Chapter 27 This second-class work is a bit painful (third watch)

"Why do I have a feeling that Professor Su Bai chose Zhou Xue only because Zhou Xue is cute?"

At the entrance of the hospital, Zhang Yi, the former attending physician of Zhou Xue, was squatting under the big tree, having a leisurely afternoon tea with another doctor, while watching Su Bai bring Zhou Xue to make an examination.

As for why Zhang Yi said this? The reason is very simple. At this time, Zhou Xue is wearing a very gorgeous Lolita, and there is an oversized bow like wings behind her.

This kind of attire has absolutely nothing to do with daily wear, and it will even bring a lot of trouble to the next inspection.

"But, it's really cute, don't you think? It can only be said that we don't understand the world of rich people."

Another doctor sitting next to Zhang Yi said jokingly upon seeing this.

"However, the child does seem to be much better. I don't know if that special treatment can really make her recover a month later."

At this time, Zhang Yi also expressed his worries.

A few days after Su Bai picked up Zhou Xue from him, Zhou Xue's originally thin body became stronger visible to the naked eye, and her complexion also recovered a lot, she looked no different from a normal child.

But all of this is a statement.He led Zhou Xue's treatment before, so he knew that Zhou Xue's physical condition was not good.

No matter how hard you try, Zhou Xue's body will enter a state of irreversible decline within one month at the earliest, or two months at the latest

Chemotherapy can slightly prolong Zhou Xue's lifespan. That time is fine for some elderly people, but for a child, it is too short.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue's only hope is the special treatment method Su Bai mentioned.

"Impossible, congenital diseases cannot be solved by modern medicine."

Zhang Yi's colleagues gave a very pessimistic view at this time.

In fact, it's not that Zhang Yi's colleagues are pessimistic, but the reality is like this.

The more you study medicine, the more pessimistic you will be about those human diseases.Regardless of the human immune system, modern human medicine cannot even cure a cold.Congenital genetic diseases are the insurmountable peak of human medicine.

It is difficult enough to climb over a mountain, but Zhou Xue's illness is a Himalayan mountain range.To cure her, one must climb over all the peaks in the entire mountain range. Is this possible?

Su Bai didn't notice Zhang Yi and his colleagues.

She brought Zhou Xue here today to see the changes in Zhou Xue's body after a few days of recuperation with the professional medicine and medicinal diet she ordered, and then adjust the treatment methods.

"That brat, he doesn't know how serious it is, he dares to jump from three floors! There are people blocking him below, it's impossible to run, and he doesn't even think about it, he knows he deserves it!"

While Su Bai was waiting for Zhou Xue to have a CT examination, a middle-aged uncle who looked to be in his forties, wearing a special police uniform and looking particularly fierce, with a strange scar at the corner of his eye, came to Su Bai's side.

Behind him, there was a severely injured SWAT officer who was urgently pushed for CT.

This kind of situation is quite common in hospitals. After Su Bai just looked at it curiously, he didn't care about it, and planned to continue playing with his mobile phone.

After seeing the special police officer being pushed in, the uncle was about to continue cursing, but his eyes turned to Su Bai, and he froze.

In an instant, countless thoughts seemed to flash through his deep eyes.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled slightly at the uncle who was looking at her.

After the uncle saw Su Bai's harmless smile, he showed an ugly and even scary smile, but Su Bai still felt his kind smile.

It can only be said that this uncle is not good at expressing his kindness to others, and that smile can scare a child to tears.

"Sister Su Bai, I've done the inspection!"

At this moment, Zhou Xue jumped to Su Bai's side, looked up at the uncle standing in front of Su Bai, and then took a step back unconsciously.

Well, it's not enough to scare a child to cry, but it can really scare a child.

Seeing this, Su Bai didn't say much, just touched Zhou Xue's little head, and then dragged Zhou Xue to the next inspection.

"White hair, cute, she won't be Chen Ju..."

At this moment, the colleagues around the middle-aged uncle also noticed Su Bai.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the middle-aged uncle hit his colleague's left shoulder with force from his right shoulder, and then patted his colleague's left hand with his hand seemingly lightly. Difficult

Elbow, knocked himself out in an instant.

"Xiao Li! What's wrong with you? Doctor, come here!"

The moment Su Bai turned around, the middle-aged uncle hugged the colleague who "passed out" and shouted loudly

Su Bai and Zhou Xue sensed something, and when they turned to look, the nurses around had rushed over and immediately brought a stretcher.

"What an interesting person."

Seeing this, Su Bai complained, and then continued to leave with Zhou Xue.

The hospital is not very busy now, she just needs to continue doing her own thing.What's more, she could see that the swat policeman who fainted was fine, at most he had a slight concussion.

"Chen Ju, just now...why did you knock Xiao Li unconscious..."

After the special policeman who "fainted himself" was carried away, other colleagues around the middle-aged uncle looked at him with puzzled faces.

The other doctors and nurses didn't see it, but they just saw it.It was this middle-aged uncle who knocked out his colleague.

"After Xiao Li woke up, tell him that he has made a second-class meritorious service, and then tell him not to speak, and no one is allowed to touch him, and he will be directly transferred back to the headquarters for isolation. Except for me, if anyone is forced to have sex with Xiao Li

Talk, regardless of identity, regardless of level, a warning, if you don't listen, you will be killed directly.Then, transfer all the information of all patients and doctors in this hospital to me. "

This middle-aged uncle is Chen Ming.

On the Internet, the discussion about the supernatural video continued to decline, but the actions of the police began to increase.

When another suspect was locked and arrested, one of their team members fell and seriously injured himself and was sent to the nearest hospital.

Because the injured team member was the child of his old friend, he took a caring attitude and came over to take a look to prevent himself from being scolded by his old friend.

But unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest.

