This is an LV5 skill that Su Bai procured from the system for free.

Compared with before, this time the system is still very refreshing.

As for the reason~ of course it is to continue to perfect her and the system's childhood destruction plan!

Extend the grip of destroying childhood from orphans to all children, and completely change the overall education system of Daxia.

This plan is divided into two parts, the first part is talent screening.

This part is to carry out a general screening of all talents through the improvement of the difficulty of arts and sciences among the comprehensive education themes, and divide them into two categories suitable for liberal arts and suitable for science.

Although this set may not be suitable for everyone, it is definitely easy to use for most people.

After completing the screening and upgrading the education they need to receive, liberal arts talents are mainly responsible for improving the spiritual civilization of Great Xia, while science talents are mainly responsible for improving the overall civilization level of Great Xia.

Liberal arts is the soul, ensuring that a civilization will not collapse, and science is the reality. With the guarantee of liberal arts, one's own civilization can continue to flourish.

Of course, Da Xia is actually using this method at present, but Su Bai's is more advanced.

Not only is it advanced, but it is also gradually increasing the difficulty of learning, changing the thinking of the next generation of Daxia, making their thinking more adaptable to the coming era of technological explosion in the future.

Yes, the era of technological explosion, this era should start ten years later, and ten years later, it is the first batch of young people who have fully accepted Su Bai's education system and began to radiate their light and warmth in the society


It's just that the liberal arts part is too complicated, and the teaching materials are too complicated to write, so Su Bai plans to wait a while, after he finishes writing the basic theoretical thesis, hand it over to Daxia, and let Daxia do it by himself.

Since science is related to mathematics and physics, two technology trees that have been messed up by her at present, Daxia must not be able to do it now, so Su Bai can only do it by himself, and write the most basic immediate education textbooks for Daxia

According to her comparison, the educational materials she wants to compile are about 30.00% more difficult than the existing educational materials.

Although the difficulty has increased a lot, it can allow them to better get in touch with scientific research.

Well, this is also Su Bai's bullying of science students!

As we all know, scientific research does not make much money, but what they learn is to enable them to better enter the ranks of scientific research.Therefore, when they are still young, when facing their future life choices, they will naturally

Choose what you are better at.

Seeing that due to her teaching materials, Wu Shuzi finally became a scientific researcher and a small screw that played an insignificant role in social development, Su Bai couldn't help but get excited.

Sure enough, she's the world's worst demon!

Use the phrase "everything is for your own good" to kidnap children and let them study hard.

The most important thing is that when they grow up, they can't escape.Using the phrase that everything is for the country and for mankind, continue to kidnap them and let them burn everything they own for the development of human civilization!

"Oh~ I don't need to go to elementary school anymore!"

After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she was very happy.

She has decided to go to Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and not as a student, but as an honorary guest professor of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, with a monthly salary of 10 yuan.

"Well, I don't need to go to elementary school anymore, but I still have to go to junior high school."

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he said directly.


After Zhou Xue heard it, she withered all of a sudden, looking a little unhappy.

"You studied by my side earlier than Zuo Ming, but your skill level is still 0.1 level lower than Zuo Ming's because you don't have enough basic knowledge. It is necessary for you to go through the basic education path.

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

According to the mastery of knowledge, Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue should both be at level 5.0 now.

However, after the two of them left the topic, it was difficult for them to apply what they had learned in reality.

Rote memorization, and because the knowledge is too high-end and difficult to adapt, both of them have become people who use tanks to drive taxis, overqualified.

There is only one way to make up for this situation, and that is to make up the foundation!

"That's right, go to school hard!"

At this time, Zuo Ming, who was sitting on the sofa, eating a large bag of potato chips and playing with his mobile phone, said gloatingly.

"Don't even try to escape. Xiaoxue is going to junior high school, and you are going to college."

Su Bai looked at Zuo Ming and said.

After hearing Su Bai's words, he curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"By the way, have you prepared your lesson yet? When it's time for class, don't make a fool of yourself."

At this time, Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue again and said.

An eight-year-old child is going to teach a large group of masters and a group of academician-level bigwigs. The picture is simply too beautiful.

"Lessons have been prepared, and there will be absolutely no problems when the time comes!"

Zhou Xue said confidently.


Regarding this, Su Bai just looked at Zhou Xue and showed a mysterious smile.

Well, if there are really only a group of students sitting in the audience, then of course it will be fine.But those sitting in the audience are not students, the lowest masters, the highest academicians, and the top mathematicians like Li Shu, it's fun to think about it.

Chapter 260 Su Bai She Is Really Kind!

"Su Bai, I'm back. Are you still writing textbooks?"

While Su Bai was still chatting with Zhou Xue, Feng Yufang, who had finally finished her work at the Mathematicians Conference, came back with a document in her hand.

After seeing that Su Bai was still writing the textbook materials, he seemed a little relieved.

After all, everyone will feel relieved to see a salted fish that is either fishing or on the way to fish suddenly starts to work.

"Well, it may take a few days to finish writing.

Science textbooks are actually relatively simple, as long as the basic education route is written, the real content still needs to be filled by people from Daxia.

The trouble is on the liberal arts side, so it will take a few days.

"This is the income estimate report you want. According to your previous demand, we can spend about 1000 billion yuan every year. What are you going to do with this money?"

As Feng Yufang spoke, she patted Zuo Ming's butt, which was lazily lying on the sofa, which was quite heavy.

