Su Bai stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Zhou Xue's little hand who was in deep sleep and said

After finishing speaking, I planned to let go and take a closer look at how Zhou Xue was doing, and whether it was necessary to continue living in the IUC ward.

Just when Su Bai got up, he found that Zhou Xue's little hand, who was asleep, was holding her two fingers.

Seeing this, Su Bai was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he showed a stubborn expression, and then said: "Huh~ Don't think that I saved you because of my promise or my kindness. want to deceive

It's just you.It's so boring to bully a patient.So bullying is only fun when you are cured. "

After Su Bai finished speaking stubbornly, he put Zhou Xue's hand into the bed, then turned around and looked at various data to judge what kind of treatment Zhou Xue needed next.

ps: The fourth update is achieved~ If you say the fourth update, there will be a fourth update.Then, tomorrow, there will be three changes with [-] recommended votes, and four changes with [-] recommended votes.There were almost two thousand recommendation votes today.It shouldn't be that difficult!

Have you ever met an author who has only four updates in the new book issue? As long as you cast more than [-] recommendation votes, even if the author wants to be lazy, I can’t be lazy, and I must code.

Then, as a reminder, there is a reward for the book~ In addition to the recommendation ticket, monthly tickets, blades, and rewards are unlimited rewards~

Chapter 33 Smoking is harmful to health

The familiar ceiling, the familiar smell of disinfectant.Although I don't know why I was still at Su Bai's house before going to bed, but I went to the hospital after waking up.

However, after seeing Su Bai sitting on the hospital bed next to him, playing games with his mobile phone, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security.

"Your illness has officially started treatment. Your mother should come over this afternoon and take you home."

Seeing Zhou Xue wake up, Su Bai said calmly.

The first treatment is the most dangerous, but also the most important.Because, the first treatment was to rebuild Zhou Xue's immune system.

If the human body's immune system is the Great Wall, then after Su Bai reconstructed Zhou Xue's immune system, her body's immune system was upgraded from a brick wall to a super city wall made entirely of special steel.

As long as the follow-up treatment keeps up, those congenital diseases in Zhou Xue's body are not enough to prove.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue can also become an ordinary little girl to a certain extent, to experience the childhood she should have.

After confirming that Zhou Xue's current health is fine, Su Bai talked with her father yesterday and asked her to go home and go to school.


After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she seemed a little depressed.

She really wanted to go home and stay with her parents, but she also didn't want to leave Su Bai.

Although he only lived with Su Bai for a short month, within this month, Su Bai taught her a lot and made her experience happiness that she had never experienced before.

An indescribable feeling appeared in her heart.She couldn't choose between her parents and Su Bai, what's more, she knew she couldn't choose, she was just a child.

Zhou Xue is a child who is not good at hiding her emotions. Her emotions are always on her face. Seeing this, Su Bai smiled slightly and said, "You will come back to me in a month. Your mother can take care of it." not good for you

body of. "

Although he already has a super immune system, maintaining such an immune system still requires a lot of investment in the day after tomorrow.

Ordinary chefs can't figure out what kind of nutrients Zhou Xue should take in to maintain the super immune system in his body.Such a job requires at least someone who possesses LV4 level cooking skills and LV4 level medical skills at the same time.

can bear.

It's not that Huaguo doesn't have such people, but Zhou Xue's family definitely can't afford such people.

What's more, she will bully Zhou Xue severely in the future, how could Zhou Xue get rid of her easily?

Another reason for letting Zhou Xue go home for a month is that she discovered that Zhou Xue has been a little presumptuous recently, and she actually started to take care of her.

This is not acceptable, so I let Zhou Xue's mother take care of her to prevent myself from being unable to hold down this girl in the future.


Seeing this, Zhou Xue only responded once more.

Although it was the same response as before, the joy in the words could not be concealed.

"Come on, this is what you've always wanted to eat, I bought it for you."

At this time, Su Bai picked up the insulated lunch box from the table and handed it to Zhou Xue.

After Zhou Xue opened it, she found that it was the skewered skewers that she had always wanted to eat, but Su Bai had always refused to give her. It was still spicy.

Just the smell of it made her salivate start to secrete rapidly.

"Thank you, Sister Su Bai!"

After Zhou Xue finished talking happily, she picked up a skewer and ate it.

The process of sending Zhou Xue away was not troublesome, but Su Bai was still a little uncomfortable with the gratitude expressed by Zhou Xue's parents.

"System, what shall we play next?"

Seeing Zhou Xue get into her father's car and leave, Su Bai said.

For some reason, after sending Zhou Xue away, Su Bai suddenly felt a little empty in his heart and wanted to find something to do.

【Would you like to try to wear Lolita at noon, go to the fountain in the city square, and dance house dance?】

The system said this.


Su Bai's response was also straightforward.

[Take a look at House Dance LV6, it’s free~ Comes with a pseudo-concept level mysterious measurement ability~]


Su Bai feels that he is still a person who can resist the temptation. If he wants to use a LV6 skill, let her do it? How is it possible?

"If it's a miracle, it can still be considered."

In the next second, Su Bai said very cautiously.

