He will give us a salary of [-] a month~”

While eating, Zuo Ming spoke.

Even though Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue are both rich women, they are actually not allowed to spend the money indiscriminately.

However, Zhuang Li's salary of [-] yuan is different from what the two of them said, and it can be freely distributed between the two of them.

"only this?"

Su Bai was very calm.

It was part of her plan to let Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue teach Daxia's mathematicians.However, [-] is obviously a little less.

"[-] is a guaranteed salary, and [-] for each class after that. If you participate in the project, you will be given [-] a day. But my mother won't let me spend this money."

When Zuo Ming said this, he was a little angry.

"When will the official titles of professor and academician be given?"

Subai asked one more question.

One, one is eight years old.If people of these two ages get national professor titles and academician titles, it will definitely be the biggest bully to the Central Academy of Sciences and those old professors!

Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming can get what they have worked so hard all their lives to get so easily, it's not too much fun.

Comparing these two, the promised money is actually just a mosquito's leg.

"Uncle Zhuang and Grandpa Wei both said that as long as the time is right and we perform well, they will unite with several academicians and help us apply to the central government. But, is the title of academician useful?"

At this time, Zhou Xue didn't understand what these two titles meant.

However, the biggest advantage for her to go directly to university is that she doesn't need to do homework.This makes her very happy. She doesn't need to do homework, so she has more time to play.

"After you have this title, when your teacher sees you, they will respectfully call Academician Zhou. Your mother and father may not be able to do without the catchphrase 'How do you know my daughter is an academician'."

Before Su Bai could speak, Zuo Ming spoke directly.

"Let's talk about when you guys reach the fourth level. Two and a half fools."

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he complained speechlessly.

They clearly mastered the mathematical knowledge beyond this era, but their application ability is too poor. On the road of learning, Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue still have a long way to go.

As for going to university without the college entrance examination, and directly surpassing others, from student to professor.It seems to be easier.However, when the two of them started teaching people, they would realize the poverty of their knowledge.

At a young age, one has to feel the urgency of the adult world.Learn even if you don't want to learn.

Sure enough, she is a pure devil!

"Sister Su Bai, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing the innocent smile on Su Bai's face, Zhou Xue asked, a little curious.

"No, I just thought of something happy."

Su Bai said with a smile.

Neither Zuo Ming nor the naive Zhou Xue could have imagined that the present happiness is just the beginning of a nightmare.When the two of them realize their own shortcomings and come to her for help, she can train them better

There are two of them.

"Drip drop~"

At this moment, Su Bai's cell phone rang suddenly.

Usually, there are not many people who call Su Bai, but at this point in time, there is only one person who will call Su Bai.

"The operation has begun, and the car has already arrived at the gate."

Well, Su Bai's desire to participate in the arrest has begun.

The reason why the time is so uncertain is mainly because the front-line investigators are completely closed to the middle management.In order to ensure the absolute confidentiality of information and the absolute security of operations, when to arrest is determined by the frontline

After the investigators confirmed that they could act, they directly contacted the commander-in-chief of the operation, and then launched the operation.

"Okay, come right away."

After Su Bai heard this notice, he immediately became excited, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and then said to Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming who were still eating: "I'm going to do something, you two remember to do your homework after eating, However

Then go to school. "

Well, before going to college, the two of them still have to go to school.Zhou Xue, in particular, has learned hundreds of commonly used words, and when she encounters a few uncommon words, her eyes go dark and she doesn't understand, and she needs to learn even more.

"I want to play too."

Seeing this, Zhou Xue pouted and said, but looked at the time.Today is Wednesday, she has to go to school and can't play.

"It should be something particularly interesting."

At this time, Zuo Ming also looked at Su Bai with envy.He wanted to go with Su Bai, but he couldn't.

Chapter 230 Six, Justice

"Director Kui, your cigarette."

In the office area of ​​a department in Shanghai, a man handed two packs of cigarettes to Kui Zhengyi.

"Okay, thank you, two packs are [-], I will transfer it to you immediately with VX."

Seeing this, Kui Zhengzheng took out his mobile phone and transferred fifty to the other party's VX

"Actually, Chief Kui, who is not needed, is just two packs of cigarettes. You are so kind to my brother, this is my treat."

Seeing this, the person said.

Just like his name, Kui Zhengyi is a very upright person.Although I don't know why, he has not been given the chance to be promoted for a long time after he has made a lot of contributions.

However, Kui Zhengzheng has never complained.He manages the entire department in an orderly manner, and often takes other people in his department to dinner parties. He is a very good boss.

The most important thing is that the position where Kui Zhengzheng is in is a real power position with very great power.

His predecessors were all arrested, and after they were arrested, the amount of embezzlement revealed became more and more astonishing.

However, Kui Zhengzheng is different. He is upright, he does things cleanly, and he is upright. Everyone can feel that he is an upright official, and he is definitely not a despicable villain who will go to corruption.

The most obvious point is that he often drives an electric car to work. He has driven it for seven or eight years, and it is already worn out, but he is not willing to change it.

In his position, he can live a life of spending money with just a little bit of oil and water, but Kui Zhengzheng lives in a dilapidated school district house allocated by his unit and drives a car that has been used for seven or eight years.clothes on body

A set may only cost a hundred yuan.Usually, they are hesitant to order a takeaway, and when they go out for dinner, they also go to very affordable roadside stalls and the like. They will be criticized by Kui Zhengyi for a long time if they try to take the money for the dinner together.

The only thing that costs a lot is that I like to smoke 25 cigarettes, but I don’t have much addiction to two packs in three days.And he would never use the excuse of buying cigarettes to make his subordinates pay.

