"Who are you? Why should I know you?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Jiang Yuheng said in confusion.

The white-haired loli does look seductive, but he doesn't like it, and he doesn't care at all.

[This guy has been imprisoned relatively rarely. The basic composition of his remarks criticizing maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is Wei Jianming's thesis.Might not have followed you at all.Well, host, you have been raped by a person who smeared you

watched. 】

At this time, the system opened its mouth and made Su Bai pout.

Forgotten by someone who discredited her, this made her very embarrassed.

Someone made her lose face, so what should I do? It's very simple, treat him gently~

"I was sent from above to quickly deal with troublesome people like you. After all, there are fewer and fewer prison cells. It's a waste of space for a person like you to occupy a dormitory alone."

Su Bai looked at Jiang Yuheng with a smile and said, after she finished speaking, she pretended to take out a certificate from her pocket and showed it, she believed everything she said.

"I was slandered! I didn't do anything, and they arrested me here. I have been imprisoned for half a year. Half a year! This is a violation of my freedom and human rights! I want to sue them!"

When Jiang Yuheng heard Su Bai's words, especially after seeing Su Bai show a serious-looking certificate, he immediately said indignantly.

"What is that certificate?"

Pang De, who was at the observation post, saw this scene, and asked Chen Ming curiously.

Does Su Bai have any official certificates? Why doesn't he know?

"Annual membership card for the Children's Paradise in the city square. I don't know why I didn't make a special cartoon, it looks like a passport."

Chen Ming said calmly.

Well, the so-called certificate that Su Bai took out was the annual membership card of the Children's Paradise in the city square closest to Su Bai's house.

Although it looks like a passport, it can be distinguished at a glance if you look closely.

It's just that Jiang Yuheng has more than 300 degrees of myopia.After being arrested, the glasses were not brought in, so he couldn't see the content clearly, and Chen Ming suddenly began to look forward to what happened next.

Chapter 220 IX Science Should Be Borderless

【You really have the nerve to take it out!】

The system's behavior of using Su Bai's annual fee card of his children's playground as an official certificate really opened the system's eyes.

"What fun."

After Su Bai muttered something in a low voice, he continued to show a smiling expression, looked at Jiang Yuheng, and said, "I hope you cooperate a little bit, and we hurry up too. If you are innocent, I will let them release you immediately.

If you're guilty, you'd better admit it quickly.The sooner you go to jail, the sooner you come out, right?"

When Su Bai said these words, he seemed a little careless.

Jiang Yuheng's eyes lit up when he heard it.Looking at Su Bai's youthful face, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy.A little girl's film, can he still fool around?

"I have water and coffee here. Which would you like?"

Before Su Bai officially started to ask questions, he pointed to the two kettles in front of him and said.


Jiang Yuheng said immediately after hearing Su Bai's words.

He used to be a little addicted to coffee, but he was imprisoned for more than half a year, and he didn't drink a sip.Now that he can finally drink, of course he will not refuse.

After he finished speaking, a guard standing behind him came to Su Bai's side, poured him a cup of coffee, and even took a small cup of milk and a small packet of sugar thoughtfully.

In fact, he was afraid that Su Bai would play with him.So, after getting the coffee, I took a small sip first, and after confirming that it was really caramel coffee and seemed to be of high quality, I felt better all of a sudden.

He wanted to raise Erlang's legs, but they were blocked by the baffle, so he couldn't raise them, but he still poured sugar and milk into the coffee happily.

Compared with the guards here who are like wood, Su Bai is simply his angel, and he feels much better when he sees Su Bai.

"Okay then, my first question."

After Su Bai said this, he slowly let go of the answer in front of him, and then said: "The prisoners who are locked with you have all been complained by you. They said you were a homosexual pervert. They all because they couldn't stand ,

And voluntarily confessed his crime.Is that true? How about your sexual orientation?"

Seeing this, Su Bai said directly.

