When Wei Jianming was explaining some things to the officials of Huaguo, Mu Heng also said relaxedly, and at the same time, he picked up a few cherries on the table and ate them.

There is no way, the sugar Su Bai gave is too bitter.Although, after the bitterness dissipates, you will feel the slight sweetness remaining on the taste buds.But still have to eat something else to suppress the bitterness.

"That's not a mention in the second grade of primary school, it's one of the steps to crack Riemann's conjecture."

Just as Li Shu was about to answer, he fished out a backstroke goldfish from the fish tank and threw it to Erha's Su Bai, then he spoke.

"If we can do this kind of question in the second grade of elementary school, we are afraid of what America will do.

Li Shu glanced at Mu Heng speechlessly and said.

He is now autistic.

Although he has not studied the Riemann conjecture in depth, he has been in contact with it and knows that the solution to the Riemann conjecture has almost stagnated.If you want to talk about the cracking progress, it has reached about 80.00%

Right, and the remaining 20.00% is like the 50 years when nuclear fusion is still worse, which is out of reach.

Then, the part that Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming were doing pushed the cracking progress of the Riemann conjecture to 90.00%!

As for how to proceed? He had already asked in the exchange just now.Su Bai gave the idea of ​​solving the problem, and then asked the two of them to solve it by themselves according to her idea.

Looking up at Su Bai who was snatching the molar stick from Erha's mouth, his eyes were different.

Su Bai playing like this does not mean that she is solving Riemann's conjecture, but that she has solved Riemann's conjecture.

"She is the mentor of human civilization. She doesn't want us to become monkeys who can only use tools. She hopes that we can become humans who can create tools by ourselves. Rather than simply becoming stronger, she seems to want us to be able to

to control your own destiny. "

At this time, Li Shu remembered the description of Su Bai's character that No. [-] told him.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish!

Su Bai is not simply making Hua Guo stronger.When she gave gifts to Huaguo, she was also giving Huaguo trials. It was not a simple gift. Huaguo needed her own efforts to really get her gift and recognition.

Then, under Li Shu's solemn gaze, Su Bai finally pulled out the molar stick from Erha's mouth, then patted Erha's dog's head, and said, "I know how to gnaw the molar stick every day, and another day I'll put your teeth straight unplug. come on

Eat something healthy. "

Then, under Li Shu's speechless gaze, Su Bai took a small net bag, fished out a lively goldfish from the fish tank, and threw it to Erha.

Well... this is really healthy...

"Eh? By the way, uncle? Grandpa? Forget it, let's call you an old man as a compromise. Didn't you have something to do with me before?"

At this time, Su Bai also noticed the man who was looking at her.It also reminded her that when Wei Jianming said that he would come, he would bring along Mu Heng, who was in charge of researching chips, and Li Shu, who was currently in charge of dismantling math problems on the military side.

After Mu Heng's research is done, what's left is Li Shu.

Compared with Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, Li Su is really young, only in his 50s.Scientists are considered a relatively young generation.

However, it may be due to more work.There is no Mediterranean plum tree, but it is already gray-haired, and it looks like 60.

So, Su Bai thought about it briefly, and then he figured it out.Since it is inappropriate to call you Grandpa and Uncle, then call me Old Man!

Very suitable.

After Su Bai said this, Mu Heng and Wei Jianming grabbed a handful of melon seeds.

Well, let's go and watch a play.

Regarding this, Li Shu silently glanced at the homework in front of Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, and after thinking for a second, made a judgment, that is...

"Can I become a teacher? Just learn the same as them."

There is a sequence of hearing, and there is a specialization in the art industry.What's wrong with Su Bai looking small, children are still qualified to be teachers.What's more, just by observing his communication with Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, he can be sure of one thing.Su Bai

His attainments in mathematics have the ability to crush him and even all mathematicians on the entire earth.

Moreover, this kind of crushing is not a kind of crooked problem-solving ideas proposed by those strange geniuses, but a kind of purity.

In the maze full of treasures, I came across a door.Normal people want to find the key, but some crooked geniuses want to tear down the door or pick the lock.And what about Su Bai? Break down the doors and walls blocking the way, and move forward all the way.

