After Su Bai went to bed, Zhou Xue unconsciously stretched out her arms to hug Su Bai in her sleep.

Seeing this, Su Bai stretched out his arms to hug Zhou Xue, and fell into a dreamland.

While Su Bai was falling asleep, in the temporary office of the National Security Special Operations Team, Chen Ming slowly picked up a piece of information about the doctors in the hospital.After looking through it twice, I found that it was not what I wanted.

let it go again.

Usually, screening this kind of work is done by dedicated people.However, today he alone has to sift through thousands of documents.Even if you only need to take a look and let it go, it is still extremely huge work pressure.

Until he picked up a file, his sleepy eyes instantly woke up at that moment.

ps: The promised fourth update is here~ I will do what I said, and tomorrow there will be three updates with [-] recommendation tickets, and four updates with [-] recommendation tickets.

Chapter 29 Su Bai is the cutest in the world!

"Su Bai, female, high school diploma, the world's top nutritionist, top chef, academician-level medical researcher, the world's cutest? That's outrageous."

The materials in Chen Ming's hands were not those in the hospital, but directly retrieved from the national archives.

And what he read just now is all of Su Bai's information.

Yes, all information

Where did I get my high school diploma? I can’t find it. Where did I get the title of the world’s top nutritionist? I can’t find it either. The descriptions below are all there. It’s impossible to find out where these qualifications come from.

The most outrageous thing is that in the very rigorous official archives, among the descriptions about a person, there is actually a description like the cutest in the world.

If it was normal, he would have settled accounts with the person who retrieved the files on the spot.

After looking for Su Bai's appearance, Chen Ming nodded slowly and said, "Indeed, I have never seen anyone cuter than her."

Of course, after a joke, Chen Ming took out an encrypted computer and opened one of the folders.

"Modify the code name of the No. 01 mysterious file, from A[-], to become the world's cutest. Since you or the people behind you call you this way, then you can do what you want."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

Although the outrageous information in the household registration archives did not provide much help for Chen Ming to judge Su Bai, at least it made Chen Ming sure that Su Bai was the loli whose face could not be seen in the mysterious video before.

With such power, it may not be difficult to tamper with some information in the national archives.

"I still can't see her appearance. It seems that whether I know her or not, I can't get the identification of features other than white hair and cuteness from this video."

After knowing what Su Bai looked like, Chen Ming watched the video again.I found that I still couldn't judge what Su Bai looked like through this video.

However, this is enough.

After closing his computer, Chen Ming took out the paper used to write top-secret information, and wrote: "The target has been found and contacted. She looks similar to a little girl in the innocent stage, but

Looking at her appearance, it is almost impossible to tell that she is an existence who has mastered mysterious power. "

"Although it is still unknown whether she possesses some destructive power, I don't think we need to use some external stimuli to try and identify what kind of power the other party has. Although we have not yet believed

Let her be, but she can't let her have negative emotions towards us in advance. "

"For the unknown, we must have the greatest awe. Before she takes the initiative to contact us, what we have to do is to wait and see and wait for her response. At least, until she does not show hostility, we will not

Can show hostility first.She is currently being kind to us, and is saving a girl who is impossible for human medicine to save. After about three weeks, it is possible to get a partial response from her.

"Here, I apply to continue to handle this incident with full authority, and apply for personnel assistance to avoid the intervention of third-party forces."

"The reason why I deny the intervention of third-party forces is also very simple. We have good intentions for her, but I am not sure whether other forces will act out of control because of their greed for her power, causing her to be angered."

"For the unknown, we must restrain our greed and choose rationality. After all, we don't know whether it is the fire of Prometheus or Pandora's box. We can't afford to bet!"

After writing the last word, Chen Ming put the manuscript paper into a special envelope, and then wrapped the entire envelope with special resin.

"According to the highest emergency secret order specification, it was sent to Kyoto overnight. If the plane has an accident, the document must be destroyed before the pilot parachutes."

Although we have entered the information society, paper documents are still the only means of transmission of the most confidential documents, and it is also the safest means

After that document was sent away, Chen Ming quietly sat in the temporary headquarters of the National Security Special Operations Group and waited.

And just two hours later, he got a response.

