"Good dad."

At noon, after being woken up by her father's phone call from her sleep, Benny felt a little inexplicable after hanging up the phone.

When she was young, she was indeed the most attached to her father, and because of this, she got in touch with a lot of government affairs, developed an interest in politics, and was deeply aware of the current situation of Daying.

So, when she grew up, she chose to become a politician.

And after she entered politics, she and her father had very little contact. Although it does not mean that the relationship between the two of them has become estranged, but apart from being at home, if there is no work outside, her father will never call for her.

She has been in Daxia for so long, and the few phone calls she made were all for work.This is the first time her father called her not because of work problems after she entered politics.

"It must have been told by my mother. At this time, it's too late in Daying."

Benny said something to herself, but she felt a little warmth in her heart.

Although I had a long dispute with my father before, it was a political dispute, and I shouldn't bring that kind of emotion into my normal life.

"Hello, Ambassador Bernie."

"Good afternoon, Ambassador Benny."

"Ambassador Benny is dressed very young today."

After Bei Ni finished washing, she left her room and was on her way to the office. She suddenly found that for some reason, the people in the Consulate General seemed to pay extra attention to her today.

Everyone passing by will greet me when they see me, and they seem to look at me more.

"It's just a change of clothes, as for?"

Bernie looked at her clothes in confusion.

She usually wears very formal clothes, a suit, tie and leather shoes.

And what she is wearing today is the opinion from the pile of clothes that Su Bai helped her buy yesterday.

T-shirt and long pants, shoes replaced by sandals.

Although it's really not good to wear it like this when you're officially working, but...

"Sometimes, you can try to change your clothes to make yourself cute and not so formal. Too formal will cover up your greatest charm."

This is what Su Bai told her when he bought her clothes.

Originally, she thought that she shouldn't listen to Su Bai, but when she woke up, for some reason, she always felt that what Su Bai said made sense, so she changed her clothes.

But now, it seems that what Su Bai said is right.She could feel that people around her looked at her a little differently, especially many female employees looked at her with a little more love.

But... why is it love? This is very strange, she is an adult, she is 27! She is older than many people here! Why do those people look at her with a trace of love?

Benny, who didn't understand the stakes, chose not to think so much, and sometimes she had to learn to get used to it.After feeling that the people around her didn't have the usual fear of her and had a little more intimacy with her, Benny herself enjoyed the process quite a bit.

"Chloe, do you have any new information?"

After entering the office door, Benny said calmly.

After waking up today, her father took the initiative to call her to say hello, which swept away her depression last night and made her feel better again.

In addition, after waking up, the people around her seemed to have changed their opinion of her because of the change in her dressing, which made her feel better.

"Ah! No, no new information."

Sitting at the work station, Chloe, who was looking at the phone with a loving aunt-like smile, almost reacted subconsciously when she saw Benny, put away her phone, and looked at it with a flustered look. Seeing that Benny was in a very good mood, Benny frowned slightly after seeing Chloe's abnormal behavior, and then said, "What are you looking at? Does it have something to do with me?"

Chloe would never show this kind of panic at ordinary times. As for confidential documents, Chloe's previous level was indeed higher than hers, but if Chloe was looking at a confidential document that she could not read and she bumped into it , Chloe would let her go out first instead of acting flustered.

What's more, her current level is higher than Chloe's.Chloe can see what she can see, let alone panic.

So, after a little analysis, she was sure that Chloe should be looking at something related to her and she bumped into it, so she showed this panic.

"It's nothing."

When Chloe said this, she took a second look at Benny, and found that it was rare for Benny to wear normal clothes at work today, and the matching was quite cute. A scene of Bernie playing in the Children's Paradise.

To be reasonable, it's not that Benny's superficial age can't play in the children's playground.It's just that after knowing the real situation of Benny, I still can't help wanting it.

On Benny's side, after watching Chloe look at herself twice, she suppressed her laughter and became even more confused.

"What is it, show me!"

Compared with Chloe's eyes that wanted to laugh, Benny became serious.If it has something to do with her, then she must not let it go.

"It's really not that important!"

Chloe immediately argued.

