"Just answer a question for me."

For that, Leonard looked at Harry calmly, and then continued: "Has the deciphering work of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells failed!"

He is the strongest physicist in the world and the top mathematician.Under such circumstances, during his spare time, he also delved into the financial aspect a little bit, and made some achievements.At least, most of his research funding,

They all got it from the stock market.

And the chaos in the financial market a while ago made him discover a trace of ominous atmosphere, coupled with the behavior of the American Congress directly smashing the job, it is basically certain that even if there is no deciphering work on the specialized remodeling cells of the mother-fetal

Failed, and far from ideal.

Regarding Leonard's question, Harry is now silent.

Leonard is one of the few scientists who cannot be restricted by research funding, not only because he is a member of the plutocrat himself, but also because his own earning ability is a terrible mess.

He is a smart man, and the answer to this question has already been determined when the question is asked.

"America needs a confidence."

After a long silence, Harry said this.

Owen at least gave the western world biological confidence. Although it was false confidence, it could at least suppress Daxia.

After being completely defeated in the field of physics, he also has to build up a false self-confidence in physics.

"Then you can steal it, but it has nothing to do with me. I won't ask for things that don't belong to me. Now, the laurels of physics belong to Su Bai."

After Leonard said this, he chose to get up slowly, preparing to leave.

"America is at her most vulnerable, are you really not going to do your part? You are our pride."

After Harry saw that Leonard was about to leave, he immediately spoke, with a little pleading in his words.

Now he is indeed humble, so humble that it is ridiculous.

"I miss the America of Luo's time, and his successors. When the red giant stood up, it was the moment of the America I dreamed of. The brilliance, beauty, can let me immerse myself in knowledge

Roaming in the sea to your heart's content.However, after the giant fell, I discovered that all I had left was knowledge.That, the existence I had longed for, has already disappeared, leaving only a putrid corpse.Borrowing from Daxia

In a word, perish or be reborn in the ashes, my motherland!"

After Leonard finished speaking, he left without looking back.

He was different from other scientists, and Harry didn't dare to mess with him.

And what he said is true.

In college, he originally planned to pursue a degree in mathematics before entering the financial field.

But at that time, America was showing the giant what glory it was.

Under the call of the country, he finally made a major decision, that is, to give up the financial field he was going to enter and to devote himself to physics.

Although he became a monk halfway, he thought that he was born extraordinary, and he believed that nothing in this world could stop him.

The following facts also proved his extraordinary.

Dedicate yourself to science, fight for the glorious country, light up the lifelike lighthouse on the top of the world, play the hymn of human beings, and point out the way to the future.

As a result, after they worked hard and finally defeated the giant, he found that his proud motherland had become rancid at some point.

He was born in capital, but he hated capital. After devoting himself to science, science was his everything, and it really became his everything in the end.

"Boss, what about this...?"

After Leonard left, Harry's secretary looked at Harry with some embarrassment.

It’s not that other physics are not good, but that Leonard really dominated physics three to 40 years ago, and defeated the physicist from that giant countless times in the field of physics. He can be called the king of that era

Under such circumstances, only when Leonard stands up in person can he give the entire Western scientific community confidence, and only when he stands up can Daxia feel that it is possible for them to catch up.

Yes, this is Harry's real purpose.

Deceiving the West itself is secondary, and deceiving Daxia is the main thing. Let Daxia relax his vigilance, so as to steal from Daxia the basic principles of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells and the manufacturing method of ghost elements.

"Now? Activate all spies that can be activated, use all available means except war, and get technology from Daxia!"

Harry, said this.

ps: push book

"Sinister, dare to steal the son from the teacher?"

In the last years of the dynasty, the wives around him were all ghosts, and every backstage master was an invincible powerhouse. As a last resort, the eldest son Ji Changqing activated the hero simulation system.

He just wants to ask for a clean and fair, anyway, it is probably some illusory content.

However, after several simulations, Ji Changqing was horrified to find that he had become the lifelong love of those strong masters.

"Ma'am, your master Qinglian Sword Immortal has already set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation."

"Madam, don't run away either, your sister Tianhu's master has already left the customs."

"And you, it's you, do you think the hundred thousand Yin soldiers of your Fengdu empress are joking?"

"Haha, ladies, let's think of a way together! When they come over, you will die with me!"

Facing the united wife and son, they roared angrily.

"Sinister, dare to steal the heir from my master!"

Chapter 260 Zhou Xue's First Class

"It's useless, it's all useless, I'm going to defend it soon! In the end, why! Su Bai, you are a biology guy, what are you doing here in mathematics!"

"Brother, did you suffer too? I think your mathematics is okay. I have to experiment on my physics side. All previous experiments have been abolished, and the papers I have passed have been returned. I have already passed! "

"Already passed and beaten back? What the hell?"

"What I originally did was the argumentation idea of ​​Academician Nie's conjecture. The results have now confirmed that Academician Nie's conjecture is wrong. No, it's not wrong, but I found the superiority of his original theory directly through other ideas.

With a layer of logic, everyone who analyzed his previous conjecture became a clown. "

"It's not bad that you were beaten back when you submitted the submission just now. I was the worst. I have been studying the theory of Mr. Chen Ning before. But now... less than three days, only three days have passed! Mr. Chen Ning After the research is completed, reverse deduction, put your own theory

The theory was overturned, and now I have become a proper clown, all the previous research has become a waste product, and the papers on the qualifications have become a joke. "

"Technology is advancing, but why have we become victims? Who can bear to take out so many things at once!"

In the same distress as Harry, there are countless scientific research students in Daxia.

The impact on non-key universities is relatively good, but the impact on students from key universities is really too great.

