After Zhou Xue saw this scene, she became curious, then reached out to break off a piece, and tasted it.

As the only person in the family who can enjoy the "food" made by Feng Yufang, Zhou Xue frowned after taking a bite, and then said: "Aunt Feng Yufang, why did you add salt to the cake! You also added more

It is. ”

"This is called innovation! If you eat too much sweet cake, it's not bad to change it to a salty one."

Seeing this, Feng Yufang said.

"Mom, you have to be a bit ruthless in life. Don't innovate blindly, okay?"

At this time, Zuo Ming, who was fishing and playing with his mobile phone in the lobby, said something unceremoniously.

To be reasonable, although Feng Yufang's cooking can be called dark cuisine, it is not the kind of chemical-grade dark cuisine.

It was almost like, when others were arguing whether sweet rice dumplings were better or salty rice dumplings, Feng Yufang came up with the idea of ​​sprinkling salt on top of sweet rice dumplings and then coating them with chili sauce.

By the way, the stuffing in the sweet rice dumplings she made was candied sweet potatoes, the rice was replaced with buckwheat, and the rice dumpling leaves were replaced with lotus leaves.

"He cooks hard, but you are still uneasy and kind, really."

At this time, Zhou Xue's mother, who was also busy in the kitchen, spoke, then looked at Feng Yufang, and said something that she regretted for a long time, that is...

"If they don't appreciate it, come to my side to help."

"Well, the friendship between our women is deep enough."

After Feng Yufang heard these words, her mood immediately improved.


"That... actually... this... can actually be eaten..."

So, after a busy morning, after taking a bite of the fried durian made by Feng Yufang, Zhou Xue's mother was silent.

In fact, it’s not impossible to fry durians wrapped in sweet potato powder. She has also eaten roasted durians. She knows that roasted durians will not make the durians smell worse, but will have a unique fragrance, which is delicious.

But the thing is... this stuff is salty...

Well, fried durian is still salty.

[People, you still have to eat normal food. 】

At this time, even the system couldn't help but complain.

"Well, I feel the same way."

After Su Bai heard what the system said, he nodded in agreement, and then glanced at Erha who was standing aside, staring at the automatic feeding machine in a daze.

Well, the feeding time of the automatic feeding machine is set by Su Bai to be one hour after she finishes eating.

In line with the principle of not treating Erha badly, under normal circumstances, the leftovers would not be given to Erha.

Therefore, most of the time, Erha can only eat after watching Su Bai finish eating.

However, it's not good for Erha to just sit there waiting for a meal during the New Year's Eve, so...

"It's Chinese New Year, eat more."

On Su Bai's side, he poured a large bag of fish food into the fish tank, waited for three seconds, and found that none of the goldfish came to eat, frowned slightly, and said, "I don't feed picky fish,

Forget it, improve the food for Erha. "

After finishing speaking, Su Bai picked up the net bag, picked up a few, and threw them into Erha's dog bowl.

Well, the goldfish got fish food, Erha got the meal ahead of time, and Su Bai also got happiness.Kill three birds with one stone, everyone has a bright future, and the world where no one gets hurt is complete!

"By the way, I'm going back to the company in the afternoon. Recently, there has been a lot of trouble at the International Biomedical Mutual Aid Association. However, I will still come back for the New Year's Eve dinner."

At this time, Feng Yufang said after finishing her meal.

Although it's been a year, Feng Yufang's workload has surged recently because of the International Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.Being able to fish for a while in the morning is purely due to jet lag, and I still have to do some work normally in the afternoon.

"That's hard work. By the way, where is Ding Yi? Has he been home for New Year's Eve?"

After hearing this, Su Bai asked a question.

Although I feel that my odds of winning are as stable as an old dog.But after all, it is about whether you can have a cute cat-eared maid, and it is the kind that wants to call yourself master every day.So before her plan is fully unfolded, it is still

I need to ask more about Ding Yi's situation.

"Ding Yi? He's been working overtime recently, saying that no matter what, he has to spend a day on New Year's Eve. So, he should go home to celebrate New Year's Eve."

After hearing what Su Bai said, Feng Yufang recalled it for a while, and then replied.


After hearing this, Su Bai nodded.

【Are you panicking?】

At this time, the system said meanly, it can't wait to see Su Bai's house dance.

"No, it's more stable!"

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

She has no chance of losing this bet!

ps: Sorry, I was dragged out to play on June [-]st yesterday. I originally planned to play during the day and update it at night.But there was a little accident... I was dragged to drink again at night.Normal updates resume today.

Then let me say that the title of the country in the article will be replaced with Daxia next.I will gradually start to replace it.

If you know the reason, you know everything

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Dad, can I eat hot pot for Chinese New Year today? Our family eats hot pot in previous years. Today I also want to eat hot pot."

In the hospital ward, after taking a mouthful of porridge, Ding Nuo looked at Ding Yi with a little pleading in his eyes.

It's not that the porridge is bad, but that she has been eating very light food for half a year.Although she doesn't really eat spicy food, she really starts to miss hot pot and the like.After all, there are non-spicy hot pots.

"This... good boy, when you recover from your illness, Xiao Nuo, you can eat whatever you want. Now, you can't."

After Ding Yi heard Ding Nuo's words, he felt a little embarrassed.

He went to ask the doctor a few days ago if he could take Ding Nuo home for the New Year and eat something good, even for a day.

"Theoretically, there is no problem. If it's just food, it will cause little stimulation to her body. The problem is that she can't be too excited now, because she has a serious heart problem. If she is too excited at home, she will go out."

If there is a little problem, there may not even be a chance to be sent to the hospital.Because she is too small and her body is too weak.Of course, can give it a try and ask Su Bai. "

This is what the doctor said.

