"I'm really looking forward to it. Can't the people on the official side hurry up? I really want to see that after they analyze it, I can find that besides being sure that the mother cell is really the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cell outside,

A bewildered expression that couldn't be analyzed for anything else. "

After Su Bai said this, he rolled on the sofa twice, and then fell off the sofa, just hitting Erha who was sleeping next to the sofa.

Well, the Erha of the neighbor's house has now become Su Bai's.

Seeing this, Erha just woke up, turned his head and glanced at Su Bai who was pressing on him, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

[The overall process of political transactions will take at least one month.Huaguo's side is already very fast, and America's side is also very fast in order to get it quickly. In terms of the transaction itself, there are no small tricks, so we should wait

last few days. 】

The system said this.

Not only Su Bai is looking forward to it, but the system is also looking forward to it.

You know, when talking about the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells, Su Bai thoughtfully chose a version 0.25 option for them to downgrade the mother cells.However, they still chose the 1.0 perfect version without hesitation

This kind of selection of those who are difficult, in order to overcome difficulties, the spirit of not hesitate to embarrass themselves, makes the system awe-inspiring, and also won a comment from Su Bai: "They are really confident!"

The last person who was confident in front of Su Bai was Shi Zhu. After being criticized by Su Bai, he was in his fifties and sixties. It is said that he cried for a long time in private.That kind of painstaking efforts, but because of some caution and self-confidence were completely rejected

A certain mood is self-evident.

And what about the scientists in America?

【Compared to this, what about the street lights you mentioned last time?】

Compared with some things that will definitely happen, the system at this time pays attention to some things that Su Bai said before that have not yet been realized.

"Well, the system, you should know the word involution!"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai spoke.

Bullying the weak is just for simple fun.If you really want to have a sense of accomplishment, you still have to attack the strong.

Of course, as the head of the top ten young people in Huaguo, Su Bai knew that he was a gentleman.A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands.Therefore, Su Bai didn't want to do this matter.

Well, it's definitely not that she doesn't hurt when she hits people, absolutely not!

【Introduction? Play like an orphanage?】

The system said after hearing Su Bai's words.

Although Su Bai himself didn't pay attention to the orphanage, there is a system.

After strictly implementing Su Bai's plan, the passing rate of Director Miao Fangling's orphanage has reached 90.00% so far, and the outstanding students have reached 30.00%.

Under such circumstances, a while ago, there were two high school students who passed the special recruitment examination of Huaguo National Defense University and got the few places in Huaguo National Defense University.

Although it is said that being able to get the quota has a certain relationship with Su Bai.But among the many people who participated in the test, the scores of the two children did reach the special admission line.

And you must know that their results more than half a year ago reached the first line at most.

The learning atmosphere is very important, and it has a strong appeal, so that the children in it will forget to play without knowing it, and put all their energy into learning.

In this way, some children's talents that were closed by themselves due to various reasons have been developed unprecedentedly, and they have seized the slim opportunity and completed the transformation of their own life and destiny.

"No, it's really boring to play like that in an orphanage, so it's just for fun. System, you said that there is a company that suddenly raises the salary of its employees by more than 20.00% or 20.00% higher than that of its peers. Will it attract you?

Introduce talents from companies of the same type to jump over?"

Su Bai spoke at this time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

She has been planning this plan for a long time, and it is almost done now.

[According to the greedy character of capitalists, even if this kind of thing happens, the person who does it will not be able to use his behavior to drive others to do it.And it is unlikely that leading companies will carry out reforms by themselves. 】

Seeing this, the system said that it didn't think Su Bai could succeed.

Let vampires bleed themselves? How is that possible?

"Then what if it's the decision made by the top executives of these leading companies? Have you seen the madness of those foreign rich? After the transaction is completed, they still don't want to leave and want to find a breakthrough. In China, they were suppressed before, and Lian Shen

There are no quotas for the auction. "

When Su Bai said this, he stretched out his hand to play with Erha's tail.

At the auction, the reason why there were no capitalists from Huaguo was not because they were not rich enough, but simply because Su Bai didn't give a place.

Chapter 190 A Promising Announcement

"Dad, when can I go back to school. I don't want Teacher Xiaoting. She is so fierce. I want to go back to school."

In the ward of the hospital, after Ding Nuo finished drinking the ginseng soup fed by his mother, he looked at his father Ding Yi and said, as if complaining.

"Oh...don't worry, Dad will let you go back to school after a while."

Ding Yi only took a look at the various intubation tubes on Ding Nuo's body, and then sighed.After Ding Nuo's mother cleaned up the dishes, she tugged Ding Yi's arm, signaling him to come out with her.

In this regard, Ding Yi touched Ding Nuo's head, got up and left the ward with Ding Nuo's mother.

"How long has it been? Didn't you say that you are quite capable? The business is tens of billions of billions, why can't it go to my daughter's side?"

After Ding Ruo's mother Yan Yi left the ward, she finally couldn't bear it and shouted at Ding Yi.

With the advent of gene-enhancing drugs, a large number of diseases are being overcome by humans. Even if there is no corresponding drug yet, it can be cured to another level by reshaping the immune system destroyed by the disease.


But so far, there are still two areas that gene enhancement drugs cannot attack, one is the heart and the other is the brain.

It also cannot be said that gene-enhanced drugs cannot work. Su Bai has completed the conquering of these two fields before, but due to technical reasons, they cannot be popularized at present.

Not to mention its popularity, without Su Bai, others would have no way of doing it.

Their daughter, Ding Nuo, was born with a malformed heart.

As he grew older, his heart problems became more and more serious. Then, a year ago, the doctor made an inference that within three years, unless new technology came out, Ding Nuo would eventually die from his own heart disease. Heart

Dirty deformity.

