Su Bai didn't want to disturb the good show he led, so he didn't want to interfere with anything now.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue started school again and could not play with her every day.Ding Nuo's side has entered an incubation period, and his body will begin to enter a seemingly unstable incubation period, which is actually very stable, and he cannot leave the hospital.Man

It doesn't make much sense on Yi's side.

So, Su Bai has nothing to do now.

As the saying goes, born in sorrow, die in peace.A real bully must use continuous bullying to consolidate his bullying skills.So go ahead and find something to do

【How about restarting the dust tour group?】

The system sees this and says

"Yes, yes, but... I'm still afraid of meeting those troublesome patients."

Seeing this, Su Bai said

She stayed in the hospital for a while last year. Not every doctor can understand patients, and not every patient can understand doctors.Some patients' trivial matters made her scalp feel numb.This is also why Su Bai is here

After the end of the first phase of the falling dust tour, the reason for the delay in starting the second phase.

"Su Bai, do you remember Professor Qian Heyue's granddaughter? She asked me to send some of her latest melons."

At this moment, Chen Ming appeared outside the courtyard of Su Bai's house. After speaking, he came in through the door next to him.Put two cantaloupe and a watermelon in front of Su Bai.

"These three melons were not bred with your technology, but they are also very good varieties among the ones she bred. After about two or three months, you should be able to eat them bred with the technology you provided. those melons

up.It is said that she has also applied those techniques to other crops with good results. "

Chen Ming explained here, and after finishing speaking, he looked at Su Bai and said, "Can you drive it for me?"

"Yes, there is a fruit knife in the drawer.

Su Bai seemed a little listless and said.

If you don't do anything, you won't be able to eat melons.

"By the way, Uncle Chen Ming, do you have anything interesting over there?"

After Chen Ming started to open the melons, Su Bai asked.

"Interesting things? Which aspect do you mean?"

After Chen Ming heard Su Bai's words, he stopped what he was doing and looked at Su Bai.

"It's the kind of thing that can bully people fiercely. Is there anything more fun in this world than bullying people?"

At this time, Su Bai asked Chen Ming

After Chen Ming heard Su Bai's words, he frowned slightly, split the watermelon in half, then picked up a spoon from the table and put it on it, handed it to Su Bai, and then said: "If you bully someone, side

There are a lot of people who need to be interrogated... These people should basically spend the rest of their lives inside..."

Chapter 220 Seven

"Uncle Chen Ming, why are there so many spies on your side!"

Strolling in a secret detention place of the Emergency Management Bureau in the suburbs of Shanghai, Su Bai found that the area of ​​each cell here is not large, only about four or five square meters.However, in every cell, there are prisoners

There were two to three people, and even four people squeezed into a small number of cells.

This makes the already small space become more and more crowded.

However, compared with ordinary prisons, there is no such thing as visiting the prison, and there is no such thing as letting the wind go.Being imprisoned, there are only two ways I can think of.

First, fight inside, and let the guards be brought out when they stop.

Don't think that there is an opportunity to take advantage of this.Because, every time a cell is opened, there will be a team of more than eight people responsible for guarding it.

Especially after the production line of gene-enhanced drugs was completed, a large number of gene-enhanced fighters were deployed in the Special Operations Bureau.These hungry, sallow and emaciated prisoners who could only eat two meals a day were genetically enhanced

Soldiers, if you can fight, you will be a ghost.

As for the prison escape? The entire place of detention is a reinforced concrete structure, and apart from three beds nailed to the front three and a staircase, the only thing in the cell is a washbasin and a urinal.In addition, the entire prison

No covering is allowed anywhere in the room.

Every cell will be fully inspected once a week, and any damage to the walls will be treated as a single room.

It was locked in a small 1*2 room without a bed except for the urinal, and locked in for a week.

Compared with the collective dormitory, there are at least one person to chat with, that kind of space is closed for a week, and everyone will be driven crazy

Besides fighting, what is the other way to get out? It's very simple, you will be brought out during interrogation.

