At present, Daxia's embassy in Europe has sent someone to pick up Joe Ben.It is expected that Knock Joe Ben will be sent to Daxia for treatment within three days.

After Su Bai saw the information about Joe Ben from the system, he was shocked. There are more than 20 LV4 skills and four LV5 skills.

Although there is a high degree of correlation between these skills, it belongs to the level where one skill level is high, and the others will never be so low.

However, as a mortal, his four skills reached LV5, which still made Su Bai sigh at the inconceivable genius.

After all, in the field of scientific research, if a skill reaches LV4.5 or above, it is considered a top echelon scientific researcher, and if it has LV4.9, it is a national treasure scientist.With LV5 skills, it is a national treasure among national treasures.As for having more than two LV5 skills?

Su Bai has seen so many scientists, and he knows only a handful of them so far, and they all belong to the kind of super pillars who start a sect and start a sect!

As for Qian Heyue's three-skill LV5, you can count them on one hand.

Then, now a four-skill LV5 popped up, and it was almost catching up with her.

"It's just that he has relatively severe Alzheimer's disease, and his current role is just a gimmick. With him, it is easier to attract more researchers to our country."

Ding Yi said at this time.

Joe Ben was a super big fish that took the bait, but this super big fish was tasteless, so it was a pity to abandon it.

"It's just Alzheimer's, come with me. If I remember correctly, I made up the medicine for Alzheimer's last time."

As Su Bai said, he got up and brought Ding Yi to his laboratory.

It was the first time for Ding Yi to come to Su Bai's laboratory. Although he was very curious, he didn't look around like a curious baby.

"That's it, and then this is the experimental notes. These blue ones are the comprehensive body repair fluid, which can make him live at least a hundred years. First inject this, and then inject the Alzheimer's disease suppression and repair fluid.

Finally, let him stay in the nutrition warehouse for two days.The process of using the dementia suppression repair solution is similar.Just mention it, the specifics are written in my experiment notes. "

After Su Bai put several test tubes into the low temperature box, he handed them to Ding Yi.

What about old age? What about dementia? What about poor health? She, Su Bai, the top villain who would slap her twice if a dog passed by her.

When you get old, do you want to come to Daxia for medical treatment and enjoy the blessings? Don’t even think about it. Forcing the elderly to work is just basic practice.

"And then, what about my plan? I am following up on your plan. Those capitals will teach those 50 people so easily, which means they will teach more people. It turns out that it is the same, Your plan is too clever, poking the backbone of those capitals yourself."

After Ding Yi got the cryostat, he didn't leave right away, so he was doing Su Bai's rainbow fart.

But, for the most part, it's also telling the truth.

Originally, he really didn't know how to make Harry angry.As a result, Su Bai's skill at playing over there gave him inspiration.

More importantly, this is not only a follow-up for Su Bai, but also in line with Daxia's next national strategy, which is a large-scale extradition plan for cutting-edge scientific research talents.

As for whether the plan will be damaged or not? If it is not damaged, Ding Yi will not do it yet.After all, what Su Bai wanted was for him to anger Harry.

The most important thing is that some things, of course, come as convenient after you are strong enough.It's not good to rob people blatantly, so let's use the name of charity.

If you feel that the name of this charity is not good enough, then add some benefits to it.

Anyway, the specific implementation is still up to Daxia himself.

"Harry hasn't entered the hospital yet~ I heard that he plans to stand up for the election again recently. I don't know how happy Harry will be when he hears about your plan after he is busy with the election~ Anyway, I I'm looking forward to it."

Su Bai spoke after hearing Ding Yi's words.

Sure enough, as long as people are forced, they can do anything.

She pushed Ding Yi a little bit, and he came up with a plan that made Western politicians feel like a physiological solution.

This plan can be described as murderous!

Like the father of Bernie who gave Joe Ben.He has always been a member of the revival faction on the British side, and he was also one of the 50 people who were most opposed to Daxia.

As a result, after Ding Yi's plan was announced, he was the first to wave the white flag.As for the reason? It is very simple. The main profit field of the capital behind Benny's father is in the field of technology.Chips are too important to them.

Chapter 290: This TM27?

