Now it is only a matter of time.

To put it bluntly, Su Bai is asking humans to sacrifice 100 years in exchange for the explosive growth of technology in the next few hundred years.

For some scientists during the 100 years that were sacrificed, it may be a tragedy, but for the future of the entire human civilization, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"So, can we really just wait for tomorrow? One day sooner or one day later shouldn't make a difference."

Seeing this, Jiang Wei still wanted to ask thoroughly.

"Su Bai won't come today, but Su Bai will be there tomorrow. By then, everything will be answered."

Seeing this, Li Shu said calmly.

In the eyes of others, he is the highest person in charge of this conference, but he is still clear in his mind that the real protagonist of this mathematician conference is Su Bai!

"She's a geneticist, and she's taking care of our mathematics. Isn't she a little nosy?"

Jiang Wei frowned slightly and said, but did not continue to insist.

Chapter 250 Six, Su Bai Is A Little Arrogant

"Didn't it mean that Su Bai will come this time? I'm actually looking forward to seeing that little guy. It is said that her achievements in human genetic engineering are unprecedented."

"I'm not very optimistic about her. A person who engages in genetic engineering, come to meddle in our mathematics. The higher ups are really messing around. This time the conference will cut off next year's research funds, and it must have something to do with her. Li Shu can't be

do this kind of thing. "

"It is said that the little girl is so arrogant that no one can see her even if she wants to."

"In the field of genetic engineering, her current achievements are equivalent to uncovering 90.00% of the existing mathematical puzzles, and have pushed the field of mathematics forward for several centuries. If I have such achievements, I will be more arrogant than her .

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"The financial field and the sanctions on America's side are now the butterfly effect caused by this little guy's technology. I'm afraid what this little guy does is even more exaggerated than we imagined. She is doing mathematics now, it should be from her side

The field has encountered a problem, and we need to advance the field of mathematics to solve it. "

Although Jiang Wei still didn't get the final answer from Li Shu, he still confirmed a piece of information, that is, Su Baizai's role in this mathematics conference may be more important than what other people think as a mere spectator

, should even be the dominant character.

Based on this, they also deduced that the topic Li Shu proposed this time may not be purely mathematics, but should be related to human genetic engineering.It is possible to collect all the complexities and need them to help together

Construct a mathematical model to help Su Bai promote the follow-up research work.

Well, they didn't think about Su Bai's possibility of making achievements in the field of mathematics at all.

Although mathematics should be the most talented subject among all subjects, it is impossible for Su Bai to achieve such high achievements in the field of mathematics when he has made such profound achievements in biology

Also because of the mention of Su Bai, many people present also expressed their views.

In fact, most scientists had a good view of Su Bai at first, but this good view was accompanied by the country's allocation of a large amount of research funds to the research work of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, which led to their research.

After research funding has shrunk, it has also begun to shrink.

Especially, after they guessed that this mathematics conference was tied to their research funding for the coming year, and probably had something to do with Su Bai, they felt even more upset.

Everyone has their own arrogance, what's more, those who can be invited are the top mathematicians in Daxia. They basically have their own place in their own fields.Now because of research funding

I'm afraid anyone will be upset if their relationship is handled by a junior.

"Old Zhuang, didn't you participate in Su Bai's project? What the hell is her project, please tell us the truth?"

Under such circumstances, a mathematician present at the scene who was very familiar with Zhuang Liren saw Zhuang Liren sitting by the window, drinking scented tea by himself, and wanted to get a little word from him.

Although it was said that Zhuang Li had always been on the side of Shanghai before, he was the second explainer besides Li Shu in this mathematics conference, and he would be responsible for explaining something to everyone present at that time.

How could he be able to hold this position if he didn't know in advance? Therefore, Zhuang Li must also know something.

"She is the leader of this project. The field of mathematics, according to her own words, is her home field."

On Zhuang Li's side, he did not say a word like Li Shu, and directly stated Su Bai's attainments in the field of mathematics.

