Judging from the paper data, we will definitely lose. "

At this time, Wang Weizhi's secretary came to Wang Weizhi's side and whispered.

"Everything is under my control."

Seeing this, Wang Weizhi seemed very confident.

He couldn't be more clear about Western thinking.Because I had no technical advantages before, I wanted to exchange political interests through the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association to obtain technology.

However, after mastering the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, I don't want to use this method that is very unfavorable to them.

To be fair, if the West continues to delay the presidential election for a month, then the situation will be different.According to some information, in about ten days, biologists headed by Owen Ryan will come up with the first and

Analysis reports the relationship between maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

The West wants to win the chairmanship of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association before this report comes out.

From their point of view, according to their research resources, even if they can't compete with Da Xia in a short period of time, they will definitely research some things that Da Xia has not mastered.As long as you get these things, take and

Daxia's exchange of the mature technology that Daxia has mastered is nothing but a matter of course.

Then, in Wang Weizhi's view, it was another situation.

To put it simply in one sentence, it is hard for Western studies to understand.

"Wang, you seem to be very confident today.

On the eve of the opening of the meeting, Doreen, America's official spokesperson, saw Wang Weizhi with a relaxed face, but she was a little bit dissatisfied

She didn't believe that Da Xia had no way of knowing what they were doing.

Su Bai sold the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells through an auction, which was a betrayal of Wang Weizhi.

After all, maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are no longer something unique to Daxia, which means that the presidency of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association is no longer guaranteed.

Without an overwhelming technological advantage, Daxia will not be able to gain more political benefits from this organization that is mostly controlled by their Western camp.

Get the technology to quickly think ahead.

Of course, all of this is their own imagination.

Regarding Doreen's question, Wang Weizhi first showed a look of mystery, and then said: "I will give you a little surprise later."


After seeing this scene, Doreen seemed a little suspicious.However, thinking of my own side, I am completely sure that today's chairman's meeting is a sure win, and Daxia is just the meat on their chopping board, and they can no longer struggle

After that, he didn't continue to say anything.

After all, she suspected that this was just the last psychological battle before dying.


"Sister Su Bai, some people say that the 21st century is the century of biology. What do you think about this?"

At Su Bai's home, when Su Bai, who just got up and had breakfast, was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, Zuo Ming, who was sitting beside her, spoke.

Because she wants to crack the Riemann conjecture, she will go to many scientific websites to check information recently.When searching for information, I also read some scientific magazines casually, which can be regarded as broadening my scientific outlook.

After reading many scientific magazines, she somewhat recognized a popular saying in the scientific community, that is, the 21st century is the era of biology.

After all, after Su Bai specialized in remodeling cells from the mother's womb, he almost subverted the entire medical field.

Now it is not obvious enough because of the short time, and the impact of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells on the world is bound to increase.

Under such circumstances, she was very curious about how Su Bai, who developed maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, developed this statement.

"Progress in physics has almost stagnated since the 21st century. Although it is only 20 years, it is still impossible to determine what will happen in the next 80 years. But even if there are major breakthroughs, it is difficult to apply them in the 21st century.

Get on with the revolutionary push of science.Under such circumstances, the advancement of materials science is full of metaphysics, so it is not biology that can make major breakthroughs.

After Su Bai heard it, he said lazily.

"However, with Sister Su Bai now, it's completely different, isn't it?"

After Su Bai said those words lazily, Zhou Xue, who was brushing Erha with a comb, spoke.

Although it is said that Su Bai often bullies her, but Su Bai knows too many things.Those who bullied her were just playing with her, and she was having fun.

Before she knew it, Su Bai became an omnipotent existence in her mind.

After all, Su Bai didn't know any questions she asked.Su Bai can also easily do things that her parents can't do

"Of course! The 21st century is the era of biology, that's because there is no me. With me, it is another situation!"

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he was instantly satisfied.

As expected of the loli she trained, she is just good!

Then Su Bai took a look at the sitting beside him, with a lollipop in his mouth, his legs crossed, and a tablet Zuo Ming in his hand.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Zuo Ming was a little speechless when he saw Su Bai looking at her with a tired look.Could it be that she did something wrong?

"Oh~ nothing."

Su Bai said calmly


On Zuo Ming's side, after seeing that Su Bai seemed to have sighed regretfully, he wanted to get up and talk to Su Bai about it.Although she said she couldn't beat Su Bai, but she was able to beat him!

However, just as she wanted to get up, she saw a piece of news pop up on the display screen of the tablet in her hand.

"In the election of the chairman of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid, Daxia cast a crucial vote for America! Helping America win the chair of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid."

Chapter 110: The Last Vote (3000 words)

At the scene of the election of the chairman of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Doreen, the representative of America, looked at the smiling Wang Weizhi in surprise, and she was dumbfounded.

The method of election for the chairman of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association this time is an open vote, which also represents an open stance.

Before the official vote, the people on America's side thought they were safe.As a result, after the voting began, a group of countries in Europe, led by Franci and De Yizhi, voted for Daxia.

As for why this happened? It’s very simple, the cost of purchasing specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells is ultimately paid for by America’s finances.Not to mention a gold mine and an international superport

, Let’s say that the expenditure of [-] RMB is a heavy burden for America.

America herself didn't want to bear this, so America originally planned to impose this burden on Europe after obtaining the position of chair//.