Go forward.

Under the circumstances of these judgments, when he went to No. [-], No. [-] said bluntly that in Su Bai's identity information, mathematics ranked first, which meant that her achievements in mathematics were beyond imagination, which should be far higher than that in biology. genetically

The achievements are even higher.

At that time, he didn't believe it, but now he knows.It's not that Su Bai doesn't want to show off, maybe it's just that the cognition of the earth is too low-level, and she is not worthy of her temporary achievements in mathematics.

After all, with the simple six questions, he thought that human beings would be stuck for hundreds of years, not to mention seeing Su Bai's real height.

"You are not a beautiful girl, I don't want to teach the old man badly now."

Well, Su Bai is also very straightforward.

Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming are so eye-catching, and they can hug and hold each other high while posting them.And what about Li Shu? A grizzled old man.


Just when Li Shu seemed a little lost and started to think about how to deal with the current situation, Su Bai seemed to have something to say, which made Li Shu give birth to hope again.

Could it be that things have turned around?

"I'll give you a simpler question for your debut, and you can solve it within a month. I'll consider asking Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming to teach you when the time comes. The question is, do you dare to solve this question?"

When Su Bai said these words, he looked at Li Shu with a smile.

After Li Shu heard Su Bai's words, he was confused for a moment, and said directly: "As long as it is a normal question, there is nothing you dare not solve."

"It's good if you dare to solve it."

Su Bai looked at Li Shu and showed a bright smile.

Well, she finally found a great opportunity to use her own mathematics to pretend...ah no, use her own mathematics to promote the progress of human civilization!

ps: That...Xinhai cos, I'm struggling... I have to say something.I have cosplayed a dozen or so characters.However, Xinhai's cosplay suit is the most fucked up one I've ever worn... Maybe it's because I've been out of the cosplay circle for two years and my figure is perfect

It's all out of shape... In short, I'll wear it tomorrow to see the situation, and it will be sent out tomorrow at the latest.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why don't you talk anymore, Su Bai's cooking is so delicious. Isn't it just a question? I'll just silence you."

Su Bai left Wei Jianming and the others to come down for dinner, and he cooked the food himself.

As for how good Su Bai's craftsmanship is, Wei Jianming is naturally aware of it, and he is also satisfied.

I didn't get scolded much today, and I even had a meal. Nothing makes me happier than this.

Besides Wei Jianming, Mu Heng was also in a good mood.

After obtaining the 0.5nm lithography machine technology, combined with the comprehensive upgrading plan of electronic chip cutting-edge industry that Su Bai gave Huaguo before, it can achieve a straight-line overtaking in the chip field within just two years.

And, it's not just as simple as overtaking.For example, when the opponent is still struggling in the trials, Hua Guo is already running for the finals.

Not only that, I heard that the last time Qian Heyue's granddaughter came to visit Qian Heyue, because she didn't like it, she ate the melon she brought for Su Bai.Because Su Bai thought it was delicious, he took the research on the genetic qualitative technology of crops

The direction was given to Qian Heyue's granddaughter.

After a period of research, a preliminary understanding has emerged.If it can be applied reasonably, it means that Huaguo will take over certain crop gene selection rights from nature.

Although it is still impossible to get rid of the factors of natural evolution, this lead has directly crushed the West for more than a hundred years.

Su Bai's help to Hua is all-round, in the fields of military, medical, electronics, food, and physics.She is like an almighty god, seemingly possessing inexhaustible wisdom.

However, compared to the good mood of Wei Jianming and Mu Heng, Li Shu, who was full of confidence and wanted to take the question given by Su Bai, seemed not in such a good mood. He didn't say a few words during the meal.

"Su Bai...she... how do you say it... What Su Bai gave is not a question, it is a complete problem-solving step without the final answer. So complete, if I can't even write the answer, then My math is useless."

After leaving Su Bai's house, Li Shucai said worriedly.

Li Shu's words stunned Mu Heng who didn't know Su Bai very well.

Isn't that an easy question? He didn't understand why Li Shu was worried.

"So, the problem with the question given by Su Bai lies in solving it, right?"