Although this will be seen by Benny sooner or later, but she knows Benny. If Benny knows, she will not be able to work in peace within a few days.

"It has something to do with me, right! Then I have the right to know, and they want to hide it from me! If it is something very important, the concealment will lead to information delays, and the consequences will be very serious!"

As Bernie spoke, she had already come in front of Chloe, looking at the cell phone that Chloe put behind her, her eyes were a little fierce.

"This... is what you want to see."

Normally, it would be scary for Benny to show such an expression, but for some reason, today, in her eyes, Benny's behavior turned into a malicious show of cuteness, which really made her unable to feel the slightest bit of fear.

"Of course I want to see it myself. I don't believe I can regret it after watching it."

Seeing this, Benny said, and then looked at Chloe's phone screen.

Chapter 290 The Deep Father's Love

"Woo~ Su Bai!!!!"

In Benny's own room, Benny hugged the pillow and bit a corner of the pillow, her face was flushed, and the shame in her eyes was beyond words.

At this time, she wished that the world would have regret medicine. If it didn't work, she could use a time machine, or if it didn't work, she could give her a nuclear bomb button.She wants to destroy the world every minute!

What I played in the children's playground was known, and it was publicized!

Overnight, the whole world knew about it.

As for why she knew that the whole world knew about it?

Isn't this nonsense? Her dad has already called.

In addition, when she got up at noon and went out to work, the eyes of those colleagues, she thought it was because she changed clothes today, so everyone's opinion of her changed.The result was not, the reason why they looked at her like that was because they also knew that they went to the Children's Paradise to play, and they had so much fun!

A 27-year-old adult, pretending to be tender with a large group of kids! Knowing this kind of thing is more painful than death!

Then, what is more painful than this?

She wanted to complain to her mother, saying that she didn't do it voluntarily. At that time, the situation was special, and it was Su Bai who forced her to play.Her capital is not as strong as Su Bai's, so she can only listen to Su Bai's words and play in the children's playground.

It's a pity that she hasn't started complaining yet, so she checked her mother's Bluebird account first, and then found that her mother has forwarded a total of more than a dozen news since this morning, and every news is about her in the amusement park.

Play videos or photos.

Not only that, after someone commented, her mother also responded. There were many things in the reply. It probably said that Benny's childlike innocence was still there, her nature was exuded, she was suppressed for too long and now she went to Daxia and exploded.

It didn't bring the topic to the topic that she was forced by Su Bai.According to her mother, this is what Bernie voluntarily wanted.

"I didn't do it voluntarily! Ahh!!!!"

After boxing against the pillow for 2 minutes, Benny buried her head in the bed again, her eyes were empty and she was full of despair towards the whole world.

"Drip drop~"

Under such circumstances, Bernie's phone rang again.

"My father still cares about me, and my mother's concern for me is all fake and hypocritical. When I need someone most, I still have to rely on my father. It's like when I was slandered during the election. , and Dad was the first to stand up. Dad, I will always love you!"

After seeing that the name displayed on the phone was her father, a warm feeling flowed in Bernie's heart.

When she was young, it was her mother who cared most about her, but when she needed help the most, her father would always stand up and become her most solid backer.

"Dad, I've misunderstood you. I'm sorry. I thought you called me at noon to make fun of me."

After Benny connected the phone, she spoke with endless grievances in her voice.

She, who has no one to complain, can only use her silent father's love as the last bastion.

"Pfft~ Benny, if you really wanted to play before, tell Dad more, and I will let you play. Dad was a bit too much before, and shouldn't force you to do things you don't like .”

As soon as Bernie finished speaking like this, Bernie's father on the other end of the phone couldn't hold back anymore.

To be reasonable, without this time, he really doesn't know that Benny still has such a side

The innocence and happiness in the children's paradise are very pure.He could feel that his daughter's happiness at that time was even better than her happiness when she was successfully elected as a member of parliament.

After reflecting for a long time, he also realized his own problem.

"Not this dad, not what you think. You didn't force me to do anything I didn't like, really!!!"

After hearing what her father said, Benny became anxious all of a sudden.