Which corrupt official would live such a hard life like him?

All of Kui Zhengyi's subordinates feel that it is the injustice of this society that Kui Zhengyi has never been given the chance to be promoted!

"Excuse me, is Kui Zhengzheng here?"

At this time, a group of people came to the door of their department.

"Eh? That's me, what's the matter?"

Kui Zhengyi, who was about to go back to the office, saw this and looked over, and found that the people who came were a large group of people wearing Chinese tunic suits, and they were not wearing Chinese tunic suits, but they were also wearing uniforms similar to public security.

The only oddity among them was a white-haired loli eating a burrito in her hand. At this moment, the white-haired loli was looking at him curiously.

"We are from the Anti-Corruption Bureau. We need to ask you for some information."

Sun Liren, the leader of the anti-corruption bureau's operation team, took out his ID and said.

"Yes, what big fish was caught again, do you need to ask our team leader to testify?"

When Kui Zhengyi's subordinates heard this, they started gossiping immediately.

As for the people from the Anti-Corruption Bureau who are here to arrest Kui Zhengyi? How is this possible! As poor as Kui Zhengyi is, even if he is really a little bit corrupt, it is impossible to mobilize the crowd like this.The only possibility is that other big fish were caught,

And Kui Zhengyi may know some other clues.


Sun Liren responded with a smile, and then invited Kui Zhengyi to come to his office.

Apart from some astonishment, Kui Zhengyi seemed very calm about this, looking like an upright and upright gentleman.

When Sun Liren saw this, he was not surprised. It seemed that he really treated Kui Zhengyi as a person responsible for cooperating with the investigation.

"Better hurry up, I have an important meeting to attend in the afternoon."

On Sun Liren's side, he asked a lot of very sensitive questions, and Kui Zhengzheng gave very beautiful and normal answers.

time problem.

His here is a position of real power, and it is a very important position among the positions of real power.He usually has a lot of things to do, and if he didn't notify in advance, he couldn't spare too much time.

"Okay, one last question, do you know Jiang Yuheng?"

Sun Liren has already realized that this Kui Zhengyi is not easy to deal with, and his psychological defense line is too strong.The bunch of people he mentioned before are all related to this Kui Zhengyi.However, he forcibly put his relationship aside.

He even established himself as a model civil servant, and even complained to Sun Liren, saying that he had worked so hard for so many years and could not get a chance for promotion.

If he hadn't learned something from Su Bai, Sun Liren felt that he would really be deceived by this Kui Zhengyi.

"Yes, he is not a good person. I have reported him to the higher authorities, but I have not received a response. You know, in the officialdom, there are some things that must be done. That report is the limit of what I can do."

Seeing this, Kui Zhengyi said.

"Well, we know. We have secretly captured him, and we learned from him that you have taken more than 9000 million at least in this unknown. There are 9000 million, and you are living such a poor life. You really can Tolerate."

Seeing this, Sun Zhengyi sighed.

If it weren't for the evidence provided by Su Bai, he would have wanted to award Kui Zhengyi an exemplary civil servant medal.

"Heh~ Do you think what he said is credible? I once reported him because I saw his problem. He knew about it. I think it's his revenge on me. If you don't believe it , you can check it out

From the accounts after I took office, you can know whether I have been greedy or not. "

When Kui Zhengyi said this, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If I have to say something, we organized a trip here the year before last. At that time, I really didn't have any money in my hand. I bought a bracelet and reported it to the public.

Thousand four.My wife loves that bracelet so much that she's too embarrassed to ask someone else to borrow it.But then I made up the money.If you want to arrest me because of this, then I have nothing to say. "

When Kui Zhengyi said this, there was a trace of remorse.However, there was a hint of disdain in his previous words.

"Well, I know. If you are only greedy for three thousand and four for your position, even if you don't make up for it, I should call you Qingtian Master. However, according to our investigation, Jiang Yuheng was really wrong. .you get

Instead of 9000 million, at least one more zero should be added!"

After Sun Liren said this, his eyes directly met Kui Zhengyi

ps: In fact, many exciting plots have been arranged, but I dare not write them.Those plots, even if the real prototype is more exaggerated, are still too outrageous.

Chapter 230 VII Offended Su Bai and Want to Leave?

"[-] million? How did you calculate this number? If there is such a big financial error in my department, there is no need to wait until now. My predecessor took [-] million, and it was discovered because of the funding gap.

Do you think I will stay in this position for so long if I take [-] million?"

Kui Zhengyi still looked relaxed.

"Uncle, do you want to drink some water?"

After Kui Zhengyi said this, Su Bai, who had been standing behind eating, took out a bottle of water from Chen Ming's bag and put it on the table.

"I don't need children, I'm not thirsty."

When Kui Zhengyi heard Su Bai, he said softly, without losing his sense of proportion because of the solemn atmosphere in the room.

However, I was actually a little confused in my heart, why such a serious anti-corruption bureau would bring a little girl here when it was dealing with such a serious matter.

It's just that he was slightly familiar with this little girl, but for some reason, he couldn't remember who it was.

It's just that he didn't notice that after he said the word "children", Chen Ming's hand, who was originally holding a book in his hand and flipping through it boredly, suddenly stopped.In addition to the staff of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, especially

Everyone in the Action Bureau couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"If you don't drink, don't drink."

Su Bai pouted and chose to sit on the other side, as if he didn't intend to say anything.

Kui Zhengzheng didn't think much about it.It's just a child, and it can't play any decisive role.His top priority now is to figure out how to deal with Sun Liren well.

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