Chapter 220 The five principles of doing things carefully//this law

"Ding Yi has gone too far recently, who does he think he is!"

"Without us, how could he have the status he has today? Can he be favored by Su Bai? I thought I had Su Bai's backing, so I didn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"This should be the meaning of the above, and he should be quite embarrassed."

"We are a private company, not a state-owned enterprise. The higher-ups should also pay attention to a basic//principal law! Now that we make so much money in the stock market, why shouldn't we be allowed to make money?"

"Yes, there are too many losses from delisting now, whoever delists will be stupid!"

Ding Yi's words also represent that today's meeting is destined to break up unhappy.

Seeing those members of the board of directors who cursed and left, Ding Yi was calm.

As a rational person, he will not be arrogant for no reason. The reason he said this is only because of one point.

"Since you are willing to be your own person, then the rest of the matter can be handled easily. Go and notify the people on your company's board of directors and tell them that your company is going to be delisted. I will handle the rest of the matter."

This is what Chen Ming said

"I'm sorry, are you Li Shanxin?"

Just after the members of Ding Yi's company's board of directors had just finished their meeting and left the meeting room, they were blocked in the elevator by a large group of policemen.

"Did you make a mistake?"

The leader, a middle-aged man who looked a bit gentle and wore gold-rimmed glasses, giving the impression of a gentle scum, looked a little ugly after seeing this scene.He didn't expect that in order to achieve his goal, Ding Yi would

He did such a thing!

"You are Li Shanxin, right? We will formally arrest you on suspicion of bribing officials, gathering crowds to gamble, illegal money laundering, financial fraud, abduction and trafficking of women and children, and engaging in activities of black and evil forces. This is an arrest.

make. "

The leading female policeman said, and took out an arrest warrant with a blank face.

At the same time she said this, a policeman on the other side took out a rose-colored handcuff and directly handcuffed it on his hand.

"Wait a minute, there must be some misunderstanding. I know your chief, I'll make a call, let me make a call!"

Li Shanxin still wants to struggle at this time.

"Don't resist, the person who can protect you can't protect himself now."

After the policewoman finished speaking, she asked someone to take him down, and then looked at the other people in the elevator.

Amidst the tense mood of the others, he smiled slightly, then turned and left.

"This Ding Yi... is too much!"

Just as the policewoman turned to leave, a person in the elevator gritted her teeth and said,

They did not regret the mistakes they made.If they are caught, they will only regret why they were caught and not others

"It's... not over yet."

The other people in the elevator looked at the policemen who were still at the elevator entrance with ugly expressions.

Well, after the female policeman left with Li Shanxin, another policeman took an arrest warrant and said to a person standing in front of the crowd: "You are suspected of financial fraud and tax evasion. Come with us. "

"I want to ask... who are they?"

Facing the arrest warrant in the hands of the police, this person seemed calm. He glanced behind a bunch of policemen and said to two or three people who were not wearing police uniforms, but were wearing police uniforms.

"They? They are from the Emergency Management Bureau. They are seconded because we are short of manpower."

Although he was not obliged to answer, the policeman answered anyway.

After hearing this answer, the hearts of everyone in the elevator were half-cooled on the spot.

The Emergency Management Bureau has two styles of doing things. One is to have evidence and follow the normal process.Another style of doing things is that there is no evidence, so catch it first.

The most important thing is that there are not many personnel in the emergency management bureau, so it is impossible to second them to the police station.Where is the local police station going to the central organization to borrow people.Here they are more of an expression of attitude.


"Boss, it's not good. The people from the board of directors are downstairs, and most of them have been arrested."

In Ding Yi's office, Ding Yi's secretary rushed into the office at this time and said.

Because the elevator room was locked, he ran to the 30th floor in one breath.Even if it is a person who works out regularly, running more than 30 floors in one breath, he is still exhausted. After saying this sentence, he can't even stand still.

"Drink some water, don't be in such a hurry."

After Ding Yi heard this sentence, he said calmly.But in fact, his heart trembled a bit.

There is someone in Chen Ming, and he will launch an operation here. As long as the progress is not going well, you can talk to him.

However, he didn't expect that just as he told Chen Ming that things were not going well, Chen Ming turned around and arrested him.And instead of catching one or two knocking tigers, but catching a bunch at a time.

If his guess is correct, Chen Ming probably doesn't intend to let the rest of them go.How can it be possible to say that he is completely clean after reaching his level? If he wants to check, he will definitely be able to find out some problems.

Usually, the above does not catch, does not represent//the table really does not check.

"Boss, is there a way to suppress this news? Our company's stock price is so stable now, if this news gets out, the impact may be very bad."

Seeing this, Ding Yi's secretary said, looking a little embarrassed.

As the company and the Luochen Charity Foundation got closer, the company's stock price rose steadily, and everyone in the company enjoyed the dividends of the company's development.

Under such circumstances, most of the members of the board of directors were arrested, which is not a good sign.

"Just let it be, and then you can get me a copy of the company's salary list. Write down the basic salary and bonus clearly, and I want to see it."

Ding Yi didn't plan to take any action against the arrest of the members of the board of directors.Because, he knew that if he made a small move now, it would be the real death.

Instead of worrying about those who oppose him, it is better to think about how to cooperate with Su Bai's actions.

When he was in contact with Su Bai at the beginning, Su Bai asked to follow his company as an example, and began to roll in domestic corporate welfare.

I have been busy with gene enhancement therapy drugs before, so I don't have time to deal with this.Now it is only a matter of time before he gets the gene-enhancing medicine, so he should also do something about how to get more favor from Su Bai.

get ready.

