"The Academy of Sciences said it, and the description is correct. Where did you hear the rumors?"

"Low-priced medicine, no brains to join the medical insurance, no brains to lower the price of medical insurance, set up the Luochen Charity Foundation, and now need charity education. Is she a saint?"

On New Year's Eve, Huaguo's official media released some New Year greetings from senior Huaguo officials.

Although it is said to be New Year's greetings, it is actually not just about celebrating the New Year, but also talking about some expectations for the coming year.

On Su Bai's side, after being named the top ten young people in Huaguo this year, she is currently the most influential in the country.

Without him, most of the drugs developed by Su Bai announced by the Medical Insurance Bureau can be said to be the price of cabbage.Under such circumstances, Su Bai's New Year's greetings received extra attention.

Su Bai, who is young but possesses an extraordinary personality, transcends the mundane world, what is his expectation for the coming year?

"Education is the foundation of a country. With the development of the times, our demand for knowledge is constantly increasing. Only by improving ourselves can we better adapt to the new era in the future. Here, on behalf of Luochen Charity Foundation, I express

He said that every year in the future, the Luochen Charity Foundation will allocate 3000 to [-] billion yuan to subsidize domestic education, and comprehensively improve students' nutrition, teaching materials, and learning environment. "

"Of course, the 2000 billion yuan is actually a very small sum for the whole country, and it is not worth mentioning. Under this situation, the Luochen Charity Foundation will allocate 1000 billion yuan of basic reserve funds every year to sponsor Those ones

Children who have good academic performance but are unable to go to school due to family financial problems. "

"However, the problems that these 1000 billion can really solve are not as many as imagined. Under the dawn, there is always darkness, clear water and blue sky, and the spread of deserts. A drop in the bucket, trying to moisten the desert, but delusional

talk.But I still hope that there is an oasis in the desert. "

"On the basis of the previous promise, the Luochen Charity Foundation will deposit 40.00% of the remaining funds each year, which is about a few hundred billion, into the Shuguang Project. The Shuguang Project will be a project involving the whole country.

orphan assistance program.We will reward the systematic orphan shelter system, and make a relatively correct choice for those children who have lost the right to choose life because of the irresponsibility of their parents. "

"And my dream is very simple, that is, one day in the future, the Suguang Project will not cost a penny."

This is part of Su Bai's New Year's message.

He hardly talked about his own scientific research, but talked about education, and formulated the main direction of the future operation of the Luochen Charity Foundation.

"A foundation spends hundreds of billions and hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and brags without drafting?"

As soon as Su Bai's New Year's message was released, it caused a huge sensation in the whole country, but just like what Su Bai said, there is always darkness under the dawn.

While most people were praising Su Bai for his great contribution to society, naturally there were also clowns jumping around.

"Under the circumstances of selling medicine at various low prices, Su Bai can make hundreds of billions a year in the country, so why do you need to worry about it?"

"You don't think that Luochen is really a charitable organization that only accepts social donations?"

"You don't need to worry about Su Bai's ability to make money."

"There are always clowns, trying to peek into the minds of sages."

Compared with ordinary charitable foundations, the biggest difference of Luochen Charity Foundation is that its main income is not social donations, but Su Bai.Su Bai can earn hundreds of billions a year in the country stably.

If it wasn't for Su Bai's reduction in the profits he could earn, this number would be even more terrifying.

On this basis, the globalization of gene enhancement therapy drugs is about to start.

Compared with the gentleness in the country, Su Bai doesn't have the slightest gentleness when facing other countries.

As for Su Bai's own true thoughts?

"System, how about what I'm doing now? Those kids are quite happy now, they simply thought that they just ate better. But when the time comes, when they see their holiday homework doubled, they will know the pain

up.And because of the rapid development of information technology, they still cannot escape the fate of continuing to learn during their holidays and leisure. "

"Especially in orphanages, it is impossible to turn every orphanage into the orphanage of Director Miao Fangling. However, it is very simple to roll them up."

[Roll it up~roll it up~roll it up~this is too much fun! While depriving those children of their childhood, you must also make them feel grateful to you.When they are grateful to you, they will realize the crisis again

When I came, I had to force myself to study harder.Because other people study harder, those who have good grades must also work harder. 】

[Layers of nesting dolls finally create an impeccable involution system.From small rolls to big ones, when they think they have grown up, they can relax.Then I discovered that the essence of society is still introversion.guide with layers

, Let them fall into the darkness with no good memories! What a miserable life this is. 】

After hearing Su Bai's words, the system also said excitedly.

