We're here for a consultation. "

After the doctor in charge of Harry finished speaking, he was afraid that Harry might be worried about his physical problems, and then said: "We have already explored the technology of liver regeneration, and there will be no problems. That level

The surgery does not require Su Bai to come.Of course, if you insist..."

"You're good, I trust your skills!"

Before the doctor finished speaking, Harry grabbed the doctor's hand and said.

Liver regeneration is not complicated, it's just that his heart is currently in the regeneration period, and it needs three days of observation. After entering the stable period, liver regeneration can begin.

However, this time the transaction is not that simple, there are more interest exchanges behind it, and it will take some time.

Of course, compared to the ones that have been agreed, the rest are at the petty profit level. He directly let the people below talk about it, and he can recuperate with peace of mind and enjoy the things he got back from Su Bai. , that is not

Much feedback.

As for the fact that the doctor said that Su Bai was very busy... she was indeed very busy.

"Hello, how do you solve this problem?"

In the haunted house, Su Bai grabbed the staff member dressed as Jack, and asked what the password to open the door in front of him was.

Although I felt that when I stepped down, the door opened.But after all, she came out to play, and she had been a good person before.

Since you have chosen to be a good person, you should not be too ostentatious, you must abide by the order, and naturally you must decrypt the game in a proper manner when playing games.

"No, I'm Jack!"

The staff dressed as Jack, looking at the cute little creature in front of him and the prop knife in his hand, couldn't handle it.

Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, who came in to play with Su Bai just now, jumped up and down because of his fright, and now they don't know where they went.But when it came to Su Bai's side, he became silent.

Not only was Su Bai not afraid when he saw her, he even wanted her to help decrypt it.

"Well, I know you are Jack, but what does this have to do with my decryption? I think you have been here for a long time, so you should know the answer?"

No one has stipulated that while being a good person, one cannot continue to be an evil person.

Since you are a villain, when you should abide by the rules, you should not follow the rules thoroughly.She won't kick this door, but don't even think about asking her to decrypt it obediently.

What's more, there is a tool man by your side, so it's not for nothing, isn't it?

"You say so, but my Jack! Do you see I shouldn't run?"

The staff are helpless here.

Under normal circumstances, little girls and the like would lose all courage after being overwhelmed by the music and atmosphere in the haunted house.Under such circumstances, he casually came out to scare him twice, and it was over.

Why does Baiyong Bailing's promotional effect fail when it comes to this little loli who seems to be more courageous than anyone else, more harmless than anyone else, as long as she is slightly frightened, she will cry like pear blossoms with rain? ? You know, just

Just when Su Bai came in, the field controller specifically told him not to go too far and save some face for the little girl.

Now, who is the one who is too much!

"Oh, I really want to run~"

After Su Bai heard what the staff said, he remembered that among the rules of playing in haunted houses, there is indeed a rule that you should not be chased by ghosts.

Seeing the little Lolita who suddenly realized the expression in front of him, the staff who played Jack felt a little relieved.

Finally, the little loli realized that she should be the one who wanted to run away, instead of just standing there dumbfounded and asking him to help decrypt it.

Then, he saw Su Bai slowly approaching him, looking at him who was clearly in charge of scaring him, he understood a little, and even took two steps back.

"Hey! Are you serious about taking those two steps back?"

The field control in the headset was speechless at this moment.

Then, under the speechless gazes of the staff posing as Jack and the field controller, Su Bai took out three Microcrisps from the pocket of the staff posing as Jack.

After seeing that there were three, I even thoughtfully put one back.

However, after putting one back and putting it in his pocket, under the speechless gazes of the two staff members, Su Bai pulled it out again, and then showed a pitiful expression, looking at the worker who played Jack.

The staff said: "Big Brother, you shouldn't eat it~"

"No...don't eat..."

The staff who played Jack had a hundred thousand slots to vomit at this time.

It was really the first time he saw such a thick-skinned customer! And he also found that he couldn't handle it at all.

