She is saying goodbye to this world in her own way.

The so-called bullying is to impose one's will on others, whether others want it or not, they can only endure it.

Want to die, thinking that she will never meet Su Bai again? She agreed, but Su Bai didn't agree!

"In the future, you will not only have to see me every day, but you will also want to die. It won't be that easy."

At this time, Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue's back slowly walking back to the hospital in the distance, and showed a sweet smile that she thought was evil but cute, as if she was trying to show off her cuteness maliciously.

ps: push book

"In the ring of the old man, this is what you do?"

The Junction I'm in has been voted the worst region in the world by the Supreme Will.


The demigods who split the golden law, the strange undead creatures everywhere, and the enemies who don't speak martial arts are the best in the world!

There's no denying that's the case, but there's still a steady stream of people who become King of Elden.

If you can't feel that you belong to the Sichenchi Cup, and you can't feel Mansu, what kind of new path is Elden's Ring?

Fortunately, the remaining power allowed me to save the original two-finger witch, who wanted to take the adventure with me.There is also a teacher, a female warrior, a female colleague, and a divine this is a dating simulator?


Chapter 20 Lesion Zhou Xue

"Zhang Yi, you've been under too much pressure recently, I'll give you a week off."

In the office of the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Cihai, Shanghai, the dean of the hospital looked at the haggard-looking doctor in front of him and said.

"Dean, I'm fine. What's more, one of my patients has serious problems now. I have to keep watching, otherwise, there will be big problems."

Zhang Yi spoke, but there was still a trace of fatigue in his words.

He just got off a seven-hour operating table, and he didn't even have time to rest, so he immediately went to make rounds.

Now that the ward rounds are over, I come to the dean's office to sit down and take a rest.

"You're talking about Zhou Xue's child, right? An expert came down from the capital, and she will be in charge of Zhou Xue's child's condition."

As the dean said, he took out a file and handed it to Zhang Yi.

After hearing what the dean said, Zhang Yi frowned slightly, then picked up the document and looked at it.

This information is Su Bai's information.However, if Su Bai looked at this document by herself, she might not be able to recognize herself as being described in this document except for her name and photo.

Because, in this information, she is currently the top genius doctor in Huaguo, a top researcher in human genes, and has published many medical papers that shocked the academic world

In addition to these theoretical things, in practice, Su Bai has led many miraculous surgical cases and successfully cured many patients who were considered incurable by the academic circles.

To put it simply, it is the record of the protagonist in medical novels, even a little more exaggerated.

Zhang Yi looked at Su Bai's immature face in the photo, frowned slightly, and said, "Zhou Xue's family can't afford to hire such a boss."

He did not question the authenticity of this information, and the only thing he worried about was medical expenses.

Zhou Xue's family is not considered poor, but it is definitely not rich either.

As far as the information shown in the file is concerned, if Su Bai is in China, the registration fee alone may cost several thousand, and he may not even be able to register.

For such a person to be in charge of a patient, or even become her exclusive doctor, the cost would not be affordable even by a wealthy family, let alone Zhou Xue's family.

"This Su Bai is richer than you can imagine. The reason why she chose Zhou Xue was not because of how much money her family paid to invite her, but because Zhou Xue's condition is complicated enough that it is absolutely impossible to be cured!"

Seeing this, the dean said with a little sigh in his heart.

He also went to see the Zhou Xue that Zhang Yi was in charge of, a child who was sensible enough to make people feel distressed, and could not give birth to a child who was disgusted in the slightest.

However, God is unfair.A well-behaved and lovely child like an angel was cursed at the same time as it was born.The complexity of her condition was enough to make any medical scientist's scalp tingle.

Once upon a time, Zhou Xue was asserted that she would not live past the age of five.

Although many things later proved that this inference was wrong, Zhou Xue created a medical miracle.However, this medical miracle only lived a few more years.

At present, almost all available medical methods have been used, and modern human medicine has almost failed to recover.

In less than a week, I am afraid that we will enter chemotherapy or conservative treatment.

But once it enters this stage, it proves that the life of this tenacious girl has officially entered an irreversible countdown.

"A respectable junior. I hope...she can succeed."

Zhang Yi took another look at Su Bai's profile and said.

Knowing that it is impossible to do it, challenging the patients who cannot be saved by modern medicine and can only be saved by miracles... This kind of courage is not possessed by all doctors.

Just like him, he didn't accept Zhou Xue as a patient because he thought he could cure Zhou Xue.It was entirely because no one in the whole hospital dared to take it back then, Zhou Xue could have been dealt with based on his professionalism and ability.

Due to the responsibility of the doctor and the appointment of the hospital, I took over.

A talented doctor with a bright future dared to accept such a patient for free.This kind of nobility made him feel ashamed.

Even though he thought so, after he really saw Su Bai, his heart still skipped a beat.

