After Li Shu spoke, the scene was quiet for a while.

And after Li Shu looked towards the door of the conference room, everyone's eyes also looked over.

It's a pity that, just like a TV series, the door opened, Su Bai was on a heroic mission, the picture of Su Bai walking out from nowhere did not appear, and everyone took advantage of the situation to look away.

next moment...

"Memory projection, start!"

Accompanied by an immature child's voice, the endless and vast galaxy enveloped the entire huge conference hall in an instant.

With the starry sky above his head, the galaxy under his feet, and the vast stars around him, some small dots are extraordinarily dazzling among these stars.

After seeing such a wonderful scene, all the mathematicians present could not help but stand up, and looked around with trepidation, but except for the chairs behind them, they could not see the slightest cloth in the original meeting room.


There are also some bold mathematicians reaching out to try to touch those strange light spots in front of them, but they don't give any feedback.


In the next second, the sound of the door of the conference hall being opened sounded, and the sunlight outside the door shone into the hall. At the door, a small figure stood there, holding a strange ball of light in his left hand.

No, it's not a ball of light, but an ultra-miniature three-dimensional projection of the universe.The starry sky that was projected into the entire conference room was nothing but the cosmic ultra-miniature three-dimensional projection in Su Bai's hand, so small that it could almost be ignored.

So one cent.

But a space of this size also exceeds the upper limit of the observable universe for human beings.The scope of the universe that humans currently recognize is so small that it can be ignored for the entire universe that is still growing.

As for where did this projection come from? It's very simple. The skill opened after Speed ​​Reading LV6 is called Memory Palace.

The skills attached to this memory palace have many uses, one of which is to project Su Bai's inner world into reality.

This kind of projection is divided into deep projection and shallow projection.

Deep projection requires a lot of energy, Su Bai in the real world cannot do it without the help of the system.Shallow projection is now used.

Originally, Su Bai thought that the projection of his inner world would be like an amusement park, but it turned out to be the universe.To be precise, it is the distribution map of the current universe civilization.

Within the scope of the universe that has been explored by civilization, it all belongs to the category observed by Su Bai.

At least that's how the system responded.

However, after Su Bai asked why her inner world was not something fun like an amusement park, but the current universe civilization distribution map, the system did not give an answer and chose to play dead.

Although, her inner world is not as fun as she imagined, but it is just right for pretending to be coercive!

What could be a better show than a huge universe?

Well, it is because of this reason that the current situation exists.

After seeing many Daxia mathematicians looking at him with bewildered faces, Su Bai's mood immediately improved.

Under the watchful eyes of many people, Su Bai walked into the meeting hall slowly, and then said: "Uncle Li Shu's proof method is correct~ the first speed in the universe, the basic force of nature!"

As Su Bai said, he came to Li Shu, and said, "Uncle Li Shu, let me do it next."

"Uh... good!"

At this time, Li Shu was actually too shocked by the starry sky to react.

However, he also knows that the real protagonist today is Su Bai!

Under such circumstances, Su Bai even spoke up, so he naturally didn't need to continue, he put down the chalk decisively and came under the podium.

After seeing Li Shu leave the podium, Su Bai gently rotated the ultra-miniature projection of the current universe in his hand.

The endless galaxy, spinning around everyone, finally cleared out a large piece of pure black cosmic space.

Su Bai used this piece of cosmic space as the curtain, and with the vast galaxy as the pen, he began to calculate the calculation process of the fundamental forces of nature to all the mathematicians present.

After seeing the shocked eyes of those mathematicians, Su Bai confirmed one thing at this time.

Well, she is very satisfied with the LV6 skill that the system gave her, so she must reward the system with a spicy hot pot meal.

"When will we have such amazing technology!"

Under the podium, Zhuang Liren looked at Su Bai's writing method with the starry sky as the curtain and the stars as the pen, with endless longing in his eyes, but also a little regret.

With Su Bai's help, the earth civilization will definitely have this day, but he is also sure that he will never see this day.

However, it may also be an honor to be the builder of that glorious civilization in the future.

Chapter 250 It’s Right to Be Suffering! (3000 words)

"A little too reasonable, but also unreasonable."

"It is not a new mathematical system, but an expansion of the existing mathematical system."

"What is the expansion of the existing mathematical system. The existing mathematical system is just a small branch in this system!"

"Don't jump to conclusions so early. Most of these formulas and theories are castles in the air, unrealistic, without definitions and realistic support, and can be easily overturned."

The shock that Su Bai brought to everyone present was quickly replaced by many mathematical formulas covering the entire starry sky, which also brought more confusion to them.

Su Bai's move did scare them, but it was impossible to make them surrender.Because science pays attention to the basis of reality!

Without any basis in reality, no matter how gaudy Su Bai did, it was just nonsense.

But with the passage of time, more and more people were discussing, and the starry sky quickly returned to a noisy state.

And this noisy state came to an abrupt end with the writing of the last formula.

In the presence, many scientists whose homepages were actually physicists looked at the formula Su Bai finally solved, and looked at Li Shu and Zhuang Liren in surprise.

"The fundamental forces of nature refer to the names after the four fundamental forces of physics are unified?"

After a moment of silence, a person present looked at Zhuang Li and asked.

It's not that they didn't think of it before, but they didn't think of it at all.After all, this formula can be regarded as the fastest speed in the universe, and it cannot be related to the four fundamental forces of physics.