Turning his head and glanced at the direction where Su Bai disappeared just now, Su Bai's appearance appeared in Chen Ming's mind, with beautiful silver-white long hair like a shining galaxy, and those gorgeous pupils like stars, like a bird.

The flawless angel who descended into the world.

ps: The third update~ Then, there is still 150 recommended tickets before the fourth update~ Isn’t there chapter 150 squeezed? So, can you work hard? As soon as you arrive, you will update~

Chapter 28 It is common sense to wear a maid outfit when cooking (fourth more)

Lu Xun never said that raising a child is meaningless if it is not for fun.

"Do you have to wear this when cooking?"

In the kitchen, Zhou Xue was wearing a very cute brown maid outfit with a cat ear headband on her head, looking very curious.

After today's inspection, Su Bai took her to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and then she proposed the idea of ​​learning how to cook with Su Bai.

Su Bai easily agreed, but when cooking, Su Bai told Zhou Xue the three elements of chef.

First, you must be serious, second, you must be attentive, and third, you must wear professional uniforms.So, there is this set of maid outfit on her.

"Of course, only when you wear this set of clothes can you really cook well."

Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue confidently and said, as if what she said was the truth.

"But sister Su Bai, why don't you wear it?"

Seeing Su Bai cooking in her panda pajamas, Zhou Xue asked, a little puzzled.

Since you have to dress like her to cook a good meal, why doesn't Su Bai usually dress like this when cooking?

"Of course it's because..."

[The system thinks what Zhou Xue said is very reasonable. When bullying is activated, the host must wear a maid outfit for cooking in the future. Every time he wears it to cook, he will get a random skill.This time you will get a random skill Survival Fighting Skill LV1]

Originally, Su Bai was just fooling Zhou Xue over there. After all, a super cute loli dressed as a maid cooks there, who doesn't love it?

Then, the system came out and got involved.

"System, why are you joining in the fun!"

Su Bai immediately became angry, asking her to wear such a shameful maid outfit? Unless the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, it is absolutely impossible!

[This system does not strictly require the host to wear it~]

Seeing this, the system seemed a little casual.

"It's your acquaintance."

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai felt right.There is nothing coercive about this request, it's just that she only gives skills when she wears them, and doesn't give skills when she doesn't wear them.

However, is she the kind of person who will be easily seduced by a small skill?

[However, the skill given this time is Survival Fighting Skill~ It is the most powerful skill you want most, and it is also your first skill that directly improves combat power.Say, is there a possibility that you're wearing a maid outfit

Is it more likely that the skills obtained from cooking are combat attributes?]

When Su Bai was going to continue teaching Zhou Xue how to cook, the system continued.

"I won't be fooled by you, absolutely impossible, not to mention, there is no maid outfit that I can wear at home!"

Su Bai said stubbornly.

What about combat skills? Does she need combat power? No, the system can't bewitch her no matter what.What's more, there is no maid outfit that she can wear at home!

【now available】


The next moment, the maid costume from nowhere was thrown directly on Su Bai's face, making Zhou Xue who was standing beside him stunned for a moment.

Standing beside her, Su Bai seemed to be talking to someone, but she couldn't hear her, so she couldn't figure it out.

And now, a maid outfit came out of nowhere, which made her feel even more confused.

Seeing this, Su Bai just looked at the maid outfit, it was still pink, without a cat ear headband, but with a rabbit headband, which looked very cute.


"Did you see it? You have to wear clothes like this when you cook, so that the food you cook is delicious."

Ten minutes later, Su Bai, who was dressed in a pink maid outfit, looked at Zhou Xue and said confidently.

Well, she only wears it for the sake of the system, not to mention, since she wants to teach Zhou Xue how to cook, she must lead by example and not go back on what she says.

Well, she is setting an example for Zhou Xue.

However, for some reason, after putting on the maid outfit, Su Bai always felt that someone was spying on her.

"System, consciously, give me a miracle, I won't talk to you anymore."

Although no one was found in her home, the system took a photo of her last night when she studied pathology.

[To distribute random skill Biology LV1]

"Only one? I have two here!"

【Release random skill Botany LV1】

"Tsk~ Forget it, I won't argue with you."

After seeing that the system gave her two useless skills, Su Bai didn't bother to quarrel with the system, and officially started cooking today's dinner.

The dinner making process was not troublesome, because Zhou Xue had to be taught, so it was a bit slow, but it was finished smoothly in the end.

After finishing dinner, Su Bai assigned Zhou Xue twenty problems of addition and subtraction within ten, and one page of calligraphy practice.After she finished, she played with her mobile phone for a while, took a shower with Su Bai, and then fell asleep obediently.

After Zhou Xue fell asleep, Su Bai began to process Zhou Xue's inspection report today.

After several days of treatment by Su Bai, Zhou Xue's physical condition has improved a lot, but her various illnesses have not been reversed.

What caused all this was the imbalance of Zhou Xue's own immune system.

Although Zhou Xue had many congenital diseases, those congenital diseases reached a delicate balance under many coincidences, and they shared Zhou Xue's body together.

This balance is a sustainable depletion of fish.Of course, since it is exhausted, there must be a day of collapse.

Previously, Zhang Yi continuously strengthened Zhou Xue's immune system, so that the time of collapse was continuously delayed. Up to now, it has been unable to continue to strengthen through normal means.

In this situation, modern medicine seems to have no other way than chemotherapy and some ridiculously expensive drugs.

"The only cure possibility is to repair her congenital genetic defect..."

Su Bai mentioned the only possibility of cure, which is also impossible for modern medicine.

"LV6-level cooking combined with LV5-level modern medicine can maintain the balance of her immune system for another three weeks at most."

Su Bai said to himself, after finishing speaking, sort out these materials, put them away, and go to bed.

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