Compared with the speechless Zuo Ming, Zhou Xue's food was delicious, especially the leek scrambled eggs fried with sugar.It is a dark dish for adults, but as a real child, Zhou Xue thinks it is delicious.

Especially if the rice is sweet, it will be even better.

However, after saying this, Feng Yufang glanced at Su Bai, and did not dare to mention the matter of Ding Yi, but she still said: "Su Bai, what do you think about the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association?" what is

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and the entire Hua Kingdom has almost come to a standstill, preparing to welcome the biggest festival of the year in the Hua Kingdom, which is the Spring Festival.

Under such circumstances, America, who had obtained mother-fetal specialized remodeling cell mother cells, manipulated the election of the chairman of the Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, which made the original ironclad things unstable again.

The development of Luochen Charity Foundation's international affairs depends on Huaguo's worldwide medical influence, so what America is doing now has a great influence on Feng Yufang.

"It doesn't matter, just give up the chair. I have already greeted Uncle Wang Weizhi, and Grandpa Wei Jianming will be there soon."

After Su Bai said this, he looked at the spicy sweet and sour pork ribs, and finally chose to give up.

To be reasonable, Su Bai, who has cooking skills LV6, was a little shocked by Feng Yufang's cooking skills, especially the spicy sweet and sour pork ribs. How did she do it?

Every dish seems to be edible, but when I eat it, I find that it is a bit different from what I remember.

"This...well then. By the way, CCTV invited you to record a New Year greeting, do you want to participate?"

After hearing Su Bai's decision, Feng Yufang didn't continue to talk about her own affairs, but said what Liu Qin had explained to her.

At present, the most influential person in Huaguo is undoubtedly Su Bai.

Within half a year, it completely changed the medical status quo in Huaguo, and widened the gap between Huaguo's biomedical technology and the world.

Under such circumstances, she has truly benefited the people, and those medicines that are no different from the price of cabbage have really managed to treat the onset of illness that even the poor people can use, instead of a serious illness that ruined the family.

Therefore, when the Spring Festival is approaching, even if Su Bai does not go to the Spring Festival Gala, CCTV also hopes that Su Bai can record a New Year greeting

"That's fine too."

Su Bai nodded after hearing this.

Although many things on America's side were within her expectations, the intention of trying to mess with her mentality still made her a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps, she can use the New Year's greetings to make troubles, which may be very interesting.

While Su Bai was thinking about how to use the New Year's greetings to make trouble, Wang Weizhi, who couldn't go home for the New Year because of the affairs of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, received the latest information from his assistant.

"So, America is determined to compete with us for the position of the first chairman of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid?"

On Wang Weizhi's side, after reading the new information, he frowned slightly.

"Well, America has come up with the condition that if the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells get results, they will share some of the results with Europe, and they have obtained the support of Europe. And Asia is still dominated by America.

As a leader, our control is insufficient and the time is too short to convert technological advantages into stronger political influence. "

Wang Weizhi's assistant told a frustrating fact.

"There is no way, then give them the position of the chairman country, including the globalization of gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs they want to block. I will see when the time comes, whether it is us or them that are anxious."

Compared with his assistant who doesn't know some inside information, Wang Weizhi's mentality is very relaxed now.

Because Su Bai made a video call to him two days ago.The content is not long, mainly due to Su Bai's emphasis on giving America the position of the chairmanship earlier, because America will soon find that she can't handle it.

Until then, making America the chair of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid and making it difficult for her to get off the ground is definitely going to be fun.

More importantly, this is an absolute challenge to America's credibility.

You must know that when formulating the terms and standards of the Global Medical Mutual Association, the chairman country has many advantages, but there is also a big disadvantage, that is, the chairman country must provide member countries with advanced biomedical technology.

In order to achieve the basic principle of supplementing the weak with the strong.

If the chairman country cannot provide more advanced biomedical technology to the member countries, then the member countries do not have to provide technical support to the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid

This one was proposed by America and Europe.Wang Weizhi tried his best to stop it at the beginning, but in the end he was passed because Wang Weizhi put on a "painful mask".

"By the way, if I remember correctly, there is something wrong with Xiao Li, right? Ask him to pass a secret back to the central government."

When thinking of happy things, Wang Weizhi planned to add fire to make America happy.

Well, how happy I am now will be how painful it will be then.

Thinking of this, Wang Weizhi suddenly realized how cool it is to have a black belly.