But the final answer is that this question is the process of proving the unity of the four fundamental forces of physics.

This span is indeed a bit large.

"Yes, is there something wrong? The fundamental force of the universe is indeed the fastest speed of the physical universe. In front of it, saying that the speed of light is the speed of a turtle is a compliment to the speed of light."

Zhuang Liren didn't answer, but Su Bai did.

After hearing Su Bai's words, everyone present looked at each other in confusion, and finally cast their eyes on an old man who had been sitting in the front row very calmly from the beginning to the end.

The pinnacle of physicists in Daxia, Zhou Zhongming!

"The four fundamental forces can be unified, but is there any theoretical support? Or, can you demonstrate for us other things that we have not demonstrated?"

Compared with other irritable people, Zhou Zhongming seemed much calmer.In his view, the four fundamental forces must be unified sooner or later. The problem is not to unify blindly, to come up with theoretical basis, or to demonstrate that those they did not discuss

Proven theories to convince them.

"You don't think I'm here to convince you of me, do you?"

After hearing Zhou Zhongming's words, Su Bai asked everyone present.

"You didn't come to convince us, so what are you doing?"

Another person asked directly.

Su Bai's words have fooled them. Isn't what Su Bai is doing to persuade them to believe her by force?

"Arguing those things is my class assignment for you, and it's you, not me, who are going to prove those things. This question is a shortcut to your argument. After all, without this question, you want to prove those theories

In theory, at least a few hundred years. "

Su Bai said bluntly.

"What if the proof process of the question you gave is wrong? After all, the proof process is linked together. If there is a theory that does not match your question, then our reverse deduction will fail. Failure is not terrible, terrible nothing

A waste of pointless research power. "

Zhou Zhongming continued to speak calmly at this time.

He didn't directly deny Su Bai.Although he didn't know what was going on with Su Bai, he knew that Su Bai's rank in the central government was a bit too high.Doing this kind of thing now, it is impossible for Su Bai to really do something meaningless


"It can't be wrong~"

Seeing this, Su Bai said directly.

This is the knowledge given by Mathematics LV5, and its gold content is comparable to the transcendent concept of the realm of gods given by the general skill LV6.One must know that even though Speed ​​Reading LV6 is so cool, Su Bai's strongest skill is still Mathematics LV5.

This is the glorious road to truth.

"Bring the theory."

Seeing this, Zhou Zhongming said.

Well, back again.

"If you want a theory, you can solve it yourself. I don't want to help you deduce it. It's too troublesome. What do you want me to do for such a simple matter?"

Su Bai muttered.

"Without a theory, it's wrong."

After Zhou Zhongming heard Su Bai's words, he said unceremoniously.

He knew that the senior management of Da Xia loved Su Bai very much, but the pets belonged to the pets, so they couldn't do anything wrong in front of him.

"But the real-world application has been successful."

Su Bai said after hearing Zhou Zhongming's words.

"Practice application success?"

After Su Bai's words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Without a theoretical basis, how can practical applications be successful? Can people at the Academy of Sciences still skip basic theoretical science and directly engage in applied science?

"Well, the information transmission method inside the Ming chip is not electric discharge, but the basic force of nature."

After Su Bai said these words, he directly put his hand into his pocket, and took out a small chip that was as beautiful and shining like a crystal.

This chip is a sample that Daxia showed her. After there is no problem, she can officially start the construction of the supercomputing she needs.

Today, in order to pretend, ah, no, popular science considerations.Su Bai also brought it.

Well, there is no theory, but there are real-world applications.

These mathematicians talked about theory with her, and Su Bai talked about reality with them.

"Hell chip? What's that?"

After Su Bai's words came out, the people present were fooled again. They really didn't know about this, but according to Su Bai's statement.This thing was created after using the fundamental forces of nature.

"A chip made of artificial elements and used in electronic instruments. At present, we have been able to manufacture a 20nm chip, and its calculation speed is 1000 million times that of the most advanced commercial chip. Academician Su Bai

The computing power of that one has surpassed most of the supercomputers. "

Under such circumstances, a bachelor of engineering who was neither a mathematician nor a physicist sitting behind Li Shu spoke.

He didn't come to attend lectures, he exists to prove the existence of the ghost element and how strong the ghost chip is.

After the basic force of nature is used, the Ming chip will take off completely. If the current circuit can't support it at all, it needs certain technical reform//reform.They can already make a supercomputer the size of a mobile phone.

Playing computer games on mobile phones is not too simple for Ming Chip. Even according to the research and development of some properties of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells provided by Su Bai, they feel that the development of human brain domain is not impossible.

Immersive games can all be scheduled.

"If you don't know the existence of the ghost chip, it proves that your level is too low and you are not qualified to know."

Su Bai mercilessly looked at the mathematicians who heard Ming Chip's enlightenment and said.

After finally being able to ridicule a few words, she will not let go of this opportunity.

"That's how it is..."

Compared with most of the mathematicians present who were directly fooled after hearing the existence of the Ming chip, Zhou Zhongming became thoughtful.

Well, he knows about the existence of the Ming chip, and he did a large part of the original technical demonstration of the Ming element.However, after finishing the work, he went for kidney renewal and systemic organ repair.

After finishing this, other people have already started this project, and one of his old friends passed away, so he helped him deal with the funeral, so he didn't continue to follow up.

As a result, I did not expect this project to advance to this stage.

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