If the information provided is valuable enough, he may be freed. If he confesses everything honestly, he should be lucky enough to get a normal legal trial.

As for the nonsense?

"Chen Bureau! When will it be my turn! I confess, I really confess everything. My application has been submitted for a week!"

When walking through the corridor in the middle of the cell, a foreigner who looked particularly tall and slender stopped Chen Ming in a fluent Daxia language with a severe Northeast accent. a little


"A few days ago during the Chinese New Year, you lived in Daxia for so long, so you should know. However, work has resumed now, and it will be your turn in two days."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Su Bai: "Because there are too many people caught, we only lock up those who are of relatively small value, and interrogate those who are valuable first. relatively small person

, If you want to confess, you can write the application yourself.Our side can interrogate about 20 people every day.After that, two interrogation teams from the group will arrive, and the efficiency will increase a lot by then.However, five or six can be caught every day

One, sometimes the whole gang was arrested together, two to 30 people.More and more trials. "

Well, compared to ordinary prisoners, if these spies want to confess everything, they have to write their own application.Moreover, it is not enough to write the application form. After writing the application form, you even have to wait in line!

Most of the spies have not received professional training, they are just ordinary people who have taken money from some foreign agencies and engaged in espionage activities.

Let alone an ordinary person who has not been taken care of by a single person.Even if only two or three people were locked in a single room for a week, I'm afraid it would be unbearable.

You know, they're not ordinary prisoners, they're spies, and they have no rights.

Of course, not all spies are ordinary people, and quite a few are professional spies who have undergone professional training.To deal with these professional spies, another system is used.

"Hi~ hello, uncle."

At this time, Su Bai stopped in front of a cell, and said to the only middle-aged man sitting on the bed in a daze in the cell.

She recognized this person, a former Weibo big V, who had made many remarks criticizing her maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells as the result of inhumane and illegal biological experiments.

"This guy is a doctor. He took advantage of his position to try to steal the immune remodeling medicine that one of his patients was about to use, and then he was arrested. Because of the particularity of what he did, we asked him to come here. already

It has been locked up for three months. "

After Chen Ming saw that the person was still in a daze on the bed, he opened his mouth to explain to Su Bai. After he finished speaking, he found that the person did not respond, and then his face became a little gloomy, and he shouted: "Number 1921!"


The man in the cell almost responded with a sneer, and stood up straight.

Obviously, this code name has caused him to have a stress response.

After realizing that someone was calling him, the man looked at Chen Ming, then immediately threw himself in front of the cell, and said in an almost pleading tone: "Chen Bureau, I have explained everything I changed! Let me go! Let me go!" I'm going to prison

Prison is fine too! I really have nothing to say!"

The layout here seems to be similar to that of a prison, but there is no time for the prison to be released, and there is no sense of expectation when it will be released.

Either confess everything, or be locked up until you can't stand it and you are forced to confess

"He just made it clear what he did to slander you. As the saying goes, he does everything. Among the things he committed, he also molested//his own patients just because of his position."

Chen Ming ignored this person, looked down at Su Bai and said.

At this time, Su Bai found that this person's attention was still on Chen Ming, as if he didn't see her, his little head tilted slightly, a little curious.

At this time, Chen Ming added: "The ones he molested were all men."


After Su Bai heard this sentence, he immediately showed a disgusted expression, took two steps back, and said, "If it's a man, the sentence shouldn't be too heavy. Why didn't you plead guilty!"

"Because he is suspected of being a minor, as well as academic fraud, reselling medical insurance drugs, selling fake drugs, and taking advantage of his position to molest//molest other doctors. It is enough to imprison him for a lifetime."

As Chen Ming said, he didn't stop any longer, and led Su Bai forward.

"Slander, Bureau Chen, you are slander! I didn't do these things, all of them were done by others and planted on me!"

When the man saw that Chen Ming was leaving, he shouted indignantly, as if he was really just being wronged

After hearing his words, Su Bai stopped in his tracks, put his hands behind his back, shook his body lightly, and said, "It's okay, uncle, I'll interrogate you later~ I promise you won't be wronged."

