"Of course, in your department, you don't dare to be greedy for a penny. I didn't say you were greedy. What I said was that you got [-] million in this position."

When Sun Liren said this, he turned his head and glanced at Su Bai.

Although I don't know why, Kui Zhengzheng didn't recognize Su Bai, but the person with the highest status present was indeed Su Bai.Now as long as Su Bai says a word, they can even skip other steps and directly arrest Kui Zhengyi

, don't waste time.

However, Su Bai didn't seem to have much other actions, so Sun Liren didn't say much.

"There is something wrong with you, Team Leader Sun. Are you trying to slander me forcibly? But it's not right, you said, I'm not greedy. I'm just a small director, because of the fate of several former directors, I'm here

It is like walking on eggshells! I really dare not take a penny.I dare not accept a box of mooncakes from other people during the festival! My wife calls me useless every day, but what can I do? I just want to do practical things for the people.These days, when

Are upright officials guilty? I don’t want to join forces with those people, is there something wrong?”

Kui Zhengzheng continued his performance, and the sadness on his face could not help but resonate with people.

Which one of his predecessors was not big fish and meat every day, going to all kinds of romantic places, living a life of luxury and luxury.

And what about him? Life at home is very tight, and his promotion has been blocked.

There is no hope of rising, and he is corrupt and dare not be greedy. Where is his future? People like him who do things meticulously, but don't take what they spend, should they deserve to be bullied?

"But according to the confession of the person above you, it's not that you can't be promoted, but that you earn too much in this position, and you don't want to be promoted at all. According to your plan, if Su Bai didn't suddenly rise from the sky, America would side

If you don’t give you a green card, you’re probably already running away!”

Sun Liren didn't go around in circles with Kui Zhengyi at this time.

Kui Zhengzheng is really not greedy for a penny. He is the cleanest and most capable person who has ever sat in this position.

As far as doing things are concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is dedicated to death.

Under the condition of not accepting gifts and not being corrupt, he has fully proved that an honest official can also make a real power department with great power beautiful and become a model-level figure.

It's a pity that the reason why he was so serious was that during his tenure, this place was almost the second intelligence supply center of the CIA.

Yes, he is not greedy, but he has cooperation with the CIA.A piece of valuable information ranges from 100 million to 1000 million.The price is clearly marked, and there is no deception.

From taking this position to the present, the total income exceeds [-] million

An incomparably appalling number.How many national interests have been betrayed behind this number?

"Team leader Sun, you have to rely on evidence when you do things, won't your conscience hurt if you smear me like this for no reason?"

After Sun Liren's words came out, Kui Zhengyi's psychological defense line collapsed in an instant.However, he turned this short-term feeling of breaking the defense into unwillingness to Sun Liren's slander of him.


Just after he finished speaking, a ledger was thrown from the side.

Kui Zhengyi was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction where the ledger was thrown, and found that it was Su Bai who was sitting in front of the coffee table next to him, looking at him with his hand on his chin.

"Look through it yourself, I still have a communication record here."

Su Bai said calmly

Originally, what she gave was all kinds of domestic materials. Based on those materials, Kui Zhengyi's sentencing range should be from indefinite to death with reprieve.

As the saying goes, stay in the front line of being a person, and see you in the future.

However, at this moment, Su Bai felt that she could not show mercy to this kind of villain.In the face of evil forces, one should fight to the death.

Therefore, Su Bai brought out the evidence that could bring Kui to justice and bring him directly to several of his superiors.

You know, for these evidences, she can only cook non-spicy food for many days in a row.Such a heavy price was paid for the punishment of these lawless people.

Only the most evil villain has the right to escape justice! Well, that is her! It can only be her!

This has absolutely nothing to do with Kui Zhengyi saying that he is a child just now.She was originally very short, and it was normal for her to be misunderstood.She has always been a magnanimous person, how could it be because of this

Why don't we forget about other people because of such trivial things?

On Kui Zhengyi's side, looking at Su Bai, for some reason, he suddenly remembered who the white hair in front of him was.

"Su...Su Bai..."