Wang Weizhi's assistant, who didn't know some inside information, was a little confused at this time, but he also realized a little bit, and became a little expectant in his heart.

ps: To explain, the cost of some drugs is due to differences in personnel costs and prices in different countries.More importantly, Harry is in private hands, while Huaguo is in state hands.Therefore, the price after manufacture is relatively

The difference will be very large.

And for cosplay is not very good-looking, but it's not ugly...really...I'll post it in two days

Chapter 190 Eight Harry: I hope everything goes well

"So, is this the reason Huaguo sells specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells?"

On Harry's side, at the same time as the research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells was carried out, on Harry's side, the personnel who infiltrated into Huaguo got two pieces of information.

The first piece of information came from Wang Weizhi, the spokesperson of Huaguo to the World Council.

This piece of information briefly described Wang Weizhi's failure in the operation of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.

In terms of technical public relations, and in order to obtain technical support from America, it is possible to give up the chairmanship of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, in order to obtain America’s research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells and blast cells.

first-hand treatment.

If there is only this piece of information, Harry is still not sure.Because Wang Weizhi knows very well that he often transmits false information to the Huaguo Central Committee that will be intercepted by them, causing huge damage to some of their strategies.


But because of this, it cannot be concluded that all the information on Wang Weizhi's side is false information.If this is really done, Huaguo will probably be very happy.

Let him confirm that the information from Wang Weizhi is correct. Wei Jianming, who had been missing for a while, reappeared and had breakfast at a breakfast shop near the headquarters of Huaguo Academy of Sciences.

After spending a huge price on the CIA side, they also obtained information related to Wei Jianming's reappearance.That is, a gene enhancement technology project hosted by Wei Jianming encountered a bottleneck and needed to wait for new technologies

Only by breaking through can we go further.

The intelligence description on Wei Jianming's side is consistent with the intelligence description on Wang Weizhi's side.Under such circumstances, Harry previously speculated that Hua Guo was willing to conduct such a direct exchange of political interests through Su Bai because of the reshaping of mother-fetal specialization.

The cell research work is stuck in a bottleneck, and the speculation that it needs to seek external scientific research forces coincides with each other.

"However, isn't it too easy? Is it because I am suspicious, or is there really a problem?"

When Harry was thinking about this point, he couldn't help but muttered to himself.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something wrong with it. There must be something he hadn't thought about, or some very important information that he had missed.

"I think you are paranoid. The most important thing in intelligence work is not what the other party says, but what the other party does."

At this time, Barron, an old friend of Harry and one of the most important members of Harry's think tank, spoke up, wanting to dispel Harry's doubts.

If the enemy's behavior is analyzed only through the intelligence they have obtained, it is easy to be led by the nose by the enemy.Therefore, intelligence analysis work must be carried out in conjunction with the actual actions of the enemy in many cases.

Judging from the information they have so far, many of Huaguo's actions perfectly met their expectations.

"If all of this is the judgment Hua Guo wants us to make, then what kind of analysis do you think we need to make to satisfy the various weird behaviors that Hua Guo has made in the past six months?"

Harry didn't directly affirm Barron's words, and he still had some doubts in his heart.

"If you want to analyze it, it is that Huaguo received direct help from an alien civilization. But if this kind of thing really happened, why didn't Huaguo directly unify the world by helping their alien civilization?

Alien civilizations that travel to the interstellar space are definitely not something we can resist.What's more, don't you think this kind of nonsense is too unrealistic?"

When Barron said this, he looked very relaxed, and continued: "Although I don't think the CIA's nonsense Nuwa Project has any credibility, it has a certain reference value. The specialized remodeling cells of mother and fetus are probably Hua

It is the product of the top-secret artificial cell project launched by China itself, and it should be an accidental product, like something won in the lottery. "

"After they got the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, they found that their own things should not belong to what we should have at present, so they launched a large-scale research. But until recently, they found that the research reached their

The limit that secret research can achieve.If you want to go beyond, you must increase investment, but too much investment will seriously crowd out the resources of other scientific research projects, leading to some vicious incidents. "

"Under such circumstances, Huaguo launched Su Bai, a talented researcher who was mainly in charge of the project before. Through the current series of operations, they can earn more research funds for them, and they have not made up for the previous research on the specialization of mothers and fetuses.

