However, even though there were countless other thoughts in his mind at this time, he still didn't express it directly, and sat there

"That's right, that's what chasing stars is all about, do you understand?"

In Su Bai's home, Su Bai sits on a robot vacuum that he modified, circling in the study.And Zuo Ming and Zhou Xuezuo sat in front of the computer in the study room. The computer was not a variety show, nor was it Weibo.

Instead, it is the trend chart of the stock market.

To be reasonable, the two of them can barely understand it.The reason why they can understand is that their mathematics is taught by Su Bai.Under the influence of the teacher's skills, neither of them realized that their ability in mathematics

, has surpassed all his peers, and almost reached the level of expert professor.

As for looking at the trend chart of the stock market?

It's very simple. Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming are very fond of a female singer who suddenly became popular recently, and they have become her little fans.

Su Bai himself didn't feel much because he didn't like the song very much.

Under such circumstances, there was a program on Mango Channel, which had something to do with ranking votes on Weibo.

Therefore, Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming have been paying attention to this these days.

Because there is no strong capital support behind this female star, she is a bit severely excluded in this event, and may not be able to advance.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue asked Su Bai what is a good way to hit the rankings, and then Su Bai gave the two of them a trick.

As for what it is? It's very simple, buy Mango Taiwan.

Well, direct, simple, and straightforward.

However, Su Bai actually doesn't understand business matters.Therefore, after a messy operation, all stocks related to Mango Platform on the market were wiped out.

"I picked it up for you."

At this moment, Chen Ming took Ding Yi into the room, and after seeing that Su Bai was not on the subject, he came to the study.

To be reasonable, he has gone to many luxury villas, and his own home is even more luxurious than Su Bai's.However, at the moment of entering the door, my heart was even more nervous.

After all, Su Bai is too mysterious.She seems to have been in the public eye all the time, but if someone investigates her, they will find that Su Bai's life experience is blank, as if it just popped up out of thin air.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai's various super-epoch-level achievements and Huaguo's high-level attitude towards Su Bai's so-called doting seem to be light, all of which tell Su Bai's extraordinary.

However, after coming to the study room, he saw that in the huge study room, Su Bai in panda pajamas was sitting on a large white plate drawing a circle on the ground, holding Erha with one hand, and with the other hand. holding one

Lollipop is eating.

The erha stopped when he saw Chen Ming coming, because the big white plate didn't stop, and Su Bai's hand holding the rope was loose, so the erha broke free directly.

He ran to Chen Ming's side in two steps, rubbed Chen Ming's trouser legs, and lay down directly at the door.

I can't help it, I'm tired, I need to rest.This Erha came to Su Bai's place, and this was the reason why he was so quiet. Su Bai had more energy than Erha.

On Ding Yi's side, it felt like his dreams had been shattered.

Before he actually saw Su Bai, he was in the mood and prepared to meet the No. [-] and No. [-] chiefs.

A century-level super genius, an ambitious man who has successfully won possible interests in the Middle East for China, and a demon who seems to be able to control people's hearts and play with human nature.

But when these are kneaded into a person, it must be very majestic, right?

Before seeing Su Bai, Ding Yi even imagined such a scene.In a study room full of various academic secretaries, Su Bai, who was wearing simple clothes, slowly put down the books in his hands after seeing them, and then

Then he looked at himself with scrutiny.

Then, the reality is that after seeing Ding Yi, Su Bai stretched lazily, then casually hugged a stuffed bear from the side, and pressed it under him. more comfortable position,

Then he looked at Ding Yi again, and said, "Uncle, do you understand the stock market?"

"Huh? Well, understand a little bit."

Ding Yi, who almost didn't react, was stunned for a moment when he heard Su Bai's words, and then he realized that the cute and harmless white hair was really Su Bai.

To be reasonable, at this time, he really can't connect this little loli who can't see her harmfulness with that genius of the century, Su Bai, who cheated America out of trillions a while ago.