Especially Su Bai's harmless expression, what can he say? He is also very helpless!

"If you don't eat it, I will eat it~ Then, I will decrypt it. See you later~"

After Su Bai heard the staff's answer, he jumped happily and left.

When he came to the corner, he stopped for a while, and said to the staff member, "By the way, big brother~ I like to eat that new product. This kind of chocolate is too bitter and not very tasty."

"...um...I see..."

The staff member who played Jack answered again speechlessly, and then Su Bai disappeared into his tired eyes.

[Bah, I don’t even want my face anymore, I still pretend to be tender, and I’m still rubbing against people.Do you know the shame! Then I want two. 】

Su Bai was just about to open one of the crispy sharks to eat, and then saw that only one of the three crispy sharks in his hand was left.

"Who's shameless, let's talk about it."

Su Bai said cursingly.

ps: Restore the fourth update today, and continue to maintain it tomorrow!

Chapter 180: Confidence or Conceit

"Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, as a super technology uniquely mastered by our country, should not be sold outside in any way."

"It's actually a normal political transaction. What's more, do you think you really just bought a port and a gold mine?"

"As long as the operation is reasonable in the future, we have the final say in the entire Middle East."

"America is dying, someone is always in a hurry.

"Who is in a hurry? You are in a hurry! Selling things like maternal-fetal remodeling cells is to exchange the country's future for money. Su Bai is the biggest traitor in this era!"

"Yes, Su Bai must bear a heavy historical responsibility in the future."

"There are always people who think they know more. There are always people who think they are smarter than a century-level genius who has developed super technology."

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are the largest political transaction of a national nature so far in this century. Although it did not affect Su Bai's normal life, it caused a violent public opinion effect on the network level.

Compared with the blockade that Ke Zhenguo discussed with Su Bai before.This time, Ke Zhenguo didn't take action to stop it, and let the public opinion ferment on its own.

Every era needs different voices. If the internal voices of a country are consistent, then the country has either entered an era of perfection, or entered a very dangerous era of chaos.Only different voices,

In order to create a glorious country.

Of course, Ke Zhenguo also knows that the different voices of public opinion on the Internet are actually controlled by many foreign forces.

They are trying to whitewash the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells that have been slandered by themselves for an unknown period of time and have been promoted as an absolutely dark technology.But at the same time as giving this technical cell, he tried to discredit Su Bai.

According to a slogan: "Technology is not guilty, but people are guilty!"

Oh, by the way, the first media to issue relevant words had a news headline a few days ago: "Resolutely resist the evil technology developed by evil scientists. This is a just act and will not be tolerated!"

Not only in the media propaganda, they made a move to cleanse the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells and transfer all hatred to Hua Guo and Su Bai, and even in diplomacy.

"Is it true that Huaguo will not take corresponding punishments for Su Bai's research and development of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells that may violate human rights?"

At the latest press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Huaguo, a reporter from the Western media asked in person.

In this regard, the people at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs//Ministry of Foreign Affairs almost laughed angrily: "Please list the cases of violations of human rights that you said?"

In diplomacy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still shows restraint, and is used to Western media asking questions about things that have no evidence at all.

Many people think that this kind of thing will never happen in reality, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that there are too many, and people are numb and used to it.

Some of the reporters who spoke to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not know how to answer.Because, there is really no evidence.

However, he would not let it go so simply, and continued to speak: "What about America's conclusion that Su Bai is an artificial human?"

A while ago, America had a confidential document that was leaked. It was a document about their theft of confidential documents within Huaguo.

In this document, the CIA obtained a project in Huaguo called Nuwa.And Su Bai was confirmed by the CIA as a product of the code name Nuwa.

As for how to prove it? There are two words in the document... Well, that's how it was confirmed.

"It is recommended to watch less sci-fi movies. It is also suggested that the CIA should not make up stories at will in order to deal with the superiors."

To be reasonable, when he said this, the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Communications of China had a bright smile on his face.

After all, when this document was exposed, it completely fooled Huaguo's own people.