Overnight, the hard work of some people for three or four years became a joke, and many people even invested a lot of energy and money in research, and it turned out to be waste paper.

It's not that their research was wrong, many of them were right.

However, after the four basic forces were confirmed by Su Bai in a reverse way, the mathematical technology tree and the physical technology tree of the whole world were disrupted, and a larger technology tree was unfolded in front of the people on earth. let him

We see a bigger world.

The most critical thing they have to do now is to reorganize the entire technology tree, and then find out the backbone of the entire mathematics technology tree and physics technology tree, and then start systematic research.

Under such circumstances, some less important research results will only add unnecessary trouble to the entire sorting work.

Their efforts are valuable and important.But now, it can only be sacrificed and become the tears of history, and it is also a necessary sacrifice that needs to be made in order to achieve higher progress.

But there is a saying that is true, the weak will lament the changes of the times, and the real strong can find their foothold in the turbulent waves under the scouring of the waves of any era.

"Su Bai's use of mystery is indeed a bit difficult for us to deal with, but the effect is really good. Those scientists who were bound to make troubles are honest. Even if their results are directly discarded because of complexity, in one

Turned overnight into a running joke in academia.However, under such circumstances, many of them have become the key to reshaping the mathematics and physics technology tree in a short period of time. "

In the Emergency Management Bureau, Ke Zhenguo submitted a new document to Chen Ming.

The most work they did in the previous mathematicians conference was not directly related to Su Bai's follow-up processing after Su Bai performed the mystery, but the academic circle that would explode after the mathematicians conference was held.

The current situation is as they expected. After the Mathematicians Conference was held, the entire academic world exploded. The wailing of countless scientific research students spread almost all over the Daxia network. In any forum and chat group,

You can see the laments of those scientific research students.

Under such circumstances, what the Emergency Response Bureau has to do is to stabilize all scientists, let them quickly get out of the downturn, and become the cornerstone of reshaping the technology tree.

Originally, this was a rather troublesome and scalp-numbing thing.

Don't think that the current mathematical technology tree is destroyed, and those scientists whose life achievements have been abolished have really become useless people.In addition to the knowledge in their minds, their most precious thing is their knowledge on the road of scientific research.

Explore the experience.

As long as they have new knowledge, they can quickly carry out detailed research on it, and then transform it into the cornerstone of the progress of Daxia's scientific community, and it will also become the most powerful driving force for reshaping the technology tree.

It's easy to say, but it's extremely difficult to revive a person whose life's achievements have been crippled.

And Su Bai used the simplest method, that is to show them the wonder of the universe.

The endless starry sky is where they want to explore and seek.

Of course, more is the desire to win.

At the conference of mathematicians, they were severely mocked by Su Bai.

Being demoted to nothing by a 19-year-old kid.

In fact, the country does not have even the slightest doubt about any scientist whose life achievements are destroyed because of the reshaping of the technology tree. Even if their achievements are destroyed, they are still the heroes and cornerstones of the country.

However, proving themselves and proving themselves to Su Bai has become their obsession now.

"As expected, Su Bai never does things without rules and logic. She must have her own purpose in doing things. The problem now is to make Zhou Xue's first class well for me, and absolutely nothing will happen.

.Su Bai has no relatives in our world, and Zhou Xue is the key to her appearance, and it is very likely that he is Su Bai's reverse.After Zhou Xue's first class, I don't allow too many negative things related to her appearing on the Internet.

face news.

Chen Ming doesn't care much about the reaction of the scientists, because he knows Su Bai well.

Simply playing handsome is never Su Bai's way of playing.

He is more worried about Zhou Xue now.

At the end of the mathematician conference, Su Bai said that she is not interested in teaching people now.But Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming would occasionally come to give them a class, talk about theories, and make their research more smooth.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue was the first to start the class.

In two days, Zhou Xue will hold the first public mathematics class at the Shanghai Science and Technology Conference. The content of the lecture will be the exercises that Su Bai gave Zhou Xue, and it is a relatively good one.

Don't think that the gold content of this open class is not high just because of the practice questions.Judging from the manuscripts written by Zhou Xue for Daxia's side when she was doing exercises.

As long as it goes smoothly, one class is enough to help Da Xia, who is a bit chaotic now, find the core direction to sort out the entire technology tree.

However, let a child under the age of ten go to a university to give lectures, and a large part of the people listening to the lectures are mathematicians. Chen Ming must consider all the possibilities that may bring bad results Enter

go with.

Chapter 260 There Will Absolutely Not Be a Problem

"Sister Su Bai, what are you doing?"

At Su Bai's home, Zhou Xue asked curiously after seeing Su Bai sitting in the living room writing something.

Compared with other people, after the Mathematicians Conference ended, Su Bai who was in a good mood started to work hard. He would type codes for about half an hour every day.

Write and draw directly.

"You should have gotten rid of it, but your brother can still use it."

Su Bai said thoughtfully after hearing Zhou Xue's words.

"My brother? My brother was just born, not even a month old."

At this time, Zhou Xue complained.

After her illness was cured, her parents' work seemed to be a lot easier.In addition, Zhou Xue basically lives with Su Bai and will not disturb her parents.Under such circumstances, her parents rectified her without saying a word.

A younger brother was born just a few days ago.

Because there was a very good prenatal checkup before the birth, it was confirmed that her brother was not like her, with congenital diseases that made people feel scalp numb, and he was a very healthy baby.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue couldn't figure out what the relationship between those mathematical formulas that Su Bai was writing had anything to do with her brother.

"I'm writing science textbooks for elementary to high school."

Seeing this, Su Bai said,

Current civilized science education LV5

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