In this regard, Zuo Ming could only get up wronged, started to clean up the table and so on, and handed his potato chips to Zhou Xue to eat, but he didn't dare to eat it himself.

Well, absolute suppression on the bloodline!

"1000 billion, a little less, take out 2000 billion."

After Su Bai heard it, he spoke.


To this, Feng Yufang agreed very easily.Don't look at 2000 billion, but Su Bai's current technology earns too much, and he can't spend it all.The country directly incorporates it into the finance as an emergency fund

For use, as long as Su Bai needs it, he will take out the money.

How much to use, how much to take, never ambiguous.

After all, the attitude of the senior management of Daxia towards the money that Su Bai should take is that Su Bai may not want it, but they have to give it.When Su Bai didn't want it, they used it first, and when Su Bai wanted it, they just gave it without a word of nonsense.

"Then, there is this list. I plan to create a reward fund for excellent colleges and universities. Every year, I will select 2000 of the best colleges and universities in the country and give them a sum of research and development funds. The total is [-] billion.

About 100 billion for a school.Of course, 100 billion is not really given in reality, it is given differently according to the ranking.The last one can only get one billion, and No.1 can get 190 billion.You should be aware of this decreasing relationship.

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

This is considered a small part of her childhood deprivation plan, but it is part of her new plan, which is a part of the college introversion plan.

"I've figured out the rankings. Has the first batch of lists come out yet?"

Feng Yufang spoke directly without being too vague.

When Su Bai does things, she seldom asks why, but only cares about whether it can be done.

"Well, this is the first batch."

Su Bai said, and handed a list to Feng Yufang.

Feng Yufang also took a look here, then frowned.

She found that on this list, there are not many schools in Daxia that are highly ranked in the global university rankings, and all of them are scientific research universities, which focus on the cultivation of scientific research talents.

"When will it be announced? Will you be appearing at that time?"

Although she was a little confused about this list, Feng Yufang didn't ask any more questions, but just asked if Su Bai had any other arrangements.

"I won't go, just hold a press conference at that time. Remember, what we give is not a blank check, it is real money, and it will be used in the field of scientific research and students. When you set up

An inspection team is responsible for monitoring this sum of money and making sure that they are all used in scientific research or students. "

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

She plans to give America the whole big one, so she doesn't plan to show her face too much recently.

Although, she has appeared in CCTV news reports for a week in a row.Even without showing her face, her name was mentioned.

It can only be said that mathematics is really too strong.She just said something that was not so important, and it brought an earthquake-level effect to the entire academic community in Daxia.

However, as the saying goes, if you are a man, you don't spare a single line, and when you meet him in the future, you will kneel and kowtow to yourself.

So, what Su Bai planned to do would be a little bit later.

Well, it's really just a little bit later, definitely not too much.

Who made that Harry piss her off.

"By the way, America's side has gone crazy. Several chaebols have jointly issued a reward of [-] billion. As long as they can obtain relevant core technologies from Civilization, they will give money and guarantee absolute safety."

After Su Bai finished talking about the college reward plan that was not so important to her, Feng Yufang shared a piece of news she had just received.

Well, although America didn't say anything officially, the big chaebols of America jointly issued a statement that they would get the technology at all costs.

Of course, this statement has not been disseminated within the scope of the public at present, after all, America still needs to save face.The opponent is a superpower, so if you come directly, it won't work.

But in this way, it will still add a lot of trouble to Daxia.

The main reason is that he is afraid of making Su Bai unhappy.

Chen Ming once said that Su Bai's unhappiness will make America's life difficult.However, he was afraid that Da Xia would be swept away by the aftermath of Su Bai's anger.

Therefore, rather than taking advantage of Su Bai's emotions, everything should be safe.Su Bai's big summer really can't take it anymore, now it's the level where grandma thinks you're hungry, so there's no need to engage in those petty thoughts.

But America went too far, Feng Yufang felt it was necessary to let Su Bai know about it.

"System, is it true?"

Su Bai really didn't know about this matter, so he opened his mouth and asked the system.

[It's true, but Daxia's current secrecy of core information is very perfect.What's more, there is still this system.Even if they really stole it, don’t even try to use it!]

The system said very confidently.

"Revenge doesn't last overnight, how can you be a villain if you don't take revenge if people think about it!"

At this time, Su Bai criticized the system and felt that there was still a gap between the system and the real villains.

At least, not as evil as she is!

"Aunt Yufang, release the news. If the core secret//secret is leaked, I will continue to postpone the commercialization of life extension surgery. And, even if it is launched by then, if the secret is leaked, then I will directly close the palm

The operation qualifications of the state-owned companies and rich people who hold that secret! By the way, I have updated the technology of life extension surgery, and now it can extend to 130 years old!"

But as the saying goes, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, so Su Bai intends to be gentle and let them solve it internally first.If they can't solve it internally, they are thinking of other ways.

Well, she is really too kind!

Chapter 260 Five I Can Endure Darkness, That's Because I Have Never Seen The Light

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, a bunch of cowards, a bunch of insects, a bunch of trash! It's just an operation, and you're scared off like this?"

To be fair, Harry is a very well-bred person, and he would never lose his temper.

But, lately, really, his temper is out of control at all.

As for the reason? Under the circumstances that he weighed all parties and planned to use a lot of money to forcibly pry open the impenetrable Great Xia that protected the core secrets, Su Bai resolved the crisis with just one sentence.

That is life!

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