"My strength is mathematics. I can already score [-]% in mathematics. Although I can get [-] points in the test, I can get more points. But the risk is too great. On the other hand, I only got [-]% in Chinese by improving. is more cost-effective.

In the first week and the second week, although the study in the orphanage directly changed, everyone changed from a normal partner to a competitive relationship.

Everyone wants to challenge the top ten or even the first, but they just blindly see how the top ten learn, and then blindly follow

Under such circumstances, in order to prevent others from catching up with them, the top ten exchanged almost all the points they earned before for textbooks and cram schools.

However, their efforts were not rewarded accordingly, and they were still overtaken by latecomers.

Under such circumstances, in the third week, many children calmed down and began to analyze the current situation.Why do some people invest a lot of points in learning, but do not get the corresponding return?

Some people who didn't have many points before can catch up in a short time

Because other people are smarter than themselves? If so, how did they surpass those people before?

With thinking, there will naturally be discussion, and with discussion there will be results.

"Last week, because I didn't have any points, I went to an advanced mathematics tuition class, so I discussed it with Yangming. I studied Chinese, and he studied mathematics. After the tutoring, I made mathematics textbooks and asked Yangming if I didn't know how to do it. yangming do

Chinese teaching materials, and then handed over to me for revision. "

After a few senior students got together, the child who won No.7 this week told how he improved his comprehensive score by 7 points in a short period of time, and won the No. [-] tricks

Blindly enroll in cram school to improve yourself? It is possible, but the efficiency is too low.Sometimes, the best way to learn is not cram school, but discussion.

"I was able to get fourth last week. The reason why I was squeezed out of the top ten this week is not that I regressed, but because the math was difficult this week. I got 98 in math last week, but I got [-] this week. In this kind of

Under the circumstances, I failed in Chinese and scored 88 points in the test, but only [-] points in the English test.If I can get to the [-]s in English and stabilize at [-]s in Chinese, then the top ten is still no problem. "

After the first child told how he improved, a child who was still in the top ten last week and was squeezed out of the top ten this week also shared his own problems.

"Didn't you spend more than 100 on tuition classes and buying textbooks last week? Why didn't you improve?"

A child asked

"I know I'm unstable in mathematics, so I enrolled in a mathematics tutoring class."

The child said with a little embarrassment

"Me too, I only wanted to pursue one hundred, but the last math question this week was too difficult. Normally, as long as we can get ninety points in the test, we will be able to sprint for one hundred. Under this situation , what we have to do is not

It is to continue to improve mathematics, but to stabilize and improve the scores of other weak subjects at the same time.In the case that the three main subjects can pass ninety points, it is the most stable to sprint for one hundred.

Seeing this analysis, a child said.

The point difference between ninety and one percent is huge, but it's a trap.Except for some academic gods, many children who can pass the [-] test but fail to pass the [-] test, most of the problems are not the problem of strength, but various other problems.

s reason.

For example, if you are not serious during the exam, or if the exam paper is too difficult, or if you happen to encounter some questions that are slightly beyond the outline or they just don't know.

It is okay to solve these problems, but it is more profitable to improve the results of other subjects than to solve these problems.

Using one subject to sprint to [-] is definitely not as stable as using three subjects to sprint to [-].

"It's too difficult to make up three lessons at once..."

Some children whose grades are hovering in the [-]s and [-]s seem a little embarrassed when they hear this

"Why do you want to improve all at once? First find out what you are best at in one subject, and use that subject as the main improvement subject. When improving this subject, stabilize the results of other subjects. Wait until that subject arrives. Nine

After ten, turn around and pull up the grades of the improvement subjects.It is impossible to become fat in one breath, and stabilizing one's grades is easier than improving. "

At this time, some children put forward their own views.

After hearing this, the other children nodded their heads in agreement.

It is too difficult to improve three subjects in one week, so it is much easier to improve slowly separately.

It's just that they haven't noticed one thing at this time, that is, they have actually begun to forget their original intentions when they just learned about the points exchange system and ranking system.

At first, they wanted to get better toys, more snacks, and then do everything possible to earn points.And now, these have changed from primary goals to secondary ones.Their purpose of earning points has changed from getting to play

utensils and snacks, turned out to be above the rest.

In the entire orphanage, for the top [-] children, after the second week, their biggest spending has changed from snacks and toys to books and cram schools.The kids in the back, although snacks and toys occupy him

The majority of their points are spent, but the point consumption in learning is also increasing with the passage of time.

In particular, some children were pleasantly surprised to find that their score gap was not so exaggerated compared to the top ten, and they also gave birth to the idea of ​​moving forward.

Most importantly, the learning atmosphere changes.

"Xiao Gang, I just got a new volleyball, let's play together!"

After a child spends all his points in exchange for a volleyball, he plans to play with his friends.

"I'll do this question first. I know how to do this question, but I made a mistake in the math test, which caused me to fail to get [-] points in the test and lost a lot of points."

However, at this time, his little partner was solving the problem.

"When I took this question in the previous exam, I only got half of the score."

If it was a few weeks ago, the child would have laughed at seeing his little friend studying so hard.

But, it won't happen now, he directly discussed with his little friend, and instead forgot about playing volleyball.

After all, all of this is for points, and as long as they have points, they can get everything they want.

ps: There is still 200 recommended votes to be added~ There are still [-] recommended votes to be added, and there are four more updates~

Be cute, meow~

Chapter 26 Su Bai must be a man with great ambitions

"Dean, will such a rule make the children too utilitarian? Everything is for points. In fact, isn't the concept of money secretly replaced by points, and the concept of power secretly replaced by points?"