"Dad, I'm 27. Without Su Bai, do you think I would go to that kind of place as an adult? No! I'm not a child anymore, I'm not naive anymore, I'm still a politician, I would Taking care of my own image."

"The situation yesterday was even more complicated than the time I played the dance machine in public. You know, Su Bai relied on his own technical advantages to do evil, and I couldn't resist at all. My political interests are now completely bound to Su Bai. She Use this to threaten me, and I have no way to resist."

"What's more, yesterday I didn't know that Su Bai had arranged for reporters to take pictures outside. I was actually dragged by Su Bai to play the whole time. As you can see, in most of the pictures, where I was, Su Bai There must be."

"You can understand me! In order to win more political benefits from Su Bai, sometimes I really have to put down my body and do a lot of things to make her happy."

"Don't look at her at nineteen, but she's just a little kid, and everyone wants to coax her. When she gets angry, the consequences will be very serious and lawless."

Benny actually didn't understand what she was talking about at this time, she always felt that she had to defend herself, but she really couldn't figure out how to defend herself at this time, so she could only throw the blame on Su Bai .

And after she said a lot, her father said only one sentence: "So, have a good time?"


After hearing this sentence, Benny was silent for a while, and then said: "It's still...a little fun..."

Although it was true that Su Bai forced her to go in yesterday, she actually wanted to go in and have fun in her heart.Su Bai's coercion was just the last ton of straw that broke the camel's back.

But after she finished saying this...

"She said it was fun, wash the swimming pool today and watch at home by yourself!"

"Benny, why are you so unreserved? Adults should be more reserved, thanks to my trust in you!"

"Hahaha! I'm going to play golf, remember not to let the workers be lazy."


Accompanied by Benny's screams, the phone was hung up directly.

After seeing this scene, Benny looked at the ceiling speechlessly, buried her head with a pillow, and said to herself: "I have the desire to die, how should I meet people in the future! Dead Su Bai, stinking Su Bai. I know that you have no good intentions to do this. It’s okay to lose face, and I will be ashamed to see others. How can such a way of hurting both sides be possible for normal people to do. "

"No, I'm going to settle accounts with Su Bai!"

After being depressed for a while, Bernie picked herself up again and jumped straight out of her bed.

Chapter 290 Five, this company died, a little expectation

"Sister Su Bai, how old are you? Don't you feel ashamed to play in the children's playground?"

At Su Bai's home, Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai speechlessly. After watching the video of himself and Benny playing in the children's playground with relish, he began to complain. He felt ashamed to see others. Why? Because In name, Su Bai is her teacher, which is also a common view of the outside world.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai, who is clearly an adult, plays in the children's paradise like a child, which really makes her unable to admit that she knows Su Bai and is quite familiar with it.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have a thick skin, I won't feel ashamed! The real villain will not be kidnapped by the eyes of the world.

Seeing this, Su Bai said confidently

A real bully will know how to actively reject the world's bullying against her with the shackles called human reason.

So what if she is 19 years old? As long as she extends her lifespan infinitely, she will always be in the top one percent of her life.

If the age of human beings is counted as one hundred years, then the first one percent is one year old.

She is only a one-year-old child, why can't she play in the Children's Paradise? What's more, the facilities in the Children's Paradise are so fun, and she has money, so why not let her play!

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zuo Ming couldn't help covering his forehead with one hand, feeling a little headache.

Su Bai is probably the only one who can say this sentence so confidently.

"By the way, Sister Su Bai. After the nuclear fusion formula is reformed, will the deduction process be greatly simplified?"

Seeing this, Zuo Ming stopped discussing irrelevant things with Su Bai, and turned to his own work. The cracking of nuclear fusion has already started, and the current progress is very smooth, and the existing nuclear physics theory has been swept into the garbage dump.

As for the after? There is no after after.Apart from feeling that the new physics system established by Su Bai is more helpful in deciphering nuclear physics, they have nothing else.

"When Joe Ben is here, let him crack it. Although the skills he has mastered are not particularly advanced in physics, his sensitivity to the field of atomic energy will allow him to help you find the way forward in the shortest possible time. the way."

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