"It's good to know a little bit, and help me chase a star."

After Su Bai said these words, he stretched out his hand and scratched his butt in a vague manner.

Then, under Ding Yi's surprised gaze, someone slapped Su Bai's hand out of nowhere, and Su Bai retorted a few words in disbelief.

Well, he could realize that Su Bai seemed to be bickering with the air, but he couldn't hear what Su Bai said.But I still know that before this, Su Bai was talking about helping her pursue stars.

The question is, does the stock market have anything to do with star chasing?

Only at this time did he notice the big one and the small one hiding in front of the computer, and the stock market chart displayed on the computer screen.

ps: I just want to enter the entertainment chapter, and I just happen to have the enthusiasm to catch up, oh yeah.

Chapter 190 Second Answer Wrong

"So, are young people these days so rich?"

After a simple communication with Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, Ding Yi understood what Su Bai said about chasing stars.

It's not Su Bai who wants to chase stars, but Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming.

Because the capital behind the other stars competing on the same stage is too strong, their two beloved idols didn't even appear on the show for a few minutes, which made them feel very unhappy

Under such circumstances, they appear to be a little weak in the rankings.So Su Bai gave the two of them an idea, since it's not easy to hit the rankings, let's buy Mango Terrace.

Ding Yi almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

Su Bai has the money, he believes it, as for Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming?

Then, Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming each took out [-] million US dollars.

To be reasonable, he has seen [-] million US dollars, and he can take it out.However, the one who took out the money was only seventeen, and the other was even more excessive, seven years old.

There is no such way for a daughter to be rich!

However, in the process of teaching Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, he also discovered a little difference, that is, Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming seem to learn very fast, and the two of them seem to be very sensitive to numbers.

Stock trading genius!

"I don't need to teach them so many simple things like stock trading, don't they just need to have hands?"

Ding Yi couldn't help being interested in this, and wanted to teach them two more things, but was stopped by Su Bai.

"If you help me halfway, I know you have no good intentions."

After Zuo Ming heard this sentence, he pouted and looked at Su Bai and said.

"However, it doesn't look too difficult. The things that Sister Su Bai taught a few days ago can be used."

Compared with Zuo Ming, Zhou Xue is very obedient.After combining what Ding Yi said, she found that stock trading is not as complicated as she imagined.In buying and selling, there is an art called mathematics.

It seems simple, but it is actually very complicated.But in the complexity, there is a certain pattern that makes the two of them have traces to follow, not just like headless chickens.

Regarding this, Ding Yi just glanced at Su Bai.In fact, he wanted to say that as long as Su Bai said something, the female star these two little guys liked could be forced by the government to become a national class.

This is definitely not an exaggeration. According to the official attitude towards Su Bai before, Su Bai's words are more effective than anything else.

Of course, he didn't say this out of self-indulgence, he could still see that this seemed to be a test Su Bai left for those two little guys.Although, in his opinion, it is a bit embarrassing for such a test to be true.


On Su Bai's side, he briefly pressed the control buttons on the sweeping robot he was sitting on twice, and then left the study temporarily in a circle.

When leaving the study, Su Bai even pulled Erha, who was resting at the door, into the living room.


After Su Bai came to the living room, he pointed to the fruit plate on the coffee table and said.

"Thank you, I won't eat."

Seeing this, Ding Yi was polite.

Then, he saw that Su Bai slightly tilted his head and glanced at himself, and said, "No, I didn't ask you to eat, I asked you to help me take it, I don't want to stand up."

"...Well, here you are."

After being speechless for a while, Ding Yi still didn't say anything more, he reached out and handed the first apple to Su Bai

"I've seen your daughter's condition. She is congenitally deformed with a heart, and she looks very individual. Modern medicine can hardly do anything about it. Forcing a pacemaker is not enough. The only solutions of modern medicine are heart transplantation and artificial heart.

two ways. "

After taking a bite of the apple, Su Bai spoke.