The changes in the orphanage were not felt by the children, but the nurses working in the orphanage clearly felt it.

In fact, the ones who felt the most were those teachers who were recently hired to teach in the orphanage.

They have also taught in schools or other educational institutions.However, they have never seen this orphanage in other places where learning is paramount and scores are respected.

Yes, learning comes first, and scores are respected.In today's orphanages, academic performance represents almost everything.The center of each child's group is almost all around a child with good academic performance.

The reason for this is also very simple, because that good academic performance can help other people to improve their performance.

The entire orphanage, under such circumstances, has become a small society.

"When we were young, our parents taught us that money is not everything. When we grow up, when we step into the society, the society tells you that in society, it is difficult to move without money. Reading does not necessarily enable them to complete their own tragic life.

However, it will definitely make their future life go more smoothly.They must adapt to the cruel social environment when they grow up in advance. They have no family accumulation, so they can only use more outstanding abilities to cope with it.

Experience and consciousness, to grasp all the opportunities that can be grasped. "

Regarding the doubts of other nurses or teachers, Miao Fangling looked very determined when she saw this.

A week ago, Su Bai told her by phone that there would be absolutely no problem with the funds of the orphanage. child

Feeling the pressure, the disadvantaged children also saw the hope of reversal.

This method is indeed unfair to some children, but it intensifies the healthy competition within the orphanage.

Children who learn well consolidate their knowledge by teaching other children.And those children with poor grades, through those children who are good at learning, complete the complementarity of their shortcomings.

As for some children playing tricks when teaching others? The existence of cram schools and teachers curbs the emergence of vicious competition.

Intentionally teaching these things wrong will cause people to see the problem in a very short period of time.

In the past, children in orphanages had only an illusory future to look forward to.Dean Miao Fangling told them to study hard to win a bright future.

It's a pity that the future is too far away. For these innocent children, they don't realize the cruelty of the future.

But the benefits that the points bring to them are real.

As long as they study hard, they can get everything they couldn't get before.

"I'm afraid that if this kind of ethos is discovered by others, it will cause trouble. If we are really successful, and then others learn..."

"There is no learning."

When a teacher expressed her worries, Dean Miao Fangling directly denied her worries.

"Do you know how much our orphanage spends this month? More than 100 million yuan, an average of more than 5000 yuan per child. For ordinary families, this cost is extremely high, let alone the orphanage. I want to emulate

It's impossible to imitate a normal school, let alone an orphanage. "

The education model proposed by Su Bai is very good, but also very expensive!

When Dean Miao Fangling saw the bill, she was shocked.

Moreover, this cost is still under the condition that the price has been negotiated with many educational institutions. If the price is not negotiated, the cost will be higher.

"Such a big expense?"

Some nurses and teachers were also shocked when they heard the information from Dean Miao Fangling.

One month's expenditure directly exceeded the orphanage's expenditure in the past year.

"Who is the investor behind us! Such a big deal, what is he planning?"

Some of the new teachers seemed confused at this time.

Doing charity basically has a purpose, but after transforming this orphanage into the current funder, after contributing, he has never been to the orphanage, and there is no other name besides the name.

The information is confusing.

"No matter what she plans, it is good for the children. Sufficient educational resources will prevent them from being left behind by others after they enter the society, and even have certain advantages."

After Dean Miao Fangling said these words, Su Bai's appearance couldn't help appearing in his mind.

The changes in the orphanage this month, many nurses and teachers think that this is the result of the children's improved self-consciousness.But Dean Miao Fangling knows that more than 50.00% of the credit is due to the one watching

It looks harmless to humans and animals, and there is also a cute white-haired loli.

More directly, it was forcibly smashed out with money.

If there is no way to provide these children with a complete childhood, then use money to bridge the gap between them and children with normal families.It's not even just smoothing out the gap, it's possible to catch up.

Knowing this, Dean Miao Fangling basically gave up thinking about Su Bai's request.

"The investor must be a person with great ambitions and ambitions!"

A teacher who had just joined the job and didn't know Su Bai's situation at all sighed.

At the same time, Su Bai's home...

"Sister Su Bai, I finished my homework!"

Zhou Xue became very excited to finish the homework assigned to her by Su Bai, and when she took it out for Su Bai to check, she found that Su Bai seemed to hide something behind him immediately, and there was a very fragrant scent in the air. the taste of

"What are you eating? Can I have a bite too?"

Seeing this, Zhou Xue swallowed her saliva and said.

It smells like pickled pepper and black pepper, really delicious,

"I didn't eat anything, it's just that I was experimenting with new dishes just now."

Su Bai immediately took out his hand and showed it.

Seeing this, Zhou Xue did not give up and went behind Su Bai to take a look, and indeed found that there was nothing to eat.

"You are allowed to eat a yogurt, and you can go to the refrigerator to get it yourself."

Su Bai spoke after taking over Zhou Xue's homework.

After hearing these words, a smile appeared on Zhou Xue's face immediately, and she said, "Thank you, Sister Su Bai!"

After seeing Zhou Xue happily running to the kitchen to get some food, Su Bai turned around and looked behind him, and then said: "System, the person has left now, quickly return the skewers to me, I just took a bite squid!"

[Confiscated. 】

"You're here again! Give me back the skewers! Would you buy them yourself if you want to eat them yourself? Is it interesting to snatch mine every day?"



ps: There is another chapter later.And then can I get another [-] recommendation votes? Another [-] votes, and there will be a fourth update~ You will update after you vote.And, now there is a reward~ There will be more updates~

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