Jiang Yuheng was not held incommunicado because of his uniqueness.It was just because the people locked up with him couldn't stand him, so they took the initiative to explain everything.

From this point, it can also be proved that the accusations made by many doctors and patients against Jiang Yuheng are true.However, because there is no actual evidence, the current allegations can be considered slander.

"This is slander, my sexual orientation is normal. I am married, my wife is beautiful, and I have a daughter. If I am gay, how can I marry a wife?"

Jiang Yuheng immediately opened his mouth to defend after hearing what Su Bai said.

But at this time, Su Bai also noticed that Jiang Yuheng was actually sophistrying at this time.Instead of explaining what happened to him during his detention, he used examples to prove that his sexual orientation was normal.

"Your daughter is a test-tube baby. The relationship between you and your wife is not very good, according to what she said. Since you got married, you can count the number of times you touched her on one hand."

Seeing this, Su Bai continued to speak, looking very casual.

Although, she can directly let Jiang Yuheng tell everything through the gluttony of the culinary LV6 skill.But it's kind of boring to play like that.

Therefore, what Su Bai did was to use the arrogance in the gluttony skill

Through the emotion of arrogance, Jiang Yuheng's defense was lowered

However, Jiang Yuheng, who seems to be relaxed now, is actually on high alert.Under such circumstances, that slight psychological influence plays a very limited role.

"This is because my wife and I belonged to an arranged marriage. There is indeed something wrong with our relationship. But you can't suspect that my sexual orientation is wrong because of this! You are the same as those colleagues and patients who slandered me

.Because of your own prejudice, forcefully smear me!"

Jiang Yuheng argued.

At this time, he had logically changed the source of Su Bai's claim that he had a problem with his sexual orientation from the ward where he was detained to other people's confessions.Take a backlash in advance to put yourself in a favorable position.

"I'm not interested in asking more about things with insufficient evidence. Let me change the subject."

At this moment, Su Bai saw that Jiang Yuheng was too guarded on this issue.Unless the strength of the gluttony skill is increased, it will be difficult to find out why if you continue to ask.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai chose to change the question directly, and asked, "What about your slander on the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus?"

After Jiang Yuheng heard Su Bai's words, his heart actually relaxed all of a sudden, and he began to secretly feel happy.His previous guess was not wrong.As for his other allegations, since there is no physical evidence, as long as he is not beaten

Opening a gap is bound to be nothing.

And Su Bai's reaction now is also as he expected.

However, what comes next is the real challenge.

"Does the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cell still need to be washed? Cells of that level must be the result of human experiments that violate human reason. It must be obtained with a large amount of experimental data as support. We believe that

Because it is an ancient civilization, civilization is the foundation of the country, and things that violate human reason are condemned and prohibited.Moreover, I have reason to suspect that this is based on a large number of infants and young children as experimental samples.as a

Doctor, a doctor, I express my inner resistance to this inhumane and immoral behavior!"

When Jiang Yuheng said this, his tone was a little deep, and after he said it, he showed a heartbroken expression.

"But in fact, the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are the result of the development of computer technology to a certain extent. There is no need for a large number of human experiments."

At this time, Su Bai spoke very easily.

Artificial cells are not obtained through a large number of human experiments. They are the result of atomic-level underlying logical reconstruction of human genetic cells. They are one of the foundations of life deconstruction, the ultimate mystery of life.

The resulting product is also one of the ultimate artificial cells.

Obviously, Jiang Yuheng was misunderstood by the word mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

"If this is the case, why are you afraid to disclose the experimental data? There must be tricks in it. Science has no borders, and we should learn from the fearless spirit of exploration in the West. We should not block technology.

technique, close the country.This kind of ignorant behavior is the greatest blasphemy against the predecessors!"

Jiang Yuheng said.

At this time, he seems to have stood on the commanding heights of morality, criticizing various behaviors of the country.

Chapter 230 is what he wants to drink

"So, you admit that you are spreading rumors."

Regarding Jiang Yuheng's sophistry, Su Bai seemed very calm.