However, that kind of technological breakthrough is difficult at the century level, within three years, how is it possible?

However, there is no unparalleled road, and Su Bai's sudden birth gave them hope.

"Su Bai can't touch anyone now. Let alone us, that Edward Harry, America's largest capital, spent hundreds of billions, plus the situation in the entire Middle East, and it turned out that he couldn't even buy a complete life-extending operation.

To, only got a heart boost and liver repair. "

After Ding Yi heard Yan Yi's words, he was also furious.

After he learned that Su Bai had a way to repair the deformed heart, he spent a lot of money to start the operation.

As for the results of the operation? Yaoguang Group is gone.

The existence behind the Yidianxinxin platform is Yaoguang Group.After Su Bai set his sights on the Little Love platform, the official people almost took over

Under such circumstances, the Yaoguang platform was previously suppressed by the authorities because of its attempt to resist, and its market value dropped so much that it was almost delisted, so it could barely survive.

Originally, the officials didn't want to force the Yaoguang Group to death.Be a human being and stay on the line, so we can meet each other in the future.The suppression this time is entirely for other people to see, to let them know their position.

However, the Yaoguang Group saw that the government stopped suppressing them, so they thought they could do it again.In addition, at that time, the authorities still handed over part of the authority of the Little Love platform to them, and Su Bai never chose the second and third

Three quotas for saturation rescue personnel.

So, they thought they could work it out.

After all, at that time, whether domestic or foreign, there were too many big capitals eyeing these two places.If the quota is given to whom, they can decide, then get some small eggs from other behemoths

It's bad, they can bring them back to the top, even if the market value doubles.

Driven by huge interests, they did some actions they thought were right.

As for the result? The result is that people are gone.

The Huaguo official side is more ruthless than anyone else. The entire company has been shut down for more than a month. Various related agencies go there three times a day. Management got caught

Eighty percent.The fastest one among them was sentenced in less than half a month, which surprised everyone.

Well, this is the reason why the staff of the Little Love platform disappeared during Su Bai's third live broadcast.

While the Yaoguang Group itself was directly cleaned up, the officials also warned other personnel involved in the operation to varying degrees, including him.A big project he invested in a while ago was canceled government subsidies.

Knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, Huaguo officials have written on their faces the importance they attach to Su Bai.To be reasonable, even the daughters of some giants are not so protective.

"Won't Feng Yufang's method work?"

After being said by Ding Yi, Yan Yi said in silence, still holding a trace of luck in her heart.

"She was let in by Su Bai. To put it bluntly, Su Bai fell in love with her, and she could get in. In our case, we can't even enter that community, let alone meet Su Bai."

When Ding Yi said these words, he felt a little powerless.

After the Luochen Charity Foundation was established, someone visited Feng Yufang and asked Feng Yufang if there was a way to get Su Bai to do it.

The answer is no.

Because Feng Yufang later reviewed with Chen Ming how she got in.It was discovered later that it wasn't that the people at Chen Ming's side missed her, but that she avoided everyone by a perfect coincidence and walked in.

Feng Yufang didn't think her luck was really that good, there were so many coincidences, so there was only one result, Su Bai let her in.

It is impossible for others to replicate her success.

"Are you Ding Yi?"

Just when Ding Yi was in distress, a voice came.


Ding Yi looked in the direction of the sound, and found that it was a middle-aged man with a fierce face.

"Chen, Chen Ming!"

If it was half a year ago, he didn't know Chen Ming, but after getting to know Su Bai in depth, he also knew the existence of Chen Ming.After all, the easiest way to approach Su Bai is through Chen Ming.

Although, so far, no one has successfully passed Chen Ming and approached Su Bai.

"Well, since you know what I say, then don't talk nonsense. You can come with me alone, Su Bai wants to see you."

Chen Ming said calmly, it seemed that it was just a very ordinary notice, and it seemed that the person standing in front of him was just a very ordinary couple, not a couple who could become the top of Huaguo's wealth list in their 30s.

Ten of the young millionaires.

After hearing this, Ding Yi frowned slightly. He had an important meeting in the afternoon.

"I can find someone else, you are not the only option."

After seeing Ding Yi's hesitation, Chen Ming said calmly.

"No, I have nothing else to do, I can leave anytime."

After talking to Chen Ming, Ding Yi glanced at Yan Yi and continued, "Be optimistic about Nuonuo, I'll go and see the situation."

Although there was a very important meeting in the afternoon, Chen Ming was not discussing with him, but simply notifying him.

Chapter 190 The Correct Posture for Chasing Stars

"Su Bai, is she looking for me because of my daughter?"

In Chen Ming's car, Ding Yi seemed a little nervous.

Without any notice or warning, Chen Ming just appeared without any government documents, which made him confused.

The most important thing is that a while ago, he was investigated by the national security for a period of time because he was involved in the operation of the saturation rescue quota for the Dust program group.As far as he knows, the Emergency Management Bureau led by Chen Ming started from

Those who go out from within the national security department even have the power to overwhelm the national security when necessary, and the national security must cooperate.

Under such circumstances, it is not impossible for Chen Ming to use Su Bai as an excuse to secretly take him away.After all, among the many people who participated in the operation of the rescue quota when the dust program group was saturated, it wasn't that there were none of them.

It's just that he is relatively clean and doesn't have those messy things, so it's okay.

Ding Yi didn't dare to show this, so he could only use Su Bai as an excuse to ask.

"The original target wasn't you. You're lucky. Other rules, don't ask if you shouldn't."

Chen Ming said calmly.

After Chen Ming said this, Ding Yi became even more nervous.

What does it mean to behave? What do you mean by asking what you shouldn't ask? Although Chen Ming said this to let him stop thinking about it, but at this time, it is really difficult for her not to think about it!.

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