Originally, I wanted to follow the New Year's greetings to disgust America.

However, Su Bai thought clearly at the last moment.Why do I care so much about America all the time? Isn’t it bullying myself to care about that kind of thing?

To be human is to do whatever you want!

After thinking about this point clearly, Su Bai once again extended his grasp to the weak.

The first part of her aid program, which she herself named the Social Involvement System!

The core of this system lies in two points. The first is to remove obstacles, that is, to improve the educational environment across the country. The 2000 billion funds are well used, which is enough to improve the overall education environment in the country to a large extent.

After the national educational environment has been improved, the second step can be carried out, making the difference!

This is also the absolute core of Su Bai's introversion plan, and it is also Su Bai's summary from the orphanage of Director Miao Fangling.

The so-called distinction top-notch can be understood as distinction and top-notch respectively.It is not aimed at all students, but only for the top students among all students, that is, students with good grades.

Students with good grades either have good talent, or they work hard enough, or their families have money and can use the money to pile up enough educational resources to forcibly raise their children's grades.

On this basis, Su Bai cut out the good family background among this group of people, and selected the group with the best grades among the children with a relatively low family background, and then gave them more educational resources.

It is nonsense to say that learning only depends on the individual.As long as a child can get enough educational resources, his grades will definitely increase, but the rate of increase depends on the individual.

Su Bai did this in order to use those children from poor families who were originally in a relatively disadvantaged position in society to kill those children from good families who had a lot of educational resources.

Is your family rich? Can you hire a tutor at will? Can you study without worrying about your family? Can you not worry about your own future and be unscrupulous?

Yes, this is the privilege of children from rich families.

While they have these privileges, places at the nation's top universities are limited.

Su Bai pulled the grades of the group of children who were almost able to reach the score line above the level line, crowding out the quota.

Some people get the quota, and naturally some people will lose the quota.

Will those well-to-do families let it go? No, they will invest more resources in the education of their offspring.This also led to competition! That is the introversion that Su Bai wanted.

After a period of preparation, this kind of involution in social education will evolve into a learning atmosphere.And this kind of learning atmosphere will drive the students below to continue to work hard and pursue a better future.

And this leads to a deeper level of involution.

Of course, Huaguo is a society of human feelings.The human relationship society is very good, but it is also prone to problems.

At least the whole country is very big. The system Su Bai built seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated in the implementation process. It is so complicated that Huaguo's high-level officials rarely call Su Bai and tell Su Bai that it is difficult for them to cooperate.

However, this matter was something Su Bai had wanted to do for a long time, so Su Bai also thought that there was no way for Hua Guo to cooperate.

Don't forget that this society has developed to a highly informatized level.

Su Bai helped Huaguo complete the industrial upgrading of the information industry before, not just to anger Amelie.

If it's just to annoy America, she doesn't need to spend a few months writing code.Not to mention that the underworld element will not be replaced from the system.

Little America, she needn't bother so much.

Her fundamental purpose of helping Huaguo complete the industrial upgrading of the information industry is still for her bullying plan!

Well, people are uncontrollable, but artificial intelligence is controllable, and there are system assistance and bottom-line coverage.

Yes, Su Bai carried out this plan, and Feng Yufang's role in it was not leading, but supporting.What really leads this plan is the "small program" that Su Bai is about to write.

This small program is not only a means for Su Bai to launch a further counterattack against the Western world, but will also lead Su Bai's regional top-notch plan and guide the national education involution.

Not only that, this small program is also responsible for the construction of the national orphan shelter system.

After absorbing part of the experience and ideas from Dean Miao Fangling, Su Bai came to three conclusions.

The first is childhood bullying, the second is family bullying, and the third is participation in education involution, which is part of the top-notch plan.

Childhood bullying is very simple. With more effective guidance, some children realize their confusion in the future, and learning is their only way out.To have a better future, they must study hard.

Deep in the sea of ​​learning, they will spend the first half of their life without a happy childhood.

At least Su Bai thought so.

The second is family bullying.