"Where is the future of Great Britain... Now we are still one of the leaders in the world, but once we lose the qualification to explore cutting-edge scientific fields, then our qualification to lead the world will also disappear."

After finding out about her father's affairs, Benny and her father talked on the phone for five hours, from early morning to early morning.

But no matter how eloquent she was, she still couldn't impress her father.

To be precise, the interests behind his father's decision are too huge, and it is no longer something her father can decide on his own.

Under such circumstances, her defense was so weak.

For the benefit of the next ten years, abandon the development of Great Britain in the past decade or even decades.This decision made Benny feel desperate.

What makes Benny feel even more desperate is that after her father's actions, a large number of top technology capitals also made similar actions.

During the five hours she spent talking with her father, Da Xia theoretically obtained half of the world's cutting-edge scientific research fields.

Although it is said that quite a few of them are in the same situation as Joe Ben, and they have reached their old age, even the last moment of their lives.

However, the significance of these living fossils of human history is above all else.When these people come to Daxia, they will attract scientific researchers who worship these living fossils of human history to also come to Daxia, which will greatly enhance Daxia.

The scientific research strength is not enough for Daxia's lack of scientific research strength due to the explosion of science and technology.

If it is said that the miraculous rise of Great Xia has suffocated the West, then within three years, the West will be able to breathe free air.Because, when the time comes, Great Xia will be so strong that it can easily wipe out everything.The fear of Great Xia will lose its meaning.

Fear no longer is the greatest fear, the one so powerful that it cannot be imagined, and it must be stopped.

The problem is that there are only two ways to stop it at present.The first way is to unite the entire West and the capital of the entire West.

The difficulty of the former belongs to the level of hell, and both the first and second world wars can only be said to barely meet this condition.

As for the latter? During World War I and World War II, there was still a considerable portion of capital that sold its own important strategic materials to local governments.Unity could not be achieved during such a desperate war, let alone now.

As for the second method? Very simple, that is World War III!

"However, we are not eligible..."

Thinking of this, Benny's eyes couldn't help but look a little dim.

Only a war that can overthrow the world can stop Daxia from growing into the desperate and powerful state that the West is least willing to face.

However, only America is capable of fighting at present, and America is not sure that she can win [-]% now.

"Forget it, let's sleep first."

Under such circumstances, Benny temporarily put away those illusory thoughts in her mind.

After playing wildly all day yesterday, and arguing with her father all night late at night, she is really exhausted physically and mentally now, and she simply doesn't think about so many things that she has.

However, before going to bed, she took out a big white hugging bear from the pile of things she brought back yesterday.This was exchanged by Su Bai for her after catching many dolls yesterday.

"Girls should look like girls. Why do you wear such neutral clothes all day? They should be cute, and you must not force yourself to do things you don't like."

This is what Su Bai said yesterday when he gave her the bear.

Thinking of this, Benny couldn't help but look confused again.

Without being in contact with Su Bai, she can see that everything Su Bai does has her own intentions in it, and even many things that seem to be child's play are very fatal to the West and belong to The result of the top game of top politicians.

However, after getting in touch with Su Bai, she really couldn't feel even the slightest threat from Su Bai.She exists there like a completely harmless cute creature.

With this kind of confusion, she hugged the big hugging bear that Su Bai gave her, and then slowly fell into sleep.

At the same time that Bei Ni finally fell into a dreamland, many entertainment media in Daxia rarely reported a report related to Su Bai.

You should know that usually the reports related to Su Bai are either in the financial news, or in various scientific magazines, or they are broadcast by CCTV, and other stations relay or add details.

Because they were afraid that the entertainment news guys would mess around, and the reports related to Su Bai had absolutely nothing to do with them, so this sudden appearance immediately caused a huge public opinion effect.

However, when many people who eat melons went to see this news, they found that the protagonist of this news did not seem to be Su Bai, but Su Bai was mentioned casually at the beginning, and then the topic was changed to the newly appointed resident of Daying. Great Xia Ambassador Benny has also analyzed it professionally. After returning to China in the future, Benny is very likely to take over as the British Foreign Secretary.

In short, just bragging to Benny over there, the onlookers who came to eat melons were dumbfounded.

When did entertainment news reports become so professional? Aren’t they usually the kind that don’t take too much trouble?