The content of the response was simple: "If you can't afford to gamble, don't gamble. Continue according to your plan, and the deployment of personnel will be completed within 48 hours. The order and security of the country are your first responsibility.

Under the premise of order and safety, go for other pursuits. "

At the same time as this response, there is also an exclusive communication channel below that can directly contact No. [-].Through this channel, he can get in touch with No. [-] in the shortest possible time to deal with some emergencies

After seeing these, Chen Ming finally let go of his heart that had been hanging over him.

After taking a short rest, he was about to leave his office to deal with other matters.

For example, the teammate who was knocked out by him.

At that time, it was indeed a bit overreacted, and the strike was a little bit heavier.

However, for those who do their job, they can still earn a second-class merit after just one hit.Although, this second-class merit was not only given to him for such a simple reason.

"Willing to take pity on such an innocent child, take the initiative to take care of her, and put hope on her, is it noble or hypocritical? Hope, my judgment of you is not wrong."

However, before leaving, Chen Ming took a look at Zhou Xue's information.

Compared with the briefness of Su Bai's information, Zhou Xue's information is much more.

If there are gods in this world, then Zhou Xue is a person cursed by the gods.Under such circumstances, Su Bai contacted Zhou Xue as a doctor, which made Chen Ming look forward to it.

He wanted to know what kind of things Su Bai would do next, and whether Su Bai's appearance would be a blessing or a curse for Zhou Xue or Huaguo.

On the other side, Su Bai's home...

"Sister Su Bai, get up, don't sleep late~"

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into Su Bai's room, Zhou Xue had already gotten up early by herself, brushed her teeth and washed her face.

After choosing the short sleeves and sports pants for Su Bai to wear in the morning jog, she tentatively woke Su Bai up.

It's a pity that Su Bai was like a maggot. After wriggling a few times, he got into the bed again, and said in a daze, "Sleep for another 5 minutes."

"Really! No, hurry up, wake you up at 06:30 as you said yesterday, it's already seven o'clock now, if you sleep for another 5 minutes, you'll be late until eight o'clock!"

Zhou Xue put her hands on her hips, looked at Su Bai with a serious face and reprimanded, people who don't know, thought it was her sister who was scolding her sister who stayed in bed

ps: The so-called bullying is to impose one's will on others.Therefore, the main thing is for you to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and blades, then I will have to add updates to the author, so this can be regarded as bullying!

So, please let me bear this pain, let me alone bear the pain called recommendation ticket!

Right now, the rewards are still being offered~ Then, today, Chapter 3 will be updated with 4 recommended votes, and Chapter [-] will be updated with [-] recommended votes~

Chapter 30 Modern Medicine LV6

"You ate three ice creams today, you can't eat any more!"

When Zhou Xue first arrived, she followed Su Bai's words like an imperial decree.However, after a few days, the situation began to reverse.

From asking Su Bai to wake up to making breakfast, to helping Su Bai eat snacks.

Especially, when Su Bai was watching a movie, he ate three ice creams in one go.When the fourth one was about to be eaten, it was snatched away by Zhou Xue.

After snatching Su Bai's ice cream, Zhou Xue didn't eat it herself, and put it back in the refrigerator directly.

"Eating ice cream while watching a movie is the best thing!"

Seeing this, Su Bai pouted a little depressed.

"Eat this to be healthy."

As Zhou Xue said, she brought a platter of cut fruits.

Su Bai rarely takes the initiative to cut fruit to make a fruit platter.But it seems that when Zhou Xue didn't notice, someone would come to the house, put new snacks in the refrigerator, and deal with the unprocessed fruits.

She asked Su Bai why, but Su Bai only answered that she was responsible for eating, so she didn't ask.

"How about the back of the ninety-nine multiplication table?"

After eating a small piece of watermelon, Su Bai planned to mobilize the consciousness that a bully should have, bully Zhou Xue, and force her to do homework.

Well, Su Bai wants Zhou Xue to start learning the ninety-nine multiplication table that probably won't be learned until the second or third grade.

"One - get one, one two gets two, two two gets four... nine nine 81. Finished memorizing!"

After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she didn't hesitate much, and started to memorize them, and she memorized them smoothly.

Not only did she memorize it, she also did [-] multiplication arithmetic problems when Su Bai went out for a morning run in the morning, and now she just took it out for Su Bai to check.

