In Ding Yi's office, Ding Yi sighed after seeing the latest high-efficiency disinfectant alcohol given by Su Bai.

The high-efficiency disinfectant alcohol that Su Bai gave on New Year's Eve is said to be used outdoors, but in fact its anti-virus ability is so strong that it can handle almost any environment.The word "outdoor" corresponds not to its restriction, but to

represents its comprehensiveness.

It is not like the gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs that Su Bai came up with before, which are subversive in the medical field, but they have almost developed the anti-virus ability of medical disinfection alcohol to the extreme, and almost cut off the technology of medical disinfection.

further development of the tree.

But this is not the real value of Su Bai's high-efficiency disinfection alcohol this time. Its real value is a distillation purification technology in the production of this high-efficiency disinfection alcohol.

This technology can also be used in the purification of industrial alcohol, and the production cost of industrial alcohol, which is already cheap enough, has been reduced by 70.00% again.On this basis, it can be greatly improved once again.

The amount of alcohol extracted from the crop.

With this technology alone, the commercial value hidden behind it is unimaginably high.

At least, one thing is certain at present, if Daxia adopts this technology, then Daxia will monopolize more than 90.00% of the international industrial alcohol market.

"Don't describe her as a genius, that may be demeaning her."

Sitting in front of the tea table in Ding Yi's office, Feng Yufang spoke after taking a sip of tea made from tea leaves that Ding Yi treasured.

Ding Yi doesn't know much about Su Bai's situation, and what Feng Yufang knows is not particularly specific, but he can still vaguely guess something.

What Su Bai did, a genius really couldn't do.Using her as an analogy to a genius might really make things difficult for a genius.This is not a question of whether the upper limit of genius is not upper limit, but that the two sides are not on the same level.

"So, Su Bai guessed that I planned to visit her on New Year's Eve, and used this method to stop her?"

Ding Yi directly changed the subject at this time.

Su Bai's mind seems simple, but sometimes, it is really unpredictable.Especially Ding Yi came into contact with Su Bai once.After that, he looked for many opportunities, but because of "coincidence", he didn't have time to find Su Bai.

.When there is time, Su Bai has no time.

Once or twice is okay, but if there are too many times, it is impossible for him not to find the problem.

"She's still very talkative, but you really made her angry. Whether she will save your daughter or not, I'm not sure."

Seeing this, Feng Yufang said that she acknowledged Ding Yi's words.

Ding Yi's previous sentence "I'm still very young" was too fatal.

Ding Yi attributed this mistake to herself, but Feng Yufang knew that Su Bai might have used tricks to make Ding Yi utter the truest thought in her heart.

Is this Ding Yi's fault? From the perspective of parents, Ding Yi is wrong.But from the so-called rational point of view, Ding Yi was right.He is still very young, there is no need to put all his eggs in one basket, he can still

Another child.

"If... I said if, I... I didn't care about the obstacles she gave, and went to her directly. Then... will she make a move?"

Ding Yi dreamed a little hesitant when he said these words, he couldn't help thinking of Ding Nuo's well-behaved appearance in the ward, and his wife Yan Yi's cold eyes.

Ding Nuo, as his daughter, the daughter of the richest man in Daxia, his New Year's wish is just to eat hot pot. Can he really not satisfy such a small wish?

If Su Bai is on the scene now, the system will tell Su Bai one thing, that is, Ding Yi's absolute sanity level 4.1 has slipped to level 4.0 because of his wavering thoughts at this time.

"I don't know about the others, but just take today as an example. If you go to her, then the patent agency right of this technology has nothing to do with you. I'm afraid the people behind you will express dissatisfaction with this. However, There is Su

Bai Zai, their expressed dissatisfaction can be ignored.The country attaches great importance to Su Bai beyond your imagination. "

After Feng Yufang said this, she reached out to touch two packs of tea leaves from Ding Yi, and then continued, "There are five packs left, and I'll leave you three packs. I'm going to have a New Year's Eve dinner with Su Bai tonight, so just I'm leaving."

Feng Yufang didn't have many things to deal with when she came to Ding Yi's side today, and it has been dealt with now.Come to Ding Yi to sit here, it's all for the face of his tea.

As for the matter about Ding Yi and his daughter? Last time she raised her mouth, she was called by Su Bai to cook.