She will not go to the city square to dance house dances for a LV6 skill.But if it is replaced by a miracle, there is still no problem.

[The miracle task is a novice reward, and the subsequent trigger probability is very low, who told you to use it indiscriminately! 】

After the system saw that Su Bai was making progress, he opened his mouth and said.

"Heh~ stingy.

Seeing this, Su Bai taunted directly.

【This system is angry, bullying is activated, the host must bully a person within 10 minutes, otherwise the consequences will be serious!】

After the system was ridiculed by Su Bai, his anger rose all of a sudden.

It is a noble system, is it the kind of existence that can be easily ridiculed?

"Heh~ who cares about you!"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai became angry.

If the system asks her to do something, she will do it. Isn't that embarrassing for her?

[The reward is Nutritionist LV1]

Then, Su Bai was silent for a while, looked left and right, and found that under the big tree not far away, the uncle who often appeared in the hospital recently was squatting with a fierce face and smoking.

"System, give me another level, and I can let that person bully a group of people while only bullying one person!"

Su Bai said seriously.

[Okay! Go quickly. 】

After the system heard Su Bai's words, it suddenly became excited.

Bullying so many people at once? That's too much fun!

After Su Bai got the affirmative answer from the system, he walked directly towards the uncle who was squatting under the tree smoking a cigarette.

After the uncle saw Su Bai walking towards him, he looked at Su Bai in a daze, a little confused.

"Don't you know that smoking is not allowed in the hospital?"

After Su Bai came in front of the old man, he quickly snatched the cigarette from the old man's hand with a "snap", threw it on the ground, and stomped hard a few times.

Regarding this, the uncle was in a daze the whole time, squatting there, at a loss, and did not dare to resist.

"Smoking is bad for your health, what about cigarettes?"

After stamping out the cigarette, Su Bai stretched out his hand again and asked the uncle for a cigarette.

After hesitating for a second, the uncle took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Su Bai.

Then, in his bewildered eyes, he saw Su Bai angrily throwing the cigarettes into the trash can, then turned and left.

ps: There are still 300 recommended tickets to add more~

Chapter 34 Orthopedics

"Chen Bureau, what happened?"

After Su Bai turned to leave, other members of the national security special operations team around the hospital walked towards Chen Ming.

Well, the cigarette that Su Bai threw just now belonged to Chen Ming.

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling that my little girl suddenly took care of me."

Seeing this, Chen Ming, who seemed a little astonished, said.

Just now, when Su Bai walked towards him, he was still a little nervous.But, don't look at Su Bai's vicious look just now, but in fact he didn't feel the slightest malice from Su Bai.

It's more like a prank than a tantrum.

In other words, the judgment of prank is more in line with his long-standing view of Su Bai's character.

When thinking of this, Chen Ming saw the other teammates with a cigarette in his mouth, frowned slightly, and then said: "I don't know if smoking is not allowed around the hospital? Everyone is like this, is there any rules?"

! "


The other members of the national security special operations team who came to Chen Ming were a little dazed seeing this. They looked at the cigarette in front of Chen Ming, which was stamped out by Su Bai but had not been completely extinguished. of

The cigarette was thrown on the ground and stamped out.

"By the way, Director Chen, the superior said that if things go well in the future, our special operations department will be independent and become the Huaguo Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau, and you will be the first director. Don't treat us to a meal

? "

After stamping out the cigarette, a member of the team said this.

The research work on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is carried out, because it is a secret research, so they don't know how the research is going.

However, yesterday, a document was sent directly to their department.To put it simply, Chen Ming is going to be promoted, and the National Security Special Operations Group, which was originally just a small department of the National Security Department, will be separated and become an equivalent of the National Security Department.

Special Incident Emergency Response Bureau.

"The landlord's family has no food left. When I get paid, I will ask my family to approve some funds and take you to have a meal."

As Chen Ming said, he subconsciously wanted to reach into his pocket for a cigarette.

Just now, in the hospital, he held back for three or four hours without taking a puff of cigarettes.After finally coming out, he only took two puffs before being snatched by Su Bai.

However, now that I have a cigarette addiction, I feel uncomfortable.

"Is there any smoke?"

Then, Chen Ming looked at the other teammates calmly and said.

Seeing this, the other teammates glanced at each other, their minds a little confused.

They were not allowed to smoke just now, but now they ask for it? What do you mean?

"Forget it, I'm not used to smoking yours either."

Seeing this, Chen Ming turned around and left, planning to go to the convenience store opposite the hospital to buy cigarettes.

There is no way, for people in their line of work, heads can be broken and blood can flow, but smoke cannot be lived without.

"System, look, I'm right. As long as I bully one person, he will bully a group of people. I imposed my will not to smoke on him, and then he imposed this will on others.

While imposing the will I imposed on him on others, it is impossible for him not to smoke.So, either ask others for cigarettes, or you can only buy cigarettes yourself.This is multiple bullying!"

On the second floor of the hospital, Su Bai leaned on the window, watching what happened downstairs, and flaunted to the system as if asking for credit.

【Heh~ I thought you were going to make people in Huaguo stop smoking. 】

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