The result is indeed the case. After contacting Su Bai, Ding Yi confirmed that Ding Yi's group will cooperate with Luochen Charity Foundation in an all-round way.

On this basis, Ding Yi also obtained the right to operate gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs for civilian use.This is also Huaguo's announcement that some of the gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs will be downgraded to the general civilian field.

Finally, the first enterprise to obtain sales and management rights.

As for the impact of this news? Before Ding Yi's group has publicly confirmed the news, Ding Yi's group's stock started to rocket, and within a day, he made himself the richest man in China.


Of course, the richest man in China is not Su Bai.After all, Su Bai's situation cannot be calculated.

Yan Yi in the hospital was not happy after hearing the news.

The reason is that after Ding Yi finished looking for Su Bai, he didn't even send him a message.

Knowing Ding Yi's character well, she immediately realized that Ding Yi probably didn't ask Su Bai for his hand when he got the right to manage gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs, so she directly came to Ding Yi's company to find someone who worked overtime in the company.

Ding Yi.

Facing Yan Yi's questioning, Ding Yi didn't dare to refute.Not because he was afraid of his wife, but because he knew the direct reason why Su Bai didn't make a move, probably because of his own sentence: "I'm still very young."

To put it bluntly, he was always rational, but because of an inexplicable irrationality, Su Bai got angry.Although I don't know why Su Bai still handed over the management rights of gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs to him after he got angry, but

It is also true that Su Bai did not give him a chance to intercede.

"Perhaps, I should have been more decisive."

After Yan Yi left, Ding Yi sat in his office and was silent for a long time, but in the end he only uttered this sentence.

When thinking of this, Ding Yi took out some information he had collected about Feng Yufang.

When Feng Yufang became the second saturated rescue target of the Luochen program group, she actually received some criticism and accusations, saying that there was a black box operation.

After all, Feng Yufang's personal assets are placed there, so it is normal to be viewed in this way.

However, later on, the official came forward to do a personal interview with Feng Yufang, and only then did many netizens know how much a mother can do for her children.

Not to mention her success in the business field and her free support of numerous medical researches, it is said that she herself studied for a master's degree in medicine during this period, which shocked everyone.

"My daughter is my everything, my world. Everything I do is for her. For her, I will not give up even a sliver of hope. It may be because of this that Su Bai makes an exception for me."

Feng Yufang gave a brief answer in the interview.Although I don't know how she asked Su Bai to make an exception, it definitely has something to do with what she did for her daughter before.

"It's not that Su Bai didn't give me a chance, it's just...I'm too rational."

After reading Feng Yufang's information, Ding Yi once again said to himself, and a strong feeling of self-blame was born in his heart.

Did Su Bai really not give him a chance to intercede? It's not that he didn't, it's just that he, who has always been sensible, has been looking for a suitable opportunity that he thinks.But that opportunity never came up.

What he didn't know was that at the same time, in the hospital.

"The situation is more complicated than it is on paper."

Su Bai frowned slightly after seeing the holographic projection of Ding Nuo's body.

Torturing people does not pay attention to one step at a time, but gradual progress.Only playing Ding Yi for half a year is simply too boring for Su Bai, and it doesn't fit her personality.

Therefore, when Su Bai gave Ding Yi despair, and he didn't know about it, naturally he also gave him hope.

Those who have hope will never give up no matter how much despair they bear.In this way, Su Bai can always impose his will on Ding Yi and turn him into what he wants.

Of course, as the saying goes, revenge does not last overnight, and killing does not spare seeds.How could it be okay to only bully Ding Yi?

"System, do you think Ding Yi's wife is so beautiful!"

While reaching out to operate the holographic stereoscopic projection and making a medical plan, Su Bai also chatted with the system for a while.

[After all, Tsinghua University is the most beautiful campus flower in history, the real Bai Fumei, who can be charming with a slight smile.In order to chase her back then, Ding Yi had wasted his boss' efforts. 】

Seeing this, the system also approved Su Bai's evaluation.

