However, after Su Bai finished speaking, the system did not answer, as if it was playing dead.

"Don't you don't like spicy food? You didn't eat spicy hot pot just now, did you?"

Well, after putting on a badass at the Mathematicians Conference today, Su Bai rewarded the system with a super rich spicy hot pot meal, the kind that makes people drool just by smelling it.

However, I think the system has said before that it is a super artificial intelligence, and it is the existence of super artificial intelligence technology beyond the apex.

After thinking about this, Su Bai knew that letting the system eat would be embarrassing for her, so she did it for her.So, she ate a share for two people today, which made her work hard.

[No! Hiss~ This system has said many times, you are not allowed to eat spicy food, this system wants to bully you, this system does not allow you to eat what you like.Hiss~ If you don’t listen, the system is angry and the bullying is activated. After twelve o’clock

Finally, the host mobile phone compulsorily checks.Hiss~ In the middle of the night, you can't even think about looking at your phone every day.Hiss~]

After the system heard Su Bai's words, it immediately came out and shouted furiously.

"It's been more than half an hour, and it's still hot? It's rubbish. If you can't use your phone in the second half of the night, don't play it~ I'll keep healthy!"

In line with the principle that no matter where you lose, you can't lose with your mouth, Su Bai generously said that it's okay if you don't stay up late to play with your mobile phone.


"System, turn on your phone for me~ I'm just playing with my phone, it's okay, it's okay."


"Tomorrow mousse cake with jelly and double skin milk!"

[Remember that you lost, not because I thought it was delicious, ah, no, it was definitely not because I thought it was because you had to work so hard to cook and eat that I spared you. 】

"Hmm~ I know I was wrong."

Chapter 260 Courage is the hymn of mankind!

Compared to Su Bai who didn't sleep because he wanted to stay up late playing with his mobile phone, and because Su Bai messed around during the day, Chen Ming didn't sleep because he was too busy to be distracted.

"I now feel that I strengthen myself not to protect Su Bai, but to prevent myself from dying from overwork.

Chen Ming, who was sitting in his office, said with a little speechlessness

Originally, he thought that he knew Su Bai's ability well enough, but Su Bai's game of projecting the universe today still exceeded his expectations.

To be fair, when he saw the scene inside the conference hall in the monitoring room, he was shocked.

The starry sky is so beautiful, the universe is so vast, and Su Bai is so mysterious

At that moment, Su Bai was like an omnipotent god who could make the stars, according to her wishes, be arranged as she wanted.

Although, Su Bai's actions were a little messy.However, Chen Ming is also used to Su Bai's reckless behavior, considering that Su Bai will use her power beyond human understanding unscrupulously in front of so many people.

But now it seems that this consideration is quite wise, Su Bai really showed his mystery in front of so many people just like his second worst prediction before.

Therefore, when the mathematicians in China came, they had already excluded some people whose identities were more complex and were not within the control of their own side.

After all, these are the pillars of the country, the existence of the treasure level of the country, and they cannot be dealt with like other people. They really need to be carefully considered

"It's over, after all, they are all our own people. Although Su Bai's theory has impacted their achievements, but after we attribute Su Bai's method to a state secret and the holographic projection developed by them, they can still understand it a little bit."

solution.After all, the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells and the unified theory of strength and power have all been verified, and things like holographic projections are being developed now, and they are somewhat acceptable. "

At this time, Pang De came in from the door and threw a document in front of Chen Ming.

It is inappropriate to directly tell those mathematicians that Su Bai is a mystery, so we can only make up reasons.

As for how did the unified theory of force come about? Their explanation is that in nature, there is an extremely low probability, because the ghost element is synthesized by accident.Su Bai relied on the element of the underworld to deduce the unified theory of Li Da.

It is nonsense that there is a very low probability of naturally synthesizing the underworld element in nature, but the later one is based on the underworld element, and reversely deduces the theory of the great unity of force. It is really not a nonsense, but it will take some time and courage.

Roughly how long will this take...

If you are lucky, it only takes ten years.If you are unlucky, it may not be enough to fill in several generations.