At first they thought it was a smoke bomb, but later found something wrong, it seemed to be a real government document.It caused some high-level officials in Huaguo to ask what happened to No. [-].

As for No. [-]? No. [-] himself was confused, if he hadn't clearly known what was going on with Su Bai, he would have wanted to ask the people below.

There is a limit to making up nonsense! If Huaguo can produce Su Bai, what else does it need from other countries?

This is not finished.

After confirming that as long as they take out that port and that as a gold mine, Huaguo will hand over the mother cells of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells to them, they started to make trouble at the International Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.

The first is to postpone the election of the first chairman.

After all, before this, Huaguo had an absolute technological advantage.But now, after learning that she can obtain specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells, America has a kind of self-confidence, that is, she believes that she is investing

With massive resources, it can quickly catch up with Huaguo in terms of technology.

From the current point of view, this is not groundless.

Huaguo's current investment in research and development of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells has only reached 100 billion.Compared with other projects, this is an astronomical figure, but the unit is only rmb.

In fact, this is a very reasonable figure.I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I haven't fully understood the techniques given by Su Bai, so don't think about quick success.

However, in America's view, this is an opportunity for them to catch up. Huaguo invested 100 billion, so they invest 4000 billion a year, which is still US dollars.

With the double promotion of more researchers and a better scientific research environment, won't it be a matter of minutes to catch up with Huaguo?

Under such circumstances, they also attempted to overthrow the standards for gene-enhancing drugs that Huaguo had previously formulated. Mastering the standards would give them the absolute right to speak.

Before, without the assistance of technology, they could not grasp the right to speak, but now it is not necessarily the case, at least not in their opinion

In this regard, Hua Guo did not back down in the slightest.

"Our country will be in a state of absolute strain on medical resources within four years. You have four years to think about it. However, if it is really four years later, the price will look different."

At the public meeting of the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Wang Weizhi said very relaxedly.

Are you confident? Well, how confident you are now will be how embarrassing you will be in the future.Without Su Bai's personal teaching and training, do you want to surpass Huaguo through huge investment within a few years? How much you invest, how much you lose.This is what Huaguo is most happy about

What she saw, America dragged herself down.

The Western camp, which is not aware of some things, thinks that Wang Weizhi's self-confidence is just one-sided arrogance.

Chapter 180 Nine They Are Really Confident!

"System, they are so confident! Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, the end point of modern medicine, are actually not advanced by them."

At home, Su Bai sighed after watching the interview at the Global Medical Summit held in Europe

[They analyzed the medicinal deconstruction of the treatment spray, and found that the deconstruction itself is not difficult, it is a bunch of molecularized nutrients combined with healing factors.Although it is a very inefficient method of use, it is very effective.they think

The only difficulty is the healing factor.The healing factor is the basis of genetic programming, and it is the kind of addition and subtraction operations that seem to be successful as long as you get started. 】

At this time, the system opened its mouth and seemed very relaxed.

After the production line of the treatment spray was established, a nationwide pilot application has begun.Under such circumstances, it is easy for the West to obtain some.

After getting it, they naturally analyzed it.Then I discovered that compared with other gene-enhanced therapy drugs, I was more confused at first glance, and even more confused when I asked.Healing spray they understand!

In their view, as long as they can get the mother cells of the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus, they can complete the reproduction of the healing factor in a short time.

Here, I have to mention that the premise that the scientists headed by Wei Jianming in Huaguo completed the programming of the healing factor for the first time was that after being taught by Su Bai for a month, they took the mother-fetal special heavy weight made by Su Bai. Plastic cells

Downgrading the mother cell, and within three days, it took more than 20 billion to succeed.

If what they took was not the degraded mother cells made by Su Bai, but the perfect mother cells provided by Su Bai, they could succeed within one year, and Su Bai would be convinced.

And without being taught by Su Bai for a month, want to complete the programming of the healing factor in a short time? This is like just learning addition and subtraction within ten, and then solving the entry-level calculus exam questions

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