Want to fool her? How is it possible, she has always been the only one who fooled others, and no one else fooled her.

"Spreading rumors? Where did I go to spread rumors! I made a reasonable guess based on facts! If this level of rumors is counted as spreading rumors, then everyone in the country will be arrested! I am caught here now because our country is not civilized.

The Lord’s ironclad proof! Restricting the freedom of life arbitrarily, wantonly slandering people like me who will definitely make great contributions to the country, how can such a country have a future!”

It seemed that the talk was on the rise. After Jiang Yuheng gave a generous speech, he was so excited that he almost stood up and knocked down the coffee in hand.

"Then, how do you explain the extra $[-] in your overseas account half a year ago?"

When Su Bai said this, he asked a guard to take some paper to deal with the knocked coffee, and also put a detailed data in front of Jiang Yuheng.

Without hard evidence, he would not have been imprisoned for so long.

"That's the remuneration for the three papers I published! I'm a doctor of medicine. It's normal to publish papers! It's normal to get remuneration after publishing a paper! I know you wonder why you can get [-] US dollars for ten papers. one

point.But my thesis is a great contribution to the medical profession.It is normal for the remuneration of the three papers plus awards to reach [-]!"

Jiang Yuheng said excitedly, and even answered the question Su Bai was about to ask in advance.

"Only those few papers of yours where there is no difference between what you said and what you didn't say?"

After Su Bai heard this sentence, he was a little speechless.

She has read Jiang Yuheng's three papers. What are the three papers about? Uremia is a malignant clinical symptom caused by kidney disease.


Well, just these three points.It is equivalent to saying that Xiao Ming was born by Xiao Ming's mother.

At first glance, it looks tall, but in fact it's all bullshit.

If such a thesis can earn [-] US dollars, then researchers with a master's degree or above in Daxia can become multi-millionaires if they learn how to write a thesis a little bit.

"Are you denying my hard work! But that's right, how do you policemen understand medical things? Wanton definition of other people's hard work is also the root cause of our country's backwardness! No freedom, no

Democracy, wanton discredit others! My thesis is internationally recognized! The one hundred thousand dollars is the iron proof that my thesis has been internationally recognized! But you slandered it as evidence that I colluded with other countries’ intelligence organizations.


When Jiang Yuheng said these words, a little arrogance appeared on his face, as if what he said was ironclad evidence.

"Well, I really don't know much about medical things."

Su Bai nodded after hearing Jiang Yuheng's words.

Apart from the fact that she has mastered the ultimate medical fact of life deconstruction, she still has a long way to go in medicine.For example, she couldn't solve Zhou Xue's complex disease with existing technology in one go.


"Tell me, what would happen if he knew that the person standing in front of him was actually Su Bai?"

Pound in the observation room couldn't hold back anymore.

It's okay for an academic liar to talk about his medical attainments in front of Su Bai.

"It should be pretty dead, he is trying to use sophistry to fool Su Bai."

Seeing this, Chen Ming looked at Jiang Yuheng with admiration.

Although Su Bai looks like a child, if someone doubts Su Bai's IQ, they will pay the price.

"Your accusations against me are all slander. Under these circumstances, you have imprisoned me for half a year. Is this reasonable? Is this democracy? Is this freedom? I strongly condemn your behavior!

Backwardness and ignorance are caused by the existence of such barbaric practices. "

At this time, Jiang Yuheng still didn't realize who the person interrogating him was, and continued to use his own sophistry in an attempt to mislead Su Bai's thoughts.

After an impassioned speech, he felt a little thirsty and said, "Can I have another cup of coffee?"

There is no way, the glass just now was knocked down by him.

"I suggest you drink some plain water, it's good for your health."

After Su Bai heard Jiang Yuheng's words, he said kindly.

Well, at this time, she is really a kind reminder.Because, if you pour boiled water, Su Bai will ask the guards to help, and if you want coffee, she will let herself work hard.

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