If you just look at the data, it is no problem for Ding Nuo to be discharged from the hospital.The problem is, Ding Nuo's body is maintaining the final balance, and a little unbalanced force may cause this balance to be completely broken, triggering vicious internal organs.

The butterfly effect, leading to a total collapse of the body.

As for gene enhancement therapy technology? At present, the mastery of this technology by human beings is primitive people who can only use guns, but do not know how to make and improve them.Take time to study the modern application of this technology yourself.

Among them, the two regions of the heart and the brain are currently completely inaccessible to humans, and only Su Bai has mastered the means to apply them to the medical field.

"So, you still haven't asked Su Bai, have you?"

Yan Yi, who was feeding porridge to Ding Nuo, looked at Ding Yi coldly and said

The hospital they were in was the one Su Bai visited most often. She asked the doctor if it was possible for Su Bai to cure Ding Nuo.

The doctor did not give a definite answer, but made a comparison.

"The difficulty of diseases that modern human medicine can deal with is 9, and your daughter's situation has reached 10. The most difficult child Su Bai has ever dealt with is called Zhou Xue. Her situation wants to be treated with modern medicine, and the difficulty is at least 10."

0. "

In a simple comparison of difficulty, the possibility that Su Bai, who can deal with a patient like Zhou Xue whose scalp is tingling, cannot be dealt with by Ding Nuo is very low.

The problem is that the number of times Su Bai took action to treat diseases can be counted on the fingers.Under such circumstances, there is no shortage of difficult patients who need Su Bai's help in this hospital.

However, Ding Yi's situation is indeed different, he is working for Su Bai.Compared with those top rich people who can't get in touch with Su Bai, he at least has a reason to get in touch with Su Bai.

"I...I'll wait for the new year and bring Xiao Nuo with me."

The love between him and Yan Yi was not purely based on money, nor did he marry Yan Yi purely because of her beauty.There is real love between him and Yan Yi.

Under such circumstances, Yan Yi is almost one of the pillars in his heart.

However, because of what happened last time, Yan Yi had already started to treat him with cold violence.

Except in front of Ding Nuo, Yan Yi would not even say a single word to him, and even if she had time to go home to sleep, Yan Yi would go to sleep in Ding Nuo's room by herself.

This kind of cold violence made him very uncomfortable.However, he also knew that he deserved it.

According to Su Bai's personality, if he didn't have an impulse in his head and said that sentence, Su Bai would have shot

"She is a little devil who plays with people's hearts. Your situation is very serious. It's not just your wife who is treating you with cold violence. Giving you this benefit is also Su Bai's violence against you."

At this moment, he thought of Academician Wei Jianming's understanding of his current situation after he entrusted his relationship with Academician Wei Jianming yesterday.

To put it simply, this is the punishment Su Bai gave him.Hope is around, but out of reach.

However, he is not completely unprepared.

A while ago, he asked his secretary to help him prepare a bunch of top-quality ingredients that were hard to come by.

The price of those ingredients is not critical, the problem is that even if you are really rich, you may not be able to eat them.

The reason for preparing these ingredients is also very simple, that is to take advantage of the New Year's Eve, to go to New Year's greetings, and then it is logical to ask Su Bai to do it.

As for Su Bai's house, what if Ding Nuo was agitated and had an accident? With the world's strongest doctor by his side, he didn't think any accident would happen.

"Okay, come on, Xiao Nuo, stutter quickly. After eating, mom and dad will take you to meet a very beautiful sister. Remember to be polite then."

After Yan Yi heard these words, her mood immediately improved.

"Beautiful little sister? Lately... um~ mom, slow down, I can't eat."

Ding Nuo originally wanted to say that a few days ago, when Yan Yi and Ding Yi were away, there was a beautiful and cute doctor sister who came to see her situation and gave her a delicious, but the taste is true. kinda weird candy


That candy is delicious and tastes a little weird.But after eating it, she felt very comfortable.

However, because Yan Yi was afraid that something would happen again, she couldn't help but feed faster. Before Ding Nuo swallowed it, the next spoonful was stuffed into her mouth, which made it too late for her to say this. matter.


Just as Ding Nuo was about to finish his meal, Ding Yi's cell phone rang.

Almost instantly, Yan Yi looked at Ding Yi with a terrifying look.

Seeing this, Ding Yi bowed his head silently, picked up his phone and looked at it, and then walked out the door of the ward.

"Su Bai seems to be in a happy mood today, and she took out a high-efficiency medical antivirus alcohol, which can be used with therapeutic sprays. Because of this alcohol, I have to go back to the company to deal with it."

A few minutes later, Ding Yi walked in, looked at Yan Yi and said.

"Tomorrow, can't we handle it? Today, Chinese New Year..."

Yan Yi looked directly into Ding Yi's eyes and said, the words seemed cold, but there was a hint of pleading in the coldness.

"I... I try to finish the things on my side as soon as possible."

After Ding Yi heard Yan Yi's words, he didn't dare to look Yan Yi directly in the eyes. After saying this, he turned and left the ward.

In the ward, Yan Yi sat calmly on the spot, silent for more than 2 minutes, then silently stretched out her arms to hug Ding Nuo who was unclear about the situation, but still felt that there might be some problems between her parents.


Something happened at home. After a busy day, I didn't have the energy to type at night.The normal update will resume tomorrow, sorry, it will be updated normally this month, sorry, there will be more updates this month.Something happened at home. After a busy day, I didn't have the energy to type at night.Normal updates will resume tomorrow, sorry, there will be more updates this month.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The upper limit of a genius is probably that there is no upper limit. If you take out something casually, the hidden benefits behind it are beyond imagination."

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