And after he knew that the answer to the question given by Su Bai was the unification of the four basic forces, he himself knew that Su Bai was really not bragging, but just telling the truth.

"Are you kidding? According to her attainments in the field of biology, if she wants to do the same thing in the field of mathematics, wouldn't she have to overthrow the current concept of mathematics and then reshape it to achieve it?"

"Hahaha~ how is it possible."

"Academician Zhuang, since you know, what is going on with Academician Li? What is the subject he wants to talk about?"

Regarding Zhuang Liren's words, everyone present only thought it was a joke, and it was impossible to become a reality.

Today's field of mathematics is so perfect, as long as we continue to add bricks and tiles on the basis of the predecessors, how can it be overthrown?

In this regard, Zhuang Liren silently looked at the mathematician who said in a joking tone that the current concept of mathematics would be overthrown, and then took a sip of tea.

Reasonably speaking, the current view of mathematics will not be overthrown, but it will become a small classification of the new view of mathematics established by Su Bai.Such a result, for today's mathematics community, is no different from directly subverting the current view of mathematics

do not.

"In short, after tomorrow, I'm afraid Su Bai will become an existence that is both loved and hated by the entire scientific community for a long time."

At this time, Zhuang Li said that this time he really did not act as a riddler, but just stated a fact calmly.

While overthrowing the hard work of countless scholars, Su Bai also gave them the direction to move forward.The scientific development of the earth in the future can directly see the bright and brilliant prospects.

It's just that if you want to climb, you can't do it in one or a few generations. It takes dozens or even hundreds of generations to reach the long end.

After hearing Zhuang Liren's words, some mathematicians present who knew Zhuang Liren couldn't help but have an ominous premonition.

"Old Zhuang, what you said... there is something in it. What exactly did Li Shu's research result in?"

A mathematician asked, looking a little worried.

He felt that Zhuang Li didn't seem to be joking.

"Tomorrow you will know. If she is no longer, it will be a bit impossible for me to deal with it. If she is here, it should be able to deal with it."

After Zhuang Li finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, but chose to get up and leave. All the answers need to be revealed by Su Bai.

The shock of the world today is because of Su Bai, and the shock of the entire scientific world will also be because of Su Bai.

Su Bai's existence is a disaster for some people, but it is an opportunity for more people.

"It seems that tomorrow is not as easy as we imagined!"

Seeing this, some mathematicians who knew Zhuang Liren said worriedly.

Chapter 250 Su Bai: I'm very satisfied with the pretense this time (3500 words)

The Mathematicians Conference is a very big event for Daxia itself.However, this matter has not been hyped, and it is not that the media has not paid attention to it under such circumstances, but that there are too many things in this time period

America suddenly lost her job.Under such circumstances, Da Xia did not stop doing anything, and also threw bowls.

The direct export restriction of rare earths is just the beginning. After seeing Daxia's decisive response, America began to sanction Daxia's high-tech enterprises.

Well, after a congressman who was about to submit a bill to sanction the Luochen Charity Foundation died in a car accident while submitting a bill, the only thing left was to sanction Daxia's high-tech enterprises.Even pharmaceutical companies dare not

The sanctioned kind.

Well, this one is very Americana.

Therefore, on the day when the Mathematicians Conference was held, Daxia officials also listed a list of technology companies that imposed reciprocal sanctions on America, which once again placed a heavy blow on the already dilapidated world economy.


The shrews of the two superpowers are fighting each other, and the whole world is affected.

Because the eyes of the media were all diverted, it also gave the mathematicians of Daxia a little peace.

"A simple calculation method for the first cosmic velocity?"

In the hall where all the mathematicians entered the meeting, they frowned slightly after seeing Li Shu write such a line on the blackboard through the projection screen.

The first cosmic velocity refers to the velocity of an object doing uniform circular motion around the earth near the ground.It sounds lofty, but in this case, this kind of problem is as simple as one plus one, make sure you are not joking with them


Calling so many of them to come here counts as the first cosmic speed?

However, after writing this line of words, Li Shu paused and added a few more words - "the fastest speed in the conventional physical universe".