To be fair, she actually enjoys cooking.However, she still understood what Su Bai meant.

Telling Ding Yi these things is already very risky. She is willing to take this risk because Ding Yi has been kind to her before. Otherwise, no matter how good the tea is, she will not be greedy.

"Take it all away, I haven't been in such a good mood to drink tea recently."

Seeing this, Ding Yi didn't continue to mention his own affairs.

Seeing this, Feng Yufang was not polite, picked up the remaining three bags of tea, and said: "Think carefully, what should be done, the decision is up to you, not me."

"If you give up the annual profit of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, there is a chance for Su Bai to make a move. But...she may refuse..."

Ding Yi said to himself after seeing Feng Yufang leave.

Feng Yufang hinted that he could go directly to Su Bai regardless of Su Bai's obstacles.However, every time Su Bai releases obstacles, the interests hidden behind them are too astonishing, basically they are the ones that require him to do it himself.


The most important thing is that his company is not his own, and there is a shareholders meeting behind him.If he does something that seriously affects his own group, he may be pressured by the shareholders meeting behind him


Of course, if Su Bai stood up and said a few words, the shareholders behind him would all be dumb.

But the problem is also here, no matter from what point of view, Su Bai has strong uncertainties, if he doesn't go to Su Bai, he can earn amazing profits stably.

"'s wrong to think this way. Not everything in this world can be measured by interests."

When thinking about this, Ding Yi said to himself.

When he said this, his absolute sanity skill dropped from 4.0 to 3.99.

Chapter 210 New Year's Wish

"Sister Su Bai, what is your New Year's wish?"

After the New Year's Eve dinner, when Su Bai and the others came to the rooftop on the second floor to watch the fireworks show in the distance, Zhou Xue looked at Su Bai with her curious eyes and said.

"New Year's resolution! My New Year's resolution is, I hope everyone's New Year's resolution can only be realized after a few years!"

After hearing Zhou Xue's words, Su Bai said, his eyes sparkled with joy after saying these words.

Normally, a New Year's resolution is a person's outlook for the new year.And she made a wish so that everyone's New Year's wishes could not be realized in the new year.If it is to be realized, it will only be realized after several years.

is too evil!

She is the one who bullies the world and makes New Year's wishes with just one wish!

"Sister Su Bai, how good are you! No, I will eat your cake every day from now on!"

On Zhou Xue's side, after hearing Su Bai's words, she just quit

Her New Year's wish is to eat cakes made by Su Bai every day in the future.As for why it is not her favorite ice cream? It is very simple. She is afraid that after she makes this wish, Su Bai will really make her ice cream every day.

Serve ice cream as a meal.

Last time, after she won the championship in the Olympiad, Su Bai made her eat a big bucket of ice cream in one go.

Well, that night she sat in the toilet until her legs went numb

After that one time, she understood the reason why she shouldn't eat too much ice cream.

"Heh~ heh~ I am the most evil!"

After hearing Zhou Xue say that she was good or bad, Su Bai's mood improved even more.Sure enough, her idea was right, such an evil wish was worthy of her, the most evil devil in the world!

【Host host, why don't you ask me what my New Year's wish is?】

At this time, the system also came out to get involved, a little excited.

"Zuo Ming, what's your New Year's resolution?"

Su Bai gorgeously ignored the words of the system, and looked at Zuo Ming who was sitting beside him, holding a pen in his mouth, and still thinking about Riemann's conjecture.

"I'm thankful you don't give me extra homework."

Zuo Ming rolled his eyes at Su Bai and said.

She and Zhou Xue are really one step away from solving the Riemann conjecture, but she really has no idea how to solve this last step.

As for why she is still struggling with Riemann's conjecture? It's very simple. Su Bai said that if she uncovered Riemann's conjecture, she would not need to do the extra homework assigned by Su Bai.

"Don't think about it, you can't solve it. However, it's not a big problem. In two months at most, the Riemann conjecture will be solved. Although you didn't solve it, I won't give it to you when the time comes. Assigned extra homework."

【Host, don't you really want to ask me what my New Year's resolution is?】

While ignoring the words of the system, Su Bai showed a pure and innocent smile to Zuo Ming.

"Really! You won't give me other homework then will you?"