Compared with Mu Heng who doesn't know Su Bai well, Wei Jianming guessed a little bit.

A question given by Su Bai, if the answer goes well, it means that there is a problem after the answer is completed.

He has experienced this kind of thing. They worked hard to cultivate a petri dish. When they checked Su Bai, they didn't notice the changes caused by the slight change in temperature, which directly led to the failure of that class assignment.

Afterwards, the group was sent to clean the toilets.

There must be pitfalls in Su Bai's questions, and Su Bai would not be Su Bai without pitfalls.But that pit must not exist for the simple purpose of deceiving people.Su Bai never played low-level fun, and most of the time, the pits Su Bai gave were even if he knew it was a pit, he would

We have to bite the bullet and step on it.

Because, only when they step on the pit, can they really know where the problem is.And only by knowing where the problems are can they really make progress.

"That question almost shattered the structure of modern mathematics. If we compare modern mathematics to classical physics, the question given by Su Bai is an arrow that can peep into high-energy physics. Moreover, this is just a metaphor. This question

The actual destructive power is greater than the damage to classical physics when the field of high-energy physics was opened up.She is ushering in a new era.However, such a development will make a large number of mathematicians spend a lifetime of hard work.

Put it in vain, let them be completely forgotten by the times, let them be denied by the truth.Reality will tell them that they are just a bunch of losers looking in the wrong direction. "

When Li Shu said these words, he leaned on the car seat with a tired look, and closed his eyes.

The opening of a new era is bound to trigger a new wave of research. It is his honor to be able to present this epoch-making thing to mankind.

But... Once this question is released, his 60.00% result will become a joke.

Can the ships of the new era carry the people of the old era? This is a question.

Not to mention those mathematicians who are older than him, even at this time, he hesitated.

"Is it possible to achieve a breakthrough only by denying yourself? It's very her character."

Wei Jianming didn't understand mathematics, but he still realized what Li Shu was facing.

Li Shu prepared so many words to refute Su Bai, but he didn't say a single word, but almost shattered the direct scientific view.

Break and then stand, do not break and stand.The group of scientists who were taught by Su Bai also experienced this matter. During the research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, too many technologies violated their cognition.past cognition tells

They, they are right, but what actually happened tells them that Su Bai is right.

Believe in past perceptions or believe in what actually happened?

Many people may easily say that they believe in the latter, but only those who have been involved in this vortex know how difficult this choice is.

Not everyone has noble character, not everyone can guarantee their nobility.

"If you do, the higher-ups will firmly stand by your side. Because standing behind you is Su Bai."

Regarding this, Wei Jianming looked at Li Shu and said.

He guessed Li Shu's doubts

Now, what makes Li Shu hesitate the most is that once he does it, it will be the enemy of most mathematicians in the world.Overnight, countless enemies

Under such circumstances, what is Li Shu's strongest backing? It is very simple, it is Su Bai! After receiving so many gifts from Su Bai, Hua Guo will never question Su Bai easily.

After all, if Su Bai really wanted to harm Hua Guo, he would have done it long ago.In other words, Su Bai wanted to harm Hua Guo, and Hua Guo had no way to resist.

Under such circumstances, Wei Jianming knew that since Su Bai would give Li Shu a choice, he would also give him strong help and become his biggest backer.

Of course, what to choose in the end is still up to Li Shu himself.He could only hint so far.

"Hey~ I'll go and talk to the higher-ups myself."

After Li Shu said this, he pinched his eyebrows with some headaches, trying to make himself feel at ease.

However, I found that I couldn't feel at ease at all.

This question given by Su Bai is probably the greatest opportunity in his life, which involves great risks, but as long as he does it, his name will definitely go down in history.

This is actually a choice, whether to leave a name in the history books or leave a portrait.

Chapter 4000 This is the ultimate bullying of the weak ([-] words)

"Su Bai, she's really, really good, I'm crying to death."

"By the way, isn't she engaged in biology and medical treatment? Why did she suddenly intervene in education?"

"Actually, the official description of Su Bai is that this guy is a mathematician."

"Isn't this a labeling error?"

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