The funding gap caused by remodeling cells also raises itself for future research, and can also use other scientific research forces to find new research directions. "

"If it wasn't for the fact that Huaguo protected Su Bai too closely, it would be the most cost-effective to instigate Su Bai. Why, it is a waste that a genius of this level was born in Huaguo. The shocking power hidden behind her

Huaguo has only developed less than one percent of the benefits. "

When Barron said this, he seemed a little regretful.

Su Bai seems to be earning enough now, but in his opinion it is not enough.If under his control, the money that Su Bai can earn may be more than doubled several times.

"A reasonable analysis can only be viewed in this way at present. If this is the case, then speed up and quickly win the chairmanship of the Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, so as to prepare for our comprehensive overtake in biotechnology in the future.

.It costs too much, and we must find a way to earn it back quickly. "

Harry said seeing this.

The transaction cost with Su Bai is really too much. He is eager to get the results from the research on the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus, realize the technical expenses contained in it, and earn back the losses in the political transaction with Huaguo.

"The person currently in charge of the research is Owen Ryan, who is as famous as Wei Jianming, who is currently in charge of gene enhancement technology in Huaguo. Preliminary results should be available soon."

Compared to Harry's worries, Barron was full of confidence.

If Huaguo hadn't taken out the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells to overtake in a corner, it would be impossible to surpass America in terms of biotechnology.

With better basic technology, their research speed is unreasonably slower than that of Huaguo, and it is only a matter of time before they surpass Huaguo.

"I hope everything goes well, but... forget it, it's probably just me thinking too much. There are not so many buts."

Harry said at this time, but he still felt in his heart that he had underestimated something.

Chapter 190 Nine Tempered Mathematicians

"This is your latest achievement? It's quite beautiful."

In the Huaguo Central Institute of Electronics, Wei Jianming looked at a piece of crystal in front of him that was only the size of the fingernail of a little finger, shining with colorful and dreamy brilliance, and wanted to touch it.

"Don't touch it, it will be destroyed if you touch it. It's very delicate."

Just as Wei Jianming raised his hand and stood next to him, Academician Mu Heng, who was in charge of leading the development of the Ming chip, reached out and took Wei Jianming's hand down.

"At that time, don't you want to give it to me, show it to Su Bai. But are you sure? With just this small piece, its calculation efficiency has reached three trillion times per second? The key point is why are you so fast?"

Seeing this, Wei Jianming said, with a little confusion in his words.

When they deciphered the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus, they basically took a step and got stuck, and it was extremely difficult to advance.

However, the research progress of the underworld element is frighteningly fast.The chip in front of him is at the level of [-] nanometers, but its calculation rate has reached three trillion times per second, not only crushing silicon chips of the same level, but even crushing silicon chips of the same level.

Even the silicon chip, which surpassed the latest technology, gave Huaguo a wave of overtaking in a corner, which is simply unbelievable.

"Of course I'm sure. This is just the normal power. It can be higher. Also, you are wrong about one thing. We only know how to use it, but the research has not advanced at all. It's just a monkey who learned how to press a lighter. See Su in two days.

When Bai, I also went, I suspect that this man-made! We may have misunderstood what Su Bai meant by man-made elements. "

Academician Mu Heng frowned and said.

Don't look at how fast they are advancing, but the faster they advance, the more desperate Academician Mu Heng feels.

His despair was not born from technological differences, but that he had glimpsed the possible truth of the universe through the ghost chip, an extremely terrifying truth.

"Didn't Su Bai say that the dark element is an artificial element, what nonsense are you talking about? However, I dare not take this thing out easily. If it is taken out, the impact on the market will be more terrifying than genetically enhanced treatment."

Technology is even bigger. "

Wei Jianming did not understand the meaning of Mu Heng's words.

"Let's not talk about this. The military industry, have you solved the math problem?"

Mu Heng didn't explain too much here.

At present, the existence of the underworld element is a top secret among top secrets.Apart from the top scientists in Huaguo, there are only a handful of people who know of its existence.During the research and development of Ming Chip, many things were discovered even

The highest level of Huaguo itself has no right to ask unless it is announced, in order to keep it absolutely confidential.

Therefore, even if you have doubts in your heart, you can only hide them in your heart first.

After all, the only person in this world who can answer the questions in his mind is Su Bai.

"The simplest question in it is called Riemann's conjecture according to our name. Do you think it can be solved so easily?"

After hearing Mu Heng's words, Wei Jianming gave him a blank look.

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