Fortunately, this is the city of magic, and there are still high-tech biological laboratories.

Su Bai asked the hospital to provide a high-standard biological laboratory and some particularly rare equipment and drugs, but the hospital only waited for 2 minutes before giving Su Bai a response.

The response is also very simple, and the lab will be ready within three hours.

ps: There are still 200 recommendation tickets left, so there will be four updates today~ The third update will be updated before eleven o'clock.The fourth update will be slower, trying to update before two o'clock.It's only [-] sheets away, and it's easy to achieve, goddammit!

Chapter 31 three principles (three more

Before, Su Bai didn't have much feeling for big and small skills.

In her perception, the skill of modern medicine is much more useful than cooking LV6.

However, after both skills were upgraded to LV6, the difference came out.The LV6 level of cooking is the conceptual level, allowing Su Bai to use food as a carrier to control one of the first desires of human beings, the greedy appetite.

Well, as long as it's food.

The maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell programming provided by modern medicine to Su Bai is more like knowledge skills.If you want to use this ability, you still need to rely on advanced biological laboratories to do it.

"Are there any demons here?"

After Su Bai settled Zhou Xue, who had a fever and fell into a coma, he came to the laboratory provided for her by the hospital.

Then, she discovered that the level of this laboratory seemed to be higher than she thought.At least some of the equipment is not like what this biological laboratory should have.

For these, Su Bai didn't worry too much, and immediately put his energy into the cultivation of mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

The mother of such cells is easy to obtain, a drop of human blood is enough.The problem is subsequent programming.

Anyone who has done software knows that the more commands a software has to execute, the more complicated it is, and the higher the possibility of bugs.

Maternal-fetal specialization remodels cellular programming in much the same way.The programming difficulty of repairing one genetic defect is one, the programming difficulty of repairing two genetic defects is two, and the programming difficulty of repairing three genetic defects

Not three but four.

The increase in programming difficulty is not additive, but quadratic.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue, who has seventeen kinds of congenital diseases, has hundreds of genetic defects.

The possibility of one-time programming of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells capable of repairing Zhou Xue's gene defect is many times lower than the possibility of the world being destroyed in the next second.

Fortunately, Su Bai is not that kind of brainless.After all, even if she could really program that kind of cells, Zhou Xue's body would not allow it.

"So, I obviously didn't use up that miracle, why didn't you return it to me."

When Su Bai started working on Zhou Xue's data plan, he murmured that he was still thinking about his own miracle.

[Already used up. 】


Then, the system gave an unexpected answer.

"Use it up! What about my catgirl?"

Su Baide said unforgivingly,

If it is used up, she should have a cat girl who calls her master every day, but why didn't the cat girl appear?

[If it is used up, it is used up. In short, it is used up. If it is not used, it is not used up.You messed with it yourself, and now you still ask me for it. 】

Then, like a cat caught by its tail, the system spoke furiously, speaking very fast, which surprised Su Bai a little.

"Tsundere has no market now, it has long been outdated."

Su Bai complained, and then stopped arguing with the system.

She split the treatment of Zhou Xue's genetic defect into 170 procedures, each of which would use about two to three types of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells.While repairing the genetic defect in Zhou Xue's body, reconstruct Zhou Xue's body

immune system within.

And the whole treatment will last about 20 years.In other words, Zhou Xue will not be fully treated until she is 27 years old.

"I haven't slept for two days, and I'm so sleepy. When you wake up, I will bully you well. Don't think that you can escape because you are a patient."

Two days later, Su Bai took out three glass test tubes from the separator, which contained about [-] grams of cultured maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

These [-] grams of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are what Zhou Xue will use in the first treatment process.

The method used is to inject it into the heart, a somewhat brutal method.The reason is that after these cells enter the blood, they will absorb a large amount of nutrients in the blood and begin to proliferate.once the blood

If there are not enough nutrients in it, it will die in a short time.

The survival rate of such cells cannot be guaranteed through intravenous injection, so direct arterial injection or even direct heart injection is the safest way.

