As for those issued to friendly countries? At the press conference, the number of countries other than America was not announced, but it is estimated that at most a few hundred places will be issued a year.

Hundreds of places are allocated to more than 80 countries. There are too many monks and few meat, so the supply is completely in short supply. If ordinary people want to get it, the difficulty is probably no different from getting first-class meritorious service in the battlefield alive.

As for the other way of personal visa? It's very simple, invest one billion to two billion in Daxia, one quota.

Well, it's that simple and rude.

In addition, the one billion to two billion mentioned here refers to the actual money spent or the value of technology, and the financial field does not count.

If a large enterprise settles in Daxia, it will achieve the purpose of technology investment by borrowing from Daxia.That depends on how much technology Daxia has absorbed, and how much the absorbed technology is worth, before granting places, loans

That part doesn't count.

In addition to these, there are also medical visa regulations for Daxia's own businessmen.That is, Daxia will issue certain medical visas to enterprises in Daxia's own country every year.

To a certain extent, the amount issued is linked to the tax revenue generated by this enterprise every year.But it is only linked to a certain extent. In addition, there is a comprehensive judgment.Will consider from the comprehensive situation of the enterprise itself

, to see whether to give more or less.

To put it simply, it is to see if you are listening.

By the way, a medical visa is not equal to free treatment. This thing just allows those who get it to bypass the regulations on the protection of medical resources and allow them to receive treatment.

However, for how much it will cost during treatment, you can refer to the total cost of treatment personnel and equipment for gene-enhanced drugs proposed by Daxia before.

Not necessarily that number, but that number is a reference.The specific cost will be linked to the nationality and identity of the person being treated.

The reporters present were actually not very clear about what happened at the chairman election meeting of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.However, the medical visa plan announced by Daxia without any warning is a bit too detailed.

The details are even more detailed than the technical mutual assistance plan that Daxia submitted to the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association before.

It gives people a feeling that... this plan is what Daxia is really preparing for, and the previous one should be a smoke bomb.

It's just...under the circumstance that the whole world believes that Daxia will not be able to continue to maintain a comprehensive technological advantage in the field of biology, why did Daxia make such a move?

Chapter 210 Three Killing, You Need to Punish Your Heart

"Boss, good news, we have successfully won the first chairmanship of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid! Now, the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid has become our voice!"

"It's expected, but Daxia has a technological advantage, and we are still far away from Daxia. Before we completely catch up, even if we get the chairman position, we still can't compete with Daxia in terms of overall power.

You can harvest a wave of big summer first.During the second election, Daxia will regain some of his interests through his own methods.Our number one goal now is to close the technology gap. "

In the early morning, after hearing the report from his subordinates, Harry, who had just woken up, seemed to react calmly, but he was still a little surprised.

Because, according to his prediction, the winner this time should still be Daxia.

Europe seems to listen to America, but in fact every country has its own ideas.Especially Great Britain, Francois and the Three Kingdoms of Germany, Italy and Zhi.It was agreed before the meeting to vote for America, but when it came time to vote

At this time, it is very likely to turn against the tide, and finally let Daxia win the final victory.

However, according to Daxia's current detached status in biotechnology, the first presidency is not Daxia, which really feels a little unreasonable.After all, he is ready for Daxia to get the first chairmanship

After the country's election victory, the measures have been taken.

Of course, it was a surprise to have this kind of news now, and it made him feel even better when he was already in a good mood.

Reaching out from under his coffee table, he took out the tea given to him by the Daxia ambassador in America a few days ago.

In fact, he was a little surprised by this tea.

After all, the arrival of Ambassador Daxia this time was inexplicable.Moreover, he simply came to pay New Year's greetings, and then gave him a piece of tea with excellent quality. He left without any intention of inquiring about any news.

The last time Ambassador Daxia on America's side visited him was more than ten years ago.After that, because he gradually faded out of the contention of America's power center, he was never disturbed again.

However, considering that I came out this time to take photos of the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells for America, and that the biggest festival in Daxia, the Spring Festival, is indeed coming, then all this is reasonable, and there is nothing unexplainable.

Sometimes, you can't be too suspicious.

"There seems to be a major conflict within Daxia. Wang Weizhi himself cast a crucial vote that allowed us to win. And, after the vote was completed, he seemed to be out of breath and announced his withdrawal from the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association

Just when Harry was about to carefully taste the top-quality tea from Daxia, his secretary's words directly made him stop the teacup that was already in his mouth.