Because the current small countries in Europe have been impacted to varying degrees before, they are already bald wool.Therefore, in the end, it is possible that Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Chile will bear most of the burden.

Faranxi and Deyizhi, who didn't want to bear this expenditure that didn't belong to them, naturally chose to resist, and that's how they are now.

It seems that this situation has been considered before, so America has recruited some people to come in to make up the number. In theory, it is still possible to get 60.00% of the votes, at least 50.00%.

However, because of this unanticipated change before the start of the meeting, the hearts of some countries that were sure to vote for America were shaken, because it was not very good to vote for themselves, so in the end they actually voted for America.

Voted for the third brother.

Therefore, the third brother got eleven votes and became No.3 in a dazed look.

Before the big summer vote, the voting result at the scene became 46/46/12.

Don't worry about the third brother. After the voting results came out, the countries that supported Da Xia had already started cheering.Because, Daxia hasn't voted yet, as long as Daxia votes for himself, then all

The first section chair of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association is sure to be Daxia.

Then, when everyone was full of joy, Wang Weizhi voted for America after confirming it many times.

Well, it's absolutely impossible to be the wrong one.

After seeing this result, the voting venue was peaceful, and almost everyone looked at Doreen from America.Want to see her reaction.

Then it turned out that Doreen was also fooled.

Immediately, they also realized that Wang Weizhi belonged to the kind of registration that could not be instigated.After all, after a few years in his job, he might take over as No. [-] or No. [-] of Daxia, the real top power holder.even if he has

It is impossible to show the problem so blatantly.

"Our Daxia has self-knowledge. As the beacon of the world, America has the obligation to lead the world in the development of biotechnology. Therefore, on behalf of the Daxia Central Committee, I announce here that I, Daxia, officially withdraw from global biomedicine

mutual aid organization. "

When everyone at the scene was confused, Wang Weizhi said with a smile on his face.After finishing speaking, he raised his head suddenly, as if he was looking for something, and after failing to find what he wanted to see, he still said with a smile on his face: "This

Come on, you should be happy!"


"Hahahaha~ the wait is finally here, the fun has finally begun!"

In Su Bai's home, after knowing what happened at the scene of the chairman election of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Su Bai was so happy that he jumped from the sofa to the ceiling.

Well, that's what she wanted.Everyone thinks that the game between big powers cannot be such a child's play, but the reality is that it is such a child's play.

"In this case, wouldn't it be impossible to sell the medicine? It would make a lot of less money!"

Seeing the happy Su Bai, Zuo Ming showed his doubts.

The global strategy of gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs is bound to the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.

Before, many people in Daxia analyzed it. Daxia used the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association as a convenient window for selling gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs.

Now, Daxia has handed over the chairman//seat to others, and also voluntarily withdrew from the organization. Doesn't that also mean that the convenient sales window for gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs has disappeared?

"If I'm right...found it!"

Su Bai didn't answer, but on the CCTV side, he found a press conference that was suddenly held by a reporter ten minutes before the live broadcast of Daxia.

Why this press conference was held, many reporters were confused.However, in the middle of the press conference, such explosive news came from the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, so it was better to let the press conference arrive.

The reporters at the meeting were excited and asked questions one after another.

Under such circumstances, none of Daxia's official spokespersons answered, but took out a document.

This document is called the Medical Visa Eligibility System.

The medical visa qualification system is Daxia's replacement plan after the failure of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association as a sales window plan for gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs. It is also called the Global Investment Attraction Plan.

There are three items in the plan. The first item is called national medical resource protectionism.

To put it simply, in order to prevent the revolutionary gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs from putting huge pressure on public medical resources, Daxia will completely prohibit non-Daxia citizens from obtaining gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs

eligibility for treatment.

Of course, it is not completely locked.

The second item is other cases.Daxia will issue a certain number of personal medical visas to friendly countries every year.

Individuals with this visa will be eligible to come to Daxia to receive treatment with gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs.

This one is complicated, but one of them is crucial.That is this qualification, which can only be given to citizens of the country who have lived in the country for more than five years, and have not issued words or actions that seriously insult or threaten Daxia.

Only then can it be given.

There are more than 80 friendly countries announced by Daxia in the first batch.By the way, there is America, and it is said on the spot based on the number of places.

Well, it's not very good to tear the face directly, and America's side is very cooperative in this scene, so there is still a place to be given.

As for how many were given? One.

Well, quite a lot...

By the way, it’s not one a day, let alone one a week, and it’s impossible to be one a month, but one a year. Will it increase in the future? Let’s talk!

The third content of the medical visa qualification system is the way to obtain individual medical visas.

Well, in addition to being issued to friendly countries, individuals can also get it.And the way to get it is to make a huge contribution to Daxia.

As for how to judge that a huge contribution has been made? This time, two types were announced at the press conference, and the first scientific research.

Simply put, it is to use gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs to attract high-tech talents.

In addition, domestic scientific researchers in Daxia will be given a certain number of medical visas every year according to their scientific research level.

I am not sure how to give them, but when they are promoted to the title of academician, they will give five.

This can be regarded as encouraging more students to engage in scientific research.

After all, according to other operations, even if it is sold, a quota is worth at least tens of millions or even over [-] million.The unit is USD.

This is also the easiest way for ordinary people to obtain a medical visa in Daxia.

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