Anyway, Su Bai is a genius, a genius can do everything, this set of rhetoric can also be accepted.

"This matter is easy to deal with. Can the technical department identify Su Bai's method as a holographic projection?"

Chen Ming said at this time

There was a plan before, and they continued to publicize that Su Bai is a genius, in order to eliminate the risk in advance for today's situation, so it is actually not as difficult as imagined.

If it is hard to say, it is the mysterious analysis of Su Bai's display.

Before today, according to what Su Bai gave to the earth, Chen Ming estimated that Su Bai was at the Galaxy level.

That is to say, it has a super civilization that explores galaxies outside the Milky Way.As for whether it is an individual or a subject in that civilization, this cannot be predicted. It may be necessary to wait for another mysterious person beside Su Bai to appear before further guessing.


However, the trick Su Bai showed today may be more deterrent than directly blowing a hole in the earth.

"This... shouldn't be a holographic projection, it seems to directly change the entire space."

When Pound said this, he submitted a transcript, and then continued: "During the period, Academician Rui Yaocheng tentatively touched the wall because he was relatively close to the wall, but he didn't touch it. He was very sure ,

The few steps you take can definitely hit the wall. "

"However, in this case, it is strange that the cameras we placed inside the room were not affected. However, Academician Zhou Zhongming has his own opinion. He believes that the walls have not disappeared, but are in a relatively overlapping position.

add state.That is to say, when the infinite space exists, the conference hall also exists, and the layout in the conference hall is not affected at all. "

After Chen Ming heard Pound's words, he frowned slightly.

If it wasn't for holographic projection...

"What about the star map?"

Chen Ming turned the topic to the star map that Su Bai laid out in the conference hall.

"Fortunately, after hearing what you said, all the cameras installed are ultra-high-definition cameras, otherwise there is really no answer."

After hearing this question, Pound took out another photo, and continued: "This is the Great Wall of the Northern Corona of Wuxian, which is the largest cosmic structure known to us so far. And the cosmic stars it displayed in Su Bai picture of

, probably less than a centimeter in size.On our side, we used supercomputers and calculated for several hours before we could match them among the vast number of videos.

After Chen Ming heard the news, he frowned slightly.

"Let's talk to the above, invest more money in aerospace, and shoot a higher-precision telescope into the sky. I want to see larger celestial structures. Is it the star map shown by Su Bai outside the known universe?" Same."

Chen Ming spoke at this time.

"Does that make sense?"

At this time, Pound had a different opinion.

"If you don't do it, it's meaningless. If you do it, it's meaningful. Do you really think we should have no reservations about her?"

Chen Ming looked at Pang De and said.

"Isn't it? For us... is it really possible for us to resist?"

When Pound said this, he was a little discouraged.

The more you understand Su Bai, the more desperate you become.The more Su Bai gave, the more terrifying he became.Because it is too easy to get.Compared with the challenges that Daxia is currently accepting and what Daxia has received, it is not worth mentioning.

"Resist Su Bai? She didn't really force us to do anything. If there was no real force, then there is no such thing as resistance."

After Chen Ming heard Pound's words, he opened his mouth and said that he didn't really agree with Pound's words.

"It's not for resistance, so what is the courage plan for?"

After hearing what Chen Ming said, Pang De was confused.

"It's very simple, like the name of this project, to show the courage of mankind. We are not against her. Remain in awe, remain humble, maintain a respect for a mystery and a certain, so that our civilization can survive

The basic conditions for going down.However, we must not lose the courage to punch the giant because of this. "

When Chen Ming said this, he glanced at the photo of the star map in his hand, and then continued: "What's more, she doesn't want human beings to lose courage because of her. A weak civilization is probably not what she wants.

Chapter 260 Leonard (3000 words

"I really want to know one thing, what does the unified theory of force mean to physics? What does it mean to us?"

Life is not always smooth sailing, there are always ups and downs.

After the downturn, for Harry, the first thing to figure out is how outrageously high the status of the unified theory of force in the physics world is.