After these words came out, the people below became a little restless, but before they could ask any questions, Li Su said first, "When I got this question, it was written like this."

Well, this is the problem Su Bai gave him at the beginning. His original idea was a little simple, thinking it was to calculate the speed of light.

After all, within the range of physical scales, light is indeed the fastest speed currently recognized.If it is faster than light, then it goes beyond the scale of the conventional physical universe.

"Get this question? The question Su Bai gave you? Calculate the speed of light? She is a geneticist, what is she doing?"

At this time, other mathematicians under the podium raised their own questions.

If this question is not Li Shu's own subject, it means that their guess yesterday was correct.The reason why they were summoned here after so much trouble was to use mathematical means to solve some problems that Su Bai encountered.


If this guess is correct, it means that Li Shu's question should be linked to biology.

They guessed yesterday that the direction is that this subject should be the establishment of a mathematical model of genetic programming of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Because, America has done similar things. After about a month of research, Owen Ryan recruited the top mathematicians in the entire West to try to establish a mathematical model of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Finally declared failure.

However, the difference between what Li Shu came up with and their previous predictions was a bit too big.

There is a fart relationship between the speed of light and genetics! Both sides can't beat each other.

"Let me tell you a calculation result first. In the conventional physical space, the speed of light can be surpassed. The real fastest speed of the universe is the fundamental force of nature."

Li Shu didn't intend to explain further, after he finished speaking, he turned around and started writing on the blackboard.

Today, he is destined to offend most people in the audience, including many of his close friends.The answer he got today may destroy most of his previously accumulated connections.

However, some things have to be done by someone. If he doesn't do it, someone else will stand up and do it for him.What's more, the crime of this matter lies in the present, and the merits will lie in the future. For the future development of human civilization, his little

What is his sacrifice?

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't think he has sacrificed anything.After all, standing behind him is Su Bai.The energy contained in Su Bai's small body is beyond imagination!

And with the appearance of mathematical formulas, the mathematicians in the audience did not continue to worry about why Su Bai asked Li Shu to calculate things that had nothing to do with genetics.

Because, they found that they could not understand what Li Shu wrote.

Obviously those are mathematical formulas, and those have a complete derivation process, but they seem to be reading a bible.

However, they soon saw that there was another screen next to the projection screen, and the things on that screen were the source and explanation of the formulas used by Li Shu.

Reasonably, these are to answer their questions, but the reality is that after seeing those sources and explanations, they are even more confused.

Because most of them are conjectures and unsolved mysteries for the current earth mathematics and physics circles.Many of them are derived from things that are completely out of reach of the earth at present.


"New mathematical system? Lao Li, what is the point of you proposing this...?"

Finally, a mathematician who was familiar with Li Shu couldn't bear it anymore.

Many of the formulas that Li Shu used to solve the problem seem reasonable, but to solve the problem with unproven conjectures and some things that have not even been proven to exist, this and smashing with non-existent spears shield of existence

Is it just as ridiculous and unrealistic?

"No, meaningful."

Li Shu didn't answer, Zhuang Li who was sitting in the first row under the stage retorted.

Yes, there is no theoretical basis, but everything Li Shu did makes sense, and all the formulas he wrote can be proved to be correct.

"What's the point? Come up with the theoretical basis, come up with the experimental data. Who can't come up with a castle in the air! What science pays attention to is rigor!"

After hearing Zhuang Liren's words, someone immediately stood up and refuted.

Modern mathematics is not just a tool, it is also deduced according to the logic of reality, and it has a realistic sentence and a theoretical basis.

However, many of the theoretical foundations that Li Shu used to prove his so-called fundamental forces of nature have not yet been proven.

As for some theories that seem to appear only in science fiction hours, or even completely outside of human cognition of the universe... the mathematicians present can only say that those who proposed these things are very have


"No theoretical basis, no experimental data, but..."

After hearing the noisy vegetable market behind him, Li Shu slowly stopped the chalk in his hand, glanced at everyone in the audience, and then looked at the closed door of the conference hall.

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