Here, one thing must be confirmed, that is, the children who enter this option are not trafficked, but abandoned by their parents.

After confirming this point, Su Bai's orphanage will delete all the files of the child before he was adopted, which means that the possibility of the child finding his parents will be extremely reduced.

The moment they are abandoned, they lose the right to choose in life.Under such circumstances, the orphan shelter system established by Su Bai will help these children make their own life choices.

This is also the power that originally belonged to their family, but now it is taken over by the orphanage.

Forcibly impose the choices made for them in the orphanage, and raise the adoption gate too high, so that the possibility of most children being adopted is reduced, and they are forced to stay in the orphanage.

in the court.

This is family bullying!

As orphans, as the weak, as the most vulnerable group in society, they have no choice but to submit to their fate.

As for what kind of choices the orphanage will make for them? It's very simple, according to the different scores for each person in the system written by Su Bai, they will be given priority to enter various important strata of society.

The strong among them will get the most solid backing from Su Bai, so that they, who were originally orphans, will have the ability to rival those children from aristocratic families.

This is also Su Bai's bullying against those arrogant family capital.

No matter how strong the family is, it can't compare to her! With her as the backing, what about orphans? They can still bully the children of the family, and compete with those arrogant children for precious social resources.Even, to a large extent, there will be

in a dominant position.

"For those children who have no choice, Su Bai's plan may be the best. As long as they can enter this plan, at worst they can make a living for themselves. They will not fall to the bottom of society, and even because of

Poverty turns to crime. "

On Feng Yufang's side, after completing a series of complicated plans drawn up by Su Bai, she sighed a little complicatedly.

Su Bai's plan is cruel in a way, especially for orphans.

Su Bai forcibly helped these orphans choose to refuse to find those parents who abandoned them voluntarily.In the whole system, except for the children who were determined to be trafficked, those children who were actively abandoned by their families, on the day they were abandoned

From that moment on, he completely severed ties with his biological parents.

Of course, after paying this price, what do these children get? Quite simply, a bright future.

As long as they are normal children, at worst they can live in a well-off life in the future.Those who cannot act like normal children due to their own defects will be accepted by Luochen himself.

I dare not say how good life is, but as long as I can do what I can, the salary will not be low.

As for why it ended up like this? It's very simple, to put it bluntly.The children raised by Luochen themselves are Luochen's property.This is also why the threshold for adoption will be raised after it is determined that it is not abducted.

And there is no reason for setting up a relative recognition agency.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sister Su Bai, why is my operation the same as yours, but the cakes I make are not as delicious as yours?"

After dealing with Wei Jianming's affairs, accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, the footsteps of New Year's Eve arrived. Su Bai, who has always been fishing, also worked hard today, preparing the New Year's Eve dinner all day.

Zhou Xue was supposed to go home for the New Year, but because Zhou Xue has moved to live near Su Bai's house.Based on the principle of having a lot of people, Su Bai finally called Zhou Xue's parents over to spend New Year's Eve together.

When making small cakes, Zhou Xue discovered that she followed Su Bai's steps, but the final result was still different from Su Bai's cakes.

Especially in terms of taste, it seems that no matter what Su Bai cooks, it will definitely taste better than what she cooks in the end.

"Of course, I'm the best!"

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's complaints, he spoke, and then moved the small basin containing the cream away from Feng Yufang's front.

LV5 cooking skills are still in the category of ordinary people, and after LV6, even if Su Bai doesn't deliberately use the skill of gluttony, LV6 cooking skills will still subtly improve the taste of Su Bai's food by one or more

multiple levels.Under such circumstances, with the same ingredients, no one can make something more delicious than Su Bai.

"My cake is actually pretty good."

At this time, Feng Yufang spoke, as if she still wanted to defend herself.

Regarding this, Su Bai silently glanced at a slightly overbaked cake embryo on the table next to him, then stretched out his hand and broke off a piece from it, and threw it at Su Bai's feet, serving as a support for Su Bai. in front of ha

Erha sniffed the cake thrown in front of him.Then he got up gently, turned his head, and continued to lie down to sleep.

Well, the cake made by Feng Yufang is not even eaten by dogs!

"It's actually edible."

Seeing this, Feng Yufang broke off a piece angrily and ate it, seeming to be enjoying it.

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