In order to answer his question, he invited the strongest physicist on America's side, Leonard.

"That's the truth, it's the end. Whoever completes it is the god of physics. Obviously, Su Bai is."

Although Leonard is the strongest physicist in America, he is a little older than Zhou Zhongming.Under such circumstances, his body is not very good, and he cannot make systemic physical adjustments like Zhou Zhongming.

Operation.From where he lived, flying to Harry's side already made him a little tired.

But after hearing Harry's words, Leonard still showed a yearning, an extreme yearning.

The greatest achievement in his life is the research on the four fundamental forces of physics. The greatest goal in his life is to achieve the ultimate dream of countless physics researchers, that is, the unified field theory, or force

grand unified theory.

Now, although this theory was not finally achieved by him, in his own lifetime, he can see that the four basic forces are unified, which still makes him ecstatic.

It's a pity, he knew that, in terms of his status, America's side would definitely not let him go to Daxia.

"Then let me change the subject. If I give you the best environment, the best team, the best equipment, and the most funds. Can you complete the theoretical inversion?"

After seeing Leonard's expression, Harry also realized that he might have asked the wrong question, so he asked Leonard a different question.

"I've been doing it, I've always had the best, I don't need your help."

Reasonably speaking, Leonard is very confident in his own field. Before Su Bai proved the unified theory of power, he always felt that no one could surpass him in related fields, even Zhou Zhongming of Daxia, also

Just have the qualifications to challenge him.

However, after confirming that Su Bai's proof of Li Da's unified theory, he chose to submit to Su Bai like a devout believer.

This is not a surrender, but a yearning and pursuit of the truth, because Su Bai really defeated him.Even. From the beginning to the end, Su Bai should not have regarded him as an opponent.

Because he is not qualified.

"Better team, more funds. What you want, I will give you! Is this not enough?"

After Harry heard it, he looked straight at Leonard.

After biology, is America going to be surpassed by Daxia in physics?

"Then I need someone, girl, white hair, 1.4 meters tall, 19 years old, from Daxia, and very cute."

Leonard said seeing this.

It's not because of Su Bai that he just found out today.

With the decline of his body, he himself began to pay attention to his health.Under such circumstances, he naturally paid attention to the excitement in the medical field a while ago.

As long as his body organs are repaired to a certain extent, he didn't want to expect too much.

It's a pity that America and Daxia broke up later, which completely ruined his expectations.

As for relying on America's research?

He asked clearly, as long as the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells have one-tenth of the effect that Da Xia advertised, it is comparable to the existence of the unified theory of Li Da.

America may be able to develop it, but when it comes out, if he wants to use it, I am afraid that only the weeds in front of his grave can enjoy it.

"You are the strongest physicist in the world. You once said when you won the first Nobel Prize that you gave meaning to the Nobel Prize of this era, rather than the Nobel Prize giving you honor. now the truth is

In front of you, it has been confirmed by others, and there is already a way forward, don't you have confidence in this?"

After Harry heard Leonard's words, he couldn't help supporting the table with all his strength, but he still didn't choose to stand up. He just stared at Leonard, hoping that he could give a different answer.

He went to Leonard not only because Leonard was Amelie's strongest physicist, but also because he was arrogant enough, standing there like an unattainable peak, insurmountable.

As Su Bai once again achieved unimaginable achievements in physics for Daxia, profound cultural shocks occurred in America.

The reason why there is no outbreak now is because he has suppressed the propaganda.

However, with Daxia's announcement of the advent of the Ming chip, and intends to open it to the world.Not to mention America's allies, America's domestic high-tech companies can no longer sit still.

The financial market, which had already suffered a lot, once again ushered in a round of unbearable baptism. The stock prices of global chip-related listed companies fell by more than the historical limit, and there was even a sense of virtual currency collapse.

Under such circumstances, either declare war with Great Xia, or catch up again in the field of science.For America, there was no third choice.Because, after losing her status as world dominance, America does not need foreign enemies,

It is enough within oneself to kill itself.

It's only been half a year. Half a year ago, everything was fine, why is it like this now?

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