Zuo Ming did not immediately become happy, but with a little hesitation

It's not that she has doubts about Su Bai, but that Su Bai is really not worthy of her trust in many cases.She was sure that if she didn't say anything, Su Bai would definitely play word games with her.

"Of course not, but you will ask me to add extra homework for you.

After hearing Zuo Ming's words, Su Bai smiled even wider.

Bullying is the means of imposing one's thoughts on others forcibly.However, simply using force to force, that kind of gameplay is too low-end.

When Su Bai bullied Li Shu, he also planted further methods to bully Zuo Ming.In particular, because Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue don't have much understanding of advanced mathematics, they still think that what they have learned is really

But just learned a little advanced mathematics in advance.

At that time, she only needs to mention to the mathematicians in Huaguo that both Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue know the theory of the solution to the problem they want, and then give them both the title of professor and go directly to the university to teach.

Well, at a young age, you have to step into the category of civil servants ahead of time and let them lose their dreams. How evil is this! Letting two little kids teach those mathematicians is another cruel mockery of those mathematicians!

The most important thing is that Zuo Ming was not very serious when he was studying, and he didn't understand very thoroughly when it came to knowledge points that had nothing to do with cracking the Riemann Hypothesis.Zhou Xue's current learning ability is very limited, and it is impossible to learn it completely.

Therefore, they are half-baked, and they will definitely be troubled by more problems when they go to class.

At that point, they have two options.First, study the knowledge points that you missed because you are not serious in class or your learning ability is not enough.

To be reasonable, it's not that Su Bai belittled Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue.Before the math skills reach level 4.6, they want to research those things by themselves, and the time needs to be calculated in years.

If you don't want to spend a few years, the easier way is to come to Su Bai.As long as Su Bai simply asks a few questions and let the two of them solve them, some problems will be solved easily.

This level of bullying is so evil that someone who hates doing homework asks for it themselves!

When Su Bai thought of this, he couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"I asked to do homework myself? How is that possible! Who would like to do homework. You are right, Xiaoxue."

After Zuo Ming said this, he stretched out his arms to hug Zhou Xue, then looked at Su Bai with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Well, no one will ask for homework!"

After Zhou Xue heard Zuo Ming's words, she immediately stood on the same front with Zuo Ming

【Host, they haven't realized the dangers of the world yet.Host, you don't even realize that my New Year's resolution is that I will definitely let you wear a singing costume and go to the roadside to dance house dances! And it will come true soon.

Ah ha ha ha ~]

The sound of the system also sounded at this time.

In this regard, Su Bai silently snatched Zhou Xue's half of the cake, and then ate it in one bite.

Then, the scene got completely out of control. The two lolita and a girl fought together within ten seconds, making Feng Yufang and Zhou Xue's parents, who were watching the Spring Festival Gala in the house, smile helplessly.

While Su Bai was enjoying New Year's Eve, the door of the hospital ward was slowly opened, and Yan Yi, who was about to fall asleep sitting on a chair, opened her eyes and looked at Ding Yi who was standing at the door.

"Sorry, I came back a little late. The shops on the street are basically closed. I bought it after shopping several streets. Nuo she can't eat hot pot. It should be fine to eat a little cake and jelly."

Ding Yi, who was standing at the door, showed off a dessert bought from a five-star hotel in his hand.

After seeing this scene, Yan Yi looked at Ding Yi's cold eyes gradually disappearing, revealing a bit of tenderness, and then said softly: "Well, she is asleep, don't wake her up."

"Then, you can eat."

Ding Yi was a little nervous and gradually let go.

Chapter 210 America Is Confident

"Those who celebrate the new year don't let people settle down."

Just after New Year's Eve, with the first round of the chairman election meeting of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Wang Weizhi, who seemed a little careless, sat in the middle of the meeting.

This year, he originally had the idea of ​​going home for the New Year. After all, the assignment for him was actually a temporary assignment.Most of the time, he is responsible for domestic affairs

However, because of Su Bai's sudden birth, and the chairman election meeting of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, he was delayed again and again, which made him cancel his plan to return to China for the New Year.

"Ambassador Wang, according to the latest information, they have privately obtained 60.00% of the support votes through some means. The remaining 30.00% of the votes are currently not [-]% sure whether they can get the votes.

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