Chapter 220 Eight Professional Certificates

"Chen Ming, is it really okay to let Su Bai come to interrogate?"

A few minutes later, in the observation room behind the interrogation room, Pound hesitated a little after looking at Su Bai who was sitting in the interrogation room and still reading the files of the criminal who was about to be interrogated.

Those who were locked up on their side, except those who were confirmed to be spies, the rest of the criminals were all people who were already sure that they had committed crimes, but could not be convicted without accurate evidence.

Because these people are related to Su Bai's affairs, they have reason to continue to be locked up by them, which can be regarded as helping the judicial system to reduce some burdens.

These people are the most difficult to deal with in the judicial system.Because the current law pays attention to solving a case with solid evidence and zero confession, rather than simply letting the criminal confess

When one person dies, many people know that another person killed him, and that person also pleaded guilty, but legally the person who pleaded guilty can only constitute a criminal suspect.That is, there is suspicion, not accurate conviction.conviction must

There must be conclusive evidence that it was the person who did it.

This is not a loophole in the law, but the result of the law being too perfect.As long as there is no conclusive evidence, the criminal, no matter how likely it is, may be wronged.People who have a 90.00% chance of being a criminal are not

It must be a criminal, the law pays attention to [-]%.

"She has a criminal record as a vigilante. The most important thing is that for Su Bai, she defines her behavior as playing. As long as she is having fun, she doesn't care what she does means to us. This is the least

It is controllable, but compared to contacting a truly mature advanced civilization, this may also be our greatest luck. "

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

Chen Ming is still not sure whether Su Bai is a higher civilization or a Him.But for human civilization, Su Bai's current state may be the most ideal.

Because it is possible to communicate.

In the history of mankind, there have been too many facts to prove what attitude a strong country should have when facing a weak country.

What does it have to do with you to destroy you? A weak civilization has no right to speak in front of a higher civilization, and it may not even have the possibility of being taken seriously.

"Let's look at Su Bai's proof to deal with Jiang Yuheng. He is the most difficult. The only accusation against him is a confession. Other records can only indirectly prove that he is a criminal. It is useless to simply let him confess. After that, maybe also

He is dealt with by insulting national heroes and colluding with foreign forces. "

Pound said.

After more than half a year of development, the Special Operations Bureau is not as big as Guoan.But because the main work is public opinion, there are a lot of civilian staff.It's not that they can't pass the interrogation at all.

The reason why the efficiency of the interrogation is so low is actually to grind the patience of these prisoners.Attempt to reduce work pressure through this approach.

Although the efficiency of the interrogation is low, the efficiency of the investigation is frighteningly high.

The Jiang Yuheng that Pang De mentioned was the big V that Su Bai met in the cell just now.A large number of people have come forward to accuse him, but because there is no physical evidence, the main reason why he is currently being held here is because

For him to slander Su Bai and collude with foreign forces.

Without these two, he might have been acquitted.

When Pound was worried, the second door in the interrogation room was opened, and accompanied by two genetically enhanced soldiers, Jiang Yuheng was pushed onto the interrogation chair.


After Jiang Yuheng sat on the interrogation chair and saw that the person sitting opposite him was a white-haired man with five or six books under his buttocks, which made him look as tall as an adult, he was confused for a moment.

However, after seeing the two genetically enhanced fighters standing behind him, he really didn't dare to act rashly.

He had seen it before. An agent who was locked in made a weapon out of a toothbrush, and then pretended to fight with another agent to lure him over.Attempt to break through.

As a result, with one punch, the chest collapsed.And the only result of those two agents was the toothbrush stuck in the guard's hand.

Well, just take it out, in less than 5 minutes, when the guards patrol again, even the scar will be gone.

That's when the detainees realized that the guards, who looked massive, might not just be strong

"Do not you know me?"

After seeing Jiang Yuheng looking at him with puzzled eyes, Su Bai said curiously.

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