"The next 24 hours is a dangerous period. She may be eaten by her own body. This is a treatment method, don't make mistakes."

After personally helping Zhou Xue complete the injection, Su Bai gathered several domestic top medical scientists who had just been transferred from the hospital, and assigned tasks.

Su Bai didn't bother to find out why these top medical experts were here, but she didn't feel that these people whose modern medical level is generally at level 4.3 could not help her deal with the follow-up.There is even a level of

A 4.99 level true · super · national treasure boss.

"What about the rest of the potions?"

Among these new top medical experts, the oldest one picked up the medicinal solution containing about a few milligrams of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, and asked a question, not daring to make decisions without authorization.

"It's useless, and if there is no way to simulate the high-nutrient environment in the arteries, then store it at minus [-] degrees. Don't go too high, and don't go too low, otherwise the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells will die decisively. look."

Seeing this, Su Bai spoke, and left the ICU after speaking.

She has not closed her eyes for three days and two nights, and now she is terribly sleepy.As long as there is no problem with Zhou Xue, no one can stop her from going to sleep.

At the same time that Su Bai left, the group of top doctors in Huaguo's medical field quickly divided into groups, and five of them were in charge of staying to take care of Zhou Xue to deal with subsequent emergencies.

The remaining two people left with the remaining specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells that were placed in the minus [-]-degree constant temperature preservation box.

"Airplane is ready, direct to P4 laboratory. 99

Outside the ICU ward, Chen Ming, who had been waiting for a long time, saw two old academicians coming out of the ward, and immediately stepped forward and said.

"It doesn't matter now. Watch out for that kid. We can have trouble, but that kid can't."

One of the academicians saw this and said.

The two of them were among the group of people who came here, the only two who knew a little bit of the inside story.But just knowing that is amazing enough.

"Don't worry, I do this professionally."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said, and after speaking, the two academicians turned around and left, accompanied and escorted by other personnel.

After seeing the two academicians leaving with their things, Chen Ming also looked at the rest of his teammates, and said, "For Zhou Xue, I have three principles here. First, it is forbidden to treat her to any extent beyond her condition. outside

experiments and research.Second, over-frequency inspections are prohibited. All her body data is kept secret according to the highest standards, and all blood and body samples must be destroyed under the supervision of special personnel.Third, it is strictly forbidden to interfere with her and her family's

and the normal lives of those around her. "

When he said this, Chen Ming's tone became a bit deep, with a bit of murderous intent, and he continued: "Violation of any of the above items will be dealt with as crimes of endangering national security, espionage, or treason."

ps: I had some supper, so the update is a bit slow.One more chapter will be updated before two o'clock.

I don't know if you like this plot or not, it is a serious main plot.

Chapter 32 promises to be fulfilled (fourth update)

"The baby's life was finally saved. I thought the medicine would solve most of the problem, but it turned out to be just the beginning. The three injections completely emptied the baby's body."

"It's a drug that is three-point poisonous, let alone repairing human genetic defects.

"This analogy is okay, but it's a pity that this drug is not toxic, and the reason it's dangerous is because the child's body is too bad."

"I have practiced medicine for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen her so serious."

In the corridor outside the ICU ward of the hospital, several tired old doctors sat and chatted

After Su Bai injected Zhou Xue with the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells, she went straight to sleep.The remaining doctors, who can be called national treasures, worked for a whole night to barely keep Zhou Xue.


After that injection, less than 10 minutes later, Zhou Xue's blood appeared a type of cell that would not show any rejection reaction.While these cells were wandering throughout Zhou Xue's body, they were also absorbing the energy from Zhou Xue's body at an extremely fast speed.

Various nutrients in the body strengthened itself and began to repair Zhou Xueshou's genetic defects.

The nutrients in the human body are limited, and if some of them are absorbed, it means that the other part is useless.

If there is no external means, Zhou Xue's body will be overdrawn by these cells for at most an hour, and then die.