"Unfortunately, she has become a wife."

After Su Bai heard the system's words, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

【It's okay, everyone can become a Cao thief!】

The system spoke again.There is quite a bit of truth in it.

In the face of a beautiful wife, what is the difference between us and Cao thief? The answer is no different.

Su Bai's answer to the system's words was also very simple.


She wouldn't like those old women over thirty, even if they looked the same as those in their early twenties.

Thinking of this, Su Bai looked towards Ding Nuo, who was lying on the bed, hugging the little bear doll, and fell into a sweet dream, but for some reason there were crystal tears hanging from the corner of his eyes.

Ding Yi is not very handsome, but he is also a pretty good handsome guy, and Yan Yi has a godlike appearance comparable to a top-notch actress, and she is really the kind who has never been groomed.

Under such circumstances, Ding Nuo's appearance perfectly inherited the excellent genes of his parents.According to Su Bai's evaluation: "It's almost cuter than me! Such a little loli must be bullied well, so that she has a

An extremely painful childhood!"

【So, you also want to teach her math?】

The system said this.

"No, change the game, and you will know when the time comes."

As Su Bai said, there was an evil smile on her face that she thought was very evil.

[Picture: Wear it in two days]

Chapter 190 The Good Show Has Just Begun

Because of the fear of America's backlash, Huaguo was extraordinarily quick in handling the transaction of mother-fetal specialization and remodeling of cell mother cells.

In many procedures, it is directly connected with the central government, and the special affairs and special affairs are handled by special affairs.

Under such circumstances, America is also afraid that Huaguo will repent.In their view, as long as they can regain their advantages in biotechnology and temporarily give up some of their interests in the Middle East, it is feasible and necessary.

totally worth it

The most important thing is that in recent years, they have gradually lost control of the Middle East, and they really need a little time to buffer.Throwing this period of time to Huaguo, after he regained his advantages in biotechnology, after taking over Huaguo

It is true that the fruits of labor here are two birds with one stone.

Under such circumstances, it only took one month to complete the final transaction on the New Year's line.

"The funding has been approved, hurry up and study."

On Harry's side, after seeing the small tube of mother-fetal specialized remodeling cell mother cells taken out of a huge cryogenic box obtained from Huaguo, he clutched his chest, showing a little pain on his face expression

More than 1 trillion RMB plus the most important port in the Middle East, and a gold mine with a very important geographical location, and the risk that the future control of the Middle East will be taken by China.Such a huge price can only be exchanged

It's the small test tube that you can't even feel the weight of in your hand.

According to a piece of information obtained by the CIA, in order to consider America's mood, Huaguo built a super-large cryogenic box, making the people on America's side feel that the things inside are particularly valuable.

The question is, why is such news released so easily? It made him feel even more distressed.

"Boss, this is a report list for the establishment of the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cell blast proliferation laboratory."

After giving the order to study quickly, his assistant also handed him a document.

"Don't show me this ugly thing."

After seeing this document, Harry showed a disgusted expression.

As for why you dislike it? Hua Guo, who said that he did not provide any research materials related to maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, gave the proliferation method of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells and mother cells at the time of the final transaction.

It's after-sales service.

According to the detailed research information given by their expert group, and after being repeatedly confirmed more than a dozen times, he learned that the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells he bought with so much painstaking efforts per milligram of the culture high cost

up to 20 dollars.

If you want to convert it according to the situation in Huaguo, it may be around ten yuan, and the unit is RMB.

After reading this information, he finally knew that Huaguo was really not playing with the money earned abroad to make up for the loss of domestic medical insurance. The price of Huaguo's domestic medical insurance was really the normal price.

It is even possible to say that it is expensive.I am afraid that some restrictions are only made to prevent excessive suppression of the medical market.

Although I have told myself countless times in my heart that he is buying technology, the price is not bad and it is very profitable

However, when he thought of Su Bai, he still felt his heart speed up.Not because of heartbeat, but because of being angry.He finally knew why Su Bai wanted to heal his heart.

