What is Su Bai best at? When others are confident that what he said is right, then say no!

"Eh? Is there anything wrong with this?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Wei Jianming was stunned.

Didn't Su Bai admit that the dark element is an artificial element? Then what is wrong with what he said?

"The basic rules of the man-made synthetic elements you are talking about are all in the physical world itself. The natural world cannot appear for various reasons, but its existence itself is imprinted on the underlying code of the physical world. To put it bluntly, your current cooperation

Man-made elements are still natural elements in essence, but nature itself can hardly produce it.

Su Bai explained when Wei Jianming was confused.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Wei Jianming couldn't react, so he turned his head and glanced at Mu Heng.

"The reason why Pluto is more suitable for making chips than silicon is that every molecule and atom in it is even smaller, and the arrangement of quarks that we cannot directly observe at present is prepared for more efficient signal communication.

Seeing this, Mu Heng said.

Although there are indeed many microscopic structures that are suspected of man-made objects in nature, the source of those structures can be explained by relevant theories.

However, Ming Chip is different, this thing is too deliberate, so deliberate that it is impossible to appear, so he was born with a terrible idea, everything in the world is false!

"Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, there was a civilization beyond your imagination. They called themselves Ming, which represented//represented the end of all things, and also represented//represented the acme of technological civilization, which could bury the world and truth .in them

In this era, they can arbitrarily cover the underlying logic of the universe, overturn the past, present, and future, and define any known or unknown concepts.As long as they want, 1+1 can be equal to a fish, and it is also completely in line with the basic principles of the universe.

this rule. "

Su Bai sat on the high chair behind him very calmly, shaking his little feet, and said, looking very relaxed.

"So, the Ming element was created by this civilization called Ming?"

Mu Heng looked at Su Bai solemnly and said, but felt a little hopeless in his heart.

Are the limits of technology really that scary?

Thinking of this, Mu Heng and Wei Jianming looked at Su Bai in horror, could it be that...

"Ming has been destroyed. It died of arrogance, arrogance to the unknown, and the traces of its existence have been cleaned up. This element of the underworld is a pilgrim-type civilization behind. In order to praise the contribution of the underworld,

Let future generations know the existence of Ming before compiling it and writing it into the underlying rules of the universe.I thought it was useful, so I took it out. "

[This civilization that dared to add something to the underlying rules of the universe has also been destroyed.The civilizations that have done this have all ended in the same way. 】

At this time, the system said one more thing.

This is not a story told by the system to Su Bai, but an introduction about the birth of the dark element that comes with Civilization Element Common Sense LV2 itself.

"So... the world we are in now... Was it actually tampered with by a higher civilization?"

Mu Heng said with some despair, after being confirmed by Su Bai, his scientific outlook was really shaken, to the point of despair.

"What are you thinking about. The basic rules of the universe are maintained by the three supreme forces. It is an indestructible pyramid. Adding rules is just adding a brick to the pyramid. The shape of the pyramid will be changed, but its foundation

is unshakable.If you dare to shake it, you will die. "

Su Bai jumped off the chair after saying this, and said: "No matter what is in the universe, use what is beneficial to us, don't think about what is there. The so-called truth is not the end of our civilization. But it is

The stepping stones of the progress of our civilization.If it is useful, take care of it, and if it hurts, abandon or crush it! A civilization must maintain humility and awe while progressing, but it must not abandon its arrogance and blood. "

"Humility and awe of the powerful and unknown are the basis for a civilization to continue to exist. And its own arrogance and bloodiness are the foundation for this civilization to continue to thrive."

"If you lose humility and awe, then this civilization will not be far from being destroyed. If you lose your arrogance and blood, you will only know blind weakness. Even if this civilization still exists, it will be no different from death."

"Being entangled in the nature of the universe, it is better to think more about the present. At the beginning, Ming could arbitrarily tamper with the past, present, future, and even fabricate a false world of the universe, so why can't you? Don't try to be

Be the strongest, think about becoming stronger!"

After Su Bai said this, he came to Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, took out two candies from his pocket, and handed them to Wei Jianming and Mu Heng.

Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, who were a little taken aback by Su Bai's words, reached out and took the candies.

Wei Jianming put it in his mouth calmly, but Mu Heng hesitated for a moment, seeing Su Bai's bright smile, he also put it in his mouth.