After being dazed for a second, Harry looked at his secretary with scrutiny, and then said again: "Did the Great Xia make us the chairman of the country?"

Facing Harry's scrutinizing gaze, which seemed to be cannibalistic, Harry's secretary suddenly realized that he had said something wrong.No, it should be said that the development of some things may have exceeded Harry's expectations.

However, as a worker, what can he do? He is also very desperate! This kind of thing is beyond his control.

"Yes...Except for Daxia's vote, we and Daxia both got 46 to 46 votes. Under such circumstances, Daxia has the last vote. I thought that this time when we were preparing of such sufficient circumstances

Down, or lose.However, Wang Weizhi, the representative of Da Xia, voted for us and publicly announced his withdrawal from the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association. "

When Harry's secretary said this, facing Harry's increasingly ferocious gaze, his voice began to gradually decrease.

Now, he is sure of one thing, this news is probably not simply not expected by Harry, but expected by Harry, and it is the worst unfolding that Harry expected!

After hearing this sentence, Harry, who was holding a teacup, stared angrily, and his hands began to tremble slightly because of anger.

He was teased! He was ridiculed severely! Although it was impossible to think about it, but...the facts were already in front of him.The Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association that Daxia seems to have spent a lot of energy on is just playing him,

Playing with the whole of America, and even the whole of the Western world!

It's not that he didn't think of it before, but he just regarded this conjecture as his own wild imagination

How could such a ridiculous behavior be done in a game between big countries? This is a country, not a mere individual! A country, a big country, and a superpower, why would it make such an emotional move?

Why? Is this kind of behavior good for Da Xia? No! It will cause Da Xia a huge loss instead!

You know, during the establishment of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Daxia himself also paid a considerable price to establish it.

And the behavior that Daxia is doing now is tantamount to making everything that Daxia has paid before all in vain.

Paying such a huge price, just to tease him? No matter what he can't figure it out, he can't think of it!

"Unreasonable, simply unreasonable!"


As the saying goes, take a step back and think about it, the more you think about it, the more angry you get! Harry, who is almost ninety years old, actually crushed the ceramic teacup in his hand at this time.

The broken pottery shards cut the skin on his hands, and the tea mixed with blood flowed down the palm lines, which also represented the anger in his heart and the wealth he lost in vain.

In fact, if he was just being teased, he wouldn't be so angry.Mainly, he thought of the fact that Su Bai performed heart enhancement surgery on him without having to perform surgery on him, and even gave him a kind of their

Advanced Suxiao Jiuxin Pills whose ingredients cannot be analyzed at present.

At that time, he didn't think so much.After all, he was scammed by Su Bai for more than 30 billion dollars, which is still US dollars! It’s not too much to take those things! Who sells more than 30 billion US dollars for Suxiao Jiuxin Pills!


Regardless of the injury on his hand, Harry stretched out his hand and waved the teapot on the coffee table that was soaking in the tea sent by Ambassador Da Xia, and it flew straight out, hitting the wall and smashing his body to pieces.

From Su Bai's previous actions, plus the sudden visit of Ambassador Daxia, he is now [-]% sure of one thing, what Daxia is using now is not a backup plan, but the ultimate goal!

"Arrange a car...I'm going to the Institute of Biology!"

Harry held the gauze handed over by the secretary with a ferocious look and said.

"Okay! Arrange immediately."

At this moment, the secretary was also completely taken aback. He glanced at the injury on Harry's hand, hesitated for a moment, but immediately took out his phone and started to arrange.

On Harry's side, he took out the medicine for lowering blood pressure from his pocket, and swallowed it directly

After eating, I felt a little more comfortable, but my injured hand was still covering my chest.

At this time, he really didn't feel pain in his hands, but only his heart... his money!

ps: Now novels are restricted from searching, which is a sensitive period.Women's clothing photos will be sent after this period of time has passed.

Chapter 210: Eating melon is really delicious~

"So, does any brother understand what's going on now?"

"The only thing that can be ruled out now is that nothing happened to Ambassador Wang, nor did he make any mistakes."

"Ambassador Wang just finished voting, and our own press conference announced the new plan, which is more specific and more beneficial to us. It is obviously prepared in advance."

"But it's too childish!"