"I haven't been able to find a match. There is a big gap for heart transplantation. What's more, she is of the kind of body that will have a strong rejection reaction. A little blood transfusion can kill her half life, what's more Let alone a heart transplant.

Artificial heart rejection will be much smaller, but this technology is not mature enough for adults. No team dares to accept her words.I was really prepared to do nothing, so I spent a lot of money to force it. "

When Ding Yi said this, he seemed to have a slight headache.

The congenital heart defect is actually a genetic disease in his family.

However, both he and his father are fine. Going back, his grandfather did have a serious heart problem, but he still lived to be sixty.

But, I don't know why, when it comes to his daughter, it becomes so difficult that modern medicine can't handle it at all.

However, after a headache, he looked at Su Bai again, and said, "Please give my daughter a heart remodeling operation, how much will it cost me?"

"I hear what you mean. If you spend too much, you don't plan to do it?"

As Su Bai said, he calmly took out a bottle of water from under the coffee table, opened it, handed it to Ding Yi, and then put the apple he had eaten two bites in front of Erha.

Seeing this, Erha was not polite, opened his mouth and started to eat the apple.

It's a pretty big apple, and it eats it up in a few bites.

Seeing Su Bai signaling him to sit down, Ding Yi took the water, sat on the sofa in front of Su Bai, and took a sip.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly found that Chen Ming, who was sitting on the other side of the stairs playing with his mobile phone, suddenly looked at him

Regarding this, he didn't think much about it. After taking a sip of water, he looked at Su Bai and said, "I'm still very young. Er?"

After he said these words, he was stunned, and looked at Su Bai in surprise, a little weirdness was born in his heart.

He didn't want to say this, but for some reason, when he answered Su Bai's question, he couldn't help saying this sentence, or this sentence was his true feelings for his daughter

When I was in my 20s, I was busy with my career and had no time to take care of my family.In his 30s, after his career finally stabilized, he started to take care of his family.The result was unexpected.

For Ding Nuo, his idea is very simple.If he can save it, he will definitely spend money to save it, but if he has to pay too much for it, then he will choose to give up.

Like he said, he's still young.

[The sorrow of the absolutely rational. 】

At this time, the system came out and sighed.

Chen Ming is a human sage who has mastered rational thinking LV5, but Ding Nuo's achievements can be attributed to absolute rationality LV4.1.

The two skills seem to be the same, but in fact they are completely different.The simplest difference is that rational thinking is a skill of the sage branch, while absolute rationality is a branch skill of egoism.

"It's not fun to answer wrong."

After Su Bai said these words, he stretched himself, and then he planned to turn around and leave.

Chapter 190 Three Full Capital Involution Plan

"I don't do my homework anymore, I want my dad. Where did dad go? He promised to stay with me today, but now he's gone again. Are you going to work again? I know I'm busy with work all day long, but I don't know Where are you adults from?

So much work to do.

In the ward, Ding Nuo lost his temper after finishing a page of the exercise book and facing another homework added by his mother Yan Yi.

Especially thinking that Ding Yi said a while ago that after his cooperation with Daying is over, he will come to accompany her for a whole day

As a result, I came over to have lunch with her at noon today, and then beat her up again.

"Dad is going to find a way to cure your illness. As long as the illness is cured, Mom promises you that Dad will take you to play around the world, okay?"

Yan Yi, who felt sorry for her daughter, said this, but her tone was a little weak.

Ding Yi is too ambitious.Although he said in the past two years that he wanted to put the focus back on the family, but what he said was that he would go back to the house once or twice a month for dinner, and then it was gone.

"This excuse again, hmph~"

After Ding Nuo heard Yan Yi's words, he pouted, then hugged his little bear doll alone, and got into the bed.

She had heard Yan Yi's words too much, but her illness never showed signs of improvement.

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