He suddenly remembered the several pieces of information related to the Luochen Charity Foundation that he had passed to the CIA a while ago, as well as the description of the relationship with Su Bai that the CIA had submitted to him.

Among them, what he remembers most clearly is that Su Bai's biggest characteristic is... holding grudges!

After thinking of this, he remembered that when he called Su Bai a little friend just now, Su Bai seemed to be angry...


"Slander, you guys are naked slander!"

Almost instantly, Kui Zhengyi suppressed his inner fear with his strong psychological quality, and looked at Sun Liren with wide eyes.

He hasn't lost yet

ps; I will go to Xiamen tonight, so there is no update today, and the normal update will resume tomorrow

Chapter 230

"Although it's a bit too fake to say this kind of thing, it's true that Kui Zhengzheng is America's biggest intelligence agent in Modu, and he is also the biggest leader of us!"

At the same time that Su Bai started his operation, several arresting teams also launched their own operations.

However, compared to Kui Zhengzheng's side who was still stubborn in the face of overwhelming evidence, the others quickly explained everything after throwing out a lot of evidence.

However, those whose positions were more than one or two ranks higher than Kui Zhengyi all denied that they were the masterminds, and almost unanimously pushed the mastermind to Kui Zhengyi, who was the lowest rank in this arrest operation.

"He's just a man, are you sure? You know, what you committed was not a simple crime of corruption, but treason! Cooperate well, and the maximum death sentence is suspended. If you don't cooperate, the upper limit is the death penalty."

The other members of the arresting team looked ruthless looking at the well-dressed criminals in front of them.

Corruption and treason are completely different in nature.The former requires detailed and specific investigations, while the latter can even be used in some extraordinary times.The reason why they still interrogate so civilizedly now is entirely due to

Peace now.

"The Kui Zhengzheng you mentioned has a record of reporting Jiang Yuheng and you and others many times. Because of these reports, you maliciously cut off his promotion channel. During his tenure, he did not have any bad records.

He has been rated as an outstanding individual for many years in a row and is a model civil servant. "

At this time, another person in the arrest team also emphasized it.

The information given by Su Bai was very detailed, which also brought Kui Zhengyi, a real big fish, to the surface.But the problem is that even with such detailed information, it is impossible to be completely sure that Kui Zhengyi is the mastermind behind the scenes.

into the field of vision of the investigation team.

"Those are all preparatory plans he made to hide himself. Disguised himself with absolute innocence, disguised himself as someone who was persecuted by us, lost promotion channels, and could only stay in that position for the rest of his life.

Little Director. "

"This is true, believe me! I don't want to die, I really did everything! Believe me! His upline is really Kui Zhengyi. It's just that his disguise is so perfect that I say it now like he is the one i was looking for

Only a scapegoat.But the truth is like this, he is the mastermind!"

Faced with the urgent interrogation by the arresting team members, the arrested person was a little anxious, but also a little helpless. He could only repeatedly emphasize that Kui Zhengyi was the mastermind.

"If it's the same as what you said, that's not true. He can completely hide himself without surfacing. In this situation, he is more like a scapegoat who was forcibly pulled out by you. Just like yourself

Said the same. "

Although I know that there is a problem with this justice, the normal process still has to go.

After all, without the information provided by Su Bai, this Kui Zhengyi is more like a slandered scapegoat.

"Without substantive evidence, he does things very safely, and he will never give anyone a chance to give substantive evidence. And the fact that you now think he is a scapegoat is also in his thinking. He gave himself allow

One of the many retreats prepared by the staff is to prevent omissions from occurring, so that they can still have a reason to argue. "

"A person who is actually America's biggest information transfer person in Shanghai, controlling so many of us, sounds a little unbelievable, but this is the truth, a fact without hard evidence! If you really don't believe it

In this regard, Na Yanmin is my boss.This is what Kui Zhengyi wanted me to say.After all, in his series of retreats, he tried to shape the highest-ranking researcher among us into the real leader. "

When the arrested person said these words, he was helpless.

He clearly knows that Kui Zhengzheng is the biggest fish, but there is no substantive evidence

If the confessions were to be excluded, then in this arrest operation, the person with the highest rank who was arrested, that is, what he called Yanmin, was the biggest leader.