Zhou Xue is very self-disciplined and smart.

Su Bai noticed this when he brought her back.It only took her a few days to learn most of the knowledge in the first grade, and she hadn't finished learning the rest of the rare words.

Under such circumstances, he also learned multiplication and division in a short period of time, and in time, he is also a god-level existence.

Su Bai saw that Zhou Xue studied it so seriously, and even learned how to apply it flexibly, and could do some difficult multiplication and division.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai silently took out an Olympiad practice book that he asked Dean Miao Fangling to buy for her yesterday.

Originally, Zhou Xue, who thought that there were no problems that could stump her, frowned after seeing the Olympiad questions, and then started to solve the problems without even watching a good movie.

The daily life of Su Bai and Zhou Xue was relatively relaxed and enjoyable. From the end of the second week, Zhou Xue also learned to run in the morning and at night.

Moreover, with the improvement of her physical fitness, her enthusiasm for morning and night running is much higher than that of Su Bai.

What shocked Su Bai the most was Zhou Xue's talent in learning. In three weeks of homework, she completed most of the knowledge from the first grade to the third grade.

This learning rate may be nothing for an adult.Because there are not many knowledge points from the first grade to the third grade.But for a seven-year-old child, it's a bit surprising.

However, at the end of the fourth week, the joy that Zhou Xue brought to Su Bai began to decrease.

"Sister Su Bai, I'm so sleepy today. Can I sleep a little longer?"

On the Saturday morning of the fourth Saturday when Zhou Xue came to Su Bai's house, Zhou Xue lay on the bed, feeling very sleepy.

I knew I should get up and start making breakfast, but I couldn't get up anyway, my head was dizzy.

"I've been too tired from studying recently, so I should sleep more."

Su Bai didn't force Zhou Xue to speak, and after speaking, he took out the thermometer from Zhou Xue's armpit, and then covered Zhou Xue with a quilt.

"38.1 degrees, not too good."

Su Bai briefly looked at the thermometer and found that Zhou Xue's body temperature had reached 38.1 degrees.

For normal people, this temperature means a little fever, just take some cold medicine by yourself.

But for Zhou Xue now, this temperature represented the complete collapse of Zhou Xue's immune system, which could no longer be suppressed by simple medicinal diet and medicine.

【The balance in her body was broken because of the overproliferation of white blood cells】

[Issuing task rewards in advance, two skill points can be used]

[Modern medicine promotes LV6, awakens technology-side skills, and remodels cell programming with maternal-fetal specialization]

As the system upgraded the skills of the last level of modern medicine, some new skills immediately appeared in Su Bai's mind, that is, maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell programming.

Su Bai originally thought that the LV6 skill of modern medicine would be about surgery, after all, the emergence of surgery has shaped countless miracles of modern medicine.

But the system told Su Bai with facts that modern medicine belongs to the era of biology.

The ability of maternal-fetal specialization to reshape cell programming allows Su Bai to manufacture a special customized cell.After this kind of customized cell enters the human body through specific programming, it will start to reproduce automatically, and through

To repair or strengthen the genes of the human body through the characteristics they are programmed to.

However, this fix does not come without cost.Because the repair process simulates the development process of human beings in the mother's womb, a huge amount of nutrients will be consumed during the repair process.

This is also the reason why the system asked Su Bai to improve Zhou Xue's health with medicated food and medicine first.

If it doesn't improve, with one injection, Zhou Xue will be killed by the cells used to heal her.

"The system, the ability of God's Domain level given by cooking skills is at the conceptual level. Why has modern medicine become a kind of cell?"

Su Bai said with some dissatisfaction at this time.

After all, the use of this cell is still risky, unlike cooking, which has super-miraculous abilities.

[Cooking LV6 belongs to a large category of skills, and a large category of skills can be mastered at most once every 180 days.Otherwise, the host's body will not be able to bear it.However, modern medicine is a small class of skills that belong to the science and technology side, and there is no mastery limit. 】

The system is explained here.

"I'll settle accounts with you later."

After Su Bai muttered something, he immediately called the hospital and asked the hospital to pick him up.

It takes time to deploy specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells. Before that, Zhou Xue will go to the ICU for a while.

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