"There is a very capricious feeling."

While Harry swallowed the first-aid medicine madly, Hua//guo's network was also a little fooled by Wang Weizhi's hands.

The Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association says it is an organization established to promote global biomedical technology, but in fact, in this organization, none of the countries that can speak really think so, and all have their own


The western world covets China//country's overly advanced biotechnology, and China//country also has the same purpose.

Yes, China joined the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association not only to sell medicines, but also to complement the technology

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are now, for China//country, a sky garden that suddenly descends on China//country

Now Hua//Guo can climb this sky garden, because Su Bai helped Hua//Guo build a ladder next to it

However, a small ladder is not enough for Hua//Guo to truly own this sky garden.Hua//Country needs to build a foundation under the hanging garden while it can be seen

It is naturally a loss-making business to spend too much money on research and development, but it is extremely cost-effective to obtain technologies that China//country does not need but do need from others at a low price.

This is almost the reason why most people think that the Hua//Congress took the initiative to propose and form the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.

Then, the absolute core of Hua//country plus the proposer and founder, under the circumstances that he could obviously win the first election of the chairman//chairman, handed it over to others, which is really incomprehensible.

Netizens in China can't figure it out, but Su Bai's side is different.

"Hahaha~ The blood pressure is up, he almost had a heart attack, and he is still reluctant to take the medicine I gave him. This Burke, hahaha~ I laughed so hard."

When Wang Weizhi voted, because some of the games at the voting site were too complicated and troublesome, Su Bai didn't watch them.

However, after the system reminded her that Burke knew the news, her interest suddenly became interested.

Apart from teasing the little Lolita, what else in this world would be happier than an old man who is usually aloof, being made sick by his own anger?

In particular, because he just woke up and didn't have time to understand the situation, the kind of behavior he thought he was in control of everything was quite like those big bosses at the level of behind-the-scenes masters in the game.

However, after he heard the news that Hua//country voted for America, and after that, he directly quit the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, the moment his expression changed, it is not too classic

First of all, he was sluggish, and after a moment of sluggishness, there was a little thought in his eyes, and this thought only existed for a moment, and he wanted to understand something, and then there was a fleeting moment of anger buried deep in his heart.

Harry, who had already foreseen something, hid his anger because of his status and self-cultivation.

However, because he was too angry, he couldn't hide it well. When he looked at his secretary, he still showed that he was not calm at this time.

And his secretary's next words completely confirmed his conjecture.

In fact, by this time, Harry's mentality hadn't collapsed.

I have also experienced strong winds and waves, how can my mentality collapse so easily?

What really broke his mind was the tea leaves given to him by the Chinese diplomatic ambassador in America a few days ago in the name of a century.

He is drinking now.

Seeing those tea leaves, he remembered his interests in the Middle East and his 1000 billion.

In fact, up to this point, Harry's mentality still hasn't collapsed.But he noticed that his blood pressure was a little high.

After realizing that his blood pressure was a bit high, he remembered the heart-enhancing surgery that Su Bai had done specially for him, and thoughtfully gave him a secret quick-acting heart-rescuing pill after the operation.

Su Bai obviously could rob him of 40 billion for nothing, but he wanted to have an operation on him, and because he was really old, he thoughtfully prepared a quick-acting heart-relief pill for him...

He still thought at the beginning that no matter how bad it is, it is only Hua//guo, not Su Bai.In essence, Su Bai should still be a pure and kind little girl.

But after thinking about everything, he understood that it was not Hua//guo who was emotional, but Su Bai.

"Sister Su Bai, this old man looks so pitiful. Why are you bullying him?"

Zhou Xue, who was joining in the fun by Su Bai's side, actually didn't really understand why Su Bai was smiling so happily.After all, in her eyes, Harry is the best grandpa in the world who gave her [-] million dollars as pocket money!

"The last time he sent someone to kidnap me, I was being polite to him by not sending someone to kidnap him."

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he spoke directly.

Last time in the alley, I saw the person fighting against the air and basically guessed that the person's target was her.

Although it is not very understandable, why would someone send someone to China to try to kidnap her when it is obvious that she has genetically enhanced soldiers as bodyguards

However, after the follow-up contact with Harry, Su Bai basically understood that those unlucky bastards who were just sent to test Hua//guo's attitude towards her.According to the results of those unlucky ones, Harry's side will adjust

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