Su Bai really thought about him for a while, afraid that he would be pissed off by her, and then specially helped him strengthen his heart.

"How could I be really angry because of this little setback."

Although I feel very angry, but the important thing is to grasp the opportunity to surpass Huaguo Biotechnology, then everything is worth it.

"System, how long do you think it will take for the people at America's side to realize that the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells are too advanced for them to study?"

After Harry officially obtained the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells, Su Bai naturally knew about it immediately.

On TV, seeing Harry's expression of wanting to lose his temper but not daring to lose his temper, but thinking of Su Bai's doctor's order, he could only hold back his expression, he was very happy.

It is not difficult to strengthen the heart, and it can be stabilized in three or four days.Harry himself also read his own body report, and he was very healthy.

But after Su Bai finished the treatment, he said that his heart will be in the repairing period in the next year, during this year, don't get too excited.Otherwise, if something happens, she doesn't care about the after-sales.

Well, there's nothing wrong with it, I'm saying this out of caution.

For example, after completing gene-intensive therapy operations such as immune system remodeling, kidney remodeling, and internal organ repair, the attending physician will also tell them to be in the repairing period within a year, pay attention to the body, and supplement more nutrition

In fact, it has completely healed. To say this is to let them spend a year to correct some of their bad habits in life. It is currently a white lie recognized by the Huaguo medical circle.

Su Bai just used this white lie to warn Harry.

Now it seems that Harry is still paying attention.

The life-extending surgery didn't get him, but he got a healthy heart and a healthy kidney, so he cherished it very much.

"Su Bai, will he find out that you look at him like this?"

At this time, because the Spring Festival was approaching, Feng Yufang, who relieved himself a lot of work pressure, moved to live with Su Bai.

After finishing his official duties and coming to the living room, he saw Harry on TV.

"If you can't find it, it doesn't matter even if you find it."

Su Bai seemed indifferent and said, this is released by the system, if it can be discovered by the earth's technology, then Su Bai has to consider whether there are really aliens on America's side.

"By the way, Ding Yi, what do you think of him...

Because of her work, she has had a lot of contact with Ding Yi recently.

While drinking tea and chatting in private, Ding Yi took out a little bit of the special Dahongpao that he treasured, and then carefully asked about Su Bai's treatment, and whether there were other ways.

After asking this question, she realized that the last time Ding Yi contacted Su Bai, he might have done something wrong and made Su Bai angry.

As the saying goes, the cannibal's mouth is short, and when she resigned from her company and started to fight for her daughter, she actually got Ding Yi's help, which can be regarded as a favor from him, so she wanted to continue Su Bai's career.

When you're feeling down, ask Su Bai what he thinks of Ding Yi, maybe there's a chance to make amends.

Su Bai looked at Feng Yufang with a sweet smile, and then said something that she regretted for a long time: "Aunt Feng, I want to eat the rice you cooked."

Chapter 190 VII

"Mom, I've never begged you for anything in my life. But now, really... I just ask you one thing, stay out of the kitchen!"

Halfway through dinner, Zuo Ming finally put down the sweet white rice in his hands a little too much.

As the only edible white rice among the many dishes her mother cooked, she was really speechless.Who cooks white rice and puts sugar in it?

On the other side, Su Bai curiously put a piece of scrambled eggs with leeks into Erha's dog bowl.Erha, who has never been picky about food, sniffed it, and silently walked under the fish tank and crawled.

Well, dogs hate it.

"Didn't I...haven't been in the kitchen?"

Feng Yufang, who has always been a strong woman, seemed a little shy at this time.She really doesn't know that cooking white rice doesn't need any seasoning

The main reason is that it needs to be seasoned at other times, and I think it may be necessary to cook white rice.When you eat white rice, you will feel a little sweet, so add a little sugar

Well, Feng Yufang, who is a master of medicine, only remembered that the sweetness she felt when eating rice should be due to starch, not sugar

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