"Don't vomit, it's good for your health. Good medicine tastes bitter, do you understand!"

Seeing that Mu Heng was about to spit out subconsciously, Su Bai said, smiling even more happily.There is no better reason for bullying in this world than being nice to you!

Seeing that Mu Heng resisted not to vomit, and then found that he couldn't swallow it directly, and could only melt it in his mouth, he felt a little desperate.

This candy...it smells sweet, but why does it taste so bitter!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Compared with Wei Jianming's side, Su Bai was in a playful mood, but when facing Mu Heng, Su Bai became serious.

Well, definitely not because she still remembered that America and Europe had said that she was short several times.It's just because she has been playing games recently and feels like her computer is stuck.So I want to equip myself with a high-end computer.

"Now that Ming's mass production process has been overcome, and the mass production line is already under construction, let me give you a small upgrade. This is 0.5nm lithography machine technology, you should study it yourself, and then

made.I need these in addition to this.Make me a copy of all. "

For his high-end computer for playing games, Su Bai took great pains, and even paid an expensive price for a week in a maid outfit to get the 0.5nm lithography machine technology from the system.


As for the need for lithography machine technology for ghost chips? The answer is yes, as long as you understand the preparation method of ghost elements, it can be perfectly inserted into the production process of silicon chips.

It is also because of this that Su Bai took out the dark element.Simple, convenient, fast, and efficient, and at the same time, it can be used to continue to harm the West.

Well, this has absolutely nothing to do with Xixi saying she is short.As the saying goes, there are only three things, and she has already asked Hua Guo to help her vent her anger in many places.Therefore, her anger has also subsided.

"Here... can I ask a question in private?"

It's normal that Su Bai doesn't have much opinion on the production of the chip.The 20NM chip he brought this time was just a sample for Su Bai.If there is no problem, then the best domestic production line will be used to produce a batch for Su Bai.

On Su Bai's side, it was a surprise that he took out the 0.5nm lithography machine technology.

Coupled with the 0.5nm lithography machine technology, Su Bai simply helped Huaguo complete the overall upgrade of its chip industry and achieved a comprehensive overtake in the field of technology.

Moreover, because they have firmly grasped the production method of the dark element, as long as the dark chip comes out on a large scale, the Western monopoly and blockade of the chip field will also be completely broken by Huaguo.

Originally, he should be happy.However, the things he discovered during the study of the underworld elements almost shattered his scientific outlook, making him really unhappy now.

"Just like you think, the dark element is a man-made element."

Su Bai didn't wait for Mu Heng to ask a question, so he directly spoke decisively.

Want to ask her a question? No way, as long as she answers in advance, Mu Heng won't be able to ask any questions!

"Mu Heng, why are you still troubled by this problem. The dark element is an artificial element, what's the problem?"

After hearing Su Bai's answer, Wei Jianming, who was still in the laboratory, also remembered what Mu Heng said before.

He doesn't know the specifics of the dark element, but he still knows that the dark element is an artificial element that does not exist in nature and can only be synthesized by artificial means. The essence is super silicon.But compared to silicon, there seems to be

Other more fantastic features.

The application on the nanometer scale is only the lowest-level application of the Ming chip.

"No, Grandpa Wei Jianming, you are wrong."

What is Su Bai best at? When others are confident that what he said is right, then say no!

"Eh? Is there anything wrong with this?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Wei Jianming was stunned.

Didn't Su Bai admit that the dark element is an artificial element? Then what is wrong with what he said?

"The basic rules of the man-made synthetic elements you are talking about are all in the physical world itself. The natural world cannot appear for various reasons, but its existence itself is imprinted on the underlying code of the physical world. To put it bluntly, your current cooperation

Man-made elements are still natural elements in essence, but nature itself can hardly produce it.

Su Bai explained when Wei Jianming was confused.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Wei Jianming couldn't react, so he turned his head and glanced at Mu Heng.

"The reason why Pluto is more suitable for making chips than silicon is that every molecule and atom in it is even smaller, and the arrangement of quarks that we cannot directly observe at present is prepared for more efficient signal communication.

Seeing this, Mu Heng said.