This is the result of Su Bai strengthening Zhou Xue's body for nearly a month.If there hadn't been that one month's strengthening, Zhou Xue would have died of the cells that were originally used to save her before the intervention of external means.


Although this kind of cells is very dangerous, with the joint efforts of many domestic and even top doctors in the world, the god of death could not take Zhou Xue away after all.

"However, this bill ... is not something the average family can afford."

And after Zhou Xue temporarily turned the corner, one of the doctors took a look at the medical resources they had used up in one night. Even though he had seen the big scene, he was still a little frightened.

The medical resources alone cost close to [-] million yuan in one night, not to mention the cost of personnel and the cost of emergency transfer of some rare medical resources from other places.

"This kind of cell that almost killed this girl will definitely trigger a medical revolution. It is not too profitable to exchange this kind of investment for this miraculous cell."

"I don't know if I will go back later, if I have a chance to study this kind of cells."

Although I don't know the cause and effect of this incident.However, these top doctors present still guessed something.

After all, they are all the top medical scholars in China.The one-night rescue also gave them a preliminary understanding of this kind of cell, and they also saw what this kind of cell represented to the entire medical community.

"Eh? What's the smell? It's so fragrant!"

While the old doctor was chatting, they suddenly smelled a special fragrance.

This fragrance seems to be able to easily penetrate into the soul, making people sink into it and unable to extricate themselves.

Just smelling this smell, the saliva in the mouths of several doctors who were working began to secrete a lot, and they immediately felt a strong sense of hunger.

Among them, an old doctor who was eating bread to satisfy his hunger felt that the delicious bread had become completely tasteless.

Following the direction of the scent, they saw the doorway of the blocked corridor of the ward, and there was a very cute looking white-haired loli standing there, put an insulated box on the shelf, and opened it.

This aroma that can penetrate directly into the soul is emitted from that insulated box.

"Your noses are quite good. Each of you only has one bowl, so fill it yourself."

The white-haired loli at the door is Su Bai.

After Meimei had a good night's sleep and got the news that Zhou Xue had turned the corner, she was in a good mood, so she cooked herself and brought two pots of medicinal food to the hospital.

"Here, Lao Liang, you eat first, you worked the hardest last night.

"No, no, old Xu, work harder.

As the absolute top in the medical field in Huaguo, he is the cover figure of some medical textbooks.These old doctors are still a little reserved.

At least, that's how it was when I saw this pot of porridge just now.

"You pretend to be farts, I'll eat first."

While the other doctors were still giving in to each other, an old doctor yelled and cursed regardless of his image, and then came directly in front of Su Bai, smiled at Su Bai, picked up the bowl, and filled a whole bowl for himself .

"Old Ji, you are being unreasonable! I was the hardest worker last night, and you didn't let me eat first!"

"What do you mean you are the hardest? I have been watching the blood sugar indicators and found that the blood sugar is abnormal. If I hadn't noticed this, how could I have been so relaxed last night?"

"How dare you take credit for being lazy? Without the direct arterial nutrient injection I mentioned, each of you wants to get off the operating table.

After the first one, the rest of the old doctors quit and ran over to grab food regardless of their image.

No way, this fragrance is really too fragrant.If you don't take a bite, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

On Su Bai's side, it was a bit amusing to see some old doctors who almost got into a fight because they were grabbing food.

However, it didn't bother too much.When she cooked this meal, she didn't have the gluttonous appetite of cooking skill LV6.It just develops the deliciousness of the ingredients to the extreme.

Even so, it still has the ultimate delicacy comparable to using the ability of gluttony.

Taking advantage of the time when several people were eating, Su Bai came to Zhou Xue's hospital bed to have a look.

The current Zhou Xue is still in a coma.However, this coma is because her body has entered a deep dormant state similar to that of a mother.

In this state, the maternal-fetal-specific remodeling cells that had been infused into her would begin to repair the genetic defects in her body.

According to the efficiency of nutrient intake, the time will be about three to five days.

"The promise I made will definitely be fulfilled. If I say I will save you, it will save you."

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