A cute loli wearing a black and white panda windbreaker and sandals, carrying a white lop-eared rabbit backpack, holding a mobile phone wrapped in a cartoon mobile phone case, and a bottle of pure milk.

It seems, up to 14 years old, no more.Even at 14 he feels overrated.

"What are you looking at, be careful I will jump up and hit you!"

At the entrance of the hospital, after seeing Zhang Yi looking at him in surprise, Su Bai said fiercely. After speaking, he took a sip of the pure milk in his hand, then ignored the other people who looked at her in surprise, and walked into the hospital. hospital


Compared with other people who were surprised, the director of the hospital was relatively calm. After going through some formalities for Su Bai, Su Bai changed into a white coat that mopped the floor.

No way, this is already the smallest size.

Under such circumstances, it was a nurse who stood up, took out the sewing box, cut off a part, and finally made a white coat for Su Bai to wear.

Then, Su Bai thought about the hospital's affairs a bit more simply.

Although Su Bai possesses LV5 modern medical skills, her practice foundation in the hospital is 0.

She thought that when she came to the hospital, she only had to think about how to tease the lovely Zhou Xue every day.Then, Zhang Yi, Zhou Xue's previous attending physician, talked to her about Zhou Xue's condition for five hours in the conference room.

Yes, for five hours without repetition.

Then, at this moment, Su Bai realized that what the system said before was still too light.This is not an ordinary patient, it is simply a walking human congenital gene defect collection.

Taking any one of them out alone is a big challenge for modern medicine. In this case, Zhou Xue has a bunch of them.

"Thank you very much for taking over Zhou Xue. I have no choice. If you don't come, I can only take conservative treatment."

At the end of the conversation, Zhang Yi expressed his gratitude to Su Bai.

Su Bai felt this from the very beginning, after all, Zhang Yi, who was ten years older than her, always called Su Bai "you".

"System, I seem to have given myself a troublesome job. Can I go back on my word?"

After Zhang Yi left, Su Bai almost cried.

[Heh~ Who couldn't walk when they saw the cute little loli.Bullying starts, tasks are issued, and goals set by oneself are completed even while crying. 】

[Issuing the task: the goal I set myself, I have to finish it even when I cry. 】

[Task reward: two random LV6 skills]

[Punishment for failure: Heh~ Garbage!]

ps: There are two more chapters in the back...probably.Because I have to visit the grave at four o'clock, I will update at least one more chapter before that.

open a bounty

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Except for referral tickets, all others have no upper limit.

For the new book period, depending on the situation of the recommendation ticket, it will be updated

The rewarded chapters will be paid off after they are put on the shelves.

Chapter 21 Pretend to be tender is exposed

After the system appeared, it was like an annoying old woman who never let Su Bai stay overnight.

However, after confirming that she was Zhou Xue's attending physician, Su Bai didn't sleep all night, and the system didn't stop her.

After spending one night, Su Bai made a new treatment plan based on Zhang Yi's summarization of Zhou Xue's symptoms.

To put it simply, it is to deny the means of using chemotherapy to forcibly prolong Zhou Xue's life.This kind of method can indeed make her live longer, but the pain caused by chemotherapy to Zhou Xue will make this resolute child lose her smile

This does not mean that Su Bai will give up on her treatment and let her wait to die.

Modern medicine really sentenced Zhou Xue to death.Under such circumstances, only a miracle can save Zhou Xue.

At this time, she actually regretted the miracle she had given by the system indiscriminately.

If that miracle hadn't been used by him, then it would come in handy now.

However, there are no miracles and no problems, she is only one level away from reaching the godly realm of modern medical skills.

Skills at the level of LV6 can turn decay into magic, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

"So, system, when will you give me the skill LV6 of modern medicine!"

After obediently eating the refreshing medicinal food ordered by the system, Su Bai asked, looking very stubborn.

【Heh~ Weren't you very stubborn before? You lost your temper when I confiscated your share of skewers, why are you begging me now?】

The system said at this time, looking particularly stubborn.

You ignored me before, but now I make you unable to climb high.

"System, you are the best person, anyway, it's only a first-level skill~ You have a lot of adults, so don't bother with me, a villain~ Just give it to me~"

After hearing the words of the system, Su Bai's eyes filled with tears, he was so pitiful, as if he had been greatly wronged.

[Release side task: Good boy]

[Task time limit: one month]

[Within one month, without the system not reminding me, take the initiative to complete the daily morning run and night run, drink [-]ml of milk every day, go to bed early and get up early, eat on time, and make reasonable daily meal arrangements]

[Task Reward: Disposable Skill Upgrade Points +2]

[Punishment for failure: You beg me yourself, how dare you fail? 】

"Female...system, you are really the best! But, isn't this task a bit long? Not a month, but a week! I don't want two upgrade points, one is enough."

It is a skill to hold back bad words, and Su Bai has already mastered it without a teacher.

The problem is not this, but that Zhou Xue's current situation is really not as good as optimistic. A miracle may not even solve all her illnesses.

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