Although there are indeed many microscopic structures that are suspected of man-made objects in nature, the source of those structures can be explained by relevant theories.

However, Ming Chip is different, this thing is too deliberate, so deliberate that it is impossible to appear, so he was born with a terrible idea, everything in the world is false!

"Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, there was a civilization beyond your imagination. They called themselves Ming, which represented//represented the end of all things, and also represented//represented the acme of technological civilization, which could bury the world and truth .in them

In this era, they can arbitrarily cover the underlying logic of the universe, overturn the past, present, and future, and define any known or unknown concepts.As long as they want, 1+1 can be equal to a fish, and it is also completely in line with the basic principles of the universe.

this rule. "

Su Bai sat on the high chair behind him very calmly, shaking his little feet, and said, looking very relaxed.

"So, the Ming element was created by this civilization called Ming?"

Mu Heng looked at Su Bai solemnly and said, but felt a little hopeless in his heart.

Are the limits of technology really that scary?

Thinking of this, Mu Heng and Wei Jianming looked at Su Bai in horror, could it be that...

"Ming has been destroyed. It died of arrogance, arrogance to the unknown, and the traces of its existence have been cleaned up. This element of the underworld is a pilgrim-type civilization behind. In order to praise the contribution of the underworld,

Let future generations know the existence of Ming before compiling it and writing it into the underlying rules of the universe.I thought it was useful, so I took it out. "

[This civilization that dared to add something to the underlying rules of the universe has also been destroyed.The civilizations that have done this have all ended in the same way. 】

At this time, the system said one more thing.

This is not a story told by the system to Su Bai, but an introduction about the birth of the dark element that comes with Civilization Element Common Sense LV2 itself.

"So... the world we are in now... Was it actually tampered with by a higher civilization?"

Mu Heng said with some despair, after being confirmed by Su Bai, his scientific outlook was really shaken, to the point of despair.

"What are you thinking about. The basic rules of the universe are maintained by the three supreme forces. It is an indestructible pyramid. Adding rules is just adding a brick to the pyramid. The shape of the pyramid will be changed, but its foundation

is unshakable.If you dare to shake it, you will die. "

Su Bai jumped off the chair after saying this, and said: "No matter what is in the universe, use what is beneficial to us, don't think about what is there. The so-called truth is not the end of our civilization. But it is

The stepping stones of the progress of our civilization.If it is useful, take care of it, and if it hurts, abandon or crush it! A civilization must maintain humility and awe while progressing, but it must not abandon its arrogance and blood. "

"Humility and awe of the powerful and unknown are the basis for a civilization to continue to exist. And its own arrogance and bloodiness are the foundation for this civilization to continue to thrive."

"If you lose humility and awe, then this civilization will not be far from being destroyed. If you lose your arrogance and blood, you will only know blind weakness. Even if this civilization still exists, it will be no different from death."

"Being entangled in the nature of the universe, it is better to think more about the present. At the beginning, Ming could arbitrarily tamper with the past, present, future, and even fabricate a false world of the universe, so why can't you? Don't try to be

Be the strongest, think about becoming stronger!"

After Su Bai said this, he came to Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, took out two candies from his pocket, and handed them to Wei Jianming and Mu Heng.

Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, who were a little taken aback by Su Bai's words, reached out and took the candies.

Wei Jianming put it in his mouth calmly, but Mu Heng hesitated for a moment, seeing Su Bai's bright smile, he also put it in his mouth.


"Don't vomit, it's good for your health. Good medicine tastes bitter, do you understand!"

Seeing that Mu Heng was about to spit out subconsciously, Su Bai said, smiling even more happily.There is no better reason for bullying in this world than being nice to you!

Seeing that Mu Heng resisted not to vomit, and then found that he couldn't swallow it directly, and could only melt it in his mouth, he felt a little desperate.

This candy...it smells sweet, but why does it taste so bitter!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Li Shu, you're having fun here."

It was already an hour after Su Bai came up from the laboratory.

After Wei Jianming made fun of it, he handed the cryogenic box in his hand to the official staff of Huaguo who were waiting at the door.

Wei Jianming will spend the Spring Festival in Shanghai, so this thing needs to be brought to the secret research institute by other people in Huaguo.

"What's the matter, even you, a mathematician, can't solve the elementary school questions?"

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