Then, they knew that these entertainment news were really not too big a deal.

"This tm27?"

Seeing the scene on TV showing Su Bai and Benny having fun in the children's paradise, some viewers were dumbfounded.

Blow it up front and then show them this?

A 27-year-old elite politician, playing in the children's paradise, and having a great time playing, definitely does not look like acting at all.

The strong sense of disobedience makes a group of people who eat melons feel like complaining but don't know where to start complaining.

Let's say it doesn't fit, Bernie looks like a good fit.Let's say it's appropriate... Su Bai is nineteen, Benny is twenty-seven.Two adults are playing in the children's playground, don't they lose their faces?

"It turns out that Bernie still has such a cute side.

In the British Consulate General in Shanghai, after watching the video of Benny playing so happily in the children's playground, Chloe dragged her chin with one hand and said while biting her thumbnail, looking a little embarrassed.

As a colleague, she was now really starting to question Bernie's sanity.But regardless of age, the picture of playing with Su Bai in the children's playground is really cute.

One with white hair and one with blond hair, both dressed very cutely, and their cute laughter made people smile like an aunt.

"Su Bai is...a bit too much. The last time she danced, this time she directly reported that she was playing in the children's playground. This will ruin Benny's political career!"

Another diplomat sitting in front of Chloe expressed his concerns.

Looking cute is cute, but the question is, does such a childish performance really make people question Benny's political ability?

"Do you know how Bernie got into the council?"

After hearing this sentence, Chloe asked the diplomat back.

This diplomat has been here in Daxia for a long time, and Benny was only elected as an MP last year, so it's normal that he doesn't know much about the situation in Great Britain.

"Depend on her father."

said the diplomat.

She really didn't know what Benny's ability was, but he still knew about Benny's father.

Although Bernie's father did not belong to the top political forces in Great Britain, he still had some influence.It is still possible to become a councilor as long as you spend some money and add on Benny's own abilities.

"This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the few people who competed with her don't look very good. It is impossible for the people to be responsible for the vote they cast. Many voters vote by looking at photos .”

Seeing this, Chloe said.

She has cooperated with Benny several times, so she still knows about Benny's abilities.Although she was a little dissatisfied, she still knew that Benny's ability was higher than hers.

It's true that Benny's ability is outstanding, but Benny's becoming a member of parliament has little to do with her ability.

It sounds a bit nonsense, but politics is such a child's play sometimes.Members of parliament and the prime minister are elected by voters, and in theory voters should be responsible for the vote they cast.But in fact voters cannot be held accountable,

A considerable portion of voters pay attention to those candidates at the moment of voting.

Among a bunch of candidates, if there is no one who makes them very satisfied, they will look at the photos and vote, and vote for whoever looks good.

Then, among a bunch of old men or old aunts, a harmless-looking little white rabbit appeared.And the proposals that Benny ran for the election were relatively pleasing proposals such as improving medical security and solving racial problems.

Under the circumstances, her success in election is not too surprising.

"So, what you mean is that Su Bai is not harming Bernie, she is helping Bernie?"

After the diplomat heard Chloe's words, he said in disbelief.

"Yes, you have to be clear. The price of chips in the whole of Europe in Great Britain is because of Benny. This political achievement is attributed to Benny, and has nothing to do with me."

When Chloe said these words, there was obviously a strong sense of unwillingness in the words.

She was one of the dancers at the beginning, but she didn't have a share in the calculation of political achievements.But also because of this, Chloe knew that Su Bai was definitely not simply humiliating Benny.She is cultivating Benny intentionally or unintentionally.

As for what to do with training Benny? She doesn't know, but it shouldn't be a good thing.

It's just that no matter whether she or Benny, even if they know this, they can't resist.

Chapter 290 Three Girls, Hell Ahead

"Is Bernie? Still sleeping?"

"Huh? Well, just woke up. Is there anything else Dad can do?"

"Su Bai, can you handle it?"

" can handle it. But it's a little difficult to get more information from her."

"Sometimes, don't embarrass yourself too much. If you should relax, relax a little bit. Remember, you still have me as your backing."

"Huh? Uh...Dad, is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, let's do your work first."

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