"Press away first."

Seeing this, the members of the arrest team looked at each other a few times, feeling a little helpless.

Only confessions, no evidence.This is not a problem encountered by one of their groups, but a problem encountered by almost all groups.

Quay, a big fish, came to the surface, but they didn't have the proper nets to catch him.Not to mention the right net, this Kui Zhengyi looks even a little innocent, and was pushed out by these big shots

The innocent scapegoat who took the blame.

"Captain, what should we do? If we don't have proper evidence here, it will be difficult for Team Sun to deal with it."

The person in the capture team said in distress after transporting the big fish he had caught into the car.

The purpose of the surprise interrogation is also very simple, it is to obtain more evidence, so that the action against Kui Zhengyi can be carried out more smoothly.

But the difficulty of the actual situation is beyond their imagination.Only confession without substantive evidence, this is the most difficult to deal with.

Different from those detective novels, in reality, especially in peaceful times, what is important to solve a case is conclusive evidence, not getting the suspect to confess.So confessions are useless, no matter how many people confess, they are useless.

Although procedural justice has been criticized by many people, procedural justice is also necessary in order to maintain social stability.

The law does not really serve justice, the real object of the law is order!

In fact, there is no evidence at all.Among the many people arrested, one person produced a recording.From this recording, it can be heard that Kui Zhengzheng has participated in the intelligence trafficking work.

However, if you just listen to the recording, it can only prove that he participated.Because, just listening to the recording, Kui Zhengyi sounds more like someone who was forced to betray his country.

This is the only substantive evidence they have so far.But if this evidence is used to make accusations, Kui Zhengzheng is only an accessory, and he is the least of the accessories.Even if he doesn't confess anything, according to the most serious

The penalty will be five years at most.

This is not their goal.

"There is new progress on my side. You don't need to search for new evidence. You interrogated them overnight and caught all the little fish. This time, we will deal with the CIA's intelligence network in Shanghai in one go. Dry


Just as the other arresting teams were at an impasse, good news came from Sun Liren.

Chapter 230 IX I'm Just a Little Person

"I admit that I did participate in the trafficking of some information. But I was forced. I am just a small director. Some things are beyond my ability to handle. They threatened me. I am in the officialdom.

I can't help myself!"

Faced with the ledger and other evidence presented by Su Bai, Kui Zhengzheng finally couldn't stand it anymore and admitted part of his crime...

But as others have said, the current Kui Zhengyi looks more like a scapegoat who can't help himself.He was originally a clean and innocent person, but because of the coercion of the high-level, he had to join forces with others.

But even in this case, he played only a small role.

In the case of not making much money, you have to carry the big pot of transferring funds.

Well, under the condition that the address book in Su Bai's hand has not been opened, according to the current evidence, it can indeed be understood in this way.

"Well, very good, act, continue to act, I hope you will be happy when you see these communication records later.

On Su Bai's side, after seeing Kui Zhengzheng's innocent face, he found it quite amusing.

If people who have mastered high-level skills are the strongest among human beings, then Kui Zhengyi, who is LV4.8 in modern multidimensional management, is definitely the strongest present besides Chen Ming!

As for Su Bai? She is just an innocent little lolita, what harm can she do?

"I was really forced! I'm just a small director! Can I still command and move those big men? You are from the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and you want to bring justice to the people! Don't you will also listen to that

Talk about some great people!"

After Kui Zhengyi heard Su Bai's words, his face looked extremely innocent, and even gave Su Bai an illusion that Kui Zhengyi was not a LV4.8 in modern multidimensional management, but a 4.8 in acting.

Go to Cannes to get an actor easily.

"You still have the best chance. You can confess now. When Academician Su Bai opens that address book, it will be a different situation."

Sun Liren glanced at the address book in Su Bai's hand and said.

Under the double evidence of ledgers and recordings, Kui Zhengyi was forced to plead guilty.However, all the current evidence points out that Kui Zhengyi is not a big fish, but an innocent person who was forcibly drawn into the game.

Well, even with ledgers and recordings, this is still the case.

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