After all, what Chen Ming said to him revealed an extremely important piece of information, that is, in terms of gene-enhancing drugs, it was Su Bai's words.Whoever she wants to make money will be able to make money.

If she accidentally made her unhappy, it is not impossible for Su Bai to withdraw the sales rights of gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs with a single sentence.

A new bounty and a little reflection

ps: Recently, the power of code words is a bit seriously insufficient, so I set up a reward for myself to increase my power of code words.

100 monthly tickets 1 more

100 blades 1 update,

2000 recommended tickets 1 more

10000 reward 1 update,

[Picture: Current data map]

Including recommendation tickets, there is no upper limit for all of them, so it can be regarded as being cruel to yourself.

Then talk about the recent 15-word plot.

According to the direction of my initial outline, the plot you are watching now should be a plot of about 100 million words.Yes, I wrote about 40 words to the original plot of about 100 million.

As for the reason.It's mainly a mistake that loli idols and I made when we deserved two books to make money.Loli idol originally ordered 120 million.They are 80 words of entertainment scenes and 40 words of big world unfolding and ending plots.but

When it was written, the overall plot was only two-thirds completed.After writing 160 million, I wrote the 100 million plot in the original plot setting.In the end, because the subscription could not hold up at all, it ended early.

I am also worthy of making money. The plot of this book is even slower.When I wrote 100 million, I finished the original set of 40 plots.Serious procrastination.

In this case, I wrote this book a little bit too much to meet the plot timeline.As a result, the original 40 million-word plot was written for about 100.The character of Harry, originally only about 70 people will be listed


The expansion of the national line leads to a serious difference from the previous style of painting.The plot of Ding Yi, who was pulled out to save the scene, did not play the role I wanted because of insufficient foreshadowing.

The most important thing is that I had something to do at home some time ago, so I didn't think about the plot well, which made the plot messy, and the cool points were almost lost.

This is my problem.

In the next words, I will strive to return to the beginning of the plot without destroying the original main line.

My apologies to those who have been disappointed by the recent plot.I do have a really big problem with this episode lately.I will try my best to get the plot development of the book back on track.

Chapter 220 Six Have Fun

"System, it's a bit boring, let's have some fun."

In Su Bai's home, Su Bai stood in front of the fish tank, stirring the water in the fish tank with one finger, looking bored.Some poor goldfish are driven by the gravitational force of the earth's rotation, and after the water vortex appears, they are dizzy,

Su Bai fished it out and handed it to Erha to take care of it carefully.

Well, there's no place more comfortable than the inside of your body.

【America isn't going to get involved?】

The system spoke at this time.

Harry now knows that maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are a loss-making business.However, after knowing it, they claimed that the deciphering of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells went well.

Moreover, with the release of Owen Ryan's future development plan for gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs based on Wei Jianming's thesis, the market value of the company controlled by Harry's consortium soared.The part Harry holds

The market value of the biopharmaceutical company has increased by more than [-]%, which is even more terrifying than Ding Yi's company.

However, the happier you laugh now, the worse you will fall when the truth is revealed.

The purpose of Harry doing this now is very simple, using financial means to pass on his losses to Europe.

As for why Europe? Because, currently, the most crazily rising pharmaceutical companies are listed in Europe.

To put it bluntly, it is a fellow Taoist who will never die.Harry is betting that Su Bai will not fight back again in a short time.

As for what to do if Su Bai fought back? It's very simple, cold salad.For Harry, in addition to the existing losses that cannot be made up in a short time, he also has some reputational losses.

After all, as America's strongest chaebol, he is based on America's military enterprises.With the existence of America's military hegemony, his position cannot be shaken.

"Don't worry, we'll play with that funny old grandpa when America's comprehensive technology sanction bill comes down."

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai spoke.

As the saying goes, stay a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.If you want the monkey to perform well, you have to feed the monkey well.Although it is said that these two sentences should not be used together, this is almost what it means.

Daxia is already building a mass production line for the dark element, and it is estimated that 160 million dark element particles can be produced in a year after half a year.A ghost element particle can grow a ghost crystal pillar

If it is produced according to the safest [-]nm chip, although it still cannot meet the domestic demand, it can supply the domestic high-end chip market.

The most important thing is that the computing power of the [-]nm chip is [-] times that of the strongest chip on the earth.

On this basis, for every advance of 1nm, the computing power gap increases by [-] times.

That is to say, they are also 1nm chips, and the computing power of a Ming chip is more terrible than the computing power of all computing devices on the entire earth combined.

Taking out this kind of chip is a naked blow to dimensionality reduction for today's chip market.

Under the dual pressure of the medical and high-end technology fields, the global economy is afraid that it will be overwhelmed.Therefore, Daxia has not dared to announce the existence of the Ming chip so far.The attitude towards the assembly line that will be built is also to let it go after it is built.

Under such circumstances, when Su Bai was bored, he liked to help Harry read some proposals he made himself.

The so-called happiness comes from sharing.After seeing Harry's plan to use comprehensive and high-intensity sanctions in the field of technology, especially the comprehensive embargo of chips to force Daxia to hand over technology, Su Bai's mood became even better.

As for whether Harry will be happy if he finds out? Su Bai doesn't care.

The top management of Daxia is now very hesitant to release the Ming chip.

Under such circumstances, Harry will help the senior management of Daxia make up their minds

In Su Bai's view, this is the highest level of bullying, even if you do nothing, the other party will obediently create reasons for being bullied, and then be bullied severely!

i kill myself

After that, why not do another trick to add insult to injury?

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